From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 210 Ice Sculptures in the City Are Compassionate

Chapter 210 Ice Sculptures in the City Are Compassionate

Even Jiang Ziya couldn't help being curious and wondering, but even if it snowed, how could he take down the Sishui Xiongguan?
However, although he has practiced qi in Kunlun Mountains for forty years, what he has practiced is nothing more than ordinary five-element techniques. The so-called immortality is hard to achieve, except for age and simple five-element techniques, it can be said that he has nothing to gain.

After leaving Qishan, even if the weather changed again, Huang Feihu, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan and others could only wait curiously.

How on earth can we take the Sishui Xiongguan without using a single soldier?
On the other side is Sishui Pass under Qishan Mountain.

As the first snowflakes drifted down melodiously, the veteran Lu Xiong and Fei Zhongyouhun were instantly alarmed.

It can be said that it is snowing in March, which is not surprising, especially at Sishui Pass under Qishan Mountain.

But suddenly the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind howled, accompanied by the falling snow, all three of them could smell something unusual in an instant.

There has been no news from Xiqi City so far, and suddenly the sky and the earth change color, and the sky is full of snow.

Veteran Lu Xiong couldn't help climbing up the Sishui Pass again, staring in the direction of Qishan Mountain ahead, his eyes flickered.

Fei Zhongyouhun and the two also boarded the Sishui juncture closely.

"General Lu, it's snowing suddenly..."

Fei Zhong couldn't help frowning, he didn't know what to say, but he just felt that something was wrong.

You Hun's eyes moved, and he couldn't help but speak.

"General Lu, is it possible that this sudden change in the weather is caused by the cult's elucidation coaches?"

Lu Xiong's white beard fluttered, and the red cloak fluttered behind him as the wind whistled. He couldn't help but frowned slightly, and Hong Sheng spoke slowly.

"The old man is also wondering, even if it was done by a qi trainer in the cult, but it was only a snowstorm, could it be possible to take down my Sishuiguan?

Kuang, tomorrow is Christmas Day, the day and the earth will celebrate together, all people will rest together, and the battle will be stopped for seven days. At this time, what is the use of casting spells and snowstorms to bring down Sishui Pass? "

However, after the words were finished, Fei Zhong's eyes suddenly flickered brightly, and he stretched out a hand, and placed it under the howling wind, and instantly felt icy cold.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but feel a big shock in my heart, and I couldn't help looking up.

But seeing the flying snow all over the sky fluttering down, the world was quiet, but there was only the whistling new wind, blowing from nowhere.

When Lu Xiong and Youhun saw it, they also couldn't help but their eyes flashed, each stretched out a hand, and placed under the howling wind, they felt the icy cold in an instant, and couldn't help but change their expressions.

But then Fei Zhong's eyes could not help but be puzzled, bewildered, agitated, reluctant, nostalgic, all kinds of complicated expressions flashed through his eyes one after another, and he looked at Qishan in the boundless snow, and said in a faint voice,
"I'm afraid, we can no longer leave this Sishui Pass..."

Just by counting breaths, one hand placed under the wind was so cold that he lost consciousness.

Slowly retract the hand, because standing at the juncture of Sishui, facing the howling wind, the result is that both legs and feet have also lost consciousness unconsciously.

The three of them looked at each other instantly.

In the same way, Lu Xiong and Youhun also had various complex emotions flashing through their eyes, and finally they became firm.

Lu Xiong had a fluttering white beard, and his red cloak was still flapping. With one hand holding the sword at his waist, he tried to stand upright, looking towards the direction of Qishan where the snow was falling all over the sky.

Hong Sheng, who was clearly trembling and unable to continue, spoke slowly again.

"Once upon a time, Lu Xiong, there was a failure, Your Majesty! No, protect Queen Jiang! Now, the old minister, it can be regarded as, for! For Your Majesty, I am loyal!

Take it easy,

You wait!Give it all!old man!stand!straight!body!body! ! "

As the trembling torrent came down, the red cloak flapped behind him, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Fei Zhong, You Hun, and the countless soldiers guarding the Sishui Pass all subconsciously straightened up.

The next moment, the whole Sishui moment was silent.

Everything was frozen instantly, and then solidified.

The hunting red cloak has stopped.

The fluttering white beard was also frozen.

But there was only the howling wind, and the snow fell all over the sky.


Suddenly there was an eager shout.

But before the first officer reached the critical point, his body was frozen and turned into an ice sculpture within a few breaths.

Soon, even though the Sishui Pass was blocking it, the temperature inside the pass also plummeted, and the extreme cold quickly spread to the pass at the Sishui Pass.

The countless people and children near the Sishuiguan in Nei are very excited about the upcoming Christmas Day, when heaven and earth celebrate together and all people rest together. When it snows heavily, they can't help but go to the snow to play.

But when he reacted, under the howling extremely cold wind, every body was also playing, and suddenly turned into ice sculptures.

A woman rushing out of the house was also in a hurry and her figure was frozen, turning into a running ice sculpture in an instant.

A black dog hid at the door of the house and watched its owner rush out to rescue the children in the snow. It was also frozen in an instant and turned into an ice sculpture. It couldn't help barking twice in horror, and then suddenly rushed towards the owner.

In the next moment, under the extremely cold and biting wind, it also instantly turned into a running ice sculpture.

In the distance, a young woman with a half-year-old baby in her arms, saw a strange white coming, and everyone she passed by instantly turned into ice sculptures, and she couldn't help but ran into the house in horror.

But before he ran back home, with the arrival of the extremely cold new wind, his body also immediately turned into a terrified running ice sculpture, and he didn't even have time to utter a loud cry.

The new wind was still howling, and the sky was full of snow.

Each layer of the north wind is more icy cold.

It was only slightly cold at first, but soon became icy cold.

When people reacted, it was too late to escape, and all the places where the new wind blew, everything was frozen in an instant, no matter humans or animals.

Almost instantly, as the continuous wind blows, the Sishui Xiong Pass is deadly quiet.

Soon the night passed in silence.

However, following the night of heavy snow and constant wind, those who survived even though they hid in the house were all turned into ice sculptures under the extreme cold.

Overnight, the city was filled with ice sculptures, and none of the 50 soldiers and civilians was spared.

Sishui Xiongguan, which stood for hundreds of years, also turned into a frozen pass overnight, a dead pass.

On Christmas Day the next day, when the sky was bright, there was no sound in Sishuiguan.

A graceful figure appeared stepping on the clouds and mist, and he couldn't help being shocked by the 50 soldiers and civilians in Sishuiguan, and the ice sculptures all over the city.

Clouds and mist were falling, and while flying slowly in the dead silence of Sishuiguan, seeing the countless ice sculptures all over the city, no matter women, children or children, tears could not help but fall down.

Then there was a sudden change of expression, and the figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and several yellow scarf warriors and a boy appeared from the sky above Sishui Pass.

The graceful figure flies directly towards Mount Putuo in the South China Sea between heaven and earth

 The second is to ask for votes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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