Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 159 The Bones in the Trash Can

Chapter 159 The Bones in the Trash Can (Part [-])
"Dead, dead!"

A terrified scream was also very abrupt in the hustle and bustle, making Li Hao's heart sink violently.

Could it be that they played too much, those dogs got out of control and killed Yan Yunying?

Thinking of this, the banter on his face immediately stopped, and he looked at Qin Jinhui with a serious expression, "Could it be that something happened to Yan Yunying?"

Different from his heaviness, Qin Jinhui still looked calm and breezy, and smiled with his lips curled up, "It wasn't her, you couldn't tell, the voice just now was made by Yan Yunying."

When he said this, Li Hao also realized it. Although the voice sounded as shrill as killing a pig, but thinking about it carefully, it really belonged to Yan Yunying.

However, listening to the content, it should be something she encountered while fleeing, maybe it was really a corpse.

Thinking of this, Li Hao pulled Qin Jinhui to quicken his pace, "Quick, go and see what's going on!"

Qin Jinhui looked at the hand holding his arm, a flash of violence flashed in his eyes, and he calmed down soon.


She doesn't like crime, she doesn't like violence.

Can't do things she doesn't like.

To protect all the people and things she likes, to stay by her side... This is the only reason for him to wake up.

After the two of them ran for a certain distance, they turned a corner, separated by a long distance, and saw a dense crowd gathered at the entrance of an alley, crowded and noisy.Li Hao rushed over at a trot, and heard someone say from time to time that a corpse was found inside, which seemed to be still charred.

Li Hao was shocked immediately, there is really a dead body?
Those dogs had been dispersed at some point, and none of them could be seen at the scene.Li Hao and Qin Jinhui squeezed through the crowd to get in, and a stinky rotten smell came over their faces.

Inside, Yan Yunying fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, probably because she ran into this alley in a panic and bumped into a few trash cans on the side of the road. The food was all over her body and face.

But Li Hao didn't have time to pay attention to these things at all. The first thing he saw when he came in was the half-burned corpse in a fallen trash can opposite Yan Yunying.

Deputy Yao was standing one meter away from her, not because he thought it was smelly or dirty, but because he was afraid of damaging the scene.

He was talking on the mobile phone, Li Hao vaguely heard a few descriptions of the scene, it should be called back to the bureau.

When his eyes fell on Yan Yunying, Li Hao immediately changed his opinion of her a lot.

Yan Yunying's body was covered with rubbish, and there was even a lump of black and unidentified objects on her hair. Although she was in a mess and her clothes were dirty and torn, she still gritted her teeth and endured it. , for fear of accidentally destroying something that might be evidence.

He suddenly remembered what Eve meant by the phrase different in the morning.

Although Yan Yunying is very annoying, she always targets Eve, regardless of her ability, but one thing is undeniable, she is indeed a good policeman.

While he was still thinking wildly, Qin Jinhui took out his mobile phone and called Eve.

When the phone rang, Eve was looking at the computer and looking at the photos that police officer Liu sent her to search the basement where Chen Huilan lived again.As she expected, Ji Yuanchong was beheaded in the bathtub of the bathroom.

Although Chen Huilan cleaned the entire bathroom with disinfectant afterwards, she missed a place. The trace inspection experts found residual traces of blood in the gap between the mirror and the wall.

And there is also good news from Wang Weiyu. On the way Chen Huilan was transporting the freezer, a camera at the door of a 24-hour convenience store captured Chen Huilan's figure. In addition, Chen Huilan was found discarded by the river near Chen Huilan's home. A set of fingerprints were extracted on the handle of the tricycle, and paint scratches that matched the freezer were also found in the pocket.

All the clues add up to sue Chen Huilan. Just as Eve breathed a sigh of relief, the phone rang.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Qin Jinhui's name on the screen, and Jiang Xuhan picked up the phone.

"Is there something going on so late?" The tone was very rude.

It's okay to work in the same autopsy room for eight hours a day, but now it's almost ten o'clock to call, which is tolerable or unbearable. Young Master Jiang said that he couldn't bear it!

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a hit on the head, and the phone was taken away by Eve.


On the other end of the phone, the corners of Qin Jinhui's lips twitched slightly, and his voice remained calm as usual at work, "Aren't you asleep yet?"

"No," Eve heard the noisy voice on the phone, and vaguely felt that something might have happened again, "Is there a case?"

"Well, a charred corpse was found in an alley on Huaqing Road."

"Is the nature of the case determined? Burned to death or cremated after death?"

"I don't know yet. Captain Yan found it. It was in a trash can. Judging by the state of the trash can, it should have been burned directly inside, and then the entire trash can was thrown here."

"That's a murder case." Eve looked serious, "You protect the scene, I'll go over right away."

After hanging up the phone, she looked at Jiang Xuhan with some guilt.

"Go change your clothes, I'll drive you there." Jiang Xuhan, who was still jealous just now, has regained his composure, raised his hand and rubbed her head, "The case is important, you don't have to worry about me, just like you said, be serious People who work are the sexiest, and in my eyes, you are the sexiest with a scalpel."

The white light projected from the computer screen was very bright, and it fell on his face, coating it with a layer of cold white, reflecting the deepness of his eyes, making the smile on his lips even more warm.

Eve hugged him, and her tone became soft, "I'll let Xiaofeng send me off. You stay at home, and I will come back as soon as possible."

After all, a corpse was found there. Although it was charred, there was no guarantee that there would be no blood left. The Huaqing Road area was crowded with people, so accidents would easily happen if he went there.

Jiang Xuhan's eyes dimmed for a moment, but he didn't insist anymore, he said "um", picked her up and went back to the room to change clothes, and then called Xiaofeng at the door of the room.

More than half an hour later, Eve arrived at Huaqing Road.

Even though it was already eleven o'clock at night, the street was still very lively, especially the place where the police cars were parked, which was crowded with crowds of onlookers. There were many police officers outside the cordon to maintain order and prevent some troublemakers from breaking in. .

With the assistance of several police officers and Xiaofeng, Eve was able to enter the scene after several twists and turns.

In the alley, trace inspection experts came faster than her. They had already cleaned up and collected the garbage on Yan Yunying's body, and scattered around to search and take samples inch by inch.

Yan Yunying didn't leave, she was wearing Deputy Team Yao's coat, and stood aside waiting without saying a word.

Eve glanced at her and walked over to Qin Jinhui and Li Hao without saying a word.

The EH staff had already sent the toolbox over, and the three of them exchanged glances, put on gloves and masks, and started working.

"Let's have a brief understanding of the situation first," Eve frowned and glanced at the mess on the scene, "It's not easy to survey such a scene, there are three overturned trash cans, and the garbage is all mixed together, and it's hard to tell which ones are It's in the one with the dead body. Moreover, the dead body doesn't know how long it's been in there, and the garbage that was thrown in may have polluted the evidence on the dead body."

Qin Jinhui nodded, pulled Li Hao around the trash can, and frowned when he saw a few bold mice in the corner, "Try to find a way to catch those mice, they may have eaten the corpse, if you want Take it back for an autopsy to see if there are any fine bones of the corpse."

Eve approached the trash can with a flashlight, first looked at the inner wall of the trash can, it was scorched black, Qin Jinhui was right, no matter whether the deceased was burned after death or directly burned to death, this trash can is always on fire The place.

The charred corpse fell face up on the ground, more than half of which was still in the trash can, with its feet bent and its arms stretched out by its sides.

After inspecting it, she asked the staff to bring a body bag to hold the skeletal remains.She plucked out the larger bones first, then burrowed halfway into the trash can to collect the tiny bones.

At the bottom of the trash can was a thick puddle of burnt bones, the charred remains of the trash can, and some liquid trash.

Eve took out all the bone components from this pile of dirt as much as possible, and the remaining dirt may contain relatively small bone fragments, so she decided to take the entire trash can back to the office for a filter test to see if there were any Gasoline or other combustion aids.

Bringing the skeletal remains back to the office, the first thing Eve did was to X-ray the bones.

Based on years of experience, she knows that burned bodies must be x-rayed because they sometimes contain evidence that is invisible to the naked eye.

For example, in a case she encountered in her previous life, the X-ray of the burnt skull showed a bright white spot above the eye that X-rays cannot penetrate.The white spot turned out to be lead, from a bullet that had been melted by the murderer's fire and dripped into the sinuses.Had it not been for the X-rays of the skull, she would never have known that the man had been shot to the head.

"How's the situation? Is there any bullet residue?" Yan Yunying didn't go home, but followed her to the office. After a quick rush in the bathroom in the lounge, she changed into her overalls and came to the autopsy room.

Eve didn't pick her thorns, and pointed to the X-ray film displayed on the screen, "The X-ray film revealed a small amount of opaque matter, but it appeared to be small, irregularly distributed particles, not dense stains. Smear marks, not like lead marks left by a shot through a solution."

Yan Yunying frowned, "What is that?"

As soon as she was transferred, three murders happened one after another. No matter what grievances and grievances there were between her father and Elaine, or between her and Eve, they seemed insignificant in front of the life-threatening cases, but she could still clearly understand the big things. of.

Eve said: "Based on the size and irregular distribution of the particles, and the condition of the bin in which the body was buried, I judge the particles to be exfoliated metal rust flakes."

(End of this chapter)

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