Chapter 176

When I woke up in the morning, I couldn't help but close my eyes and meditate for a long time. First, I was frightened by the appearance of the Antarctic fairy under the teaching of the cult, and secondly, I was considering the pros and cons of working with the teaching of the cult.

If one associates with that cult, the reputation of benevolence and righteousness will be difficult to protect in the future. The cult's reputation of righteousness must be to use its own name of benevolence and righteousness to be an orthodox religion in heaven and earth, and to be enshrined in the world at the same time.

But even after contemplating for a long time, I still can't help but feel a little confused, and no matter how the cult explains it, my name of benevolence and righteousness must not be lost, so I should vigorously promote it.

If we talk about a dream, Na San Yisheng has a quick mind and asks him to explain it, and then he goes to Nafenxi to hunt...

So no one knew that King Wen Xibohou had a dream at night, but he only stayed overnight at the Lingtai, and all civil and military officials were not fools, but they felt that there might be something tricky, just like what Na San Yisheng arranged.

So early in the morning, all civil and military officials came to the stage to pay tribute, waiting to be the audience, what will happen?

San Yisheng, Four Worthies and Eight Horsemen, Nangong Shi, Ji Fa, Zhou Gongdan, and others who usually go to court for civil and military affairs, all of them went to Lingtai.

But this time, even San Yisheng didn't know what would happen, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

After the audience was over, everyone including Ji Fa couldn't help being curious, so Marquis Xibo asked.

"Where is San Yisheng?"

Nangong Shi, who was standing a little behind, couldn't help but move his big eyes, "Didn't San Yisheng always stand at the front, right in front of you, Your Majesty?" '

But it was obvious that Xi Bohou was in a trance, and he didn't seem to see San Yisheng in front of him.

When San Yisheng heard this, he hurried forward to salute.

"I don't know what the king's call is?"

In an instant, everyone couldn't help looking at him, and felt that it was time for Qi San Yisheng to perform again, but even Ji Fa couldn't help but look at him in an instant.

I saw Xibohou opening his mouth as if recalling.

"Three drums tonight alone, I got a strange dream. I dreamed that there was a white-fronted tiger in the southeast, with two wings on its side. Looking at the tent, I rushed to the left and right. I saw the fire behind the stage soaring into the sky. There was a sound, and I woke up. It's a dream. I don't know what is good or bad for this omen?"

Everyone couldn't help frowning when they heard this, but only Nangong Shi still had round eyes, which was also a habit of hiding his expression, but no one could guess what he was thinking just by round eyes.

But after hearing this, I couldn't help but thought to myself again, 'A tiger with wings?Junhou, you really have problems, so San Yisheng won't explain it as a bear, right? '

And San Yisheng couldn't help being stunned for the same moment, "Didn't the king just say the day before yesterday that Wu Ding, the former great merchant king, was dreaming of a flying bear, and now the king is dreaming of a tiger with wings. Could it be that he wants to call me?"
It was also just yesterday that I told me that the west belongs to gold, gold must be tempered when it sees fire, and cold gold will become a great weapon. Today, the fire is shining in the background of the dream, and I am asked to interpret dreams. I am only a scholar. How can I understand dreams? ? '

But he understood it in an instant, and he also understood it in an instant, and Ji Fa Zhou Gongdan in Civil and Military Affairs, and other truly intelligent people.

When it comes to dream interpretation, who can compare with his father Xibohou?How does San Yisheng know how to interpret dreams?I'm afraid it has already been arranged to create momentum for the army to attack merchants.

After reacting, everyone couldn't help cheering up and raised their ears.

San Yisheng was the same, but he was startled for a moment, and he hurriedly bowed to congratulate him with great joy.

"This dream is a great auspicious omen for the king! The lord, the king has the pillars of the ministers, the guests of the great sages, and I really won't let the queen of the wind and Yi Yin be at the right."

Xibohou couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

"Why do you see this?"

"Wuding, the emperor of the great Shang Dynasty in the past, once had a flying bear in his dream, and got the legend among the boards;

Now the lord dreams that the tiger has two wings, it is the bear!I also saw the fire behind the stage, which is the image of fire forged objects.Today the west belongs to gold, and gold must be forged when it sees fire!Exercising cold gold will surely become a great weapon!This is a great sign of the prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty, so I am very pleased to congratulate you. "

"I also congratulate the king for his great auspicious omen!"

Nangong Shi was the first to stare at the eyeballs and said loudly, you, San Yisheng, can really be interpreted as a bear!If it is shameless enough!
When the others heard this, they all hurriedly congratulated in unison.

"The ministers also congratulate the king for his great auspicious omen!"

Finally, Xibohou couldn't help showing joy on his face.

"Since it is such a great auspicious omen, if you are alone, you will meet the minister of the pillars and the guest of the great sage;

It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Now it is the spring of spring, when the scenery is prosperous, all things are relaxed, and the mind is refreshed. I am alone with my sons and friends. If not, I will go to the southern suburb of Fenxi to find green and green, and enjoy the joy of mountains and rivers. In order to find the joy of finding fragrance. "

After hearing this, San Yisheng hastily spoke again.

"Your Majesty built the Lingtai, and the night bears are flying bears. The Lord Xiqi has the talents of pillars, and the Lord has virtuous assistants.

Besides, the spring is sunny and refreshing, and the flowers and willows are competing for beauty. One is surrounded by luck in the southern suburbs, and the other is visiting the leftovers in Shanze.The ministers and others accompanied the envoys, and Nan Gongshi and Xin Jia escorted them, just as Yao and Shun wanted to share the joy with the people. "

Almost everyone was stunned, completely speechless, 'Yemeng Feixiong?Is it true?Must meet the ministers of the pillars, the guests of the great sages?But I don't know who it will be? '

But even though he despised San Yisheng's shamelessness in his heart, he even compared Yaoshun to Marquis Ma Xibo, he still couldn't help being curious and looking forward to it.

And everyone knows that if Xiqi wants to attack merchants, Xiqi really needs a real great sage, but it is not San Yisheng who only flatters others. Fortunately, he knows his own ability.

While preparing, Nangong Shi on the other side finally took the lead this time.

And send people in advance to surround a hunting ground in the southern suburb of Fenxi, and place countless birds and beasts. It can be said that this time it is finally time for me, Nangong Shi, to play. I told you San Yisheng to just watch.

As a result, when a group of generals gathered around, each wearing a strong and sharp bow, and holding a big bow, he went to the hunting ground in the southern suburb of Fenxi, and it became Nangong Shi's personal show.

And holding a big bow, the bow and arrow are shot without fail, one arrow kills, no matter it is flying in the sky or running on the ground, all of them are killed by one arrow.

It can be said that Xiqi has one article and one military. If you talk about Xiqi generals, no one can compete with Nangong.

As for the other people, San Yisheng, Four Worthy and Eight Horsemen, Ji Fa, Zhou Gongdan, and other civil and military officials, would not steal the light of Nangong Shi.

Then there will be countless harvests in a moment.

But Xibohou didn't show any joy, instead he looked miserable, and he sat on the luanyu and shouted to stop after a while.

"Doctor Shang, this is a paddock, why is it set up on this mountain?"

Ask San Yisheng again!
Nangong Shi stopped his bow, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

The other Ji Fa, Zhou Gongdan, and the four virtuous, eight handsome, civil and military officials also couldn't help but know about it, but as long as the king asks San Yisheng, something must be wrong, and only San Yisheng can answer.

San Yisheng hurriedly bowed respectfully to answer.

"Today, Your Majesty goes out for a spring outing and enjoys the spring together. General Nangong has set up this paddock, and when the lord is lucky enough to go hunting, he can relax his mood. It will not be in vain to have some fun, and the monarch and his ministers will have fun together."

Subconsciously, Nangong Shi's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Nangong Shi was cheated by San Yi again?
But seeing Xibohou heard this, he couldn't help but speak seriously.

"The words of the superior doctor are wrong! In the past, Fuxi didn't use hair, but he was called the most holy. Fuxi lived in the ancient world, and there is no beauty of a hundred grains. If he didn't eat it fresh;

Now that the five grains can nourish one's health, and the fat and sweetness are enough to please one's mouth, how can one bear the heart to see animals being so innocently slaughtered?And at this time, the sun is springing up, and it is the time when all things are born, and this kind of killing policy is carried out, and this benevolent person is heartbroken.

Orphans do not eat the flesh of animals, but prefer to eat the millet of a hundred herbs, and each devotes his life to nourishing the peace of heaven, harmless and harmless, and embodies the benevolence of the good Lord of heaven and earth.How can Gu and Qing do such an inhumane thing?Quickly order Nangong Shi to go to the paddock! "

After the loud voice fell, Nangong Shi was also dumbfounded and speechless.

'Emotions themselves have been used again!No one in the civil and military circles of Xiqi knows, your lord likes to eat meat the most, you will not be happy without meat every day, and you will drink from a hundred forests, you will not be happy without wine every day...'

But he complained in his heart, and he didn't dare to express it, so he hurriedly muffled and arranged for someone to evacuate the paddock.

Although the faces of all the other people were slightly strange, they also heard some other meanings. The king wanted to spread his name of benevolence and righteousness, and he came here for that great sage. Could it be that the great sage is actually living in seclusion in this Fenxi?Who could it be?

As a result, when Nan Gongshi returned, there were a lot of ladies and gentlemen who were obviously scattered and arranged for life, walking around the green and purple moors, fighting grass and bushes, or enjoying the stream by the stream with wine, or walking in the green garden singing songs.

Some of the civil and military officials shouted shamelessly.

"It is the king who is upright and the ministers virtuous, and the scholars and the people are happy."

Could it be that it was Taidian who Sanyi was born with?If it is generally shameless!
But as soon as the thought of not wanting to stare at his eyes fell, San Yisheng followed closely.

"My lord, the land of Xiqi is better than Yaotian!"

Finally, even Ji Fa, who was in the crowd, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard it.

And everyone couldn't help thinking, "The three emperors, the most holy Fuxi, also have portraits handed down in the world. Is the image of the leaf-covered shoulders and leopard skin around the waist fake?"If he didn't eat the meat of animals, could it be that the leopard skin could not be picked up? '

Since no one dared to speak out their doubts, they all understood Xibohou's deep meaning.

But he didn't know that Xibo Hou Jichang was sitting on the chariot all the way, and he didn't aim for nothing, but his eyes swept over a fishing rod that no one cared about at the head of the Weishui stream, so he couldn't help but speak loudly on purpose.

can be called that;
There is a fishing rod at the head of the Weishui stream, and the temples are frosty and bright, and there are two clouds.

The chest is full of stars soaring to the sky, and the breath is blowing out the rainbow to sweep away the coldness of the sun.

Could it be exactly what the heretical cultivator, the spirit trainer Nanji Xianweng, said?Arranging to assist the lonely general, should he be right here?
On a piece of bluestone that no one can see from the perspective of Weishuixitou
 The first update is still asking for votes.About 1 words in the next chapter, 3000 words is too short.

(End of this chapter)

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