Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 108 If they want to come, just come

Chapter 108 If They Want To Come, Just Come (Part [-])
"Since I broke Jiang Shuwan's case, I have been in your sight, so you took the risk of killing Zhang Ming and deliberately left yourself in the detention center for the purpose of attracting my attention. And I also You were not disappointed, and Wei Xuanning was soon found.

Then you killed Su Qingyue, left Qin Jinhui's handkerchief on purpose, and directed the disaster to the EH office, just to challenge me.

However, what you are doing is actually diverting our attention.The case of Wei Xuanning is over. If you want to compete with me, you must have a new case. Therefore, when we focused on the case of Wei Xuanning, you uncovered Liu Quan again and tricked Liu Yida back so that Liu Yida All can start as soon as possible.

It's just that you have calculated thousands of times and missed Liu Quan's feelings for He Bin, which is enough to make him give up everything, including his own life, and drag you to die together. "

Eve said expressionlessly, her tone was always calm, but the cold light in her eyes revealed the anger in her heart.

Xiao Feng and Jian You, who had been listening quietly all this time, suddenly raised their eyes to look at her, slightly surprised.

The man opened his eyes slightly, his pupils dilated, and the chains of the handcuffs collided together, making a crisp sound.

Eve leaned forward, full of aura, but her tone was very soft and slow, "Never kill irrelevant people with your own hands, Sasim, you violated the rules."

After all, Su Qingyue didn't know anything, yet she still died by his hands.

Sasim's shoulders drooped like a deflated balloon, "What are you trying to say?"

Eve raised the corner of her mouth and leaned back on the chair back, "You originally planned that you would not be discovered by the people in the organization after the matter was over, but you didn't expect that you would fall into Liu Quan's hands and fall into my hands .If I'm not wrong, it won't take long for people in your organization to know that you were arrested and that you broke the rules for your own selfishness. At that time, even if we have no evidence to send you to prison Even the angels will not let you go!"

"You don't need to be alarmist here, I don't even know what a fallen angel is." Sasim's eyes drooped slightly, but there was a flash of panic in the corners of his eyes.

"Heh," Eve chuckled, "What do you think, with the ability of fallen angels, if I casually said on the Internet that members of the fallen angel organization were found in Yancheng City and were involved in several murders, what would they think? Would they think so? Did you betray them?"

"You!" Sasim raised his eyes and stared at Eve, his eyes flashed fiercely, "If you really do that, they won't let you go, and then all of you will die!"

The fact that fallen angels can exist for so long without being discovered is naturally powerful. Those who found clues, like Han Xingyu, would have been killed long ago.Moreover, Eve believes that the cause of death can only be an accident, so no one will doubt it.

Eve raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

"Since you can find out about the fallen angel organization, it means that you are quite capable. Then you have a certain understanding of their abilities and methods, but I am not afraid to tell you that what you know is only superficial! You think you can It’s great if you catch me? I’m just the weakest of the nine, if you really mess with them, you’ll be no match for ten or hundreds of them!” Sasim sneered disdainfully.

Eve raised the corners of her lips slightly, but still didn't speak.

It turned out that they didn't know about killer whales. What a surprise!

For a long time, Sasim became more and more flustered when he saw Eve smiling, and an ominous premonition hovered over his head.

"If they want to come, just come, but I don't think you can see whether I am superior or they are more powerful."

Eve broke Sasim's psychological defense with one sentence. His eyes were covered with gray, and his lips were pursed into a straight line. "What evidence do you have to prove that I killed Zhang Ming and Liu Quan?"

As long as there is no evidence, the police can't detain him for too long. At that time, he can still change his face and flee abroad.

"Do you really think I have no evidence?" Eve sneered, "No matter how good your camouflage skills are, your face can change forever, but you can't change your bones. When you deliberately appear in the surveillance video to show off your skills, It gave me enough evidence to prove that you are the murderer."

Samuel watched as her eyes closed and shrugged weakly.

Eve stood up, "I will only give you one day. If you still don't say anything, as I said before, I will publish the news about your arrest and the Fallen Angel organization online."

After saying that, she turned and left the apartment, followed closely by Jian You.

"If that person doesn't recruit, what kind of fallen angel organization do you really want to disclose?" Jian You asked in a low voice after entering the elevator.

Eve shook her head, "No."

She just wanted to use Sam's weakness to defraud him. Even if he didn't say anything in the end, she wouldn't be stupid enough to provoke the fallen angel.

The seven of them have just inherited the killer whale not long ago, and now they are fledgling, and they will definitely not be able to please the fallen angel rashly. She cannot gamble on the safety of others, and must plan step by step.

Jian You stared at her for a long time, then smiled slightly, "Xiao Fu, you have really changed a lot."

If it was before, he wouldn't care if he was dangerous or not, and if he encountered it, he would directly confront him and fight to the end without thinking about the consequences at all.Before Su Nuo said that she had changed, she thought it was only in the emotional aspect, but now it seems that she has really grown a lot.

Eve lowered her eyes and rubbed her fingertips lightly, "I was too self-willed before, and I didn't consider you, nor Jiang Xuhan."

"Well, it's good that you think so. I believe the boss will be very pleased when he hears it." Jian You patted her on the shoulder manfully, "I heard Aunt Fang said that you are getting engaged soon, congratulations!"

Eve nodded, "He will be mine from now on, he is so delicate, I will definitely protect him."

Jane You: "..."

Sister, are you afraid that you have misunderstood being delicate?

Even if that evil star suffers from haemorrhage, he is definitely not equated with being weak and weak. Hey!

Love really can make people blind, even a cold genius like Eve is not exempt.

At this moment, the elevator door opened with a "ding". Officer Liu, who had been waiting outside, saw the two coming out, and rushed forward to meet them.

"Excuse me, Officer Liu," Eve nodded slightly at him, "You can go up and arrest people now."

There were too many people, and it was inconvenient for Police Officer Liu to ask more questions, so he just smiled politely: "It's nothing, we can catch people thanks to you and Miss Jian for their help, then I won't bother you two, the autopsy later The report and evidence will have to trouble Miss Eve."

When Police Officer Liu led the people upstairs, Li Hao, who was standing a few meters away, walked over shyly, and blushed before he could speak, "Senior Sister Jian, I am Li Hao from the Department of Psychology, a junior. "

Jian You blinked, looked at the expressionless Eve, then at Li Hao, who was blushing like an apple, and raised a perfect and seductive smile, "You are Xiaofu's new assistant. ? Tsk tsk, it’s really cute! It’s hard work being with Xiaofu, how about it, do you want to think about following me? I’m no worse than Xiaofu at all!”

There was a "boom" in Li Hao's head, his face turned even redder, and Jian You's cute words about him kept echoing in his ears.

No, not right!

The goddess in his mind is a little fairy with a compelling aura, how could it be this seductive monster in front of him?
However, this goddess is also so beautiful!

Jane You: "..."

Why is this man staring at her? Could he be a fool?

For no reason, Jian You got goosebumps all over Li Hao's eyes.

Eve was also fooled by Li Hao's appearance, she glanced at him, "What are you still doing here? Do you really want to hang out with Xiaoyou?"

Li Hao regained consciousness in an instant, and shook his head violently, "No, no!"

Although he likes Jian You, what he is really interested in is criminal psychology and forensic science. In this regard, he doesn't think anyone else can compare to Eve. Feelings belong to feelings, and career belongs to career. .

Especially after seeing Jian You's ability today, he is even more determined to work hard to become a man worthy of her!

Seeing his refusal, Eve raised her eyebrows, and re-examined Li Hao. It seems that this kid is still very good, and he has no lust.

Jian You was also slightly surprised, smiled, and waved to Eve, "Since it's over here, I'll go back first, I still have classes in the afternoon."

After all, he turned around and left quickly, leaving behind a chic back.

Li Hao kept following her figure to leave before turning his gaze back, looking at Eve who was beside him, and couldn't hold back after thinking about it, and asked, "Are you familiar with Senior Sister Jian?"

"Well," Eve didn't hide it from him, "We grew up with Jiang Xuhan and Xu Boyu. It can be said that we have known each other since we were born."

He and Young Master Jiang have known each other since birth?

What kind of fairy is that?
No wonder she is so skilled and mysterious...

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that he was in a trance, Eve rarely asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Li Hao shook his head and raised a bright smile, "I was just thinking, when will you take me for special training?"

"I've been too busy recently, let's wait until this case is over."

"Okay." Li Hao looked towards the direction where Jian You disappeared, and secretly made up his mind that he must work hard to catch up with her, and then pursue her openly!

As Eve guessed, Sasim didn't hold on for too long, and asked to see Eve that night.

"Let's talk." Eve walked into the interrogation room, looked at Sa Sim who was handcuffed and sat across the table, and tapped the table with her fingers, with a kind of laziness in her voice.

With the camouflage gone, Sasim has dark brown hair, light amber pupils, deep facial features, fair complexion, a typical mixed-race look, very good-looking, but the sternness in his expression severely damaged his personality. handsome.

Sasim no longer had the pretended calmness of the day, his eyes were red and bloodshot, he never imagined that he would fall into the hands of such a little girl.

"I should have killed you straight away!" He said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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