Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 292 It's the Woman in the Photo

Chapter 292 It's the Woman in the Photo (Part [-])
But what is going on?

Eve looked at the old woman in front of her and asked, "Grandma Chen, why is your cat with that woman? Do you know her?"

Chen Yumei's eyelashes flickered slightly, and she said helplessly: "I worked very hard, but Meisha just doesn't like me, she likes to run around, and then she meets that dirty woman, and she doesn't want to come back again gone."

Yan Yunying frowned when she heard her crazy words, "Who is that dirty woman?"

"She said her name was Ouyang Wei." Chen Yumei straightened her waist slightly, "She is a poor homeless person, and she came to this community about a year ago."

Eve and Yan Yunying looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

They never imagined that the deceased would be a homeless wandering woman.

"Do you know who she is?" Yan Yunying asked with a calm voice.

"I don't know either. I just saw her and Meisha wandering around the neighborhood a few times, and I never spoke to her."

"Then can you tell me about her situation?"

"Her," Chen Yumei lowered her voice, with a bit of disdain in her tone, "she is a poor poor person, all her possessions are probably the bag of clothes she carries with her, and I don't know how often she washes them Taking a bath, I usually live by digging through trash cans, and even sleeping, either lying in front of someone’s door or on a chair outside the community, poor thing.”

She said pitiful words, but there was no trace of pity in her expression, it seemed more of gloating.

Yan Yunying put away the discomfort in her heart, and asked again: "Then when was the last time you saw her?"

Chen Yumei flicked her chin with the fingers of her right hand. Her knuckles were thick, and there were thick calluses on her fingers. "Thinking about it now, it's been a while, and you all know that they have always lived in nowhere."

Neither Yan Yunying nor Eve spoke.

After a while, Chen Yumei seemed to finally remember, and said, "About four months ago, or six months ago? My memory is not as good as before."

"Did you really never say a word to her?" Yan Yunying asked again, "Then how did you know her name?"

"Maybe once or twice, I sometimes gave her some food, after all, she took my cat away. As for her name, the pastor of the church told me that she sometimes goes to church. "

Eve lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, "Then do you know her age?"

"Hmm—" Chen Yumei was lost in memory again, "That woman looks too dirty, I can't tell, but I remember very clearly that she has no teeth, not even a single one."

When the two heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, and they were almost sure that Ouyang Wei was the person they were looking for.

Chen Yumei sighed and said: "To be honest, although I don't like that woman, Meisha likes her very much. Besides, she really dotes on Meisha. She hangs it on her body with a worn strap all day long. It's like hugging your own baby."

Eve and Yan Yunying exchanged glances and looked in the direction of the gate.

Yan Yunying looked at Chen Yumei and said, "I'm sorry, old lady, I've wasted so much of your time, we should go back."

After speaking, the two stood up, and Chen Yumei got up as well, and walked them to the door.

The two thanked each other again and walked out the door.

Back in the car, Yan Yunying turned to look at Eve, "What do you think? Is that person in the bucket really Ouyang Wei?"

"The cat was with her. The deceased had no teeth, and she had no teeth. Also, there is no Ouyang Wei in the missing persons file. She is a homeless wandering woman. It is probably her."

Yan Yunying nodded, "Do you want to go to the church again?"


The two got out of the car again and walked to the church not far away.

When walking up the steps, Yan Yunying pointed to the two stained glass windows at the front door, "It looks like it has a long history."

"It was built during the war, and it must have a history of at least a hundred years."

This church is exquisite and completely retains the appearance when it was first built.Carved oak benches, white marble shrines, and stained glass windows depicting the life of Jesus.A pipe organ takes up a lot of space.

The air is filled with the scent of flowers and incense.

"Ask that priest over there." Yan Yunying raised her chin lightly and pointed to the priest standing in front of the shrine.

The two walked over.

The priest was a small man with high cheekbones and tawny eyes, a typical mulatto.

After the two greeted each other and revealed their identities, Yan Yunying asked him about Ouyang Wei.

The priest was very surprised, "Why did the police come to ask about Miss Ouyang? Did she commit any crime?"

Yan Yunying was silent for a while, then said: "We found a corpse, it is probably Ouyang Wei."

"My God! This is too unbelievable!" The priest drew a sign of the cross in front of him, "I am not very familiar with Miss Ouyang Wei, she is not our believer, but I have talked to her several times .”

Yan Yunying: "Can you tell me about the situation?"

The priest thought about it for a while and said: "Miss Ouyang Wei has a cat, and I am also a cat lover, so I chatted a few words about cats, and nothing else happened."

"Can you describe Ouyang Wei?"

What the priest said was completely in line with what Eve and Yan Yunying knew.

Eve asked again, "When was the last time you saw her?"

"It's been a long time, and it was early this summer."

"Do you know what other family members she has in Yancheng?"

"She seems to have a brother." The priest looked at Eve, then at Yan Yunying, and said sheepishly, "I'm sorry, we don't talk very much, I just feed her cats in the community sometimes. Water and cat food or something."

The priest is very friendly, but he is also very cautious, thinking for a few seconds before answering each question.

Eve asked again: "Do you know her brother's address?"

"I really don't know that."

"Thank you, Father." Eve took out a business card from her pocket, with her name and phone number on it, and handed it to him, "If you think of anything, please let me know."

"Of course." The priest took the business card and put it away. "It's really sad. We will pray for her soul."

The two left the church and returned to the car. Yan Yunying held the steering wheel, and instead of rushing to start the car, she asked Eve, "What shall we do next?"

"Go back first, and check Ouyang Wei tomorrow."

There is no other way at the moment, Yan Yunying sighed, started the car and took Eve home, while she went back to the police station to work overtime.

It's just that things don't always go as smoothly as expected.

The next day, Yan Yunying still didn't find any suitable person named Ouyang Wei.

She went to the office dejectedly with two dark circles under her eyes. As soon as she arrived, Eve received a call from the priest.

"Is this Miss Farber?"

Eve pressed the speakerphone, and the priest's friendly voice sounded.


"I am Father John."

"Hello, Father, did you remember anything when you called so early?"

"Yes, I suddenly remembered that Miss Ouyang Wei's brother lives in Nansha Mountain, and his name is Ouyang An. I kept recalling what she said to me that day, and finally remembered these, thinking that maybe it could help you."

"Thank you, Father, this is so helpful."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Yunying looked at Eve with a little excitement, "Nansha Mountain! That corpse can't just happen to be Ouyang An, right?"

In fact, Eve felt the same way.

"Take a DNA test and you'll know!" She had an intuition that there must be more connections between the Ouyang brothers and sisters and Yu Xinyang.

Both Yu Xinyang and the corpses on Haidao have peculiar cervical spine clefts. This may be a connection, or it may be a coincidence.

The bones on the island had gaps, but Yu Xinyang's didn't. When the woman's bones in the bucket were cleaned up, she must check her ribs and cervical spine carefully.

The woman in the bucket might be Ouyang Wei...

Wait, why is the name Ouyang Wei so familiar?

A trace of doubt crossed Eve's heart, as if she had seen this name somewhere before.

Yu Xinyang!
Her pupils constricted suddenly, and she walked quickly to the desk, opened Yu Xinyang's laptop, clicked on the folders inside, and saw the name in one of the files.

"How could there be Ouyang Wei's name in Yu Xinyang's file?" Yan Yunying also began to feel that there was some kind of connection between these three corpses.

Too many coincidences, Eve doesn't believe in coincidences.

She believed in hard evidence, established facts.

The problem is, they have nothing.Or that there isn't a single conclusive evidence of a connection.All they have now are chipped bones, cracks in necks, eyelashes in shells and handwritten notes.

There is also a laptop and a disk.

"Those photos on the disk..." Eve said in a deep voice, "There is a woman on it."

"Do you think that's Ouyang Wei?"


As Eve said, she found the disk again, put it in the computer, found the photo and clicked on it.

In the photo, a flamboyantly dressed woman was walking out of the building, she was biting her lip oddly, her hair was disheveled.

Most importantly, she has a baby bag strapped to her front!

"Damn it!" Yan Yunying cursed in a low voice, "We completely ignored that baby bag!"

Eve pursed her lips tightly and zoomed in on the photo.

"What's that?" Yan Yunying asked, pointing to a curved black shadow on the lower half of the baby bag.

Eve zoomed in on the photo, and the black shadow turned into a combination of small black and white squares, but it was still clear that some kind of snake-shaped object was surrounding the baby bag.

"It's a cat's tail!" Eve said.

Yan Yunying looked at the photo in disbelief, "That woman was a lunatic more than 20 years ago?"

Otherwise, how could anyone carry a cat in a baby bag all the time!

Eve ignored her question, and said calmly: "What does the person in the photo have to do with Basil?"

Why did Yu Xinyang take pictures of these people?

Who killed Ouyang Wei and Ouyang An?
(End of this chapter)

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