From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 159 Jiang Ziya voted for Xiqi and then went to Xiqi to see the excitement

Chapter 159 Jiang Ziya voted for Xiqi and then went to Xiqi to see the excitement (Part 3)
As a result, Ji Chang, who had already counted using Fuxi's gossip, couldn't help being startled when he saw the hearty meat pies brought to him. What's the matter?
I can't help but feel weird, and there are hidden plots in it, just like the wine that was practiced back then.

But at the same time, he also knew that it was impossible for the Great Shang Monarch Di Xin to let his Sibo Hou Jichang die, so out of curiosity, he might as well have a taste of it all, what is the plot behind it?

As for cannibal meat, Di Xinzi has no doubt that he will not eat it, but he knows that he has a strong forbearance. In order to survive, even if he is given a pot of gold and told it is delicious, he will frown Eat it without wrinkling.

The most important thing is that he has been hungry for a day, and he deliberately gave him an empty stomach just for the meat pie of the white-faced ape.

So he saw a table full of meat pies, but he was only slightly puzzled, so he first picked up a piece of meat pie that Uncle Wang wanted...

In the blink of an eye, he calmly ate all the meatloaf, and even couldn't help but let out a faint sigh, and recited a poem softly.

"When Bie Xiqi came here, he once said that there was no need to cross the river pass.

I only know that paying tribute to the lord of the morning and evening, Mo Xie welcomes the lord to offend Yanyan.

When he was young, Zhongliang was miserable, and his tears were as many as rain.

Where does the wandering soul go, and the famous mark in history is waiting. "

After singing, I couldn't help but two tears fell down.

However, he didn't know that the person waiting on one side was his son Bo Yikao, who had completely changed his appearance and kept his name. Finally, he couldn't help but admire his father Xibohou's forbearance, and fell in admiration.

I don't want to be able to recite a poem with both voice and emotion in the end.

If there is really a father-son relationship, what did you say at the beginning that "Whoever has no wife will marry with gold and silver; those who are poor and unmarried before the end of the period will be married with gold and silver; those who are lonely and have no one to rely on will be given rations for the month..."

And call me Bo Yikao and become the laughing stock of Xiqi from now on!


The inevitable death situation of Bo Yikao in Yuli City has been broken. It is his own request to watch his father Xibohou eat it with his own eyes. I made up my mind.

Jiang Ziya's home at the same time.

Jiang Ziya, who had finally been decadent and lost for a while, cheered up again, and called Yi Jiang, the adopted daughter whom he had not seen for a long time, to his face.

However, although Jiang Ziya was lost and didn't know where to go, he was not blind and had seen everything about Yijiang since early on.

At this time, the fog in front of my eyes was cleared, and I finally saw everything clearly, and my heart really became firm.

Still like the first time, Yi Jiang knelt down obediently and bowed respectfully.

And Jiang Ziya's eyes became obviously sharper and wiser, as if he could see through his heart, but his eyes only swept over his body, and he couldn't help but feel extremely nervous, as if he knew everything he had done.

But what he didn't know was that Jiang Ziya had known it for a long time, and that was the reason why he never summoned his adopted daughter.

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder, with Yi Jiang in such a body, how could his fate be so noble?
It is impossible for His Majesty to invite him into the palace again, and he doesn't know how to love himself, so who should he deserve for his precious life?

Finally, the arrival of the elder brother Nanji Xianweng also made Jiang Ziya's heart suddenly open.

The sharp and wise eyes could not help but glance at him, and then he spoke in a deep voice.

"I called you here today because I have something to tell you. I said that your fate is extremely precious, and I was not wrong; it's just that I misjudged the direction. Your extremely precious fate should not be in Dashang. I don't know the city." Jiang, would you like to leave Chaoge with me?"

The figure kneeling down obviously trembled.

"Wherever my father goes, Yi Jiang will follow my father, but I can only be lucky enough to serve my father, and Yi Jiang will be satisfied."

Jiang Ziya nodded slightly, his voice flat.

"In this way, I will tell you clearly that I am ready to abandon the Great Shang and invest in Xiqi; but it is known that after a few days, Chengtang will be destroyed, and the Zhou family will flourish. This Great Shang will eventually perish and be replaced by the Western Zhou Dynasty;
I, Jiang Ziya, have practiced in Kunlun Mountains for forty years. If I vote for Xiqi, I will surely gain a high position, and I will pay homage to the Prime Minister again.

If you vote for Xiqi with me, as Jiang Ziya's daughter, you will definitely be the main concubine of Xiqi, the queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the mother of the world. "

After the faint voice fell, it was obvious that the figure below was shocked and extremely excited.

Jiang Ziya's eyes were still sharp and wise, staring at him, which also made him feel, but he didn't dare to show it at all, let alone raise his head.

Because if you raise your head, you will reveal the uncontrollable excited expression on your face, but you still can't help but speak with a trembling voice.

"Yi Jiang listened to his father's orders and dared not disobey his orders."

Jiang Ziya's wise eyes couldn't help but nodded again, "I know that your father Jizhouhou has voted for Naxiqi, and he came to Chaoge just to be Naxibohou's internal response;
Even more, because His Majesty broke his promise not to invite you into the harem again, he hates His Majesty, and also hates your sister Daji;
Under jealousy, I would like to go to Xiqi to be the queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but only to compare with your sister Daji, and I wish that your majesty would die and the country would be destroyed;
I'm afraid that in the future, when you become the queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty, you will be jealous of your sister Daji to the fullest;
If in the future the Western Zhou Dynasty can take Shang and replace it, with your character, you will definitely call your sister Daji to bear the eternal infamy, and you will never be able to turn back;
He will also be called the future Lord of Xiqi, and slander His Majesty's name to the utmost, just because of the jealousy and hatred in your heart, even if you want your sister Daji and Your Majesty to bear the eternal infamy;

In this way, I, Jiang Ziya, will send you all to the eternal catastrophe, and finally I will be worthy of this heart, worthy of the fairness and justice of this world;

If there is no justice, I, Jiang Ziya, will be fair.Since you are so ignorant of self-love, you should be the princess of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and you are also in line with your fate.

number of days?I, Jiang Ziya, complied with the number of days and went to Naxiqi as ordered. '

Jiang Ziya's wise eyes fell on him, as if he had never seen a clear track in his heart, a clear track that could go down according to the number of days.

Can't help but speak lightly again.

"In that case, go back and pack your bags as soon as possible, don't tell others, go to Naxiqi first, and wait for me in the place of the Wei River;
I also have four verses, which are my destiny, and I will tell you, so that you can realize it yourself:
Fishing with a pole on the rocks of the Fenxi River, there is a clever way to visit Zixian.

The assistant sage is the father of the prime minister, and the nine-three-worship general holds the military power.

I still have some things to deal with in Chaoge, and when I finish, I will go to the land of Naxiqi Weishui to find you, and then temporarily live in seclusion, waiting for the visit of the Holy Master Naxiqi, that is when you and I fly high. "

"Yijiang respected his father's order, so he went back to clean up, and went to Xiqi Weishui to wait for his father."

Jiang Ziya's faint voice fell, and Yi Jiang hurriedly kowtowed again in a very respectful and excited voice, not knowing what Jiang Ziya was going to do.

At the same time, Zi also rode a fast horse back to Xiqi in the starry night.
 This is a classical world of conferring gods where Qi practitioners and the Great Shang Dynasty coexist.Update time: The first update is at 00:05, the second update is at 11:30, the third update is at 17:00, there may be a fourth update at 20:00, and there are no less than three updates per day.Book friends who like it, please try to subscribe and support it, even if you only subscribe to one chapter, it is support, thank you Tianya.

(End of this chapter)

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