From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 180 Calling You Huang Feihu to Shine Brightly, There Are Surprises Ahead Ahead

Chapter 180 Calling You Huang Feihu to Shine Brightly, There Are Surprises Ahead Ahead
But even under the guidance of the elder brother Nanji Xianweng, he didn't know that as early as 13 years ago, Lingzhuzi had not been reincarnated in Chentangguan, a great merchant, before everything started.

It can be said that under the elucidation and teaching, the comprehension is extremely high, the roots are excellent, the same three flowers gather at the top, and the five qi are in full swing, the junior brother Qingxu Dazhenjun, but he has long been the same as Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun and Puxian Zhenren. Vigorously Zai Chaoge accepted an apprentice.

Since his comprehension is extremely high, how could he not cooperate with the master's days?And it was one step ahead of almost everyone, second only to Jiang Ziya's trip to Kunlun Mountain, and Jin Zha and Mu Zha.

What's more, when accepting apprentices, even the apprentice's father didn't know about it, and took a three-year-old boy away from Chaoge without making a sound.

And the boy's father is Huang Feihu, the son of Huang Gun, the old commander of Dashang Town, Zhen Guo Wucheng King.

It was also later that Di Xin remembered that Huang Feihu should have a son, but before he ascended the throne and became the Great Shang Monarch, Huang Feihu had already been taught by him before he became the Great Shang Zhenguo Wucheng King. Take away.

It can be said that before he ascended the throne, he was doomed to be "betrayed by all relatives" today, and Huang Feihu was doomed to turn against him in the future.

And from more than ten years ago, more than forty years ago, everything was "doomed", and it was "doomed" under the planning of Chanjiao.

But while thinking of Huang Tianhua, the son of Huang Feihu in the future, Di Xin suddenly realized.

Just like how Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun Mountain when he figured it out at the beginning, it can be said that it is extremely scary to think about it carefully. The Qingxu Dazhenjun, who explained and taught the Qi practitioners in Qingfeng Mountain, is not only a famous and powerful Qi practitioner in the world, but also a scheming person. No less than real Taiyi.

However, it can be seen from the way he recruited Huang Feihu's son that he took away without even saying hello, and it was completely used as a tool to match the number of days of Master Yuanshi Tianzun, or to send him to death. of.

But even for that Yang Ren, from the eyes that have grown back for him, it can also be seen that with such an image, how will he be able to see people in the future?

It can be said that there are two children's arms protruding from the eye sockets, with one eye in each hand, what kind of scene should it be every time you turn your head to talk to someone?What will it be like to stand in front of Na Jifa in the future?

However, although two apprentices were accepted, they were all accepted for the number of days of Master Yuanshi Tianzun. They were completely used to break Da Shang's background as a Qi practitioner, and they were ruthlessly pushed out to die.

After listening to Baiyue's speech, Di Xin couldn't help but feel weird in his heart, and at the same time, he knew instantly that the great era of King Wu's defeat of Zhou had finally begun.

It really started from Huang Feihu's rebellion against Chaoge, and immediately after that Qingfengshan Qingxu Moral Lord who taught and trained Qishi, he will appear again.

The next thing is that when Huang Feihu is the protagonist, he wants to let him shine, and he casts himself on Naxiqi, and then disgusts Najifa.

Di Xin knew even more that at Tongguan ahead, his well-known Zhenguo Wucheng King Huang Feihu would be killed by the guards of Tongguan, and then his son Huang Tianhua would come down the mountain to rescue him.

So after listening to Baiyue's speech, Di Xin couldn't help but look forward to it, and let the storm come more violently!

As a result, Huang Feihu didn't know about it. With Xibohou's successful return to Xiqi, there was an extra yellow scarf warrior from Qingfeng Mountain in the mansion of Prince Zhenguo Wucheng, and he kept hiding in his mansion, waiting for him to come out. Chaoge.

But even if there is no "accident" of Uncle Wang Bigan, his wife is doomed to die, and she will still turn back to Chaoge.

Then, just like Lei Zhenzi rescued Ji Chang, Qingxu Daodezhenjun will show up to save him once, and save him again.

Just like Bo Yikao's mortal destiny, his wife is also unlucky and mortal, a person who is destined to die in the days of elucidation and teaching.

And almost at the same time that he returned Chaoge's voice, the yellow scarf warrior who had been invisible in his mansion also just returned to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain.

Of course, as a qi trainer, he obeys his orders and has almost no personal feelings. The yellow scarf warrior dared not take a step to revitalize the country and Wu Cheng's palace, otherwise the Dashang Chaoge would definitely have a qi trainer and kill him.

In the Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain, the warrior of the yellow scarf returned to report the news that he was about to return to Chaoge.

Outside the Chaoge Meridian Gate, the confidant of the Great Shang Monarch Emperor Xin and Yin Ruibai, who followed the general, also quickly assembled [-] forbidden troops, and planned to capture Huang Feihu, the king of Zhenguo Wucheng who killed Wang Shu Bigan in the street.

But only the left and right lieutenant generals are the villains of the great merchant emperor, Di Xin, and the head of the bodyguard, which no one can imagine.

All changed their appearance again, which also made Yin Ruibai extremely excited. He couldn't help but want to cry up to the sky and fight side by side with the Great Shang Monarch, so that he would die without any regrets.

Evil Lai is unarmed, Di Xin is carrying a bow and arrow, two strange but inconspicuous lieutenants, but waiting for Huang Feihu to lead a thousand generals to come out.

Then he chased him all the way, the real chase, sent him all the way to Xiqi, and let his Huang Feihu shine, unveiling the curtain of this great world.

However, the 48 troops of Chaoge Sixth Division have not yet been dispatched, each division is [-], and they have already started to practice qi invisibly, but they will fight to the sky at the end.

And while gathering the Forbidden Army, it has also sent orders to the five western gates to prepare to intercept Huang Feihu.

Chaoge shook instantly.

The cavalry of the Three Thousand Chaoge Forbidden Army rumbled as if a landslide and the ground were cracked, roaring to the outside of the Meridian Gate.

Zhen Guowu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu killed Wang Shubigan in the street, and it was like a plague in an instant, and it spread throughout Chaoge very quickly.

The six kings of Weizi, Jizi, Weiziqi, Weiziyan, and Boyi uncle Qi were shocked, and all the civil and military officials were equally shocked, and they all felt the impending storm in an instant.

Finally, after a few years of brewing, with the death of Uncle Wang Bigan, and the gathering of 600 cavalry of the forbidden army like a landslide, the beast of the Great Shang Dynasty, who had been panicking for [-] years, finally woke up and roared to the world.

"King Zhou lost his power, the king deceived his ministers and wives, and rebelled wantonly!"

Yu Zhenguo Wucheng Wang's mansion suddenly rushed out on a horse, with a loud shout, a thousand generals behind him also rushed out immediately, and surrounded Zhenguo Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu, his second brother, third son, and four friends.

A five-color divine bull also howled immediately, and appeared on the street of Chaoge very eye-catchingly.

I don't want to rush towards the three thousand imperial cavalry at the Meridian Gate, and Yin Ruibai, who is sitting on a two-meter giant horse, can't help showing a smirk on his face.

In an instant, the whole Chaoge was silent, but only the same thousand generals from Zhenguo Wucheng Palace were left, roaring and killing towards Chaoge Meridian Gate.

"King Zhou lost his power, the king deceived his ministers and wives, and rebelled wantonly!"

The one riding at the front, still sprinting forward, kept drinking.

"call out!"

An arrow suddenly pierced through the air from the hand of the beautiful guard at the gate of the Dashang Palace.

The next moment is an arrow piercing the brain.



A rider in the front stumbled and fell off his horse, his voice stopped abruptly, and he was trampled into flesh by a thousand riders behind him in an instant.


Suddenly, outside the Meridian Gate, Yin Ruibai yelled violently, and the three thousand cavalry rushed forward like a torrent.

As a result, Huang Feihu, who was riding on the five-color divine bull among the generals of a thousand families, couldn't help being stunned, "Then how can the ruined butcher of Yin conceal the killing directly?"Could it be implying that I should escape from Chaoge immediately? '

And Di Xin was also taken aback by the arrow that flew out suddenly, and couldn't help but take a look at it for a moment. He was going to shoot that arrow, but someone snatched his mirror?You may take it with you next time.

And also know that Huang Feihu's Five-Color Divine Bull is nothing more than a strange animal mount, like the real disciple of Du'er in Kunlun Mountain who was killed with a sword in Suhu Jizhou, it can be said that the golden-eyed beast on Zheng Lun's mount is Nothing compares.

It's just like Wang Shubigan being beautified by the Western Zhou Dynasty as an "Eternal Loyal Minister". Only because he betrayed the great merchants and joined Xiqi, so Xiqi beautified his mounts. Infinity.

However, if it is really the legendary beast, then under the protection of the Lord, its Huang Feihu will not be killed by his own big Shang Tongguan guard.

And seeing the torrent of three thousand forbidden troops at the Meridian Gate approaching in the blink of an eye, Huang Feihu couldn't help but wake up, and shouted in a hurry.

"Don't get entangled with the faint king, get out of Ximen quickly!"

At the same time as he yelled, he turned around directly, but he was also worthy of the name of the five-colored cow under him. After all, he was better than a horse, and he braked suddenly.

But for the [-] generals around him, hundreds of them were killed in one blow, and they couldn't turn around on horseback, and they were instantly submerged by the torrent of [-] forbidden troops.

"Huang Feihu killed Uncle Wang Bigan in the street, now he's turned back, kill him!!!"

The same thunderous shouts rang through the streets of Chaoge.

The neighing of the horses was endless.

Bloody aura rose directly into the sky.

The rumble was like a landslide and a tsunami, making the ground tremble, and it went straight to kill Chaoge Ximen.

Weizi and Jizi, the two remaining old uncles, couldn't help but see that their hands trembled, and their bodies trembled as well.

Wei Ziqi and Wei Ziyan, the two king brothers, couldn't help their eyes full of panic, and finally they really felt that the storm of heaven and earth had enveloped Da Shang.

Both Boyi and Uncle Qi, the ancient great sages, were also shocked, since Wang Shu Bigan died, the two brothers seemed to be useless in Chaoge.

And even Di Xin didn't know that the two of them really wanted to keep an eye on Uncle Wang Bigan, and we didn't say anything, just looked at you, Uncle Wang Bigan, to see what other schemes you could have.

But since Wang Shu Bigan is dead, let alone whether Huang Feihu killed him, although many people saw it with their own eyes, it is like the so-called crimes of Huang Feihu and Di Xin'an.

It was Mrs. Qina, although she was the concubine of Zhenguo Wucheng, but she was over forty years old and had four more sons, and she had long since lost any beauty.

The emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin, is sitting on the beauty of the country, so Shang Qingjun and Daji, and there are more than [-] beauties in the land, will they bully Huang Feihu's wife?
So the two ancient great sages saw that Wang Shu Bigan, whom they needed to stare at, was dead, and they couldn't help but feel sad for a moment. They might as well go to Naxiqi to see, what kind of benevolence and righteousness is that Xibohou?

And Huang Feihu didn't know that there were countless surprises waiting for him all the way ahead, calling him to shine, but he just didn't die, and at the same time he betrayed Chaoge.

Xiqi on the other side
 The 2nd update, asking for votes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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