From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 120 Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Chapter [-] The smoking Nezha lotus finally incarnates

But it is no longer the original "Nezha's Palace", it seems to be just a lifelike statue, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, sharp eyes, and teeth protruding from the lips.

Then still bare buttocks, body slightly bigger, a statue stands in the middle of the vast open space right in front of the Meridian Gate.

There is also a "Xinggong", but it is only one foot high, and it is built behind it.

But rather than spending several months building a palace for it, it is better to say that it has built a square for great merchants and people to visit. The only "attractions" are the statue of Nezha and the palace of Nezha, and they are all made of steel.

As a result, the 'huge' Nezha Palace was completed, and even Uncle Wang couldn't help wondering what it would look like. Jiang Ziya was equally curious, what kind of palace would Di Xin build for that 'Nezha'?
It can be said that such a "massive" project, Li Jingzi has no right to start construction outside Chaoge Meridian Gate, and only the Great Shang Monarch has the right to allow it.

In the end, the long-awaited Nezha Palace was finally completed. Since it was a long-awaited event, I couldn't help but want to see it.

In particular, there is a notice posted outside the Meridian Gate that the "Nezha Palace" has been completed and will be opened at a certain time on a certain day to accept incense and worship from all people, so as to help his second generation to be a man.

So what the real Taiyi didn't know, at the same time as his 'Golden Elixir' was being refined, there was a huge crowd of people outside the Great Shang Chaoge Meridian Gate again.

But even the Seven Kings of Chaoge and the civil and military officials of the Great Shang Manchu Dynasty couldn't help being curious and wanted to see it, but they could be regarded as a show for the "Nezha Palace" of the Great Shang monarch.

As a result, Wang Shu Bigan, Wei Zi, Ji Zi and other seven kings arrived, Huang Feihu, Jiao Ge, Yang Ren, and all the big businessmen and prominent figures also arrived.

When the veil of "Nezha's Palace" was finally lifted, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded in an instant.

It turned out to be just a huge square?Enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

There seems to be a figure in the middle of the square.

So hula la everyone, they can't help but subconsciously walk to the middle of the square, what is it?
But before he got up to him, he saw that the dilapidated and charcoal-headed half-old son whom many people knew was holding a shoe, and with the sole of the shoe, he was pumping the crotch of a statue in front of him.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

The scene was extremely strange.

There were a few half-grown children on the side, and I saw a boy with a simple and honest appearance, who directly took out the bird in public, and according to the one-foot-high 'Xinggong', it was a piss.

But immediately everyone's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by a huge stone tablet.

The 'stone tablet' is not really a stone tablet, it is also made of steel, and it is engraved with handwriting, making everyone subconsciously curious, what is written on it?And at the same time surround the past to watch.

On a certain day of a certain month in a certain year, when Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, was singing in Chaoge, the disciple of Taiyi Zhenren, a Qi practitioner in Qianyuan Mountain, was reincarnated in the belly of Mrs. Li Jing of Chentangguan, and she was pregnant for more than three years...

When he was born, the Eastern Sea was dyed green, and all the fish, shrimp, and living things in the Eastern Sea died. He killed the third prince of the Dragon King, Ao Guang, and pulled his dragon tendons.

Yu Chaoge tore up Ao Guang, the Dragon King, at the Meridian Gate, and shot and killed a girl under the seat of Empress Shiji, a kind-hearted qi trainer, with Xuanyuan Huangdi's sky-shaking arrow, and then killed another girl.

Eviscating the bones and cutting the flesh back to the parents, and severing the blood relationship, Tuomeng forced his mother Yin's family to be her practice palace, and received incense, hoping to be a human being for the second life.

The 'glorious deeds' one by one are clearly listed on the stone tablet.

In the end, Huang Feihu, Su Quanzhong, Xiqi Neiying's Jiaoge Yangren, Weizi, Jizi, Weiziqi, Weiziyan, and other enemies couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

How can humans be so beastly?Not for the Son of Man!
Because obviously, the few things that happened in Chaoge were not faked at all.

Even if it is the content of the conversation recorded above, there is no extra word, so the killing of the third prince of the Dragon King and the shooting of the kind-hearted Shiji Empress and girl, of course, cannot be false.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked and amazed, but only Wang Shubigan, Xiqi Yangren, and Jiang Ziya who isolated himself could see a deeper level, Di Xin's counterattack against the Qi practitioners between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan, also appeared again, still wearing armor, a crown on his head, a red cloak behind him, a sword around his waist, and a big jar in his hands.

The inside of the jar is exactly Nezha's 'body', and the place where his soul is temporarily entrusted, of course, he was locked in a small black room inside the jar for a few months, and then he built a palace for you?For the father will build it for you!

As soon as he showed up, all eyes were on him instantly, and everyone made way out of their own way, and the Chaoge Imperial Army naturally cleared the way for Nezha to 'return to his place'.

Of course, ordinary people don't know that Nezha who has died can still "appear holy".

Here, Di Xin has no interest in watching, but the key point is Nezha's return after being transformed into a lotus flower, and the pursuit of Li Jing.

As a result, under the crowd of thousands of people, as well as the curiosity and anticipation of civil and military officials from the great merchants and courts, when the jar containing Nezha's body was opened, a stench strong enough to stun people rushed out instantly.

But even Li Jing held his breath ahead of time, and his face couldn't help turning green in an instant, the jar must have been filled with ingredients by Fei Lian!Since you can't tamper with your lotus incarnation, you can tamper with your "flesh body".

Nezha, the future saint?The widow calls you a saint!

The result was beyond Di Xin's expectation. After a few months, the jar was opened for the first time. After a few months, Nezha's soul also began to have a shape and sound, and it was able to show its holiness and make a sound.

A phantom rushed out of the jar and flew into the air, but one could vaguely see the face like indigo, the hair like cinnabar, the sharp eyes, the teeth that protruded from the lips.

But there was smoke coming out of his head.

When the jar was opened, he couldn't help being furious as soon as he 'showed his sanctity', and screamed in mid-air.

"Li Jing! Wait for me to become a lotus flower, and I will kill you!"

With a cry, Xu Ying turned around and seemed to be fleeing, and flew towards Qianyuan Mountain outside Dashang.

Outside the Chaoge Meridian Gate, on the huge square, I don't know how many people came, and I couldn't help but be shocked for a moment, that the dead Nezha can really show up?

Li Jing was stunned, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but slanted his mouth and eyes for a while, smoke was coming from his head?

Yin Ruibai was also present, but couldn't help grinning.

Uncle Wang Bigan and the others had strange expressions.

But even Jiang Ziya, who couldn't help but watch curiously in the dark, couldn't help but feel strange in his heart, obviously the spirit bead was like that of Xibohou Jichang, and it couldn't escape His Majesty's palm.

But Di Xin knew that if he was locked in a small dark room for a few months, he would definitely leave in anger and hatred when he appeared.

Then the lotus turned back in the incarnation, and it only returned in an instant. Of course, the "spectators" still need to stay, so although they were not interested in watching, they still came to the scene in the same incarnation.

But I didn't want to see an unexpected scene again, I don't know what kind of material Fei Lian added to his "body", and after a few months, even his soul body, and his head also strangely smoked.

While I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, as expected of the former Chiyou junior brother, he also followed Nezha's soul body and flew to Qianyuan Mountain, with his bodyguards always by his side.

Then, in a short while, at Qianyuan Mountain outside Dashang, he saw Nezha's soul body with smoke coming from his head, and Daoist Taiyi couldn't help being stupefied in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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