From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 16 Break the fate

Chapter 16 Break the fate
"Di Xin" couldn't help but his eyes flashed fiercely.

Jiang Ziya went down the mountain?That is to say, everything has really started, and I thought it would be stable for a while, it seems that it should be next year, no matter what!I have almost prepared myself, let the storm come more violently!
Obviously, Shang Qingjun was taken aback again, only then did he realize that there are so many things he doesn't know, how many plans does His Majesty have in secret?
I saw "Di Xin"'s eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly became fierce again.

"Since it's considered an old fee for you to make a sworn brother, introduce him to the court, Qing Jun and his prime minister, and then take time to make friends with his wife Ma Shi, and the widow will not meet him for now."

But when the words fell, Fei Zhong couldn't help being stunned, and he spoke in shock and disbelief.

"Your Majesty, Jiang Ziya hasn't married yet. Today, Song Yiren just discussed with the minister whether he should go to the horseman's house to propose marriage..."

Fei Zhong could hardly continue, he was so shocked that he had never felt before, how did His Majesty know that Mrs. Jiang Ziya would be the Ma family?

His Majesty Di Xin was obviously startled for a moment, and then he blurted out.

"Aren't you married yet? That's a matter of time, Mrs. Jiang Ziya must be Na Mashi; and that Jiang Ziya is still somewhat capable, and I dare to conclude that Jiang Ziya will turn against her in the future!
Therefore, I want you to make friends with him in advance. In the future, if he recites the court song, I will call him unkind and unrighteous, and the name of disloyalty and disfilial will spread all over the world!
All right, old Feifei Lian, you go down. "

After Fei Zhongfeilian and both of them retreated in shock and disbelief, it was obvious that Di Xin's eyes flashed with unbearable color, and his eyes no longer became so sharp.

"Qing Jun, thank you for your hard work."

As a result, a warm sentence that was almost never heard before came down, Shang Qingjun couldn't help but his nose was sore, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Compared to Your Majesty, Qingjun doesn't work hard. Only when you really find out everything, Qingjun understands that Your Majesty is really hardworking and truly lonely. No wonder His Majesty has urinated since childhood...

It's just that Qing Jun still doesn't understand why His Majesty is afraid of scaring the snake, and who is the snake behind it?With His Majesty's character, you should not be afraid of this. "

Di Xin couldn't help but chuckle.

"You may not believe it, but the widow seems to know the destiny by nature, so the widow knows everything, so he can plan ahead! Not only does he know that Li Jing's son is destined to deal with the widow, but he also knows that Jiang Ziya will turn against him in the future. This may not be up to him ;

Therefore, as long as you do one thing, Qingjun, when he betrays Chaoge, you must make him feel ashamed, and at the same time let his reputation of infidelity spread throughout the world;

I also know that the widow will eventually set himself on fire in the star-chasing building by his own fate, and will bear the eternal infamy and endure the eternity of the world, without being able to stand up;
But some people don't believe in this fate!Just to fight this life! "

Hearing the self-immolation Zhaixing Tower, the two women couldn't help trembling for a moment, their noses were sore again, and at the same time, they couldn't help the tears rolling in their eyes. No wonder His Majesty asked like that...

"If that day really comes, Daji, Qing Jun, will not be afraid to set himself on fire in the Star Picking Tower with His Majesty!"

The two of them spoke in unison, and Zhang Xin, who had completely assumed the role of Di Xin, couldn't help but feel excited when he heard that he would be Di Xin from now on!If you really can't escape that fate, you are not afraid of a fish-and-mortar attack, and you will be slaughtered as a trainer and disciple of Qishi!

So although there was no lewdness this night, it was still two girls pushing together, and the endless ecstasy was beyond description.

Next, the goal has been set, and it seems that because of the "dongchuang incident", the court has become more stable, and everything is calm.

In the middle of the court, Shang Qingjun still sits in the court and handles the state affairs of Dashang.

Prime Minister Wang Shu Bigan was inexplicably demoted to sub-prime minister by Concubine Shang, and Jiang Ziya, who had returned from studying art in Kunlun Mountains, was promoted as Prime Minister.

However, he has been studying Taoism for 40 years. Although he has read a lot of military books, he has no practical experience. The result is predictable.

And Shang Qingjun knew everything, and he didn't give him any chance to understand the state affairs. He was completely in a high position, and he was just using it to attract hatred and attract firepower.

On the other hand, Shang Rong became a boring gourd, and he didn't turn his face at all. After a few times, he stayed at home for the elderly, and the one sitting on the throne was his own daughter, making the old guy feel uncomfortable.

Fei Zhong also used Jiang Ziya's name to become a courtier in everyone's eyes. This prime minister position was facilitated by him, and his notoriety fell on his head.

Then there was Chen Tangguan Li Jing, Di Xin himself remembered, finally there was news from his family, he had to be invited back, and then he went back to Chen Tangguan to help his wife abort, which was honest enough.

On the contrary, Di Xin felt let go. After all, Li Tianwang, who is so cute, is still waiting for him to deal with Nezha later. It is also a good show for the two "father and son" to fight each other.

Afterwards, Zhang Xin, who was completely replaced by Di Xin, seemed to have clearly seen every next step, or a certain trajectory was obviously clearer.

Jiang Ziya attracted firepower, Shang Qingjun was dealing with state affairs, he was licentious and had no reason to go to court, and after several failed assassinations, it was obvious that the other party calmed down, knowing that he could not deal with him.

Then the next step should be to get that Nuwa empress, and on March [-]th of next year, Nuwa's birthday, she will write obscene poems by herself, and everything will really start.

Then there should be the song of the four princes entering the court. Maybe there is a plan to "side the Qing emperor" and "Fu Xianjun", but it is obviously doomed to be impossible to succeed, and Lei Zhenzi will be born soon.

Di Xin never believed that whether it was Fei Zhong or his future self, he would be so stupid as to recruit the four princes into Chaoge and kill them, and then dig his own grave!

Obviously everything is becoming clearer, and Di Xin is also gradually looking for opportunities to talk to Shang Qingjun, Daji, Fei Zhong, Fei Lian, and even Elai, to point out in a subtle way, so that he is well prepared in his heart, what will happen next.

However, an accident happened. Concubine Huang Gui in the harem had an inexplicable miscarriage, which seemed to break Di Xin's fate of having only two sons.

And soon, Shang Qingjun was finally pregnant, which once again made Di Xin feel relieved.

At least every little change will make me take another step towards breaking my fate. At least in the future, I will not have a third child, and Shang Qingjun is more sure that it is a daughter, which makes Di Xin cherish and love her even more.

Unlike the two sons who were destined by fate, Di Xin really felt that he was his own child and the princess of Dashang because of the unexpected one!And directly decided to worship Kong Xuan as his teacher after birth.

As for Daji, Di Xin appeased her directly by saying "I know", but in the end he was moved too much. I know that it is not as easy for the monster race to conceive as it is for the human race. body.

Then, he took Kong Xuan with him every day, working with his own efforts as a king, repairing the palace for the Nuwa Empress who is the leader of the demon religion, and even expanding the Chaoge.

At night, he also began to stay in Shang Qingjun's Xinqing Palace, and as compensation for his hard work, but also to accompany his future daughter, he took Daji with him; and occasionally he would quietly leave Chaoge with Kong Xuan. No one knows where it went or what it did.

Chaoge was also peaceful.

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(End of this chapter)

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