From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 118 Di Xin's Sharp Counterattack to the Future Saint Nezha

Chapter 118 Di Xin's Sharp Counterattack to the Future Saint Nezha
And without a physical body to fly with the five-element escape technique, Nezha can no longer reach Qianyuan Mountain in an instant this trip.

In the mansion of Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan of the Great Shang Chaoge, Li Jing was refusing to see any guests, and he couldn't help but slanted his mouth and eyes in the mansion, and Mrs. Yin couldn't help feeling very happy.

It can be said that three years of humiliation was finally rewarded outside the Meridian Gate, and the shameful name of the master and apprentice was revealed to the world.

Of course, the husband and wife also knew from Di Xin that Immortal Taiyi might be plotting next time and asked the husband and wife to stay in Chaoge for a while, so they should be safe.

The rest of Wang Shu Bigan, Wei Zi, Ji Zi, Huang Feihu and others, although they finally felt something, they still couldn't see the higher level, and Di Xin was playing chess with Chan Jiao invisibly.

But just like ordinary people in Chaoge, they only feel shocked, shocked, and strange.

That Qianyuan mountain qi trainer Taiyi Zhenren's apprentice, what kind of spirit beads, can be so shameless, not a son of man!He was reincarnated as the son of Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan, but he deboned and cut his flesh to return his parents. He wanted to sever the relationship between father and son, and even threatened to kill his father.

In the end, Huang Feihu, Su Quanzhong, Weizi, Jizi, and Boyi Shuqi couldn't help being upright and "justice"!Swearing that you are not the son of man, not as good as a beast, you are in vain to be a man!

Anyway, after the scolding, the Emperor Xin was responsible for it, he was the great merchant monarch, and if the Qianyuan Mountain qi trainer Taiyi Daoist wanted to come to him, he could only find Emperor Xin.

But I don't know what kind of surprise it will be when I meet Nezha under the same account of Xiqi in the future, thinking of today's scene, and even pouring a spoonful of "golden liquid" on Nezha's head with my own hands?
But only Di Xin knew that it was not over yet, and then it was time for Boyi Kao to become the protagonist, and there was still a long way to go before the real greatness of King Wu's defeat of Zhou.

Of course, he is as scheming as Uncle Wang Bigan, and he is a little more than everyone can faintly see. It is obvious that Di Xin is 'fighting back'!A counterattack against the "Si Tiantai inscribing a poem", "the death of Queen Jiang", "the fire at the Tai Temple of the Great Shang Cheng Tang", and a series of counterattacks after the plots of Qi practitioners.

I didn't want to be so sharp, and I didn't know what it was like in my heart.

At the same time, in Qianyuan Mountain outside Dashang.

Soon Jinxia Tongzi took Nezha up the mountain, otherwise at the speed at which Nezha was drifting, he would have to fly to Qianyuan Mountain in the year of the ox.

There is no need for Di Xin to touch it anymore. It can be said that if the great world of Qi Nezha is missing, and a scenery is missing, who will play in the future?It's better to keep it for Jiang Ziya and surprise Na Ji in the future.

Of course, at the same time, it was also a surprise for Huang Feihu and everyone under Xiqi's account.

Immediately, the widow will let Li Jing take you, the future forerunner of Xiqi, to the world to perform a good show of patricide, and call you Nezha Taiyi, the real master and apprentice, popular all over the world!
Dashang Tianxia, ​​the eight wildernesses in the universe, the four wilds and the six unions, even the extreme western land where the Western religion is located, also go there, of course there are also the Fire Cloud Palace, Yaochi and other places.

In the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain outside Dashang.

Nezha was quickly brought to the seat of the real Taiyi, but the one who didn't want to wait was not to change his body directly, but the real Taiyi was a poem.

"Two lotus flowers appear as incarnations, and Lingzhu II emerges from the mortal world;

Carrying the Ziyan Snake Tooth Treasure, and pedaling the Jinxia Hot Wheels.

The world is safe in the leopard skin, and the people in the world are blessed in the red brocade silk;
The saints of all dynasties are the first, and the posthumous writings of historians are new every year. "

After reciting a poem, he opened his mouth lightly again.

"Nezha, at this time you still need one calamity before you can become a human being in the second life and become a saint.

My Golden Light Cave is not your current shelter, so you go back to Chentangguan and ask Yimeng to be with your mother. Forty miles away from the pass, there is Cuiping Mountain, and there is an open space on the mountain. Let your mother build a Nezha Palace;
You have been subjected to cigarettes for three years and can stand in the world to assist Allah.Hurry up, don't delay! "

If Di Xin was present, he would have immediately grasped the key words, which can be called "ordering" your mother, rather than "please" your mother, "beg" your mother, or "please" your mother.

The difference of one word already explains the attitude of the master and the apprentice. As the son of man, how can he "order" the mother?

Nezha couldn't think of the difference, but he could feel that since it was a "ling", of course he just ordered it directly!If you don't listen, then keep harassing!
And Di Xin also knew that Nezha did use this trick in the first place to force Mrs. Yin to build a palace for him. If you don't build it for me, I will always tell you to close your eyes and see me, so that you will not live in peace.

In the end, Mrs. Yin did build a palace for him, but was kicked by Li Jing again.

Obviously, Nezha couldn't help being delighted when he heard it. Even if he didn't quite understand it, he understood the 'incarnation of the lotus flower'.

Of course, I also heard about 'Hot Wheels', it should be a good treasure, and it can achieve the body of a 'sage', the number one 'sage' of all ages, I can't help but feel happy.

But then he couldn't help but think of a question.

"Reporting to Master, Li Jing and his wife have moved to the Great Shang Chaoge at this time, what should we do?"

Master Taiyi was obviously slightly surprised when he heard it, "Great Shang Chaoge?"
"It doesn't matter, as a teacher, the great merchant East Lu Jiang Wenhuan is determined. Since the soldiers captured the Great Merchants Dongfang Youhun Pass, your father Li Jing will definitely take precautions at Yemaling outside Chentang Pass and stick to it out of fear. pass.

The reason why I chose Cuiping Mountain is that Li Jing must pass through that Cuiping Mountain when he is performing his military exercises. If you see your palace when you have a grudge against you, it will definitely be destroyed, and you can kill Li Jing only when the cause and effect arise.

Since your reincarnated parents, Li Jing and his wife, have moved to the Great Shang Dynasty, you only need to ask your mother to build a palace for you, and then try to destroy Li Jing, so as to establish cause and effect;
In fact, it doesn't take three years. It is for your own good to plan this way for the teacher. "

"Master said earlier that the disciple almost thought that it would take three years to obtain the lotus incarnation.

Since the master said so, my disciples understood that Li Jing was very afraid of me, and thought that if he saw my palace, he would definitely destroy it under hatred; in the future, disciples would be transformed into saints, and they would kill me to repay the pain in my heart. hatred. "

"Very good! Your destiny is to destroy the great merchant and become a Tang Dynasty. You came into being at the right time. Then Li Jing is the commander-in-chief of the great merchant. If you kill him, you can destroy the luck of the great merchant first;
The rest of Youhun Pass and Sanshan Pass have already been planned, and Xiqi should be the Holy Lord, you will know in the coming day. "

"But master, if you kill that Li Jing, won't the Great Shang and Hunjun send another general soldier?"

"Your apprentice, although you are smart, but the theory of luck is mysterious and mysterious. How can you send another general soldier to make up for it? If you can't kill him, someone will surrender him. You just need to do your best." ;

In the future, he can become the number one sage of all dynasties, and the historian will write for thousands of years.All right, let's go. "

After Nezha left, Master Taiyi spoke to Boy Jinxia again.

"Go and pick two lotus branches and three lotus leaves from the Five Lotus Pond."


(End of this chapter)

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