Chapter 148
However, he also had to be led by the nose. The great Shang emperor Di Xin was courageous and dared to teach the famous Qi practitioner who gathered three flowers on the top and five qi to the Yuan Dynasty. Heart.

Obviously, he is not a licentious and senseless emperor, but a rare emperor in ancient times. Even Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, I am afraid that he would not have the courage to dare to be an enemy of a great sect that transcends the world between heaven and earth.

It can be said that such a great Shang monarch, even if he let Xibo Hou Jichang return to the country, how could he have no back-up?
If it is a great sect that transcends the world, and waits foolishly for seven years to come, I am afraid that after seven years, the Holy Master Xiqi will no longer exist.

And with the determination, ruthlessness and courage of the Great Shang Monarch, it is almost unnecessary to know that after seven years, not only the Holy Master Xiqi will be played to death, but the entire Xiqi will also cease to exist!And turned into one of the two hundred vassal states.

But at that time, the so-called number of days under his explanation will be slapped in the face.

Isn't it the Holy Master Xiqi who you have taught for a long time?Since Cheng Tang was destroyed and the Zhou family was prosperous, why the 600-year dynasty of Cheng Tang and the great merchants have not been destroyed, but the Xiqi Holy Lord who has taught you for a long time is gone?
So knowing that the number of days is ahead of time, even his elucidation and teaching beyond the world of the great business world have to be led by the nose.

Of course, it is obvious that the high ancient god, Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of Chanjiao in the Yujing Jinque Dojo, obviously didn't realize it either.

It is impossible to know that the great merchant monarch will know every step of his life, and it is impossible to think that he is completely led by the nose by the great merchant monarch.

The widow told you that the spirit bead was born early, so you have to be born early.

And it is even more impossible for the Antarctic fairy to think that the great merchant emperor Di Xin knew about his idea of ​​making a living before.

What's more, he unintentionally dug a hole for him early, and he was also jumping into it without knowing it.

Of course, Di Xinzi can also destroy the Holy Master Xiqi under his teaching days now, and then face the so-called days under his teachings.

But if that's the case, it will inevitably alarm the ancient great god of explaining religion, Yuanshi Tianzun, so who is there in Dashang now, who can stand up to his ancient god, the leader of explaining religion?

The only result is that there will inevitably be another interpretation of the number of days, and then there will be a new number of days under the Holy Lord, which will overthrow the Great Shang Dynasty.

At the same time, his teaching must be vigilant, and a group of qi practitioners will do their best to assist the new Tianshu under the Holy Lord, and then continue to attack himself, the king of Zhou.

But at that time, I was in a passive state. It just so happened that I also needed time, and Kong Xuan needed time to break through, and further improvement in strength also required more planning.

Then it's better to follow the original trajectory, know every step of the next development, and unknowingly cripple all the Qi practitioner disciples.

Then we slowly defeated King Wu until the end of the world, and sent Naji to die of exhaustion. When the widow is ready, he will directly send troops to Kunlun, and kill for nine days to compete with this world.

Let's see, who can decide the fate of the widow?
King Wu defeated Zhou?We can cut down slowly, until Ji Fa dies of old age, as long as the widow is not ready, you have to continue cutting, anyway, the widow will not die.

On the other side, Daoist Taiyi of Qianyuan Mountain, since the disapproval of the six relatives can be so shameless that it seems that even the apprentice can be slanderous, so it is not easy to fool around in a calm manner.

It can be said that you can ask your apprentice to jump into the pit of the Great Shang Chaoge, but you will never go there yourself, no matter what you Yun Zhongzi said.

But what only he knows is that not only the number of days has been advanced, but the spirit beads that were supposed to be conceived for three years and six months were also born earlier.

Since then, he couldn't help but be more cautious, and let the apprentice go out first if there is something to do, even if the number of days is advanced, the apprentice Nezha will be the first officer of Naxiqi and stand in front.

You wait for a group of Taoist brothers to go down the mountain, and the poor will never go down the mountain.

At the same time, Xibohou was imprisoned in Yuli City. Seeing that Xibohou Jichang and Bo Yikao were going to continue the father-son turmoil, You Hun finally left with a very happy face.

Of course, at the same time, I didn't forget to invite Uncle Wang Bigan who wanted to watch the excitement, and asked the father and son not to see each other for three years, so that they could talk about life.

Uncle Wang was not happy about it, and wanted to see more of Xibo Hou Jichang, who was shaved and bald, with a shiny face and shiny head.

But just looking at it made Uncle Wang Bigan feel inexplicably happy, just looking at the truth, just looking at it.

Then he had a heartbroken look on his face, that Emperor Xin Shide actually made you, Xibohou, look like this.

While being dragged out by You Hun, he also made up his mind to help Xi Bohou get out of trouble no matter what, so you don't hate that Di Xin?

And I also want you, Xibohou Jichang, to go out and meet the people of Chaoge, who is the image of a saint, not only has four breasts, but also is so different.

After obviously seeing Xibo Hou Jichang's appearance after being transformed by Emperor Xin, especially after experiencing the scene of Boyi's tribute examination in the Dashang Palace, his Wang Shubigan's mood changed slightly again.

While envious and jealous of Di Xin's eight hundred beauties and the status of the supreme great merchant monarch, he couldn't help but gloat over Xibo Hou Jichang's misfortune.

As a result, when he turned around, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Along the way, You Hun was also happy and hehe non-stop, as if his work had been affirmed by the audience. Seeing Wang Shu Bigan's shocked and unable to recover, he couldn't help but feel happy.

But also the same, as soon as he left the hall of saints, he directly discussed with Uncle Wang Bigan, how should he persuade His Majesty to let Xibo Hou Jichang return to the country as soon as possible?

Of course it is impossible to let go, and we have to wait for the Antarctic fairy to come to Chaoge, Jiang Ziya disappears from Chaoge, and then it is really time to let Xibo Hou Jichang go, and then he can be crowned King Wen with him.

I have to continue to praise officials for him according to the original track, and come to King Wen to praise officials and escape five passes.

Then, with the help of the generals of the Chaoge Forbidden Army that Su Quanzhong bought with the help of beauties, Su Quanzhong was given a chance to make meritorious deeds, just enough to release him and make him escape smoothly.

Of course, you have to run all the way, chase all the way, and then wait for Lei Zhenzi to show up, and chase him all the way to Xiqi.

It is impossible for Wang Shu Bigan to know, no matter whether he helps or not, he can't decide anything, but he is also not prepared to go out on his own.

Obviously, there must be someone who is more excited and anxious than Uncle Wang Bigan, so why not lead the Chaoge Six Kings to watch the fun together, and encourage that Jiaoke Yang Ren to go to the palace by the way.

As a result, without You Hun and his Wang Shu Bigan present, Bo Yi Kao, who was in a mortal situation, no longer had any scruples, and told the truth about Chao Ge's tribute.

It can be described as an interlocking net, and every step of the way will bring Qi Bo Yi Kao into a place where he must die and never recover.

Finally, after a long time, when his trembling voice finished speaking with great excitement, Xibo Hou Jichang couldn't help but fell silent.

At the same time, the Antarctic Immortal, who was taught by the Kunlun Mountains, also happened to arrive at the Great Shang Chaoge.
 This is a classical world of conferring gods where Qi practitioners and the Great Shang Dynasty coexist.Update time: 00:05 for the first update, 11:30 for the second update, 17:00 for the third update, 20:00 for the fourth update, no less than three updates per day.Book friends who like it, please try to subscribe and support it, even if you only subscribe to one chapter, it is support, thank you Tianya.

(End of this chapter)

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