Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 157 Want to See Han Xingyu

Chapter 157 I want to see Han Xingyu (third shift)
Eve nodded honestly, "I knew it before, but this is the first time I feel it so clearly."

Who said that men are visual animals, and so are women, who have no resistance to good-looking things, who doesn't like things that are pleasing to the eye?

Eve feels that love is really something that people can't figure out, it will make people feel strange, and they are not like themselves at all.For example, Jiang Xuhan, she had seen him when he was an instructor in the mountains, he was cold and severe, unreasonable, and as cold as a Shura, but he also sent water and food for her, asked her how she was, and walked around her like an old woman .Or like herself, indifferent and unreasonable, not interested in living people, but willing to make changes for him.

Jiang Xuhan laughed softly, raised his hand to touch his face, opened his mouth and was about to say something, and heard Eve continue: "You also know that the first thing I see when I see people is bones, your beauty Beauty is not only on the surface, but on the inside.”

It is said that beauty is not skin deep, and Jiang Xuhan is a typical example.

The smile on the corner of her mouth became even bigger, and Eve said on the opposite side: "Believe me, even if you only have bones left after a hundred years, you will still be the most beautiful!"

Jiang Xuhan: "..." Why does this sound so wrong?a bit creepy...

Wife, your praise seems to be a bit too forceful!
It's a pity that the great forensic doctor who was immersed in his fanatical love for his bones didn't notice the stiff smile on his mouth, and kept eating his tofu, oh no, touching his bones.

With a pair of perfect bones, should he be happy, or should he be happy?

With a light cough, Jiang Xuhan changed the subject and asked: "I heard from Zhou Zhaohui that you found another body today at the place where Ji Yuanchong was buried before, and it might be Ji Yuanchong's girlfriend?"

"Yeah." Speaking of the case, Eve's face straightened, she withdrew her hand and continued to eat, "The deceased's height and age were consistent, and when he was found, he was still holding Ji Yuanchong's mandible in his hand. Yi, but in the end, a photo restoration is required to confirm the identity."

"Is the case difficult?"

"Ji Yuanchong's cause of death has been determined, but the time between deaths is still unclear. The cause of death of the other deceased is still unclear. We have to wait for the toxicology report. If even poisoning is ruled out, we may really not even know the cause of death." There's no way to be sure."

Speaking of this, Eve was a little discouraged, and the cause of death could not be determined. This is the greatest shame for a forensic doctor.

Jiang Xuhan put the cut lobster on her plate, "Don't think too much, just take it step by step slowly, there will always be a day to check it out. As for Yan Yunying, you don't have to worry, even if you don't have any problems within a week To solve the case, you don't dare to mess around."

Hearing him talk about Yan Yunying, Eve suddenly felt a little sad.

In fact, she never worried about that problem at all, because she never thought about that bet at all.

The answer at the beginning was just a whim in her heart. As a forensic doctor, she really shouldn't bet on the case. This is a disrespect for the deceased to the family of the deceased.

Hearing him mention it now, she couldn't lift her head up a bit, she lowered her eyelashes and ate in a muffled voice.

Sudden irritability, sudden sadness, sudden joy and sudden sadness, her symptoms still exist, but they are relieved, and she no longer has nightmares and hallucinations.


A drop of tears fell on the dining table and shattered into several petals, Jiang Xuhan was stunned, this girl, are you crying?

It's not that he hasn't seen her cry, but she has hardly cried since she became sensible, that is, recently, because of this disease, she seems to have really become like water.

Sighing secretly, he went over to put his arms around her shoulders distressedly, patted her back lightly, and hugged her silently.

Eve buried her face completely in his arms.

I kind of hate myself like this.

I feel that I am both worthless and useless, and I can't even handle PTSD, and I am often easily affected emotionally.

It's okay to be stumped by a case, but he also violated the big taboo of forensic medicine, and put his own feelings on the deceased to feel the feelings of the deceased.

The case made her feel sad.

She even suddenly thought that if Jiang Xuhan betrayed her in the future, would she want to kill him too, and then cast such a curse on him.

"You can kill me," Jiang Xuhan said suddenly, it turned out that she unconsciously said what was in her heart, "If I betray you, you kill me, and then the next one can make us live forever A curse together."

Eve was stunned for a moment, buried her head in the man's arms, heard his steady and powerful heartbeat through the shirt, and suddenly felt extremely attached, her breath was filled with the faint fragrance of mint on his body, which gradually comforted her restless heart.

Even when she was sick, she seemed to have only cried in front of him, because it was him that she showed her weakness without any scruples.

She trusts him!

Jiang Xuhan didn't speak all the time, he patted her lightly and was silently comforted, and felt her rubbing her cheek in his arms with very small movements, just like a little squirrel.

This is getting through.

Things are indeed moving in a good direction.

Looking down at her still red eyes, Jiang Xuhan rubbed her hair, stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, and asked softly, "Is it better?"

"Yeah." Eve pursed her lips and thought for a while, "I just couldn't help thinking about the relationship between Guo Yi and Ji Yuanchong, their deaths, and that witchcraft called Shangxie... We agreed Yes, no medicine."

Jiang Xuhan didn't know whether to be angry or funny, so he bent his finger and tapped her forehead, "You little heartless, am I such a dishonest person?"

Eve looked straight at him without saying a word.

Jiang Xuhan: "..."

This look clearly said: Yes.

Seeing his eyes narrowed, Eve quickly changed the subject and said, "I want to meet Han Xingyu in the detention center tomorrow."

Jiang Xuhan immediately frowned, "Why did you go to see him for no reason?"

"I always feel that this case has something to do with him." Eve lowered her eyes, her face was not very good, "You should remember that he has an accomplice who hasn't been caught yet, I suspect that this case was promoted by his accomplice of."

"How to say?"

"The witchcraft in this case, Wei Yu has checked, the name is Shangxie, it was only introduced in a very old classic, but there is no trace on the Internet. That book is now in the Daying Museum in country E It was stored in it, and it took Xiao Yu a lot of effort to find out, if someone hadn't told Chen Huilan specifically, how could she, an ordinary person who has never been abroad, know about this witchcraft?"

Jiang Xuhan's expression also changed after hearing this, "What is Han Xingyu's purpose for doing this? He is no longer a member of the Fallen Angels, why would he do such a thing?"

"His purpose has never changed," Eve let go of Jiang Xuhan, took a sip from the wine glass, and said flatly, "He wants to see me."

Jiang Xuhan lowered his eyes, shadows fell in his eyes, "Since this is the case, then you can't even go to see him."

Han Xingyu's hypnotic ability is really hard to guard against. Last time, if Gu Beiye hadn't prepared early and asked her teacher to give her hypnotic hints in advance, she might have been exposed.

Afterwards, Gu Beiye told him that in the game about hypnosis, she and Han Xingyu had a tie, and both sides hypnotized the other twice.

Now that Eve said she was going to see Han Xingyu, how could he agree?
He might have been hypnotized at some point.

Although he also wanted to know what secret was hidden in her body, the premise was that she could not be hurt.

Eve knew that he would not agree easily, so she dragged the chair and moved towards Jiang Xuhan, leaning her head on his arm, and said softly: "Jiang Xuhan, Hanhan, dear, baby..."

Jiang Xuhan: "..."

The deliberately soft voice reached his ears, as if hundreds of code words crawled from his ears into his heart at the same time, itching and numb.

Clenching his hands tightly, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to endure, "Stop screaming, I won't agree."

"Husband..." Future.

The ending sound rose slightly, hooking Jiang Xuhan's heart like a small hook, "Okay, okay, I'll go with you!"

If she continued to yell like this, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it and couldn't wait!

This end is warm and infinite, on the other side of Yancheng, night, life has just begun.

Li Hao got off a taxi, glanced at his watch, and quickened his pace.

It's already 09:30 now, and because of the delay on the road, he was half an hour late, and I don't know if Qin Jinhui is still there, and no one answered his phone, really!
Walking into Charming, Li Hao patrolled around the bar, and when his eyes touched a man and a woman in the third booth on the right side of the door, he was stunned for a moment.

Yan Yunying and Vice Team Yao?
Why are they here too?It's really a narrow road for enemies!
After only a brief glance, Li Hao withdrew his gaze and continued to look for Qin Jinhui. After a few minutes, he finally saw him in the corner.

"Isn't it too secretive for you to sit?" Li Hao walked over, sat down, wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I thought you couldn't wait to leave at first, who knew you chose such a Don't forget about the location, it's so close to Yan Yunying, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Qin Jinhui raised his eyelids and glanced at him. After taking a sip of wine, he lazily said: "Why do you feel uncomfortable? How interesting!"

He propped his chin on the table with one hand, and slowly wiped the amber liquid from the corner of his mouth with the thumb of the other hand. His posture was lazily carefree, and the brows were raised. He didn't know if it was because of the lighting problem in the bar, but Li Hao felt that , Qin Jinhui's eyes were much lighter than usual, a little careless and reckless, a little naughty, a little evil, with a charming look on the corners of his eyes and brows.

Is he dazzled, or is this guy drunk?
Li Hao raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Qin Jinhui still looked so seductive, so he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Really drunk?

No, this person who usually looks cold and noble, how can he look like Daji when he is drunk? Isn't it too far away?
(End of this chapter)

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