Chapter 207

As a result, Xiqi was a sensation for a day, and even Ji Fa couldn't help being excited when he heard about it, but even if it was a predetermined number of days, he would still look forward to being like the great merchant monarch, and one day he would truly rule the world!
In the early morning of the next day, even everyone knew about it, especially the Anji Xianweng deliberately appeared in Xiqi City, but it was a pity that no matter where he went, there was panic everywhere.

As a result, after scaring countless people to death, the Antarctic Immortal, who taught and taught the master, also had to give up changing his image among the people of Xiqi for the time being.

On this day in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, it was also an unprecedented time when all the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty were present. The former Four Worthies and Eight Horsemen, San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, etc., besides Ji Chang, there were quite a few of them.

Ji Fa sits high and high on the throne, wearing a bright yellow royal uniform with a golden phoenix pattern on his chest. Ten years later, he has the image of a king of benevolence, and he no longer has the heroic spirit of the past.

But just calmly, I couldn't help being excited and looking forward to it, and the soldiers sent out five passes, killed Shang Chaoge, and ruled the world.

And he has also long been looking forward to, looking forward to the day when he will meet that great merchant emperor, Di Xin.

The two civil and military columns under Danchi are headed by Jiang Ziya San Yisheng on one side, and Huang Feihu, the founding king of Wucheng on the other side, and Zhou Gongdan, a general and one of the four sages.

But every time I see him, I feel inexplicably happy when I think that Zhou Gongdan, the fourth younger brother of Danchi, has become an eunuch, but I don't know that Zhou Gongdan has also changed his life and recovered his male body.

It was obvious that everyone was a little excited. After the court ceremony was over, although he knew it was about to start, he couldn't help being excited, but Ji Fa still spoke in a warm voice as usual.

"There is a memorial to the class, and there is nothing to do."

It's a pity that Nezha, the rebellious and father-killing man, was not brought to the palace, otherwise the lonely king could have seen how his face was like powder, and his lips were painted like vermilion, scaring countless people of the lonely king Xiqi to death.

No one knew what Ji Fa was thinking quietly.

After the words fell, Jiang Ziya calmly left the class immediately, holding the teacher's example in his hand and playing.

"Your Majesty, I have something to show for you."

An eunuch who served as a royal official hurriedly got off Danchi, took the watch from Jiang Ziya, and presented it to Ji Fa respectfully.

But no one knew about it, and Ji Fa had already made a decision in secret. It can be said, "Didn't your Great Shang Emperor Di Xin make everyone in the world call you Your Majesty?"
When the lonely king comes to the world and replace you with your great merchant, he will give the name of your majesty to the eunuch who stands with this rank; anyone who speaks to the lonely king must first call the eunuch His Majesty! '

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ziya's calm voice sounded in the hall, making the whole hall involuntarily quiet.

"I heard that you are the parents of all things in the world, and you are the soul of all things. God blesses the people, and they are the kings and teachers. Only they restrain God, favor the four directions, and be the parents of the people.

Today, kings of Shang are honored by Buddha to heaven, and disasters are brought down to the people, poisoning the country, depriving Yuanliang, thieves abusing and admonishing assistants, insulting the five constants, being idle and disrespectful, indulging in wine and sex, sinners are family members, and officials are the world;

Only the official houses, terraces, pools, and extravagant clothing are used to harm the surnames of all people; the ancestors of Jue Xian are sent to worship Buddha: broadcast and abandon the old Li, and compare them to sinners;

Only women's words are used, burning loyalty and righteousness, picking pregnant women; advocating traitors and return, dismissing teachers and guardians; abandoning codes of punishment, because of slavery and righteousness; Please women; the suburban community is not repaired, and the ancestral temple is not enjoyed.Business crimes are rampant, and heaven and man are all angry.

Today, the princes want to hold a meeting in Mengjin, create a teacher who hangs the people and fight crimes, saves the people from the fire and water, begs the king to embody the heart of the heavens to live well, and the thoughts of the princes of the world, thinks about the suffering of the people in the world. If the punishment of heaven is carried out respectfully, the society and the subjects will be blessed!I beg the king to give detailed instructions for implementation. "

Jiang Ziya's calm voice resounded through the hall, and as the voice fell, everyone in the hall couldn't help being excited in an instant.

But when he heard what he played, even San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi, Zhou Gongdan, and other four sages and eight horsemen couldn't help but get strange expressions on their faces.

"Shang Wang accepts!"Who doesn't know that the emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin Zeng, was also known as Zi Shou?You, Jiang Ziya, don't call him Emperor Xin of the Great Shang anymore, but instead call him King Shou of Shang.

Do you still respect God and send disasters down to the people?

How can it be called disrespect to the heavens and bring disasters on the people when the Great Shang monarch set up a "Christmas Day" for the heaven and the earth?But I haven't seen how it brings disasters to the people. On the contrary, it is your evil teaching and elucidation that provokes the disaster of war in the world and really brings disasters to the people.

This time, it really is going to attack the Great Shang Dynasty. Even Jiang Ziya, who you often said that the Great Shang Dynasty never drank, said that he was addicted to wine and sex, and there was no need for crimes;

However, that woman's words are valid, because the harem Shang Qingjun sits in the court, and the rooster sits in the morning. It may have the name, but why has it never been heard of burning Zhongliang and picking pregnant women?
That generation of emperors who have been quick to debate since childhood, very keen on hearing and seeing, and have extraordinary talents, who set up Christmas Day for the world, that great merchant monarch, would actually go to dissect a pregnant woman?

You, Jiang Ziya, really deserve to be a member of a heretic sect. We are ashamed to have come up with such a crime;

What's more, that killing his wife and son, that great merchant emperor would kill his wife and son?Didn't you wait for the qi practitioners in the world to goug out the eyes of the Great Shang Queen Jiang and hang her to death on the beam?

Even looting the flesh and blood of the Great Shang monarch, I am afraid that the person who poisoned the Great Shang Queen Jiang must have been done by someone in your Jiang Ziya cult, right? '

But even Ji Fa, who was wearing a bright yellow phoenix robe on the throne, couldn't help being stunned when he heard it, "This cult teaching is really going to destroy the Great Shang Dynasty, and it has so many crimes with that emperor Xin Jia."

It is said that when the Zhou family takes over the Great Shang Dynasty and replaces it, the Great Shang Dynasty Emperor Xin will also be charged with eternal crimes, and he will never turn back.That's fine too. '

But when they heard that 'today the princes want to meet in Mengjin, and they are the masters who hang the people and fight crimes,' everyone couldn't help being shocked again.

It seems to have seen the collapse of the Great Shang Dynasty in the 600-year period, and the death of the great Shang emperor Di Xin.In an instant, Ji Fa, who was wearing a phoenix robe on the throne, couldn't help being excited in his heart, but on the surface, he pondered for a long time.

I really can't help being excited in my heart. Of course, I have to enjoy the feeling that the climax is about to come, and let everyone have a good taste, but I can't miss it so casually.

And in the main hall, only Huang Feihu, the founding king of Wucheng who betrayed the great Shang Dynasty, did not hide his excitement at all, but couldn't help his eyes flashing. The Western Zhou Dynasty finally wanted to send troops to the fifth pass, and kill the Chaoge of the faint king. !

But to no one's surprise, Ji Fa, who was wearing a phoenix robe on the throne, looked at Jiang Ziya's list of teachers, and opened his mouth in embarrassment after pondering for a long time.

"Father Xiang said that although King Zhou has no way and is abandoned by the world, he should be conquered; but the old king once had a last word: 'You must not be subject to attack the king.' Today's events, the world and future generations will use the lonely king as an excuse.

King Kuanggu had the words of the former king, calling it unfilial.The king of Zong Zhou has no way, and he is also a king.If you cut it alone, it is called disloyalty.It's not so good to observe the minister's festival together with the father-in-law alone, so that King Zhou can change his past and make good. "

Ji Fa's embarrassing warm voice fell, once again all the Chinese, military and military officials in the hall couldn't help being stunned, San Yisheng and other four virtuous and eight handsome men in the hall couldn't help but look weird again, and couldn't help sighing.

'Your Majesty's skill is not inferior to that of the king!

But I don't know why the Jun Hou tied his hands and feet back then, but to carry out conquests is considered disloyal, unfilial, benevolent and unrighteous. Could it be that the Jun Hou was killed by his second son, King Wu? '

But no one knows that it is Jiang Ziya who can't help but feel calm in his heart, and he can't help but feel crazy in his heart when he recites every crime.

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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