From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 137 Bald Xibo Hou Fuxi's eight hexagrams are inaccurate

Chapter 137 Bald Xibohou Fuxi is not allowed to gossip (second update)

But upon hearing the sound of "click", the crazy white-faced ape's neck snapped and he died instantly.

Di Xin's eyes were even colder, as if throwing a toy, he threw it forward casually, and the robust body of the white-faced ape was thrown several meters away, in front of several forbidden soldiers.

The terrifying divine power shocked the calm Wang Shu Bigan again.

Bo Yikao was also horrified when he saw it. He had heard that Di Xin was born with supernatural powers, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Still couldn't help shaking his hands, and his eyes were dull.

"Let's take it down and tell Yin Ruibai to chop it up."

When Di Xin's cold voice sounded, Wang Shu Bigan and Bo Yi Kao woke up. If Di Xin wanted to kill the two of them, he didn't need others to do it at all, and it was just a word.

The eight hundred beauties on both sides couldn't help but see their eyes shining brightly, and all of them had bright eyes, completely unable to conceal the excitement in their eyes, the admiration for power.

But only the evil came from the side, and the equally terrifying figure over two meters tall remained unmoved.

Di Xin's faint voice sounded again immediately after.

"Bo Yi Kao, I know that you are a kind and generous gentleman, so I will not offend you for this, and I thank you for your hard work all the way to send these eight hundred beauties to me, so I will stay in the widow's palace for service.

I also miss your filial piety, your request should be granted, pardon Xibohou to return to the country, and let your father, son and brothers go back to reunite.

You go back and find the doctor Fei Zhong, and ask him to take you to Yuli City, first to see your father, Xibohou, and to reward you someday, so that your father and son can return home with honor. "

The faint voice fell, and Bo Yikao hurriedly fell down and thanked him, so moved that he burst into tears.

Uncle Wang Bigan, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but cast a sideways glance, my nephew!You have acted.

The two retreated, and under Di Xin's cold gaze, he knew in his heart that it was recorded in the history of later generations that the white-faced ape had practiced for thousands of years to gain the Tao, because the twelve-story building he built had no bones, so he was good at imitating human singing .

But in the end, it's just a wild beast, let alone a monster that can transform into a human.

But originally he went straight to Daji, and was punched to death by himself, King Zhou who was born with supernatural power.

But I don't want to go straight to Shang Qingjun this time, so how is Shang Qingjun different from Daji?It is obviously Shang Qingjun's status as the Queen of the Great Shang.

Di Xin also knew from Kong Xuan's mouth that not only did he have the luck of a monarch in him, even if several ancient gods in the world would not make trouble in person, they could only conspire secretly.

And Shang Qingjun, the empress of the great merchant, also has a kind of "Qi" that Kong Xuan can only faintly feel, and she is different from others.

Apparently, the white-faced ape is a very "spiritual" thing, which can clearly sense the identity of Shang Qingjun, the Great Shang Queen, and instantly triggers it to go crazy.

Then the 'calculation' on his body is obvious.

But Di Xin felt the same conspiratorial smell as when he was offering incense in Nuwa's palace. I'm afraid it's not as simple as it seems, so he couldn't help but get cold eyes.

However, if it is related to the pilgrimage to the Nuwa Palace, it shows another problem. The pilgrimage to the Nuwa Palace was not done by the ancient god, the leader of the interpretation of religion, Yuanshi Tianzun, but someone else secretly.

Uncle Wang was shocked again, and even more shocked by the Xiqi Rebellion, capable people emerged in large numbers.

Bo Yi Kao also seems to have fallen into the abyss of conspiracy.

Just as the two retreated.

In Yuli City, You Hun was also shaving Xibo Hou Jichang's bald head with a smile.

In fact, although Xibo Hou Jichang has a mother-in-law's face and four breasts like a woman's on his chest, he is not short in height, as tall as 1.8 meters in later generations.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, not only the 'sickness' has been completely cured, but also the temperament has been smoothed out, and there is no trace of temper, but there is really a taste of 'great compassion'.

Usually, there is also a face of bitterness and hatred, or a smile.

The body is obviously dead, but there is only meat left, nothing but meat.

He really became fat and big ears, his face was full of oil, his lips became much thicker, his waist was thicker than a normal person with only one arm, and his stomach could hold at least two puppies.

Then it was fat and fat, with a huge tonnage, allowing several people to fiddle with it.

As for the changes in his body, it is impossible for Xibo Hou Jichang not to know that someone deliberately wanted him to do so, or it was the Great Shang Emperor Di Xin, or the Uncle Bigan.

But if you want to survive, you have to endure it.

In particular, it was obvious that his body had been tampered with, and he felt unbearably hungry all day long, and he was always hungry, so he just took it calmly.

Since the other party wants him to be like this, it is better to bear with it for seven years and follow his wish.

As for the obesity of the body, I don't feel anything at all, it's like a vision of four breasts on my body, who in the world doesn't know that Xibohou has the image of a saint with four breasts?
But as long as he is his Xibohou, no matter how fat he is, he will still be a saint of Xiqi, the holy master who will establish the Western Zhou Dynasty in a few days.

Even the dilapidated "one pot" of Yin could bear it back then, how could he not bear it with good food and wine every day?No matter how fat he is, he is still the saint of Xiqi.

But I just can't figure it out in my heart, it is obvious that the other party deliberately made it look like it is now, so what is the meaning?
Considering that the monarch Di Xin, although he is young, he is decisive, ruthless and ruthless in dealing with things, he will never do such meaningless things, could it be that Uncle Wang Bigan again?

I have thought about it countless times in the past three years, not only has my 'sickness' healed, but also my temper has smoothed out, and I have become more easy-going, and my face is like a compassionate saint.

Of course, I have already thought about it, but the seven-year difficulty can always be overcome.

But there is only one thing, because my stomach is too big and my body is too fat, I can no longer stand up, let alone walk, but I can only look bitter and hateful to the people who are waiting beside me, and try my best to be easy-going, hehehehe.

After a while, the head was shaved again. I don't know why I just shaved it yesterday, but I shaved it again today.

Some people even painted their faces into a waxy yellow color, which was shiny and shiny, and their thick lips were also painted into a vermilion color.

"All right!"

After being patted twice on the shiny fat head, You Hun couldn't help but look extremely happy, and couldn't help but speak again.

"Your Majesty is puzzled. Why did you shave again today after you just scratched it yesterday? Since you are proficient in Fuxi's gossip, why don't you take a lesson on this, and what joy will you have today? Hehehe."

Xibohou's fat face couldn't help being bitter, but also smiled.

"Since the doctor said so, I will take a lesson on it and see if it is accurate."

You Hun immediately handed over the money for the class with his own hands, with a happy expression on his face, seeing everything in Xibo Hou Jichang's eyes, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could it be that there is really joy today?Seven years of hardships are not yet over, so what joy can there be?

With a fat face full of oil, he chuckled and took up the spot.

He and You Hun are also old acquaintances, if he is a prisoner, You Hun is the prison boss; thanks to You Hun, he was able to survive from Wang Shu Bigan's hands, so his feelings towards You Hun are a bit complicated.

No matter who is behind it who told him to become obese today, You Hun is the direct implementer, and he is not grateful at all.

Wen Ting Youhun tried his best to patiently tell him to take a lesson, obviously wanting to see if his divination is accurate?

So I couldn't help but my heart moved, if I took the matter at hand accurately, the thought would be especially muddled, and I should be convinced from then on.

Then the class was taken up, and the oily yellow face couldn't help being bitter, and burst into tears instantly, and subconsciously opened his mouth in mourning.

"My son didn't listen to his father's words, and suffered such a disaster! If you don't eat the flesh of your son today, you can't escape the disaster of killing your body; if you eat the flesh of your son, how can you bear it? It makes my heart feel like a knife, and I don't dare to cry. If I let go of this opportunity, I will not be able to protect myself."

But I didn't want the 'completely unconscious' mournful voice to fall, and then Youhun's voice that he tried his best to endure sounded faintly.

"It seems that the sage Fuxi's gossip is also inaccurate, but Junhou is wrong!
Xiqi Boyi Kao did come to Chaoge, but at this time he is living well, and he is following Ya Bigan, and the senior doctor Fei Zhong came to visit the king.

hey-hey!His Majesty has also decided that, seeing the filial piety in Bo Yi, he came to Chaoge to pay tribute on behalf of his father to atone for his sins, and he has pardoned the crimes of the prince and marquis, and allowed the prince to return to the country..."

Before You Hun's faint voice fell, Xibo Hou Jichang couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At the same time, on the way to Yuli, Yu Chaoge

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(End of this chapter)

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