From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 19 Nuwa Christmas

Chapter 19 Nuwa Christmas
The voice resounded through the hall, and when the words fell, it seemed that everyone was refreshed. It was obvious that if he didn't go tomorrow, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty would start forcing the palace, so he had to go.

Di Xin remained calm, but Shang Qingjun's beautiful eyes flashed involuntarily, even sharper than Di Xin's eyes, and looking at everyone, how many people know?
In an instant, Di Xin couldn't help but feel interested. He had been waiting for a long time, so he might as well just play around.

I can't help but have a faint flash in my eyes.

"The widow has never missed the visit to the Nuwa Palace, so let's not go tomorrow. The widow is not feeling well."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Yang Ren spoke again immediately after Yi Zheng's words, and his voice resounded through the hall.

"Your Majesty, you must not! The Nuwa Empress is an ancient goddess, born with holiness; at that time, Gonggong's head touched Buzhou Mountain, the sky tilted to the northwest, and the earth sank to the southeast; Nuwa picked five-color stones to mend the blue sky; so she has meritorious service. For the common people, Li Shu set up sacrifices to repay them.

Singing and worshiping this god of good fortune today means that the four seasons will be prosperous, the country will last forever, the weather will be smooth, and the disaster will subside.On the occasion of Christmas, the righteous god who protects the people of this blessed country, His Majesty should go there to offer incense in person! "

It turned out to be exactly the same as the original, even if it was changed.

Di Xin remained calm on the surface, naturally making excuses on purpose, just to see if he could not go?Even knowing the answer.

But when he saw that all the civil and military men in the court were almost eager to leave the class, he understood it instantly, and couldn't help but move again, and his eyes flashed faintly.

"Who else thinks that the widow must go tomorrow?"

"Your Majesty, let's go!"

"Your Majesty, let's go!"


In an instant, all the civil and military officials in the palace almost spoke in unison, but only the courtier Fei Zhong, Jiang Ziya, who was also a courtier and favorite, and a few people were obviously a little slower.

His Majesty must go tomorrow!

Shang Qingjun has beautiful eyes, seeing everything in his eyes.

Fei Zhong also changed his expression, and instantly heard something else from Di Xin's words. It seemed that His Majesty did it on purpose again. Could it be that what will happen to Nu Wa Palace to send incense tomorrow?Unable to bear it, there was an imperceptible flash in his eyes.

Fei Lian Elai and his son were also there in the hall, and instantly heard the "another meaning" of Di Xin's words, and they all realized it instantly.

Jiang Ziya obviously also felt a little abnormality in the atmosphere, as if the Manchurian civil and military forces were forcing the palace, His Majesty had to go to the Nuwa Palace tomorrow to make incense.

While having to follow everyone's lead to dissuade him, he couldn't help but beg to Uncle Wang lightly, and Xiqi Ji Changnai glanced at everyone.

But I didn't want to meet Yang Ren's shining eyes, and hurriedly withdrew his eyes, and suddenly realized that there must be a conspiracy in it.

Do you want to report to His Majesty and Concubine Shang?A thought flashed through Jiang Ziya's mind. He has been despised and hostile for a long time, and even a clay figurine is a bit angry; what's more, he is a disciple of a major sect who has studied Taoism in Kunlun for 40 years and knows some Taoism.

But just as no one expected, Di Xin's voice was faint, but undeniably resounding through the hall.

"Since such a sage is such a saint, I will allow all the ministers to play it; in addition, the senior doctor Fei Zhong will act on behalf of the widow to inform the eight hundred vassal states of the Great Shang Dynasty. From now on, every March [-]th will be designated as Christmas day!

The day and the earth celebrate together, all people rest together, and stop fighting for seven days to celebrate the Christmas of Nuwa Empress!No one is allowed to kill or eat meat within seven days. Anyone who commits the crime will be punished with death.
Even people who are outsiders should be respected together. If anyone dares to disrespect, I will pour out the soldiers of the whole country and swear to destroy the country!Immediately raise the law and announce it to the world, all barbarians from all over the world should also respect them together! "

When the majestic and unquestionable voice fell, everyone couldn't help being stunned for an instant, obviously shocked, but they didn't expect it at all, as if they were turned into a general!
Such a "Christmas Day" celebrated by heaven and earth must be, I think the Nuwa Empress will be moved by it?

In the main hall, Fei Zhong, Fei Lian, and Evil Lai, even Shang Qingjun, couldn't help their eyes light up when they heard that, so "Christmas Day" is certain, but no matter what conspiracy you have, your majesty will crush it!

After Di Xin finished speaking, he immediately got up and pulled Shang Qingjun away. Since there is only this one thing, there is no need to stay any longer. I will give you time to be pleasantly surprised. The widow still wants to have sex with the two concubines. road.

The apparently long-planned courtship is over.

Soon countless edicts also started from Chaoge, went to the [-] princes of Dashang, and even turned the barbarians and barbarians. Even if you don't go to Dashang, you should respect the "Christmas Day" of Nuwa Empress.

It also includes the princes of the 72nd Route who were rebellious in Beihai, and the veteran Wen Zhong who is abroad.

From now on, every March [-]th will be a "Christmas Day" celebrated by the whole world, and the heaven and the earth celebrate together, all people rest together, and stop fighting for seven days, so as to wish Nuwa Empress Christmas together!
At the same time, the establishment of the "Christmas Day" in the world instantly made the Queen Nuwa, the leader of the demon sect in the Wa Palace between heaven and earth, feel touched, and she couldn't help but flash her beautiful eyes fiercely, and felt a little bit in her heart. move.

"What a Dixin! I will remember this love."

"That Emperor Xin is indeed sincere to the empress. He opened up wasteland and established a 'Christmas Day' for the world! I am afraid that this will become an excuse for blaspheming the saint and having unreasonable thoughts about the saint in his mouth."

Fuxi, who was still in a leopard skin apron, was stunned and looked like a savage, also couldn't help the sparkle in his eyes, and then couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Hmph! Brother Di Xinnai and I watched him grow up, how could he not know his true love and nature, even my appearance, so how could he have any unreasonable thoughts about me?

Tomorrow I want to see who dares to take advantage of his sincerity towards me and embarrass me!
Daji will let me stay for one day, and I will be called 'Daji' in the future, and continue to assist Emperor Xin Wang. Let me see together tomorrow what kind of conspiracy they have! "

"Daji thanked my mother for her innocence, and thanked my mother for giving Daji a marriage."

The figure of Chu Chu who knelt down and kowtowed respectfully on the ground in front of him was Daji who left the Dashang Palace overnight.

But even if the edict is issued, it is not possible to spread it to the eight hundred vassal states of the Great Shang Dynasty, and even to transform the barren lands and barbarians.

It's just that since the great merchant monarch has never opened up wasteland since ancient times, he set a "Christmas Day" for the world, which is already unchangeable. Who dares to overthrow it?
However, the "Christmas Day" set by "Di Xin", who was originally an out-of-fate body, was only felt by the demon leader Nuwa Empress in the Wa Palace between heaven and earth, and the rest of the irrelevant people, even the great leaders, were all indifferent. No sense.

At the same time, the Chaoge that initiated the first "Christmas Day" has also begun to be celebrated by all people. Every family burns incense and sets up a table, and every household decorates and lays felts, preparing for the first "Christmas Day" celebrated by the whole world.

But they don't know that a storm is coming, and the prelude to a world catastrophe is about to be unveiled.

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(End of this chapter)

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