Chapter 122

However, Di Xin knew that the next step was to explain and teach the qi trainers Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, and Taoist Randeng, and the three of them appeared in a short-lived manner.

But before that, I want to take you Nezha on a tour of patricide.

Nezha's lotus incarnation was only formed in an instant, and countless people still gathered in the huge square outside the Gewu Gate of the Great Shang Dynasty. In this era, there has never been such a lively time.

So even Uncle Wang Bigan, waiting for Huang Feihu to revive the country and become king, even Shang Qingjun and Daji in the palace of the Great Shang King, will only find it novel, and it will be the same excitement that has never been seen in ancient times.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the huge square outside the Meridian Gate. Immediately, some traffickers discovered a huge "business opportunity", which made the square more lively as a result.

But it can be regarded as having fun with the people, but it presents a scene of prosperity that has never been seen before.

Countless people still gathered in front of the stone tablet to watch Nezha's "legendary deeds".

And what no one knows for the time being, Fei Zhong is also following Di Xin's instructions to write a biography for Nezha, named 'Nezha Legend'!Nezha's origin, teacher's family, and all deeds after birth are listed in detail and compiled into a book.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, since it is necessary to fight against the sky, and against the great religion in the world outside the great business, of course, it will use all possible means.

The saints of all ages are the first?The widow calls you a saint!
The widow will not only publish a book and biography for your future Nezha sage, but also spread the word to you all over the world, everywhere, all over the world, all within the universe.

Draw countless "treasure maps" and bury your "Legend of Nezha" books and various "elixir" that Fei Lian randomly refined in the ground.

Of course, only Fei Zhongfeilian, Di Xin's confidant, knew about it, and he was a little puzzled as to why Di Xin would do this, but since Di Xin ordered them, the two of them followed suit without any hesitation.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the huge square outside the Chaoge Meridian Gate, and it was almost an unprecedented scene of prosperity.

But I don't want to suddenly fly a fiery red figure in the world outside Chaoge, and instantly attract everyone's attention, and in the blink of an eye, I am in the middle of Chaoge Meridian Gate.

But I saw that his face was powdered and his lips were painted vermilion. He looked like a boy with a white face of about fifteen or sixteen years old.

What's even more weird is that he is obviously a boy and a half, but he is wearing a red bellyband on his chest, and a red trousers on his lower body, with bare feet, stepping on two hot wheels, spinning non-stop.

He is also holding a purple flame snake spear and a fire-pointed gun in one hand, and a golden circle on one shoulder. A red silk is also wrapped around his body, circling around his body, and his eyes are clear.

In an instant, tens of thousands of people couldn't help but look stupid at the same time.

Even Wang Shubigan, Weizi, Jizi, Boyi Shuqi, Huang Feihu, Jiaoke Yangren, and other civil and military officials, even Fei Zhong, Fei Lian, Yin Ruibai, and Lu Xiong, couldn't help thinking. a split second.

And everyone couldn't help but be taken aback by the image of the red bellyband and red trousers.

But you are ugly and not scary, you look like a monster when you are evil, Yin Rui's face is as black as the bottom of a pot, Caozhou Hou Chong's black tiger also has a face like a purple jujube, and his whiskers are like golden needles, and even Xibohou Jichang has four breasts.

But you're almost an adult, but you wear a red bellyband and those red trousers, but it's really ridiculous!It can be said that I have seen ugly ones, but I have never seen such a 'strange' attire.

Even the countless playful boys in the huge square couldn't help but stare stupidly at the figure in midair.

"Li Jing came to see me early!"

As a result, he glanced at the square with tens of thousands of people, but Li Jing was nowhere to be seen, and he couldn't help yelling, which woke everyone up.

"Who are you? Didn't the elders of your sect tell you that you wait for Qi practitioners to use evasion techniques to trespass and die?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

In an instant, everyone's eyes, including Nezha, couldn't help but look at the sound.

But I saw that it was You Hun, the doctor in Chaoge, with a proud face. It was because of his meritorious service that he had basically turned Xibo Hou Jichang into a Tathagata Buddha, and was unable to walk on his own. Of course, he kept his shiny bald head every day.

The result was very satisfying to Di Xin, so he promoted him to be a senior doctor in advance.

Seeing that it was especially muddled, in an instant Wang Shubigan and Huang Feihu couldn't help but have a strange look in their eyes, knowing that he was also Di Xin's confidant, Jiang Ziya's number two errand runner under Jiang Ziya and Fei Zhong.

And also can't help but think for a moment, I'm afraid what he said is true, once the prince of the great merchant was plundered by the Qi practitioners in the world, Queen Jiang was even poisoned, her eyes were gouged out, and the beams of the house were strangled to death. How could it be possible for Di Xin not to hate the Qi practitioners in the world?
The 600-year dynasty of the greater Shang panic, just like the old minister Wen Zhong, and the Mianchi general Zhang Kui, the Great Shang also has a certain background of being a master of Qi training.

But there is Zhang Kui, the general who will capture Yang Jian alive twice in the future. Of course, Di Xin has the confidence to tell the Qi practitioners in the world that he will die if he uses escapism to break into the court without permission!

What You Hun said, since he represented the Emperor Xin of the Great Shang Dynasty, and at the same time, it was a supreme honor to You Hun, and he couldn't help being excited.

As the cold voice fell, Zi Ye reminded Nezha in an instant, and the master had indeed reminded him.

But thinking of the soul being locked up in the small dark room by Li Jing for several months, the torment of wanting to go crazy every moment, it was this Chaoge who was secretly helped, but he couldn't help but feel great hatred in his heart.

Especially thinking of how powerful Empress Shiji used to be, she took away her two magic weapons at random. She is no longer a newborn spirit bead, and she doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, but she can only endure it with great hatred in her heart.

Then he opened his mouth with bright eyes.

"I am Nezha, the son of Li Jing. Today, I have come back in the form of a lotus flower. It is none of your business to find revenge on him!"

The incomparably miraculous 'logic' is naturally for the expert Qi practitioners who are secretly in Chaoge.

It can be said that I am not trespassing on the Song of the Great Shang Dynasty, but I am the son of Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, who came here to avenge his personal grievances.

But what Dixin wanted was for him to reveal his identity in public, so that he could be accused of killing his father!
"Bastard! I don't want to think that you are not a son of man, something inferior to a beast!"

The voice seemed to be calm and breezy, and suddenly sounded again from tens of thousands of people. This time, it was Boyi, the future great sage and one of the Seven Kings of Chaoge, who no one expected.

But I didn't want to say that, a rotten egg was stuffed into my hand, and I couldn't help squinting subconsciously, who put something into my hand?
As a result, after just one glance, he almost bit his tongue in shock, Your Majesty?

But he didn't wait for him to be shocked, but when he saw the appearance of 'Your Majesty' suddenly changed strangely, he couldn't help being stunned.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but shift from Youhun to him, and his arm was completely uncontrollably thrown into the air.


A 'rotten egg' hit Nezha's white face like powdered powder and vermilion-painted lips very accurately, and his face was instantly yellow and green.

At this moment, Li Jing, a high-profile figure wearing armor, a crown, and a red cloak, suddenly flew up into the air, and fled straight into the distance without saying a word.


(End of this chapter)

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