From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 281 Calling You Western Zhou 1 to Kneel for Yang Jian

Chapter 281 Telling You to Kneel on Xi Zhou Zhou and Take the Blame for Yang Jian

A glance shocked everyone, but even Jiang Ziya couldn't help being shocked, "Your Majesty has such terrifying strength?"In this way, there will be a good show at Sishui Pass. '

Fortunately, Lei Zhenzi was slow to react, but he also knew it was scary, so he didn't dare to stand out, but the target was too big, the appearance was too fierce, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to, but he only stared wide-eyed in shock.

Nezha was also directly frightened. The lady Shiji was scary back then, but she was not as scary as the strange man she saw this time. With just one glance, she almost killed Yang Jian, who was practicing Bajiu Xuangong.

And it was obvious that the man was merciful, so that Yang Jian could not die, but slid down the stone wall of Sishuiguan and disappeared into the moat, leaving behind a human-shaped bloodstain, which was eye-catchingly printed on the stone wall of Sishuiguan.

But I just don't know that Di Xin is really the killer, anyway, you can teach your disciples to be resurrected after death, let's see if you can kill you Yang Jian.

In the end, under the power of the gods, even if his two testicles were crushed, and his body was slammed into the stone wall, it was enough to smash his body into pieces with the power of the gods, but he didn't even die, but survived and turned into an incarnation And escape, then you can cut it with confidence in the future.

Riding a jade unicorn is majestic, 1.5 meters two, and Huang Tianhua, whose face is like suet, can no longer be majestic. Facing a strange man who almost killed Yang Jian with a glance, he can't help but feel terrible in his heart.

Everyone was instantly intimidated and did not dare to move.

Who dares to move?Maybe he will be the next egg to be broken, and maybe he won't die like Yang Jian?
Ji Fa already hated that her bright yellow phoenix robe was too eye-catching, if she was caught by chance.

Meanwhile, the Holy Mother of the Golden Light in mid-air couldn't help but be amazed for an instant. Before she had time to know Di Xin's terrifying divine power, she could easily deal with a Qi trainer who had gathered three flowers and gathered five energies.

One glance, just one glance, almost killed Yang Jian instantly.

In an instant, there was an eerie silence in the two formations.

Ordinary soldiers can't see clearly from a distance, but Qin Tianjun and the Nine Heaven Lords, who are Qi practitioners with three flowers gathered together and five Qi Chaoyuan, can see clearly. The Great Shang Monarch can kill people with his eyes?
In an instant, the nine old buddies couldn't help being stunned again, and couldn't help being shocked, surprised and disbelieving.

Elai, who was also at Sishuiguan, was indifferent, knowing that it was just the tip of the iceberg of Di Xin's true divine power.

But for Yu Hua, Chong Yingbiao, and Yin Ruibai, they couldn't help being extremely excited, and they couldn't help seeing their blood boil.

"Kneel down."

Suddenly in mid-air two battles ago.

Di Xin's faint voice sounded.

At the juncture of Sishui, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

After reacting, Yu Hua, Chong Yingbiao, and Yin Ruibai all grinned at the same time.

Qin Tianjun and Jiutianjun were obviously stunned, "Kneel down?Your Majesty actually told Jiang Ziya and others to kneel down? '

And everyone in front of the Western Zhou formation was equally stunned, kneeling down?
Kneeling down to the beautiful goddess of qi training, Our Lady of Golden Light?
Completely unresponsive.

But only Jiang Ziya, although he was slightly startled when he heard it, he couldn't help but react instantly, and he didn't have the slightest obstacle in his heart.

So Wen Ting, but only slightly startled, then knelt down to Di Xin without hesitation.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

'The prime minister actually knelt down to that beautiful qi-training female fairy? '

But no one else knelt down, and everyone dared not kneel.

Di Xin's cold eyes looked directly at Lei Zhenzi's sharp eyes.

As a result, his body trembled in an instant, and he knelt down suddenly, but he couldn't bear the pressure, so he knelt down on his own initiative.

Immediately afterwards, Di Xin's cold eyes fell on Nezha.

Nezha couldn't help but struggle with his eyes for a moment, and looked at his uncle Jiang Ziya who was kneeling honestly beside him, and he simply knelt down obediently as a hero.

Huang Tianhua, who was riding a jade unicorn beside him, had a flash in his eyes, and the jade unicorn suddenly got up on all fours.

But before the jade unicorn flew into the air, there was a sudden 'boom', and the person and the jade unicorn fell to the ground together, and passed out on the spot.

Di Xin's cold and terrifying eyes looked towards the front of Xi Zhou's formation again.

In an instant, San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, four sages and eight horses, ninety younger brothers, and all the generals knelt down without hesitation.

Even Prime Minister Jiang Ziya knelt down, why hesitate?
Especially thinking of the terrifying look of the strange man in mid-air, since no one wants to be Yang Jian's second, and then his crotch will be stared at, and he might also crash into the stone wall of Sishui Pass like that and survive?
Huang Feihu's second brother, four friends and three sons were also no slower than anyone else, and they all knelt down together.

In an instant, there was only Wu Wang Jifa in a phoenix robe left in front of the Western Zhou formation, but thinking that even if his crotch was broken, Prime Minister Jiang Ziya could replace her with a new one, so he gritted his teeth and looked straight at him without fear. A strange man in mid-air.

"The lonely king is the future lord of heaven and earth, so how can he kneel down to you, a qi practitioner who is a foreigner!" '

But he didn't know that the strange man in mid-air who gently embraced the beautiful qi-training female fairy was the great merchant emperor Di Xin whom he had been thinking about for more than ten years.

What's more, he didn't want that strange man to not look at him at all, and then an extremely shocking scene that he would never forget until his death happened.

I saw the qi trainer lightly embracing the beautiful qi training female fairy, the stalwart figure seemed to be looking at the sky and the earth, but only one hand pressed down at will.

In an instant, as far as the eye could see, the almost endless Western Zhou soldiers and horses fell to their knees at the same time.

Let all living beings worship, that extremely shocking scene instantly silenced the world, stopped his heartbeat, stopped his thinking, and left only crazy disbelief in his eyes.

Do not!
Do not!
The eyes couldn't help but completely fell into madness, and slowly swept around, it seemed that only one person was left standing in the whole world.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light, who was lightly embraced by Di Xin in mid-air, was also so excited that she couldn't control herself for a moment. It was an extremely shocking scene that made all living beings worship.

Even with mysterious supernatural powers, it is actually just Di Xin's terrifying divine power oppression, but it is precisely because of the supernatural powers that it makes his heart even more shocked and pleasantly surprised, and he can't help but want to go crazy with excitement, regardless of himself Ten Heavenly Lord Jin Guang Image of the Virgin.

This is worthy of being the emperor of heaven and earth, and he should come out in response to the great calamity of heaven and earth.

Di Xin also suddenly thought that if he didn't show some strength, I'm afraid the nine uncles would still foolishly go to die. At this time, the widow has such skills, can you rest assured?

At the Sishui juncture, everyone watched the incomparably shocking scene in the Western Zhou formation, and couldn't help being agitated in their hearts, and they also followed closely to bow down.

But since the entire Western Zhou Dynasty knelt down, who knew that he and others knelt down to "Your Majesty"?

Immediately afterwards, Di Xin's faint voice sounded again.

"Then Yang Jian is disrespectful to my wife, so telling you to kneel on Xi Zhou is a punishment;
My wife, the Holy Mother of the Golden Light, was originally a disciple of the Jiejiao, and she upholds the doctrine of the leader of the Jiejiao, who is a sage, and there is no discrimination in teaching, all living beings are equal, and she has a compassionate heart.
Therefore, I set up ten battles, only discussing victory or defeat with that elucidation, my husband and wife did not want to be enemies with you, but that Yang Jian repeatedly disrespected my wife, but I had no choice but to punish him;
I also hope that King Wu will control the people under the account more in the future. If you continue to be disrespectful to my wife like this, then don't blame Pindao for killing you Xi Zhou.

Jiang Ziya, I also respect you as a human being, you wait and get up, you can go to watch the formation set up by my wife, Our Lady of Golden Light, even if you send disciples to break the formation. "

 The first update, ask for votes on Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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