Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 116 So What If I Annoy You

Chapter 116
Eve raised her eyebrows, "I know what it is!"

Everyone looked up at her when they heard it, and asked in unison: "What is it?"

A smile curled up on the corner of Eve's lips, and she asked without answering, "How fast can the propellers of a turboprop aircraft spin?"

The few people didn't know, so they looked at each other, only Qin Jinhui replied thoughtfully: "If you rotate at full speed, it will be close to the speed of light."

When he said this, Jiang Xuchen immediately understood, she thought for a while, and frowned, "But Wang Siwei was pushed out when the plane was flying, and the propeller was in front of her, so it should be pushing her away, how could she Is it possible to touch it?"

Qin Jinhui raised his hand and touched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It may also be the propellers on the flanks."

After all, judging from the scars on Wang Siwei's body, the propeller was indeed the most suitable murder weapon.

Eve shook her head with certainty, "It's not a wing."

Several people looked at her in confusion, she paused, and said: "Wang Siwei didn't happen in the sky, but was taken to the plane after her death, and pushed down after reaching Jinwan Beach."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes widened suddenly, and Officer Liu couldn't help but took a step forward, "Are you sure? But if Wang Siwei was pushed into the propeller, wouldn't she be cooked?"

"It's possible if the plane is idling. At that time, the speed of the propeller will be reduced to about 1000." Eve paused, put Qin Jinhui's autopsy report on the autopsy table, pointed to a place and said, "Look here The results of Qin Jinhui's autopsy also showed that Wang Siwei was pushed down after her death. The wounds on her bones were non-healing, and the wounds caused by the propeller were removed from the soft tissues. Other lacerations and burst wounds There was no blood clotting reaction, which proves that she was dead when she fell to the ground."

Several people leaned over to take a closer look, and sure enough, as Eve said, the person was pushed off the plane after death.

"But," Li Hao still didn't understand, "Since Wang Siwei was already dead at that time, why did the murderer throw her to the ground instead of destroying the body?"

"The murderer did that to destroy the corpse." Eve looked down at the corpse on the autopsy table, a gleam of coldness flashed in her blue eyes, "Don't forget, the place where the corpse was found was on Jinwan Beach, which is just a few meters away from the sea. It's only a short distance away. The murderer probably wanted to throw Wang Siwei into the sea, but who knew he made a miscalculation, causing the body to fall on the beach, and the morning swimmers found out and reported the crime."

This can be regarded as Skynet's extensive and sparse.

Even though he knew Eve's ability a long time ago, Officer Liu couldn't help but feel a tingle in his spine after hearing her analysis.

This girl is so smart that it makes people feel scary, she is simply a monster!

After sighing, he clenched his fists, his voice trembling with excitement, "So, the murder scene should be the parking garage of the airport, I will immediately notify Police Officer Chen, apply for a search warrant and then conduct a blanket search! "

After saying that, he excitedly took out his mobile phone to call Chen Li, and walked out quickly.

He thought he had entered a dead end, but who knew that there was another village, these people found a breakthrough so quickly, how could he be unhappy!

"Wait a minute!" Eve called to stop him, and took off her overalls, "I'll go with you!"

Chen Li's speed was very fast. As soon as Eve and Officer Liu arrived at the airport hangar, he had already rushed over with a search warrant.

As soon as the three of them met, Police Officer Liu told Chen Li about the new clues. After hearing this, Chen Li was also beaming, "Great! This time the murderer will definitely be arrested and brought to justice!"

As soon as the words fell, an angry voice came from outside the hangar——

"I said are you finished? Didn't you just search, how long has it been, and brought people here again? Don't you really think I'm easy to bully?"

The three of them turned their heads and looked over, only to see Fu Mingshen walking in with two men in suits and leather shoes, their faces full of anger.

He came here only once at noon, and was called over by Police Officer Chen within two hours. Fu Mingshen was obviously on the verge of breaking out. He walked up to Eve in two or three steps and looked straight at Eve with poisonous eyes.

He took out a cigarette, bit it on his lips, and gritted his teeth, "Eve Farber! You just want to fight against our Fu family, don't you? Don't think that with Jiang Xuhan's backing behind me, I dare not do anything to you In this way, let me tell you, even clay figurines have a three-point fire temper, if you get anxious..."

"What can you do if you are in a hurry?" Eve met his sinister gaze coldly, unmoved.

"You!" Fu Mingshen choked on her, his face twisted a little.

Eve swept away the coldness and indifference of the past, her body was tense and her eyes were cold and stern, "Don't say that I am only handling the case according to the law today, with reasons and evidence, even if I deliberately target you, what can your Fu family do to me? Maybe you It is indeed irrelevant to this case, but that does not prove that the rest of the Fu family is also irrelevant! You do have an alibi, but what about Fu Caihe? She left the hotel last night and did not return until almost dawn. Where did you go, what did you do, can you explain?"

Her voice is light, but the bloodlust and coldness hidden in her eyes is shocking.

What Eve said earlier caused Fu Mingshen to suffer great humiliation!
He has always been used to being strong, and because of his status as the heir of the Fu family, he is the proud son of heaven who is praised everywhere he goes, but since he came to Yancheng, he has been humiliated in just one night, and Eve's words made all the anger in his heart explode.

But then, he was surprised by the second half of Eve's words.

A cold chill suddenly spread from the bottom of my heart, and I only felt creepy for a moment.

He raised his head and looked at the delicate and clear eyebrows of the person in front of him. Under the scorching white light, he felt that the ripples in her eyes were extremely cold.

This girl in front of me is really only 17 years old?
Moreover, she was right, Fu Caihe did go out last night, and he ignored her because he was in a bad mood, and he didn't even know when she would return to the hotel.

Thinking in this way, Fu Mingshen felt a little lack of confidence, and for no reason, he felt uneasy.

But soon, he remembered that Fu Caihe had told him that he was going to drink at the bar before going out last night. Fu Mingshen suppressed his inner anxiety and gritted his teeth, "Okay! Okay! Okay! If you want to check, then check enough. But, this time I won't compromise again, if you don't find out why, the two lawyers behind me are not vegetarians!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked away, walked aside, folded his hands on his chest, as if he wanted to watch Eve and the others search in person, but, if you looked carefully, you could see that his folded hands were trembling slightly .

He knows best what kind of temperament his sister is.

Fu Caihe got angry at the Wang family's birthday banquet last night, if he ran into the youngest daughter of the Wang family after drinking...

Do not!Will not!
Caihe was drinking at the bar last night, and Wang Siwei happened at the airport. It is impossible for them to run into each other, it cannot be Caihe!

Eve ignored Fu Mingshen, looked at Police Officer Liu and the others, and said flatly, "Let's get started."

"Let me move, search carefully, and don't let go of any corner!" Officer Liu waved his hand and shouted passionately, "If you don't want to be punished, work hard, don't let people catch the loopholes and suffer complaints." !"

This sentence was obviously aimed at Fu Mingshen's last sentence, which made Fu Mingshen's face darken a bit.

A group of investigators responded aggressively and started searching vigorously.

Not long after, a forensic officer shouted excitedly, "Yes! There is blood here!"

When Eve, Police Officer Liu, and Chen Li heard the movement, they immediately trotted towards the other end, and sure enough, under the ultraviolet light, the surroundings of a sewer mouth were covered with blood.

Fu Mingshen also followed, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the deep purple trace.

no, no...

Even if people were killed here, it can't be proved that they were killed by Caihe, it could be someone else, isn't it?

Caihe has never been to the airport at all, so it can't be Caihe!
He could only comfort himself non-stop, but no matter how many times he repeatedly denied it in his heart, his heart had already leaned towards the possibility that the murderer was Fu Caihe.

They are not the only brothers and sisters who have the key to the parking compartment, but the owners of other planes are not in Huaxia, that is to say, apart from him, only Fu Caihe can open the door here.

After all, the person in charge of the airport will not open the door without the permission of the owner of the plane.

He couldn't even imagine how much the Fu family would suffer if the murderer was really Fu Caihe.

Not to mention that the stock will plummet, even the Wang family will not let Noah Group go easily.

Wang Weiyuan is a lunatic and reckless man, he doesn't know how to reason with them, he will definitely fight Noah Group to the death and bite off a piece of meat from their Fu family!
Thinking like this, a layer of cold sweat oozed from Fu Mingshen's back, and he shuddered involuntarily when he was blown by the air-conditioning of the hangar.

Over there, Eve's delicate little face was covered with a layer of frost, and she slightly opened her lips, "Check all the planes in the hangar carefully, focusing on the propellers!"

Because not only the Fu family's private jet was parked here, but also other people's, the search warrant Chen Li applied for was only for the parking garage and the Fu family's plane, and he had no right to search other planes.But now it's different, they found the bloodstains, then this is the scene of the murder, and it's a matter of urgency, so it's reasonable for them to search other planes.

The search personnel fired the first shot, morale was high, Eve gave an order and immediately split up, and quickly found the plane that killed Wang Siwei.

The propeller of that plane has been severely deformed, and there is an obvious gap on the propeller body. As soon as the search personnel took off the protective cover, it was revealed, and there was no need to use ultraviolet light to illuminate it. They all knew that this was the plane they were looking for. .

"This, this is not our plane!" Fu Mingshen blurted out as if grasping at a straw.

 The past two days have been so hot, Ling'er feels like she's melting...

(End of this chapter)

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