Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 278 Difficult to separate

Chapter 278 It's Difficult to Separate (Part [-])
Eve sent the test results to Tang Jingqi, changed into work clothes, and led Principal Jon and Rick Butler directly to the autopsy room.

Once inside, a gust of cold air hits your face, mixed with the smell of frozen muscle and spoilage.

"This is the body that was dug up yesterday?" Principal Jon looked at the body bag that had just been rolled out from the cold storage, and rubbed his nose with his hand.

Eve took out two masks and handed them to them, "The smell is a bit strong, you'd better wear some."

Qin Jinhui was checking the documents, wrote the case number on the identification card, and took a photo of the unopened body bag. Eve turned on the computer and prepared a few pieces of paper for Qin Jinhui to record.

After looking at the number of the previous case, Qin Jinhui wrote YC20191121069 on the logo card.

Region, time, case No. 69 of this year.

After making these preparations, Eve spread a white cloth on the autopsy table and installed a filter on the sink. Like Qin Jinhui, she put on a plastic apron, protective mask and gloves.

Qin Jinhui unzipped the zipper of the body bag.

The stench of corpses in the autopsy room became stronger, making Principal Jon and Housekeeper Rick take a few steps back.

The hair and lost teeth are in a plastic container, and Eve lays them out on the counter.

When the body bag was fully opened, the entire skeleton remained intact and nothing was lost.Between the spine, the leg bone and the tibia are connected because there is still dried tissue.Other separated bones were disrupted during the handling.

"Collect all the parts with parasites first, and put them into a small bottle." Eve glanced at Qin Jinhui. Clean up the dust on the surface and collect it for later inspection."

Qin Jinhui responded and began to bow his head to collect insects.

Eve arranged the bones without parasites on the white cloth in order.

This is a tedious task. Principal Jon watched it for a while, then left with Steward Rick to visit other places.

Yan Yunying didn't bother them when she came. She moved a chair and sat not far away. Wearing a mask, she looked at the bones on the white cloth from time to time, but most of all she was looking at Qin Jinhui who was concentrating on his work.

Ever since knowing his secret, Yan Yunying found it difficult to maintain a calm state of mind.

In her opinion, it was really difficult for her to distinguish the two people.

Even if she knew that the personalities of the two people were actually very different, she could tell them apart from the subtle facial expressions on his face without looking at their eyes, but in her heart, it was still difficult to convince them that they were two people .

Whether it was Qin Jinhui or Lucifer, they had all saved her.

While she was thinking wildly, the two at the autopsy table had basically finished their work, collecting two large basins and four small bottles of evidence.

The entire skeleton lay on the autopsy table piece by piece like a specimen.

This busy work lasted until noon, and the three of them went to the restaurant to have a simple lunch together. They didn't see Principal Jon and the others coming, so they probably went out to eat.

After resting for a while after the meal, Eve and Qin Jinhui returned to the autopsy room. Yan Yunying went to the tea room to make two cups of coffee with insight and handed them to the two.

"Aren't you going to drink?" Qin Jinhui asked after taking a sip, looking at her.

Yan Yunying waved his hand, with an expression of being unbearable, "I don't have such a strong appetite as you. How is the body identification going?"

Before eating, Eve had carefully identified each piece and recorded them one by one. Qin Jinhui also took photos and took X-rays of the skull, mandible and lost teeth.

Eve put down the coffee, picked up a pelvic bone, pointed to the front and said: "The pubic bone is thick, the lower end is thick, and the angle under the pubic bone is a sharp V shape instead of a U shape—"

As she spoke, she turned the bone upside down, inserted a finger into the hollow of the pelvis, and continued: "Look, the hip joint is very narrow."

"Speak human!" Yan Yunying rolled her eyes.

Qin Jinhui answered calmly: "It is preliminarily determined to be a male."

Eve nodded in agreement, put down the pelvis and picked up the skull, "Let's look at the skull again. The brow ridge is higher, the eye sockets are thicker, and the occipital bone is also larger."

"They are all masculine characteristics." Qin Jinhui explained to Yan Yunying, then lowered his head and filled in the word "male" on the autopsy report.

Yan Yunying asked: "What about your age?"

Usually, the last molars grow out around the age of 20, that is, when the human skeleton is fully mature. The last focus of bone growth is the formation of the small cap on the throat side of the collarbone.Adulthood is marked by the fusion of the clavicles and the eruption of the molars.

The molars of the deceased were all in place, which means that he was over 20 years old.

Eve picked up a collarbone and looked at it, "The epiphysis in the middle is completely ossified, so it must not be a child."

Putting down the collarbone, she looked back at the pelvis again.

This time she focused on the front where the two pelvic bones meet.If you are young, these junctions should be relatively high, and as you get older, the height will be smoothed out.

"The pubic symphysis is smooth," she said, looking up. "The edges around it are raised, which means he's not a young man anymore."

Qin Jinhui handed over a dozen X-rays, "This is an X-ray of the deceased's teeth."

Eve took one by one and put them on the unscrewed light box. It can be seen that all the molars are complete, and the crown on the top has been worn to the minimum.

"The age shown by the teeth is consistent with the skeleton," Eve concluded, "over 40 years old, male, Asian. Because of the large differences in men, be on the safe side, and the age is best set between 35 and 50 years old .”

"What about the time between deaths?"

Eve pointed to the plastic bottle on the table, "There are a lot of blowfly pupa shells, dead beetles and beetle shells in it, and the time between deaths is about one to five years."

Yan Yunying frowned, "The span is too large, can't you be more precise?"

"I need more time."

"When will the facial reconstruction of the deceased be completed?"

"Tomorrow, our restorer has severe morning sickness, and I'm on leave. I still need to check these bones, and I'll give them to you before noon tomorrow at the earliest."

Yan Yunying nodded, "Any other discoveries?"

Eve shook her head, "I didn't find any healed wounds or natural abnormalities, and I didn't find any unique skeletal characteristics. The only thing that can get results right now is height."

Yan Yunying raised her hand and rubbed her temples, looking a little sluggish, "What's the cause of death?"

"Not very clear." Eve also found it a little difficult to deal with. "There are no fractures, no signs of bullets entering and exiting, and no signs of cutting with sharp objects. After it is thoroughly cleaned, I will zoom in on the entire skeleton for inspection."

Yan Yunying sighed, that was the only way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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