Chapter 283
Back in the urban area, it was already dark, and the three of them had no plans to leave work, but went to the office together, intending to find out the identity of the deceased first.

Half an hour later, the photos and names restored by the eve system made the three of them fall into silence.

The name displayed on the ID card is Tang Zhibo.

"The owner of the antique shop in Tongzhou City..." Yan Yunying stared at the photo on the computer screen and said, "Didn't he commit suicide by jumping into the river? Why did he appear in the woods of Mount Li?"

Eve's complexion was also not very good. She pursed her lips and said, "The body has never been found. Maybe it's just a cover-up created by the murderer."

"So Tang Zhibo didn't hang himself, but was killed?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Jinhui said, "Before the autopsy, it was said that these were baseless guesses. Maybe he knew that we would find him sooner or later, and committing suicide in fear of crime may not be the case."

Yan Yunying frowned, "The time is not right, this corpse seems to have been dead for at least a month, and it was only a week ago when we found the antique shop, can this Tang Zhibo be a prophet?"

Eve looked at the photo on the computer screen, thought for a while, and said, "Instead of guessing here, it's better to do an autopsy, and you'll know whether he committed suicide or was killed after the autopsy."

But at this moment, Eve's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Su Nuo calling, and there should be news from the antique shop in Tongzhou City.

Eve pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone, but heard something that the three of them couldn't think of.

"Tang Zhibo has been found. He is not dead and has gone home."

The three looked at each other, and Eve took a breath before asking, "What's going on? Didn't he leave a letter and jump into the river? Why did he come home suddenly?"

Su Nuo sneered, and said: "That guy got the news that what he sold was not the bones of ancient people but the victims of a murder case. He was afraid that the police would regard him as a murderer, so he wanted to pretend to commit suicide and run away in a moment of fear. His family members also knew about it. After reading the news that the disappearance case had been solved, he dared to go home."

Eve frowned, "Do you think they're telling the truth?"

"To be honest, I don't think so. They are all suspicious and a little weird."

"Then keep staring and be careful."

After hanging up the phone, the three of them looked at each other, the whole matter was full of doubts.

Yan Yunying leaned back in the chair, raised her hand and rubbed her temples, "Two more came at once, one was on the island and the other was on the tree. The key is why did the one on the tree have Tang Zhibo's wallet on him? acquaintance?"

Eve stood up, "Don't think about it, let's start now."

She numbered the dead man hanged on the tree as YC20191121070, changed into work clothes with Qin Jinhui, took the skeleton out of the body bag and put it on the No. 2 autopsy table.

First the connected parts, then the head, and finally the other body parts that were detached or ripped apart by the scavengers.

The brain and internal organs are gone.

The muscles and ligaments of the torso, arms, and thighs remained, some parts festered, others scorched and weathered by sun and wind.Muscle, while not conducive to skeletal analysis, may provide a quick identification.

Muscle means skin, and skin means fingerprints.

The right hand of the deceased was more intact due to the protection of the sleeve, so it was not weathered quickly, but the decay made the soft tissue extremely brittle.

"Bring some TES." Eve said to Qin Jinhui.

TES, Soft Tissue Enhancement Solution, is a citrate-buffered saline solution that is very helpful in restoring dehydrated or damaged soft tissues.

Qin Jinhui responded, poured out some TES, and heated it to fifty degrees in a microwave oven.

Eve took off the finger of the dead man's right hand from the base. The scene was like pulling out the crab's claws while eating a big crab. Yan Yunying couldn't help but swear in her heart that she would never eat crabs again.

After Qin Jinhui brought the heated solution, Eve put the severed fingers in and put them aside to soak slowly.

Yan Yunying looked at the severed fingers that had turned black, and finally couldn't help it anymore, "Take your time, I'll go to the bathroom."

Eve shrugged, and Qin Jinhui and Qin Jinhui began to examine the corpse.

Examination of the skeleton was actually quite simple, and, except for the part where the soft tissue was cut off, the other parts reminded her of the unnamed corpse on the island.

The spine is the hardest part to separate.While waiting for her fingers to soak, Eve starts with the bones where the muscles don't adhere well.

Judging from the shape of the skull and pelvis, the deceased was a male.

Teeth, ribs and pubic junction suggest he is 35 to 50 years old.

The shape of the skull and face suggested he was Asian.

Another Asian guy in his 40s.

And that's where the physical similarities end.

The deceased on Nansha Island was tall, while the body in front of him was between 1.6 and 1.7 meters tall based on the leg bones.

The former has long straight hair, while this one has short, slightly curly hair.

Unlike the deceased on Nansha Island, this man lost three molars and one premolar on his upper teeth, and his lower teeth were unknown because he could not find his jaw. There were smoke stains on the inside of his gums, indicating that the deceased was a smoker before his death.

After completing the physical outline, Eve began to look for abnormalities on the bones.

"This man looks full of scars." Qin Jinhui glanced at the deceased and frowned.

Eve was noncommittal, he was indeed right.

The deceased had a fractured fibula, a cracked isthmus, and scars on the left shoulder blade, but they all healed. X-rays showed a shadow on the left collarbone, suggesting that there may be an old injury there.

This person is not tall, but he obviously likes to cause trouble everywhere, so there are so many scars from fighting on his body.

When Yan Yunying came back, the two were still looking at those bones.

Looking at those fingers, she resisted the urge to vomit again, and reminded: "Are those fingers okay?"

Eve looked up at the time, walked towards the solution, and leaned over to look, "The tissue softened very well."

Yan Yunying: "..."

She didn't know what to say to describe this woman. She watched Eve take out those severed fingers and inject TES under the dermis with a small syringe, and the fingertips of those fingers instantly plumped up.

Yan Yunying only felt her stomach churning, she shouldn't have come back too early!
As she turned around, Eve wiped those fingers clean with rubbing alcohol, pressed a few fingerprints on the fingerprint reader, and waited for the pairing result.

As a result, it jumped out at once.

The name of the deceased was Yu Xinyang, an unemployed vagrant. The reason why his fingerprints were included in the fingerprint database was because he had been guarding himself and was arrested for stealing while working as a security guard.

Coincidentally, the place where he used to work was the mental hospital built by Basil.

(End of this chapter)

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