From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 229 Make Jiang Ziya, the leader of Chanjiao, who claims to be a poor man, there is one perso

Chapter 229 Let the Self-proclaimed Poor Jiang Ziya, the leader of Chanjiao, have someone waiting for you in Beihai

It can be said that the technique of practicing Qi is based on the five elements, and water is the first within the five elements. Even if Jiang Ziya can't use water to escape, he can reach the Golden Tower of Yujing in Kunlun Mountains with the technique of earth escape.

I have practiced on Kunlun Mountain for [-] years, so I am very familiar with it.

Arriving outside De Yuxu Palace, but seeing no one at the gate of the palace, he had no choice but to wait first, and couldn't help but think again and again in his heart, he was afraid that his trip would have been calculated long ago.

"Since Chanjiao has plotted for days and is about to perish the Great Shang Dynasty, how could it be possible that the Great Shang Dynasty did not know that the Great Shang Dynasty had Qi practitioners to help them?"
My Jiang Ziya's knowledge is miscellaneous but not perfect, but the five elements, I will not be an opponent of the great Shang Dynasty Qi trainer, I am afraid that my trip has already been counted, it should be a magic weapon with me;

I hope, Master, you will not arrange another person to wait for me, and it is related to the Fire Cloud Palace Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor...'

He waited quietly outside Yuxu Palace, but this time he didn't wait too long, when he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Baihe Boy walking out of Yuxu Palace.

'Could it be that Jiang Ziya walked out of Yuxu Palace just for my trip?Otherwise, the white crane boy would never come out of the Yuxu Palace once in ten or a hundred years. How could he come out of the Yuxu Palace by such a coincidence. '

With a sudden movement in his heart, he simply continued to wait quietly, pretending not to see it, and drooping his eyelids.

Obviously Baihe boy stopped at the gate of Yuxu Palace.

no response……

Boy Baihe looked over and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Standing at the gate of Yuxu, he was waiting for Jiang Ziya to see Hao and hurriedly screamed, unexpectedly, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Uh! Uncle Jiang Ziya, why are you here?"

"Ah! Baihe Tong'er, I was thinking about something just now, but I didn't see you, so let me know."

"Then uncle wait a moment."

Boy Baihe didn't think much about it, he turned around and went back to Yuxu Palace, and knelt down under the bed of Yuanshi Tianzun Biyou, the leader of Chanjiao.

"Master Qi, Master Uncle Jiang Ziya is waiting for the decree of Master outside the palace."

"Call him in."

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes slightly, spoke calmly, and heard the conversation between the two outside the palace.

Soon Jiang Ziya also came in, and bowed respectfully under Biyou's bed, and told about the four holy kings and demons of Sishuiguan Jiulong Island.

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke calmly after listening.

"The four holy kings of Jiulong Island are blocking you at Boshui. The beast he rides on is unknown to you. It is named Bi An. It is the time when all the beasts turn to the sky. There are different kinds of dragons. There are nine kinds of dragons with different colors. That's why. It can make all animals panic.

Boy Baihe, bring my mount to Taoyuan. "

Hearing this, Boy Baihe got up and walked towards the Taoyuan of Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke calmly again: "Lin's head and tail are like a dragon, and his feet step on the auspicious light to Jiuchong. The four seas and nine continents can be visited at will, and the three mountains and five mountains meet in an instant."

However, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but think to himself, "I don't want Master, you also know the names of the four saints of Jiulong Island, and even know their mounts;

On the contrary, the Four Sages of Nine Dragons Island are really worthy of their name, but it is not a good thing to be remembered so much by you, Master. '

Just as he was thinking about it, Boy Baihe also brought a monster over.

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke calmly again.

"Jiang Shang, it's also your 40 years of practice, and the number of days that you have been acting as an agent of Pindao. Today, I will ride this beast with you to the Sishui Pass, so as to meet the strange things in the three mountains, five mountains, and four dunes."

poor way!

poor way!

poor way!

Jiang Ziya's heart was shocked in his calm expression, "Master, you, an ancient god, Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of explaining religion, actually called yourself a poor way in front of me, Jiang Ziya!"
What is my identity, Jiang Ziya?Is it worthy of your teaching that the leader is so equal and commensurate?Such calculations, calculations against me, Jiang Ziya I. '

My heart couldn't help stirring, but on the surface it was still just worshiping respectfully.

Unexpectedly, Yuanshi Tianzun's voice fell, but Nanji Xianweng came out strangely from behind Biyou's bed, with a stone on his forehead, with a kind smile on his face, not knowing what he and his master Yuanshi Tianzun had planned in Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun then ordered the Antarctic fairy to fetch a large yellow flag, about two feet away, and then spoke again under the kind smile of the Antarctic fairy.

"As soon as you go, go to the North Sea, there is still one person waiting for you. The poor will give you the banner of Wuji in the Central Committee. There is a Jane in the banner. When you are in danger, you should look at this and you will know the truth.

As for the four holy kings and demons of Jiulong Island, you can ride the four different forms and lead them to Wulong Mountain. Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun will keep them later.You just go back. "

It's poor again!

Jiang Ziya hurriedly kowtowed and took the central Wuji Xinghuang flag, "Sure enough, another person was arranged to wait for me. If I don't go to Beihai, I won't meet that person. Next time, I will arrange to go to Xihai."But I don't know who arranged with me? '

Respectfully and calmly, he was sent to Qilin Cliff by the Antarctic Immortal with a kind smile on his face, and once again confessed that he was going to the North Sea, and then he bid farewell to the mount bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun and left.

Then he shouldered the magic weapon, the Wuji Xinghuang Banner in the center, which was more than two feet away, and he couldn't help but think and wonder all the way, "What I know right now is mixed with the explanation and teaching for days, but only Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor of the Fire Cloud Palace, could it be that he arranged another one?" an heir? '

And the four incompatibility is also worthy of the mount given by Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of Chanjiao. The four feet can also rise up on their own. During the flight, there is a red light that goes straight to the nine heavens, and the ringing of the bell resounds through the heavens and the earth.

But at the same time, it also made Jiang Ziya calm and speechless, "Isn't this afraid that people will not know where I, Jiang Ziya, appear?"
If someone chased me, but allowed me to flee to the ends of the earth, they would all be attracted by the ringing of this red light.Master, what do you mean by giving me Jiang Ziya this mount? '

As a result, he arrived at Beihai within a short while of thinking.

And Di Xin also knew that although the four different phases were beautified by later generations to be incomparably sacred, they could be called the mount of Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of religion.

But in the original trajectory, Jiang Ziya was riding Sibuxiang, and was overtaken by Wang Mo's mount Bi An, and was killed by Wang Mo out of loyalty for the Great Shang Dynasty.

So is the four different phases better than the beasts?At least Bi An is not afraid of Si Buxiang, or did Si Buxiang deliberately send Jiang Ziya to die?
However, Di Xin only remembered later that Jiang Ziya also had his own so-called "fate" in the original trajectory, which can be described as seven deaths and three calamities, and he was destined to die seven times.

But who said fate is doomed?But the widow did not kill Jiang Ziya. If Jiang Ziya died less than seven times, I don't know if you, Yuanshi Tianzun, would kill him seven times to fulfill the so-called seven deaths?
It is self, but only Di Xin knew about it, and he didn't tell anyone.

Jiang Ziya shouldered an apricot-yellow flag of more than two feet, and rode the four different phases. He had the first experience, so he didn't need to go to the sky over the Beihai Sea, but he only chose a high mountain near the sea, and he would float down with the four different phases Down.

But I don't want it to be just right, or it may be caused by the red light bell. As soon as I landed on the high mountain, I saw a strange cloud suddenly rolled up at the foot of the mountain.
 The third watch is asking for votes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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