Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 136 Hypnosis and anti-hypnosis

Chapter 136 Hypnosis and Anti-Hypnosis ([-]rd)
After five or six minutes, Gu Beiye gradually calmed down, wiped away the tears on his face, and looked at Han Xingyu coldly, "What did you do to me?"

At this time, Gu Beiye's heart was broken. She was a flamboyant, arrogant and charming girl who insisted on pretending to be Eve's iceberg-like temperament. Without the previous self-hypnosis effect, it was really too difficult for her. .

Hi, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Although she absolutely believed in her hypnosis skills, it would be useless without her superb acting skills, um... she really is an all-rounder, invincible in the world.

He praised himself beautifully in his heart, but Gu Beiye maintained a cold expression on his face.

The cigar in Han Xingyu's hand was extinguished at some point, and it was placed on the bedside table.

He leaned against the back of the chair, with his slender right leg crossed randomly on the left leg, shaking it lightly once in a while, and said lightly: "It's nothing, I just tried to reduce your fear through hypnosis, but your obsession is too much." Deep, you don't allow me to enter your inner world at all, to put it bluntly, Eve, you don't trust me at all."

Gu Beiye sneered in his heart, and said calmly: "As my attending doctor, don't you also believe my words? You doubt me. Your diagnosis direction was wrong from the beginning. How can the treatment be successful?"

Han Xingyu paused, looked at her steadily, and asked, "As an atheist and a forensic doctor who advocates science, do you really believe that people can be reborn after death?"

"Whether I believe it or not, I have indeed been reborn," Gu Beiye met his eyes straightly, raised his round hand to flick the drooping wig, and slid it onto a round pendant hanging around his neck , shaking unintentionally, "I believe what I have experienced, and you, Professor Han, can you believe that a five-year-old child will push his biological mother downstairs in order to survive and live a good life ?"

Han Xingyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the indifference on his face could no longer be maintained. His eyes were dark, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. He looked at the calm Eve with ferocious eyes in disbelief.

How did she know about this?
It is impossible for anyone in this world to know about that matter, he did it so secretly, unless it is... him!

This woman...they've been in touch all along?
But if that's the case, how could that person let him approach her?

He looked at Gu Beiye in amazement, his throat tightened and he couldn't speak.

Gu Beiye's movement of shaking the pendant stopped suddenly, and he sat up straight and leaned towards Han Xingyu, saying every word, "I told you, I was born again, and I know all the secrets that have not been discovered yet. "

Han Xingyu looked into her pair of azure blue eyes, and felt as if his body was about to be pulled into them.

Suddenly, his eyes went dark, and he was already standing on the fence on the edge of the roof of an old building, with an endless dark abyss at his feet, as long as he moved a little, he would immediately fall down.

Why is he here?
A layer of cold sweat oozes from Han Xingyu's forehead. Seeing this familiar scene, a chill rises from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. Those unbearable events from the past flooded towards him like a tide, as if they were going to drown him.

He shook his head violently, and cautiously stepped down from the fence.

At this moment, behind him, in the dark downstairs, on the wall of the old building, the sound of fingernails scratching the wall came from below, followed by a sound that seemed to come from hell.

"Xiaojie...I'm in so much pain...Why are you doing this to me? I'm your mother! Why?"

Han Xingyu's scalp tingled for a while, and he slowly turned his head to look down. A terrifying and bloody face buried deep in his memory suddenly appeared in front of him.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

do not come!do not come……

Not caring about anything else, Han Xingyu turned his head quickly, and was about to escape the fence with one leg, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and before he could see the other person's face clearly, he was caught by the other person's face. With a sudden push, he fell downstairs.


Han Xingyu screamed and jumped up from the chair, his chest heaving violently. He looked around in horror and found that he was still in the ward.

After panting for a while, he realized that his back was wet and covered in cold sweat.

What happened to him just now?
"What did you do to me?" He looked at Gu Beiye suddenly, squinting his eyes slightly to examine the innocent girl in front of him.

Gu Beiye met his fierce eyes with a calm expression, and tilted his head, "What can I do? Don't do anything wrong in my life, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Professor Han, I think you recalled something bad. Did the matter haunt you?"

Han Xingyu didn't believe what she said at all, he squeezed his fists, and said in a deep voice: "Since you are not willing to cooperate, then there is nothing I can do, this is the end of today's treatment, I still have things to go back to, goodbye! "

"Wait a minute!" How could Gu Beiye let him leave like this, he quickly got up from the bed, put his arm around Han Xingyu's arm to hold him, "Lin Jie! Your original name was Lin Jie!"

Hearing this name again, Han Xingyu's mind went "boom", and his ears buzzed.

Gu Beiye took advantage of the gap between his stupefaction and continued: "You come from a single-parent family, and your mother's surname is Lin. You don't know who your father is, and your mother treats you very badly. The family is poor. Hit you every day.

After all, your father's family knew of your existence and wanted to take you back.It was a well-known local family. Of course, your mother was unwilling to let go of such an opportunity, so she negotiated with the other party, saying that you were too young to live without your mother, and if you wanted to take her away, you had to take her with you.That family hesitated, so you pushed your mother downstairs one night while she was drunk, and since then, you have become Han Jie, am I right? "

Every time Gu Beiye said something, Han Xingyu's heart sank a little. When she finished speaking, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, surrounded by painful memories of the past.

The scene in front of him changed, he was standing in a dark and messy room, a little boy was sitting on the edge of the dark wall, hugging his knees and crying, he walked over and knelt down, "Little friend, what are you crying for? "

The boy raised his head when he heard his voice, and the moment he saw his face, Han Xingyu's throat seemed to be choked, and his breathing stopped instantly.

The little boy's face was bruised and purple, and there was almost no intact place. His right eye was swollen like a walnut and squinted, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and there was a big cut on his forehead, and the blood was continuously flowing down.

His legs went limp and he fell to the ground, with a buzzing sound in his head, the boy in front of him disappeared, and the scene in front of him changed again. He arrived in a luxurious and bright hall, and there were two people in front of him, an old man and a young man.

"Ajie, you have to remember that you will be a fallen angel in the future, and you will inherit the Killing Angel. From today onwards, your codename will be Xila."

"What is a fallen angel?"

"You will know when you start training, but you have to remember that in this world, you can provoke anyone, except Lucifer, you know?"

At that time, he was only 15 years old, rebellious and unruly, thinking that no one in this world was worthy to stand on top of him.

Since he is a killing angel, he must become the strongest!
So, two years later, taking advantage of the serious illness of the older generation of Lucifer, he teamed up with other fallen angels to carry out an ambush and killed Lucifer, his wife and children on the way to the hospital.

The fruit of victory is so sweet, since then, the fallen angel has no resistance against the angel Lucifer, and he has finally reached the highest peak.

However, no one expected that in less than a year, the fallen angels who participated in the ambush died in accidents one after another. When he realized that something was wrong, the Han family also ushered in a catastrophe. There is no longer a Central and South Korean family in the world.

He will never forget that that thunderstorm night, that child who was only twelve or thirteen years old single-handedly killed the Han family!

Under the thunder and lightning, the boy's face was stained with blood, his long and narrow eyes were blue and green, full of hazy interest, his movements were neat, elegant and fierce, and there was a gloomy aura all over his body, which made people shudder.

That night, the boy was finally exhausted, and after killing the entire Han family, he was shot down into the sea by the rest of his men.They searched for a whole day and night but couldn't find his body. Han Xingyu thought he was not dead at the time, but the purge of the fallen angels later confirmed his guess. He escaped by chance and changed his name into Han Xingyu.

But what surprised him was that since that night, Lucifer hadn't appeared again, and no matter how he searched, there was no news about him.

Even the core members of the fallen angels have never seen him again, no one knows where he went, and no one knows what happened to him after he fell into the sea.

"Who is that boy?"

A faint female voice came, and Han Xingyu gritted his teeth and squeezed out three words——


Gu Beiye was stunned for a moment, and his subordinates couldn't help but increase their strength a little.

Isn't that the leader of the fallen angels?

How could Xiaofu get involved with him?
Gu Beiye wanted to ask again, but when he came back to his senses, he met Han Xingyu's clear eyes, which were full of murderous intent.

She was startled in her heart, and quickly tried to lock his arms, but she forgot that her hands were wrapped like balls, and she couldn't grab Han Xingyu's wrist at all, but was almost caught by Han Xingyu Stuck on the neck.

Taking a step back to avoid Han Xingyu's restraint, Gu Beiye didn't have time to catch his breath. When his eyes blurred, he was swept backward by a whip leg, and hit the coffee table with a loud "bang".

So fast!

Gu Beiye turned over and retreated to the coffee table to look at Han Xingyu warily, feeling a dull pain in his lower back.

This man is hiding something!
Whether it is speed, skill or strength, they are all top-notch!
(End of this chapter)

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