From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 269 Ji Fa's Excitement Is Too Early

Chapter 269 Ji Fa's Excitement Is Too Early
However, just like ordinary people of great merchants, soldiers and horses, it is also impossible for soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty not to have seen women, and they have seen beauties, but they have never seen Qi training female immortals between heaven and earth.

To describe a beautiful woman as extremely beautiful, it is usually described as beautiful as a fairy, but I don't want to see a real fairy in the world one day.

The spotless bright green dress with fluttering belts, the beautiful figure with white skin like snow and creamy skin, stepped on clouds and mist, and flew leisurely.

In an instant, the entire Western Zhou formation was silent, and everyone's thinking could not help but come to a standstill, and they were stunned with wide-eyed eyes.

The most important thing is that the legendary Qi-training female fairy flew out from the Sishui Pass of the Great Shang Dynasty, making all the soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty subconsciously envious.

The great merchants had qi-training female immortals to help them, but in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were some insidious, despicable and shameless people in the cult, and it was rumored that they were all as good as Long Yang, and there was no female disciple to teach.

Immediately afterwards, everyone couldn't help but think of the scene of the Antarctic fairy under the teaching, and the stone on the forehead scared many people to death;
Nezha's face is like powder, his lips are like vermilion, Huang Tianhua's face is like suet, and Lei Zhenzi's frightened image.

There is also an exposition of the insidiousness and shamelessness of Taiyi real person in Qianyuan Mountain, and the shamelessness of Yunzhong in Zhongnan Mountain.

It can be said that one poem caused the hardships of Xibohou for several years at the beginning, and even caused the death of Dongbohou and Nanbohou, which caused chaos in the great business world and set off the disaster of war in the world.

There is also the chaos of the Western Zhou Dynasty that has just gone through and has not yet passed. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured overnight, and the city of Xiqi was ablaze.

Likewise, everyone already knew that the news came from nowhere. It turned out that the burning of the grain and grass in the Western Zhou Dynasty was actually the work of some Dao Xing Tianzun under the teachings of the cult.

Once in Wulong Mountain, the scene of Taiyi Zhenren and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun two old men laughing and talking hand in hand under the teaching, was also spread out for the world to know.

At the beginning, Di Xinzi was also amazed for a long time, not wanting to be recorded in later generations that the two were joking hand in hand, but the two actually had a hand in hand joking, so of course he wanted to publicize their adulterous love.

So ten years later, all the nasty things that Di Xin knew about the teachings, including the adulterous relationship between the real Taiyi in Wulong Mountain and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, all the insidious, despicable and shameless things are all propaganda. Know to the world.

But even every ordinary soldier and horse in the Western Zhou Dynasty already knew it well.

In the end, when I saw the beautiful Qi-training fairy who helped Dashang, compared with the cult servant who helped me in the Western Zhou Dynasty, everyone couldn't help but accept it for an instant, and was stunned with endless envy.

Why did the great merchant have the help of beautiful qi-training goddesses, while we in the Western Zhou Dynasty were all insidious, despicable and shameless people under the teachings of the cult, no wonder there was not even a single qi-training fairy in the teachings.

And at the same time when Our Lady of Golden Light was shining brightly and her beautiful figure attracted everyone's attention from the Sishui Pass, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but speak in the tent of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"Although the four generals of the Demon Family have been eliminated, the soldiers and horses in the Sishui Pass have not been disorganized. It is assumed that there are still high-ranking soldiers in command; we must not act rashly, and the big merchants will definitely have reinforcements."

The disciples of the next three generations of Chanjiao have basically arrived, what should they do next, whether to break through the barrier and kill Chaoge all the way, or continue to wait, everyone is waiting for Jiang Ziya's arrangement.

Wearing a phoenix robe on the throne, King Wu Jifa was full of eager anticipation. She couldn't help but forget all the 'pain' under the excitement, but she only looked forward to the upcoming king's arrival in the world of business.

And I don't know that even if the great Shang monarch died and the country was destroyed, he would not be able to proclaim himself emperor in the original trajectory.

It is also the place where Di Xin felt strange for a moment. In the original trajectory, even though his martial king Ji Fa took over the world of great merchants, he was not able to be called the monarch.

But even after his death, he couldn't get the title of monarch, let alone be called emperor, but he was still the king of Wu. Could it be that someone would not allow Ji Fa to be called the emperor?

But seeing Jujiang's big tent changed again at this time, the lower left is a two-meter-tall, five-faced Nezha with painted lips, two cocks on his face; a naked figure on one side, with a chest A mass of black hair, Bai Jian, the former general officer of the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan, with a mass of black hair on his crotch.

On the right side is now Lei Zhenzi, the one hundred disciples of King Wu. That huge figure, with a face like blue indigo, hair like cinnabar, sharp eyes, and bristling teeth, can only sit on the ground.

But even if he was sitting on the ground, he was completely taller than everyone else. Since the entire Western Zhou Dynasty, he had known that this huge monster was one hundred younger brothers of King Wu.

I have to say that Ji Fa, the king of martial arts, felt pain in his heart, "Emotional father, you will not let me go. Ji Fa, you also quietly left me such a surprise; there is also Zhong Nanshan Yun Zhongzi, my father made it for me." It killed him, and now he is the same king as me. '

No one in the big tent knew the resentment hidden in his heart under the excited and eager anticipation of Wu Wang Jifa.

However, seeing Lei Zhenzi's shock, he instantly shone brightly in the Western Zhou formation, attracting the halo of all the other disciples under Chan's teaching, and even attracting everyone's attention in the big tent.

San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Huang Feihu, even Nezha, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Huang Tianhua, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, could not help but stare at Lei Zhenzi and freeze for a while.

But no matter how arrogant Yang Jian was, it was a pity that no one took a look at him. As a result, when Jiang Ziya's voice fell, in order to attract the attention of other people in the big tent and grab some aura back, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Hmph! Even if reinforcements arrive, they are just heretics. It is impossible for me to have my eight or nine mystical skills. Since I am here, Master Uncle can go to avoid war from now on."

Finally, everyone couldn't help but looked at him strangely, "Your transformation technique is mysterious, but you turned into a dog in the end, and was looked at by the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of the big businessman, and the dog was happy. Do you think I don't know?" '

"I wonder if Prime Minister Jiang is here?"

Suddenly, a very beautiful female voice came from the front of the formation in the distance. The voice was like flowing water, and it seemed to come from the sky. It was actually indescribably beautiful.

In an instant, everyone couldn't help but cheer up, female fairy?Definitely the legendary Qi training female fairy!Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a beautiful voice!
And even Nezha, Jinzha, Muzha, Huang Tianhua, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, even Yang Jian, who is rumored to have a noble status, have never seen the world because they have been worshiped by Chanjiao since they were young. Qi training female fairy.

It can be said that there are some insidious, vile and shameless old people in the teachings, just like the weirdness of the Antarctic fairy with a wax gourd on his forehead. When have you ever seen a woman?Especially the legendary Qi-training female fairy, but there is no one in the explanation.

Nezha has no feelings for women and beauties, but the other Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Yang Jian, and Huang Tianhua, after entering the Western Zhou Dynasty, couldn't help sneaking a look at Queen Yijiang countless times .

Because it was Yang Jian, there was also no woman to watch in Yuquan Mountain. It is rare that next time the mountain will see that all women can compete with Diaochan. Of course, it is impossible for anyone to know who Diaochan is right now.

The key point is that among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was only one woman, Queen Wu, who naturally became the focus of everyone.

But Dashang Sishui Pass is different, it is guarded by the real military and civilians, almost everyone has family members, and there is no shortage of women.

But in the Western Zhou formation...

As a result, he suddenly heard an incomparably beautiful female voice that seemed to come from the sky, and even Wu Wang Jifa couldn't help but feel refreshed in an instant.

'Could it be that the legendary Qi training female fairy also came to help the lonely king?Doesn't it mean that there are no female fairy disciples who practice Qi under the teachings of the cult?But I don't know who it is? '

So Wen Ting's thoughts changed, and he couldn't help being overjoyed in an instant, and spoke directly.

"Wait a minute! It must be some qi-training female fairy on a famous mountain who came here to help the lonely king. The lonely king will welcome him personally, and Zhu Qing should also go to greet the lonely king with him!"

Speaking of that, Wu Wang Ji Fa, who was dressed in a phoenix robe, couldn't help but stepped down from the throne with a happy expression on his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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