Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 229 At The Door Again

Chapter 229 At The Door Again (Part [-])

Eve's findings so far include deformed toe bones, enlarged nutrient delivery holes in hands and feet, cortical damage to at least one palm and now abnormal eye sockets with numerous pits.

Eve already has a lot of clue points and just needs to connect them all.

One thing was certain—the girl had been ill.

But what disease is it?Was it the disease that killed her?If so, what about her face being caved in?Was it destroyed after death?

Pursing her lips, Eve let go of the doubts in her mind, washed the entire left eye socket with warm water, and then placed it under a scanning microscope.

Looking at it this way, she discovered something that surprised her even more.

Along the bottom of the superior orbital rim, just inside where the upper orbital rim thickens, there is a black ripple.

This is, root indentation?Moreover, it is still written! ?

Eve was startled, and quickly magnified, and the small handwritten characters became clearly visible.


That is Mammon, one of the seven images of the legendary devil Satan, the cunning and greedy old devil king who is in charge of liberating magic power, and the corresponding evil is greed.

Eve's heart sank as she realized that this was most likely one of the victims in a string of horrific cases.

For the seven deadly crimes, there should be seven victims.

Hope it's just a coincidence.

She put the skull back on the bench and began to clear the dirt from her nostrils with a long, sharp probe.

The nostrils are like an inverted heart, with a narrow top and a convex bottom. There are no thorns on the lower edge of this heart-shaped east and west.

Eve found that the bridge of the nose was broad, with two bones pointing toward the midline to form a cusp, and that the surface around the nostrils looked like a sponge, suggesting absorption by the surrounding maxilla.

The girl's characteristic nose shape was deformed by the disease.

What is the disease that causes defects in the hands, feet, eye sockets, and nose?

Could there be something else missing from the cranium?
Eve checked everything inside and out again, and everything was normal on the top of the skull, and the base of the skull was also normal.The hard palate remained intact.The premaxilla, or most of the front of the mouth, was gone along with the front teeth, so it couldn't be viewed.

She focused on the back of the skull, however, nothing new was found beyond what was already known.

Hands, feet, eye sockets, nose, what kind of disease process can cause such extensive bone loss?

Eve once again considered various possibilities.

Diagnosis requires research, but with so much bone missing, the picture can be grim.

Just as she was thinking, an unexpected person walked in with a serious face.

"Miss Eve." Fanny stopped in front of her, cleared his throat, and said directly, "I came here to ask, can I be your assistant by your side? The aspect is very powerful, if you keep me, you will definitely be even more powerful."

Eve: "..."

So, he went to B University, in fact, to get close to her?

Did he come here for her, or for Qin Jinhui?
Eve looked him up and down calmly, and Fanny felt a little uneasy inexplicably with that calm look in his eyes, like a primary school student being scrutinized by a teacher, with a hint of anticipation in the uneasiness.

What the hell!
Thinking about it, he only felt this way when the leader selected the guards and he accepted the review. Why did he feel this way when he met this little girl?
Fanny bit the bullet and let her look at her. After waiting for a long time without seeing her speak, his heart was pounding.

He has no choice but to come here today, his major is limited, he can only find a way to sneak into University B as a lecturer in the computer department, but he doesn't want to, this girl doesn't go to lectures at all, let alone getting close to her, even meeting her is difficult .

I couldn't think of any other way, so Fanny had to come and speak directly.

After all, a talent like him is what the League of Nations wants to recruit. If he came here in person and expressed his desire to be used by her, she would definitely not refuse.

But facing Eve's expressionless face, Fanny was a little uncertain for a moment.

Shouldn't you refuse?


Eve put down her skull, took off her gloves, looked at Fanny and said seriously: "You said your hacking skills are very good?"

Fanny nodded vigorously, "Well, very powerful. In this field, I dare say that I am the second, but no one dares to say that I am the first!"

What he didn't say was that, except for an E who was so mysterious that he couldn't figure it out.Because that great master has disappeared since a year ago, and hackers all over the world are guessing whether E has changed careers or fallen in love, so that he no longer stays at home to study hacking technology.

Of course, this is all a joke, and more of a thought, maybe, the great master was recruited by the League of Nations and changed his style so that people can't recognize him.

Eve lowered her eyelashes, and her long eyelashes concealed the eagerness in her eyes.


There was a very shallow smile on the corner of her lips, she tilted her head and said, "Well, if you can break through my firewall, I'll let you stay by my side, how about it?"

Fanny froze, "Miss Eve... are you a hacker too?"

Eve shook her head, "No, I just studied for two years."

Well, I learned it for two years when I was ten years old, and then, when I was bored or under too much pressure, I just played around with the databases of those internationally famous hackers.

Really, she's not a hacker.

Hearing what she said, Fanny was very happy to be able to stay by her side this time so as to complete the task assigned by the leader, but on the other hand, he felt a little uncomfortable.

I have only studied for two years, so what is the difference between a beginner and a beginner?
To say such a condition in front of him, this girl really underestimated him!

Fanny pursed her lips, suppressed the displeasure in her heart, and said, "Miss Eve, I hope you won't play tricks then."

"of course not."

"That's good." Fanny took off the computer bag on his shoulders, put it on the computer table aside, looked at the computer on the table, "Is this the computer you want me to attack? Or is it in your office?" of?"

Eve took two steps over there, pulled out the chair and sat down, "Just this one."

The computers in the office, when she first came to work, she installed a firewall developed by herself, so it doesn't matter which computer it is.

While talking, she turned on the computer and moved slowly.

Penny glanced at her, choked on her calm attitude, and the breath stuck in his throat, unable to get up or down.

He'll make her cry later!
Fanny didn't even sit down, took out his laptop and put it on the table, leaned over to turn on the computer, and clicked a page of codes, typing the codes quickly with his ten fingers on the keyboard.

On the other side of him, Eve just tapped the keyboard repeatedly, without any intention of strengthening the firewall.

It was the first time he was underestimated so thoroughly, and Fanny tapped the keyboard even faster.

Wait for a while, one more minute, and he will ask her to call her daddy!

He wants to let her know how powerful the assistant he will get is!
After typing the code in a blink of an eye, Fanny raised one corner of his mouth and hit the Enter key.

An office firewall used by a small office, it takes less than a minute for him to get in...fuck you!

What is this ghost?

The smile on the corner of Fanny's mouth froze, staring at the computer screen suddenly occupied by a large number of cactus patterns, unable to recover for a long time.

Was he blackmailed?
Fanny managed to stabilize his mind, and typed a series of codes on the keyboard in an attempt to rescue him.

However, the cacti kept popping up, and soon covered the previous ones, densely packed with cacti patterns.

It just happened in the blink of an eye. He wanted Eve to call him dad just now, but what happened?The person who is completely abused is himself, okay?

Fanny is not someone who can't afford to lose, especially for someone like him who has admired and admired the strong since he was a child. Now this girl is not crushing him in other ways, but because he is most attracted to her. The proud hacker technically killed himself. After being shocked, Fanny looked at her with fiery eyes and blurted out: "Dad!"

Eve: "..."

Is this person out of his mind?
"you lose."

She said lightly, and as soon as she finished speaking, Fanny held her hands excitedly, and said incoherently: "Well, I am convinced by the defeat, Dad, I will be your little brother from now on, please accept it." I!"


Become an assistant if you win, and call your father a younger brother if you lose?This, is there a difference?

However, she didn't intend to refuse from the beginning. Only by staying with such a person can she better know what Lucifer's intentions are.

How could a free and rebellious existence like Fanny suddenly want to be by his side as an assistant?
In fact, both parties knew their intentions, and they were testing each other. If that was the case, then they should test at a close distance, so as to save her from being distracted by investigating the fallen angel when she was busy with other cases.

It would be great if we could come all at once!

She wanted to see someone even stronger than Han Xingyu.

Withdrawing her hand, Eve took a step back and said lightly, "You can stay if you want, but I have one condition."

"As long as I can stay, let alone one condition, I can agree to ten!" Fanny said impatiently, his eyes sparkling.

For a moment, Eve felt that this man was as pure and enthusiastic as a child in some respects.Those who love love very much, those who dislike hate very much, and love and hate are very clear.

In this regard, Emma seems to be the same, I don't know if other people are also like this.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Eve straightened her face and said, "I have a case here, that is, the skeleton on the autopsy table. The identity is unknown. The two bought it in an antique shop in Tongzhou City. I hope you can understand it." Go investigate that antique shop and see if there is anything wrong with the owner."

(End of this chapter)

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