From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 26 Jiang Ziya's Thoughts

Chapter 26 Jiang Ziya's Thoughts

Jiang Ziya also thought instantly, isn't that image just like the elder brother Antarctic Immortal on Kunlun Mountain?I don't want to ask His Majesty Meng, that Xibo Hou Jichang may replace him in the future.

How could it be a joke?

Even though they were the other three princes, they couldn't help but their eyes flashed fiercely when they heard it, and the expressions of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty also changed.

Obviously Di Xin wanted Xibo Hou Jichang to express his opinion.

Even those who were a little slow to react, they all immediately reacted to the strange silence in the hall.

But before Xibo Hou Jichang could express his opinion, Di Xin Youyou's voice sounded again.

"The widow doesn't believe in any dream-like words, it's just the doctor's advice the day before yesterday:

The widow is the venerable of ten thousand chariots, rich in the whole world, worthy of Yao and Shun, and everything in the world should be owned by the widow;
However, the widow now has no more than four concubines in the harem, so why not pass an edict to the four princes?Hundreds of beauties are selected in each town to fill the widow's palace, so why worry about all the most beautiful women in the world falling into the widow's hands?

But the widow is not a womanizer, he just doesn't like the eunuchs in the palace, so he drives them all out of the palace, so there is a shortage of servants in the palace.

Therefore, the widow also wants to select hundreds of beauties from good families, no matter rich or poor, as long as they have dignified appearance, gentle temperament, polite manners, and generous manners, to serve as servants in the harem. I wonder if Marquis Xibo can help me with this? "

Before he finished speaking, Jiao Ke, the senior doctor in the second class, couldn't help shaking his hands, his eyes darkened, he almost fainted, and he couldn't help but give Jiang Ziya a vicious look.

Shang Rong also almost fell head over heels when he heard that, after a while it turned out that Di Xin still wanted the beauty, he was so angry that he jumped out to object on the spot, but when confronted by the four princes, he had no choice but to take a deep breath and endure it.

Everyone else couldn't help but change their expressions again, and the atmosphere became even more weird. It turned out that they wanted that beauty after turning a corner!I'm afraid that the words of dreaming are just excuses.

And just like a "guiding light", when Di Xin finished speaking, all the civil and military gazes of the court couldn't help looking at the senior doctor Jiaoge.

The result is that all the four princes can't help but look at him, and the color of "hatred" flashes in their eyes. If they can kill him with their eyes, they may die a hundred times on the spot.

Isn't that the internal response arranged by Ji Chang?There is nothing wrong with making suggestions, it is just to ruin the reputation of the widow, to be licentious and immoral, and to be a womanizer.

But if the beauties want it, the name can only be you, Lord Xibo, shooting yourself in the foot.

Since you are the one who instigates it, then it is up to you to figure out how to find out the beauty. Whether you share it among the four princes or you, Xibohou, take care of it yourself, I don't care.

After reacting, it was obvious that everyone's faces couldn't help but relax, but only Fei Zhong and Fei Lian Elai knew what Di Xin was thinking.

It was obvious that he defeated Xibo Hou Jichang's army, and left him speechless, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

As a last resort, Xibo Hou Jichang had no choice but to respond in a hurry, which was better than Natuo's dream. Should he swear on the spot that he would never go against business?

But even so, he still couldn't help feeling defensive in his heart, knowing that Chaoge would "change" soon, and he just glanced at Jiaoge indifferently from beginning to end.

But Di Xin directly arranged for his father-in-law, Shang Rong, and Ya Bigan to be in charge of hosting a banquet in the Xianqing Palace, and the four princes could only kowtow to thank each other again.

Similarly, only Fei Zhong, Fei Lian and his father and son could comprehend the subtlety of Di Xin's arrangement.

But Shang Rong is clearly on Di Xin's side, no matter what, they are a family, and although Di Xin is "lewd and immoral", he can't fight back against his old guy, although he never fights back. I didn't dare.

And Wang Shu Bigan was close to Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu and Nanbohou E Chongyu, but he had to be cautious in front of Beibohou Chonghouhu and Shang Rong, who were also relatives of the same country.

At the same time, Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu has the same status as Shang Rong, both of whom have women in the harem.

Beibohou Chonghouhu was originally Diyi's diehard loyalist. He had been in charge of restraining Xibohou Jichang for Emperor Yi, and even sent troops to conquer him, so it was impossible for him to be with Xibohou Jichang.

The songs of the four great princes entering the court naturally have their own thoughts and different purposes. Obviously, the Beibohou Chonghouhu came to recognize the new emperor of the Great Shang, Emperor Xin.

Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu and Nanbohou planned to support Wang Shubigan to inherit the throne of the Great Shang Monarch.

Xibohou Jichang would never allow the two of them to succeed, and would unite with Beibohou, no matter what, let Di Xin, a licentious young businessman, sit firmly in his seat.

So even if the four princes had their own scruples, they would not have thought that there would be such a subtle mystery in Di Xin's arrangement, otherwise it would be too scary.

On the other side, Emperor Xin withdrew from the court, and immediately led Jiang Ziya to go outside the Meridian Gate to proclaim an edict to Hou Suhu of Jizhou.

As for why Jiang Ziya went to proclaim the decree, it was of course because of "trust", because Fei Zhong was originally asked to go, but Jiang Ziya was present, and Fei Zhong's sworn brother. Thinking of the notoriety of the two brothers in the eyes of the eight hundred princes, it was easy I had no choice but to fulfill my brother's responsibility and take over the task of proclaiming the decree.

He also knew in his heart that the eight hundred princes and even the four major princes all sent money, only the Marquis of Jizhou, Su Hu, did not send it. I am afraid that the announcement of the decree will not be so smooth.

In addition, this elder brother has also studied Taoism for 40 years. Although he has not learned much Taoism, it should be easy to deal with a prince.

It's just that he didn't know that Jizhou Hou Suhu's anger had been brewing for a few days, and he was waiting for Emperor Yi to summon him alone to erupt, but he didn't expect to send a sycophant Jiang Ziya.

As a result, before Jiang Ziya could finish his announcement, he yelled violently in front of the eight hundred princes outside the Meridian Gate, and even pointed at Jiang Ziya's nose and cursed.

"Immortal and foolish king! This is to steal the king's uncle Bigan's throne! I don't want to, let alone think about the virtues of my ancestors, but listen to the slander and flattery of you and other treacherous sycophants, and sit in the harem, licentious and immoral!
What's more, I want to recruit my daughter into the harem again. I, Su Hu of Jizhou, will not seek to conspire with such a faint king who despises the virtuous and emphasizes the beauty!
If the king is not upright, the minister will vote abroad!Now that Emperor Xin Xiao'er is so pressing, don't blame Su Hu for going out of Chaoge!
A real man doesn't do things he doesn't understand!Come on!Take the four treasures of the study! "

Immediately, soldiers from Jizhou brought pens and ink.

The eight hundred princes outside the Meridian Gate were all stunned, shocked and unbelievable.

Then His Majesty Emperor Xin wants to recruit the daughter of Marquis of Jizhou into the harem again?Sure enough, it was as lewd and immoral as the rumors said, and it was even more absurd to sit in the harem.

At the same time, I couldn't help but admire the courage and courage of Hou Suhu of Jizhou in my heart. He really is a hot-tempered person!

In other words, no one would really dare to scold the innocent king, Dixin Xiaoer, or even stealing the throne, but they all couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The so-called eight hundred princes are all headed by their respective leaders, and they have different ideas. At least four hundred of them belong to the alliance of Wang Shu Bigan, just like Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu.

It is obvious that Hou Suhu of Jizhou yelled "steal Wang Shubigan's throne", and it was not really impulsive, but also had intentions and scheming!
But just thinking about it, no one was moved by it.

And Jiang Ziya, one of the two courtiers of Chaoge, also resigned himself to it, without changing his face at all, just quietly looking at Jizhou Hou Suhu who was cursing in front of him, and even couldn't help thinking in his heart:
"Since it is said that His Majesty stole the king's uncle Bigan's throne, it must be Na Bigan's supporter; and when he recruited his daughter into His Majesty's harem as a concubine, he also spoke for Na Jiaoge, but Na Jiaoge was also recommended by Xibo Hou Jichang as a court song Officer, could it be that Xibo Hou Jichang?

It seems benevolent and righteous on the surface, but in fact there is such a conspiracy in the dark to force Hou Suhu of Jizhou to rebel against Chaoge. Could it be that what His Majesty said about the big brother's dream is actually true? '

Jiang Ziya kept his composure, but his thoughts turned. He had already vaguely known that Di Xin had found out the cause of Di Yi's sudden death; It was done by Uncle Wang who succeeded to the throne of Great Shang Monarch.

So it is also easy to see the causal connection between all events, just like the Jizhou Hou Suhu in front of him, I am afraid that he has already been used by the Xibo Hou Jichang.

At the same time, Hou Suhu of Jizhou had also written poems on the wall of the Meridian Gate.

"The monarch is bad for the ministers, and there are five constants. Su Hu of Jizhou will never go to business."

After inscribing the poem, he turned around and led the Jizhou entourage soldiers out of the court song.

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(End of this chapter)

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