Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 202 The Dent on the Rib

Chapter 202 The Dent on the Rib (Part [-])
"So, you really went to that desert island, where your father rescued a little girl?"

Jiang Xuhan looked at Qin Jinhui without blinking, his sharp eyes were scrutinizing, as if he wanted to see through him.

Qin Jinhui met his gaze without fear, and nodded: "That's what my father said. The girl disappeared afterwards, and I was also in a coma at the time, so I didn't see it, and I didn't know what she looked like. He didn't tell me about it until today when I asked my father."

Jiang Xuhan looked at him, but didn't speak.

What a coincidence, it was so coincidental that he felt that things were far from being as simple as Qin Jinhui said.

However, no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the slightest sign that this man was lying.

After a long while, he looked sideways at Gu Beiye who was at the side.

Gu Beiye shook his head incredulously at him, indicating that the other party was not lying.

Jiang Xuhan lowered his eyes in thought.

Could it be that that girl is really Eve?
Putting away his thoughts, Jiang Xuhan turned to Qin Jinhui again, and said lightly: "There are professional criminal portrait painters in the EH forensic department. If you ask your father to go there when he has time, the paintings will be more similar to the ones drawn by your father himself." quick."

Qin Jinhui nodded, picked up the phone and called his father again.

Eve stood on the side in a daze, thinking about what she had lost her mind just now.

Qin Jinhui was on the phone just now, and then she suddenly lost her mind. What was she thinking when she was distracted? After Qin Jinhui woke her up, she couldn't remember.

What the hell is wrong with her?
Or, is it Qin Jinhui... No, is it another personality of his who came out and did something to her?
Eve looked at Qin Jinhui's silhouette on the phone and narrowed her eyes.

Just now, when he was on the phone, one hand seemed to be typing on the computer desk...

At first, she thought that Qin Jinhui met Lucifer by accident and witnessed something that made him overly stimulated, which led to the creation of a personality based on Lucifer.

But thinking about it carefully, this seems unlikely.

For one thing, even if Qin Jinhui had met Lucifer, the two could only meet each other in a hurry. It was impossible for Qin Jinhui to know what kind of person Lucifer was, and how could he form such a personality?
Secondly, during the entire journey, Qin Jinhui was basically with his father. Except for suddenly fainting on a deserted island, nothing happened at other times.

On the deserted island, Qin Jinhui's father didn't see anyone else, so what made Qin Jinhui faint?When Qin Jinhui's father found the little girl, what exactly did Qin Jinhui see or experience that caused him to faint suddenly and burn for three days?
Gradually, a bold and bizarre idea formed in her mind.

She began to wonder, is it possible that the so-called other personality in Qin Jinhui's body was the soul reborn in Qin Jinhui's body after Lucifer's death, forming a situation where two souls share one body?

If it was in the past, she who only believed in science would not have believed in this kind of thing, because it was too incredible.

It's just that she was reborn herself, so it seems that Lucifer's rebirth after death is not so hard to believe.

Although it is not the same as her situation, but in the final analysis, it is also a rebirth, but it is the same, so everything seems to make sense.

I just don't know, whether Qin Jinhui himself knows that there is another soul in his body.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Xuhan lowered his head and rubbed her hair, "Why did you come down all of a sudden?"

On the opposite side, Qin Jinhui also looked over when he heard the voice.

Looking away, as if nothing had happened, Eve turned to him and smiled, "It's nothing, I just woke up and suddenly realized that I might have forgotten an important place and didn't check it clearly, so I came down and planned to check it again."

No one saw, Qin Jinhui turned around, lowered his eyelashes slightly, the shadows falling under the eyelids seemed to tremble slightly, he clenched his hands in his trouser pockets tightly, trying his best to restrain himself and maintain calm.

It was just a little bit, just a little bit close to undoing the hypnosis to make her remember, and then make her forget about that man, but Jiang Xuhan and the others came in at this time!

There was a hint of mischief in the blue-green eyes, and Qin Jinhui's gentle voice continued: "Well, Dad, that's it, if you have time, go there... It's urgent... Well, thank you Dad."

After hanging up the phone, the moment Qin Jinhui turned around, his expression returned to normal, he looked at Jiang Xuhan and said, "My father said he would go there today."

Jiang Xuhan nodded and said nothing.

Eve put on her gloves calmly, stepped forward and stood in front of the autopsy table, "Qin Jinhui, turn on the scanning microscope, I want to take another look at the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs on the deceased's left chest."

Qin Jinhui responded, turned around and walked to the work table to turn on the scanning microscope.

Eve focused on her work, put four ribs on a plate, carried them over to sit on a chair, and checked each rib one by one.

No marks were found on the 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs, and when she saw the 6th rib, Eve finally saw that there was a small, sharp indentation on the rib, which looked like it had been cut by a thin-bladed knife. The kind of dent you might make when you pierce the rib cage, penetrate the lungs.

In this way, the possibility of this person being Lucifer is even greater.

Seeing her raise her head suddenly, Jiang Xuhan and Qin Jinhui asked at the same time: "How is it?"

Jiang Xuhan glanced at Qin Jinhui, leaned over with one hand on the back of the chair, and leaned closer, "Any new discoveries?"

Eve connected the scan result to the computer and displayed it on the big screen. She pointed to the dent above with the mouse and said, "We couldn't distinguish this mark with the naked eye before, but now we can see it from the dent on the bone. Judging from the location, direction and shape of the lines, it appears to have been caused by a cutting or stabbing action."

Qin Jinhui looked at the dent, touched his chin, and said: "This dent does not leave any jagged marks, so it must not be caused by a jagged sharp tool. It should be caused by a sharp thin-bladed tool at one time."

Eve pursed her lips and looked at him, but couldn't tell what it was like.

I have a slight shake in my previous guess. Can anyone really maintain such a calm mind when they see their original body turned into a skeleton?
She couldn't help asking herself, if she suddenly saw her own body, would she be able to calm down and examine her own body?

The answer is no.

Because it's so weird, isn't it?
But Qin Jinhui did it.

Or maybe, Qin Jinhui really doesn't know the existence of another soul, or maybe, the other personality is not Lucifer at all.

"It's just that the dent is so small, what kind of sharp weapon made it?" Qin Jinhui muttered to himself while looking at the dent on the screen with frowning eyes.

Eve pulled back her thoughts and magnified the image six times, and a clear image was displayed on the screen.

The knife marks on the ribs suddenly had nowhere to hide, but the image was a bit blurred, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Let's find out the chemical substances contained in the dent first." Eve looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see what kind of sharp weapon could cause such trauma.

In addition to providing sharp 3D images, the Jefferson Institute's SEM scanning electron microscope can also be combined with element probes to identify the chemicals present in the dents, even in small quantities, but they can still be accurately identified.

She turned around and took the rib out of the microscope, and handed it to Qin Jinhui, "You saw off the part with the dent, put it in a vacuum chamber, and then coat it with a thin carbon film that is almost invisible to assist the test piece. Conduct electricity, remove surface charges, and avoid interfering images."

After Qin Jinhui sawed off the ribs and took them for coating in the vacuum chamber, Gu Beiye asked Eve, "Will I know the identity of the deceased as long as Xiaochen restores the head portrait? Why do you need to test these?"

Eve straightened her face and said, "Regardless of whether the deceased is Lucifer or not, as long as the body is found, we as forensic doctors should investigate the cause of death, the time between deaths and the lethal weapon. And let potential murderers go free.”

If this body was not Lucifer, but someone who had been murdered and thrown into the sea and washed up on a deserted island, even if she couldn't find out the murderer, at least she could figure out the cause of his death.And the weird indentation on his ribs, her intuition told her that it was a very special murder weapon, and if she figured out what it was, that unique peculiarity might allow them to narrow down the scope of the murderer's search.

There is another reason that she didn't say, but it is also the most important reason, that is, she wants to use this to see Qin Jinhui's reaction.

Qin Jinhui and Jiang Xuhan have never been here before, so they don't know, but she has been dragged by Principal Jon hundreds of times before, and she knows very well that there are miniature cameras installed in many places that cannot be seen. It is to prevent someone from tampering with instruments, evidence and corpses.

She asked Qin Jinhui to apply the coating, firstly to see if Qin Jinhui was equally calm in a place where no one was around, and secondly to see if he would take the opportunity to do something to his ribs.

"Understood!" Gu Beiye nodded in understanding, then raised his eyebrows again, "However, if the corpse is really Lucifer, the wound may have been caused by Han Xingyu. Assassins are fast, precise and ruthless, all aiming at vital points, not to mention ordinary people, even those with good skills, if you face him, if you are not careful, you will be killed with one move."

Eve also recalled the tricks he and Gu Beiye had used when Han Xingyu was rounded up that day. Indeed, Gu Beiye was not even a little bit worse than him.

If they hadn't been prepared to monitor the situation next door, Gu Beiye would have suffered a lot.

"Unfortunately, I didn't see him using a weapon that day." Eve frowned slightly, carefully recalling every movement of Han Xingyu when he shot, "The posture and angle of his shot, I always think he should use some hidden weapon of."

Jiang Xuhan nodded, "I think so too."

As he spoke, he imitated the way Han Xingyu punched Gu Beiye that day to Xu Boyu, and said, "Especially this time, it's not aimed at the Achilles' heel of the human body, but the ribs that can quickly lose the ability to resist." , The power of a fist is far less than that of a sharp weapon. If a blow fails, it is easy for the opponent to fight back. It is impossible for a person like Han Xingyu to make such a mistake."

 Dear friends, the number of words in the next update has increased by [-] words, so there will be more coins, not because of arbitrary charges, but because of the increase in the number of words!

(End of this chapter)

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