Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 244 Will catch them

Chapter 244 I will catch them (one more)
After hearing this, Eve didn't ask any more questions, and motioned Yan Yunying to click on the first video.

Yan Yunying double-clicked to open it, a player interface popped up, and then the four of them saw a scene that no one could have imagined.

The video, captured with a one-handed camcorder, is of poor quality, with no sound at all, and lasts around 6 minutes.

The background is a white room.

White walls, white floors, white sheets and quilts, no windows, no other furniture except beds, let alone electrical appliances, it's like a room in a mental hospital.

However, no one paid attention to this, and all their attention was focused on the girl lying on the bed.

The girl was lying on her back, her face was pale, her hair was messy, and she looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.After a while, she propped her body up on her elbows, her face slowly turned to the camera, and then moved away quickly, her pupils were like caves, so dark that she couldn't see any light.

Then the four of them saw a black figure gradually approaching the girl's body. The girl shook her head to express her disapproval. Her eyes were full of despair. A figure wearing white latex gloves entered the picture and quickly controlled the girl's limbs.

"What are they trying to do?" Yan Yunying sank her fingers into her palms and looked at the picture in disbelief, "That bastard Xu Hui is just watching?"

Eve knew that she was wrong, but she didn't want to say anything, because she was powerless and angry.

In the picture, a man enters with his back to the camera. He turns the girl over, fixes her hands and feet with leather rings and chains, then picks up a syringe and injects her with something unknown on her arm.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the four people saw that the girl's exposed hands, feet and cheeks were quickly covered with dense and disgusting red spots like red pimples, and the surrounding skin took on the color of pus.

The girl was lying on the bed, helpless and powerless.

Slowly, her whole body began to twitch, foaming at the mouth, and after a while, she was completely still.


The video was over, and the player returned to darkness, but no one moved, and no one said a word.

In the folder, there were many more videos. There were nearly a hundred of them lined up in rows, and this was probably only a small part of them. This also showed that the victims were far more than the eight people they knew.

No one knows how many people the organization of the Seven Deadly Sins has killed in order to develop the virus.

Eve took two deep breaths, raised her legs abruptly, and rushed out of the office.The brain completely lost consciousness, and the impulses of the limbs were directly transmitted to the nerves.

She has never liked to use violence to control violence, but for a person like the Seven Deadly Sins, it is not an exaggeration to cut them into pieces.

There were footsteps behind her, but Eve didn't look back.

In the hallway, she stood by the window, looking out the window with her arms folded.

She needs something realistic to support her almost collapsed nerves, the sunlight outside the window, trees, tall buildings, passing vehicles and crowds.

A hand rests on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Lucifer asked softly.

Eve didn't turn around to look at him, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "It's okay, I just suddenly feel that I am useless, I can't save them, and I can't catch those people right away."

She was feeling frustrated and angry about her own incompetence, and she even had the urge to rush to the Sava family desperately, just like Lucifer destroyed the Han family back then, she simply used lynching to kill them all.

Once it's over, don't let them harm anyone again.

Lucifer didn't speak.

"Why? To save his own life, to kill so many innocent lives for some nonsense rituals? How can people be so evil? To kill so many people for their own benefit? "

"We'll catch them."

"These people are trash, polluting the world, they don't even deserve to breathe the air on Earth!"

Lucifer frowned, but still said firmly: "We will catch them."

A tear welled up in her eye, and Eve wiped it from her cheek with the back of her hand.

"And then? Can those who catch them and put them in prison to die come back to life? Can those broken families forget their pain and regain happiness? There are too many sins in this world, and we really Can I protect them? Even if I was at the scene of the crime, I might not be able to save them and protect them."

Eve turned around suddenly and looked into his blue and green eyes.

"In that laptop, how many kids like that are we going to see? All alone, terrified, powerless, like I was on a boat and I just watched them burn and suffocate and drown Die, Eco, there's nothing I can do."

"Sure enough, you still remembered." Lucifer sighed, "I knew you would be like this, so I regret that I should have followed Han Xingyu's plan and slowly unraveled the hypnosis back then."

Eve lowered her head and didn't look at him again. She closed her eyes and opened them again, "There are no eternal secrets in this world, Eco. From the moment Han Xingyu found me, the gears of fate turned again. He, and others, you can't stop."

The mastermind behind the scenes is the Seven Deadly Sins, Han Xingyu is just a pawn, it could be someone else, they can't escape.

"Xiao Fu, those people are rubbish with broken morals. Don't forget your mission just because of them. I don't want you to go down my old path and never turn back. No matter what time it is, don't forget the justice in your heart. Don't try to cross your line, I believe, one day you will catch them."

"What if there are more victims before this?" Eve gritted her teeth and said, "We knew it was the Savoy family and the Redemption Club, so why wait?"

"Because you are a forensic doctor and a law enforcement officer in the legal system, you must follow the law. We already know that it is them, so let's keep an eye on them so that they don't dare to act rashly, and then collect key evidence to catch them all , instead of trying to try the law by yourself and destroying yourself."

"If sacrificing me can drag them all to hell, then it's worth it."

Those people are the ones who will kill her relatives and friends, including Jiang Xuhan, and she will never let them get away with it!

Eco felt that she was really bewildered, and only felt regretful.

He held her shoulders, looked at her blood-stained eyes, and said slowly, "What about after that? There are not only criminal groups like the Seven Deadly Sins in this world, there are many more that we haven't seen yet." Found out, you sacrifice yourself, who will guard the killer whale in the future? Who will guard Jiang Xuhan?"

Eve froze and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

She knew he was right. Everything in this world has two sides. Where there is light, there is darkness. Besides the seven deadly sins, there are too many sins.

What's more, she promised Jiang Xuhan that she would never abandon him. If something happened to her, Jiang Xuhan would be very sad.The same goes for other people, her parents, Jian You and the others, will also be sad.

Eko knew that she was shaken, and continued to work harder: "Don't worry, I will help you, and the rest of the fallen angels will too. We will definitely be able to catch those people!"

"Those who died," Eve's voice was so small that she could barely hear, "I can't help them at all."

She wasn't just talking about the people who were captured for experiments, but also about the children who were on the ship ten years ago.

"It's not your fault, Xiaofu, we are human beings, no matter how powerful we are, we are only human beings, not gods. In this world, there are many things that we are powerless to do. Maybe we are powerless to change what has happened, but we At least we can seek justice for those who died, so as not to let them die in ignorance."

"Okay," Eve said, wiping the tears off her cheeks with the palm of her hand, "I know what to do."

After finishing speaking, she began to walk back to the office, took two steps, and stopped again, "Eco, let's cooperate! Killer whales and fallen angels, together find out these disgusting false angels!"

"Okay, I will sort out other people's information and give it to you as soon as possible."

Eco looked at her back, closed his eyes, and gave up.

Jiang Xuhan, if he doesn't want something to happen to her, then he absolutely can't touch her.It can be seen from just now that no matter what reason he says, it is not as useful as mentioning the three words Jiang Xuhan.

He couldn't even imagine what she would be like without Jiang Xuhan.

Jiang Xuhan, you'd better not do something that hurt Xiaofu's heart, otherwise I will never let you go!

With a long sigh of relief, Qin Jinhui shivered, looked around suspiciously, scratched his head, and returned to the office.

The next three hours were the darkest of the four's lives.

These videos are not titled, and the time is the same, it is likely to be the time when it was transferred to the computer.

The four worked tirelessly to check the folders and video files one by one, digitally enhanced the images with the eve system to make the videos clearer, and tried to find some inconspicuous clues.

The clothes on the children, the serial numbers on the instruments, the trademarks on the sheets and quilts, and even the reflections on the screens of the instruments, as long as you recognize one thing, you will be one step closer to finding the murderer.

After watching all the videos, they discovered that not every clip was as horrific as the first.

Some children did not die quickly, and even the skin did not show obvious changes immediately. Of course, this is also possible because the first girl has received several injections, and the girl who has not changed is the first. receiving injections.

Because they don't know when the video was taken, and it's impossible to view it in chronological order.

None of these videos belong to the same victim. Some of them look like they have been taken for some years, and some of them seem to have been taken recently. Judging from the subtle differences in the shooting methods, they should not be taken by the same person.

This shows that Xu Hui was not the only one who took the picture, and judging from his age, maybe his father was also involved in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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