Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 122 Do you believe in such a thing

Chapter 122 Do you believe in such a thing (one more)
Han Xingyu came over around eight o'clock, and Eve was still sleeping when he came, Jiang Xuhan dragged him to the corridor outside the ward.

"The situation is serious?" Seeing the uneasy expression on his face, Han Xingyu also put away his usual laziness and casualness, and his tone was rare and serious.

Jiang Xuhan looked solemn, and glanced at the door, "It's getting worse and worse. Yesterday, I just couldn't remember Wang Siwei. Today, some comorbidities related to PTSD have obviously appeared. Moreover, she seems to have been having nightmares, and she can't sleep well. Very unstable."

Han Xingyu pondered for a moment, "The deterioration is so fast, the cause of the onset should not be Wang Siwei's death, but something that happened before, and it was just aroused by this incident. Has she suffered any major trauma in the past three months?" event?"

Generally, PTSD is divided into three categories, acute PTSD, the onset period is within three months; chronic PTSD, the onset period is more than three months; delayed PTSD, the onset is at least six months after the traumatic event.

Jiang Xuhan shook his head, "No. She returned to China three months ago. After returning to China, she has been staying in her father's laboratory to study a few newly unearthed bones from the Warring States period. She didn't leave until school started. It was the same before returning to China. Basically, the research room and the school run at both ends, not to mention encounters, but there are no major accidents that have been witnessed.”

"You didn't ask her?"

"I asked, and she said nothing happened." Jiang Xuhan rubbed the aching brows, he always felt that Eve had something to hide from him, and this incident was the reason for her illness.

"That's weird," Han Xingyu frowned, "How did she get this PTSD?"

Jiang Xuhan rolled his eyes at him, "If I knew, I wouldn't need to call you here!"

Han Xingyu: "..."

you've changed!You didn't have this attitude when you invited me over!
After complaining fiercely in his heart, Han Xingyu raised his hand and touched his chin, "To formulate a treatment plan, one needs to know what kind of illness she has experienced before. If she refuses to tell, I can't help it."

Jiang Xuhan thought for a while, "I'll avoid it when she wakes up, you're a psychiatrist, if you ask her, maybe she'll tell you."

The corners of Han Xingyu's eyes twitched, "You still think of me as a brick, and I can move wherever I need it, first as a university professor, then as a psychiatrist, what career will I have in the future? Nanny? Nanny?"

"Are you going?" Jiang Xuhan squinted at him, his voice was as cold as ice.

Han Xingyu: "Go!" Your sister!

Eve woke up again an hour later, Jiang Xuhan watched her eat porridge before leaving the hospital and returning to the company.

Only Han Xingyu and Eve were left in the ward. Facing Han Xingyu's question, Eve was silent for a long while, then raised her eyes, "You are not considered a psychiatrist. Will you abide by the confidentiality agreement regarding patients?"

Han Xingyu raised his eyebrows, took out a certificate from his pocket, and waved it in front of Eve's eyes, "I'm so sorry, I'm really a psychiatrist. Look, this is my doctor's qualification certificate."

Eve could see clearly that it said the national first-class psychiatrist qualification certificate, followed by Han Xingyu's name.

"..." How many identities does this person have?

After hesitating for a while, she finally let go, "I can tell you, but you have to promise me to keep it a secret, and you must never tell anyone else, not even Jiang Xuhan."

Han Xingyu raised his hand to zip up his mouth.

"Sit down." Eve pointed to the chair beside her, "This story is a bit long."

Han Xingyu was not polite either, he pulled out his chair and sat down, took out the recorder, and turned it on.

Eve lowered her head, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I was in a plane crash a month ago, and just before the accident, I heard a piece of news, which said that an explosion occurred in the Chiang Group building, killing 60 people. Many people died, including the president Jiang Xuhan..."

Having said that, Eve paused for a while. It has been more than a month, and when she thinks about it again, she still feels heartache and can't breathe.

Han Xingyu raised his head abruptly, with a strange expression on his face, "Sorry, I seem to have misheard, can you say it again?"

Eve smiled, "You heard me right, what I said is that Jiang Xuhan died, and I died too. Can you believe such a thing? After death, people are reborn ten years ago, and do it again."

Han Xingyu frowned gradually, and his eyes staring at Eve became sharper.

"Jiang Xuhan came to you, and I should have told you all my experiences over the years. If I hadn't experienced such a thing, it would be impossible to explain why I have PTSD, right?"

"PTSD doesn't necessarily come from personal experience. It may also be that you have witnessed some horrific things, and you have this disease without knowing it. Jiang Xuhan said that you have been to a war zone, and many people who have witnessed the cruelty of war will know You have PTSD. What you think is reborn is probably just a hallucination after your illness."

Eve shook her head, "I have been dissecting corpses since I was five years old. I have seen life and death and the cruelty of human nature. I have long been numb to these things. Besides, I went to the battlefield more than a year ago. It is really because of this reason that I have been ill for a long time, and I will not wait until now."

Han Xingyu raised his eyebrows.

"I have been with Jiang Xuhan since I was born. You should know how much that guy cares about me. He has been chasing after me all this time. At that time, I just felt unbearably disturbed and wished to let him go. Far away. Later, he and Su Qingyue were rumored to be having an affair, so I simply hid abroad, cut off contact with everyone, and left for seven years.

I thought, I actually cared about him at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have left in a fit of anger because of Su Qingyue, but I didn't understand at that time.By the time I figured out my mind, it was too late, he was dead, and I was dead too.

When I woke up again, I was already in the bathroom of the teaching building of University B, and I found that I had returned to ten years ago.

I am very grateful to God for giving me a chance to start again, a chance to protect him and love him. I swear, this time I will never make him sad again, and I will never let the tragedy happen again.Maybe it was because I cared too much, so I got PTSD after I was reborn with memories. "

She spoke lightly, but with a smile on her face.This smile was a bit ethereal, as if it contained endless pain, but the pain was indescribable, so he simply replaced it with a smile.

Han Xingyu stopped talking.

He always felt strange before, but after coming to Yancheng, the girl he came into contact with always gave him a different feeling from the girl in the rumors, no longer a cold machine, but with a little warmth in his indifference ,turn out to be……

Eve said, "Do you believe I'm born again?"

After a moment of silence, Han Xingyu's voice sounded noncommittal and said, "I don't think you're lying."

Eve was slightly surprised, "Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"How could it be?" Han Xingyu said casually, "Maybe that plane crash brought you to the black hole of the universe, and then made you go back to ten years ago through time and space. This universe is too profound and there are too many things that cannot be explained. It's gone, isn't it?"

Eve thought about it, and it seemed to be the case. The world is full of wonders, and who knows what will happen the next moment.

Han Xingyu smiled lightly, "Now, what are you going to do? PTSD patients usually experience such things as nightmares and memory flashbacks in their minds from time to time, and have trouble sleeping, feeling separated and alienated from others. If these symptoms are severe enough and last long enough For a long time, it will significantly impair the individual's daily life. You have memory loss, sleep disturbance and anxiety now, and if left untreated, it will only get worse."

Eve's expression became heavy, "Can it be stabilized only by psychological treatment?"

Han Xingyu raised his eyebrows, not surprised, "You don't plan to take medicine?"

Eve looked at him with sharp and serious eyes, "One of the fallen angels has been arrested, and the others will receive the news soon. At that time, there will inevitably be a fierce battle. I cannot use antidepressant drugs at this time."

The enemy is dark and we are clear, she must maintain a clear mind to fight against accidents that may appear at any time.

Han Xingyu sighed, "Psychotherapy alone may not be of much use in your current situation. Maybe, do you want to try hypnosis?"


"That's right, I can try to hypnotize you and dilute your feelings about Jiang Xuhan's death, so as to achieve a healing effect."

"How sure are you?"

"I have used hypnosis to cure several PTSD patients, and it took about a month." Han Xingyu paused, "But for you, I really don't have much confidence, you are too rational, and your mind is enough. Be firm, it is difficult for such a person to enter a hypnotic state, and I will need to use sodium amital if necessary.”

Eve thought about it. At present, there is really no better way. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded and agreed, "Okay, let me know when you are ready, and I will cooperate with your treatment."

"Alright then, I'll contact you after I've made a treatment plan." Han Xingyu didn't delay, stood up and walked out of the ward.

After chatting with Han Xingyu for a while, perhaps revealing the secret in her heart, Eve felt that the anxiety in her heart eased a little, and her whole body relaxed.

Staying alone in the ward with nothing to do, she adjusted her thoughts, picked up the autopsy report of Wang Siwei brought by Qin Jinhui, and examined it carefully.

The report is very detailed, and it can be seen that Qin Jinhui has made great progress in osteology.

After reading the report, she turned on the computer and clicked on the case transcript and statement that Police Officer Liu had sent her. The more she looked at it, the more she frowned. There was one aspect of this seemingly unproblematic transcript that she couldn't figure out.

However, the person involved, Wang Siwei, was dead, so there was no way to answer her question.

And the surveillance video outside the hangar seemed to have no problem, and the timing was completely correct, but she just felt that something was wrong.

Maybe, Fu Caihe can solve her doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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