From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 185 Unlucky Huang Feihu Calling You Immortal

Chapter 185 Unlucky Huang Feihu Calling You Immortal

Jiang Ziya, San Yisheng, four sages and eight horsemen are all waiting in front of the phoenix couch, obviously waiting for their own death.

Finally, Ji Chang slowly opened his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Prime Minister."

"The minister is here."

Jiang Ziya was dressed in a plain white Taoist uniform, and his hair was still as white as silk, spotless. Hearing this, he hurriedly stood up respectfully.

San Yisheng was also in his usual plain suit and belt, standing quietly.

But everything was no longer in Ji Chang's eyes, but he only spoke slowly to make the final confession.

"It's no different if I call you now. I live alone in the northwest, sit in Duifang, and rule the heads of princes and princes in two hundred towns. I am grateful for your majesty's grace.

Although it is chaotic and separated now, and there are still titles of monarchs and ministers, they have not deviated.Cutting Houhu alone, although he returned after cutting against the enemy, he felt comfortable outside but was really timid.

Rebellious ministers and thieves, although everyone can be punished, but now the Ming emperor is in the top, if he doesn't understand His Majesty, and kills himself, it is self-defeating.

Kuang Gu has the same title as Hou Hu, and it is a great crime to be self-defeating.

After Hou Hu committed suicide, there were endless weeping in the orphan's ear, and he stood in front of the couch with his eyes closed.I think I can't stand in the Yang world for a long time.

Now, I have a single word, which must not be borne: If after my death, the king is full of evil, I must not listen to the instigation of the princes, and use my ministers to beat the king.If the prime minister violates his solitary words, it will be difficult to meet each other in the dark. "

It can be said that if you die alone, no matter what, if you beat the emperor with your ministers, you will be disloyal; if you disobey the lonely words, you will be disloyal;

After the words fell, before everyone could react, tears were streaming down the face.

In an instant, the four sages and eight handsome men couldn't help but have strange eyes, and they all immediately heard the mystery in the words, which was obviously aimed at Jiang Ziya, and tied his hands and feet!
'If you don't beat the king with ministers, how can you prosper the Zhou family and compete with the great Shang Dynasty for hegemony in the world?
Your Majesty's words are probably only aimed at that Jiang Ziya, the evil cult, and if I attack Zhou in Xiqi in the future, I will also be charged with Jiang Ziya, the evil cult. '

The four sages and eight horses stood quietly, not daring to make a sound.

Jiang Ziya also heard it in an instant, but couldn't help but move slightly in his heart, "The number of days for explaining and teaching is fixed, and the soup will be destroyed, and the Zhou family will be prosperous. How can I stop the trend of explaining and teaching behind my back?"
You, Ji Chang, are indeed worthy of being proficient in Fuxi's gossip. You don't want to wake up before you die, and accuse me of Jiang Ziya's infidelity. You don't know that I, Jiang Ziya, have already carried the name of infidelity on my back, so why not be loyal to you, Ji Chang;

Loyal to you, Ji Chang, loyal to the sky, but I, Jiang Ziya, are disloyal to His Majesty. I, Jiang Ziya, act in a way that is worthy of the heart of heaven and earth, so you can die without regret. '

So he hastily bowed and spoke respectfully.

"The minister He is favored and favored. He is in a position and dares not to be ordered. If you betray the king's words, you will be disloyal."

The words fell, and finally Ji Fa went into the palace to visit and say hello without inviting him in time. After all, among Xiqi's famous four sages and eight horses, his fourth brother Zhou Gongdan was one of the four sages.

Seeing that his father, Marquis Xibo, was about to die, and among the remaining 98 sons, Duke Zhou was the only one by his side, making it difficult for him to feel at ease, so he simply ignored the etiquette and directly used the pretext of entering the palace to visit and greet him.

And with his scheming, Ji Changzi has already calculated that there is no need to call him into the palace, and he will appear at the right time.

And sure enough, he entered the palace in time.

Ji Chang, who was sitting on the phoenix couch with fat head and big ears, who was already sallow, couldn't help being overjoyed, and spoke again.

"My son is here to fulfill his lonely wish."

The more handsome Ji Fa hastened to kneel respectfully and salute.

Ji Chang smiled and nodded.

"After I die, my son is still young, so I'm afraid of listening to other people's words and carrying out conquests wantonly. Even if the great merchant monarch is immoral, he must not do anything reckless, in the name of being a minister and killing the king.

Ji sent you to come here, worship Ziya as his father, and listen to the instructions sooner or later.To listen to the prime minister today is to listen to the orphan.You can ask the prime minister to sit down and worship him. "

In an instant, everyone on the scene heard it, and they couldn't help being moved again.

Since the sentence "My son is young", it once again awakened everyone present, the four virtuous and eight handsome, San Yisheng, and Ji Fa.

It can be said that Ji Chang is already 97 years old, but the second son's Ji Fa is only in his early twenties. This age difference has been embarrassing for many years, but no one has ever dared to mention it.

I don't want Qi Xibohou to say "my son is young" before he died.

In the same way, it is not allowed to carry out conquests wantonly, even if the great Shang monarch is immoral, he cannot use his ministers to beat the monarch in the name of regicide.

It can be said that Ji Fa's hands and feet are also tied. If you do conquests, even if you listen to other people's words, you are disobeying Gu's will and unfilial piety!If you cut down on the king again, it will be disloyal!
Although you, Ji Fa, will take over Xiqi in the future, you can only fight back if you hit him or scold you, otherwise you will be disloyal and unfilial.

But in the end, he asked him to worship Jiang Ziya as his second father, and he would listen to his advice sooner or later, but if he listened to his advice, wouldn't he still have to do conquest?Fallen in the name of disloyalty and disfilial piety?
After realizing it, since the four sages and eight horses scattered Yisheng, he couldn't help but feel extremely strange in his heart.

And the wisdom of Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa also instantly heard, "You, Ji Chang (father, you) are really unwilling to die in peace. What is the difference between such a will and what Nabo Yikao told you when you left Xiqi?" ?
Before you die, you will leave me with the name of disloyalty and disobedience. If I, Ji Fa, move my hands and feet in the future, it will be considered disobedience. If the soldiers send court songs, it will be disloyal.

Then father, you can die without regret. You don't know whether you will be king or loser, and whether I, Ji Fa, is loyal or filial is not up to you, father. '

But at the same time as the thoughts turned, San Yisheng's four sages and eight horses stood quietly, and hurriedly asked Jiang Ziya to take the seat. He just asked Jiang Ziya to recover his body.

At the same time, he couldn't help but quietly said in his heart, "Father, you dote on your fourth younger brother, and you are more famous for his four sages, so don't blame Ji Fa for telling him to taste the original feelings." '

Jiang Ziya also couldn't help but move in his heart, "In this way, since you, Ji Chang, are plotting against your son when he is dying, I, Jiang Ziya, can just make him obey his words, and use this to plan for a future great world, and send all the Taoist brothers who explained the teachings to you." Entering that is beyond redemption. '

But on the surface, she couldn't help but shed tears.

"I have received great kindness from the king. Although I am devastated and sacrificed to pieces of bone, it is not enough to repay the country's grace! Your Majesty, don't worry about your ministers. You should take care of the body of the phoenix, and it will heal itself in a few days."

But seeing his tears, San Yisheng, who was obviously wearing a plain belt, couldn't help flashing a strange look in his eyes again.

But Ji Chang looked at Ji Fa again, and spoke slowly.

"Although the Great Shang Monarch has no way, we are ministers. You should abide by your duties and not overstep and ridicule future generations. You must also love your brothers and be sympathetic to all people. I will not die as a grudge.

Do not be lazy when you see the good, do not doubt the righteousness, and do not deal with the wrong, these three are the way of self-cultivation, the general principle of governing the country and the people. "

Ji Fa only bowed respectfully, while San Yisheng, the four sages and eight handsome men present were also silent.

Finally finished speaking, Ji Chang couldn't help raising his eyes slightly, as if looking into the distance, and suddenly spoke in a loud voice.

"Your Majesty's kindness to you alone! You can no longer see the face of the sky and speak directly, and you can no longer gossip, and you will turn people into people!"

After the loud voice fell, he closed his eyes and passed away.


Ji Fa couldn't help but yelled directly, and burst into tears instantly.


Zhou Gongdan among the Four Worthies and Eight Horses also rushed out and knelt down in front of the phoenix couch.




San Yisheng and the other four virtuous and eight steeds followed closely, weeping and bowing down.

In an instant, there was a loud cry in Xiqi Palace, and it quickly spread outward.



Ji Fa, Zhou Gongdan and both of them couldn't help throwing themselves in front of Ji Chang's feet, weeping with heartache, and couldn't help looking up.

At the same time, the four virtuous and eight steeds in the hall were Yisheng, and everyone couldn't help but look up at the fat man with big ears. It could be said that he was finally dead, and he could look at him without any scruples.

Suddenly Ji Chang's eyes opened, and they were full of light.



Ji Fa and Zhou Gongdan suddenly couldn't help shouting in shock and backed away.

San Yisheng's four sages and eight handsome men also couldn't help but tremble their eyes, and they almost peed on the spot in a flash.

Fortunately, those eyes that were completely naked could only be opened and closed in an instant.

But it still gave Yisheng Jifa the Four Worthies and Eight Horses present, a sense of shock.

Jiang Ziya also couldn't help but see a flash of light in his eyes. He was only a Qi practitioner present, and he was not afraid at all. He stepped forward to take a deep look, and then turned to look at the shocked four virtuous and eight horses San Yisheng.

"His Majesty has passed away, and his body will be moved to the White Tiger Hall for the funeral. Tomorrow, all the officials will be called together to discuss the successor. We shall follow His Majesty's will and enshrine the throne of Xibo, Ji Fa, the King of Wu."

However, even Jiang Ziya didn't know that, just beside Ji Changfeng's couch in the hall, there was still a figure standing there, holding a crutch in one hand, also an old man with white hair, white eyebrows and beard.

But looking directly at Ji Chang, who had obviously passed away, even though he knew that he had really passed away, a sound transmission still reached his ears that he couldn't hear.

'Since you, Xibohou, are so resentful and resentful, I will borrow your visionary body to make your body immortal. In the future, you will become the incarnation of Pindao, enter the Western religion, and become the saint of the Western religion. '

Of course, no one could think of it, since Xi Bohou was unwilling to die, who killed him?Before he died, he held his breath on purpose to surprise the crowd.

As a result, Xiqi's four sages and eight sages, San Yisheng, Ji Fa, and Zhou Gongdan were almost scared to death on the spot, and some of the eight sages could not help incontinence on the spot.

Jiang Ziya was the only one who could remain calm, but at the same time, he couldn't help but wonder why Ji Chang could still have such a vision after his death.

And then that night, Ji Fa had a nightmare all night, and every time he closed his eyes, an extremely horrifying scene appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help crying out in surprise from the nightmare.

"Forgive me! Father, forgive me!"

Zhou Gongdan also had a nightmare all night, and he couldn't help waking up from the nightmare several times.

"Father, spare me! It was the concubine who seduced the child!"

As for San Yisheng and the seven of the four virtuous and eight sages, they also couldn't help having nightmares all night, and the terrified scene appeared in the dreams of everyone present, except for Jiang Ziya, like a curse.

And at the same time that Ji Fa actually ascended the throne as King Wu of the Western Zhou Dynasty the next day, Huang Feihu, who had finally fled for two days and nights, was about to welcome his first surprise, which opened the curtain of King Wu's defeat of King Wu.

 The first update is asking for votes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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