From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 289 Jiang Ziya Died Again

Chapter 289 Jiang Ziya Died Again
In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and Yu Sishui Guan Dixin and Our Lady of Golden Light never showed up again.

Because it is obvious that Qin Tianjun and other Nine Heavenly Lords, including Yin Ruibai and Chong Yingbiao, have been blocking the outside every morning, but they are waiting to come to congratulate, congratulate the empress, congratulate Your Majesty, but are waiting to come to find the smoke.

It was definitely a deliberate trouble in the bridal chamber, and it was a rare friendship. Of course Di Xin would not blame him, otherwise they would not have dared to show their faces and dared to tease the Great Shang Monarch.

Simply ask a few people to wait outside, and the widow will not go out, so you can go as you want.

As for the possibility of the Virgin of the Golden Light becoming pregnant, Di Xin wasn't worried at all.

Because Daji has already known from experience that it would take ten years for Daji and at least hundreds of years for the Holy Mother of the Golden Light to conceive a qi training female fairy who has cultivated the three-flower gathering-top five-qi Chaoyuan Dao body. A spirit fetus is formed in the body.

And the son of a qi-training female fairy who gathers three flowers to top the five qi Chaoyuan Dao body, is also a qi-training body of the immortal way since he was born.

As a result, the Great Shang Monarch Di Xin was not blocked on the third day, and to Di Xin's surprise, the nine uncles were actually blocked outside the palace!
As long as you Da Shang Monarch dares to come out, all my fellow Taoists dare to continue to congratulate you. Your Majesty, let’s continue to chat with my fellow Taoist, Our Lady of Golden Light. Since you can enjoy the beauty of my fellow Taoist, Our Lady of Golden Light, why not do it?
Isn't it said that no one will come to explain the teaching within seven days?Your Majesty, you should spend seven days with my fellow Taoist of the Holy Mother of Light, so as to live up to the love that the Holy Mother of Golden Light has for you.

There are also Taoist friends Hanzhi Immortal and Caiyun Fairy, if they can become His Majesty's concubine, they will be regarded as a real family with me in Jinao Island in the future.

Di Xin didn't know the beauty and filth in Qin Tianjun's and other Jiutianjun's hearts, and the Holy Mother of Golden Light didn't know either.

Since there is evil coming from outside, Yin Ruipai, Yu Hua, and Chong Yingbiao are secretly guarding Sishuiguan, and if no one will come after explaining and teaching for seven days, the two of them simply don't show up again.

But in the eyes of the nine unscrupulous uncles, the two of them are naturally licentious day and night, which is also the case with the Taoist friend of the Golden Light Virgin and the Great Shang Monarch.

But at the same time, the longer you don't show up, the more embarrassing you will feel. For Di Xin Zishi, wouldn't it prove that he and the Holy Mother of Golden Light have been licentious for several days in a row?

From the perspective of the Holy Mother of Golden Light, the more time passes, the less I know how to deal with it. How will I be with the Great Shang Monarch for several days in a row? What will you think in the eyes of fellow Taoists?

So I simply closed my eyes...

In this way, a few days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the sixth day.

In front of Sishuiguan, he was still dancing every day, and then the sky was so spirited and the earth was so spirited, and the paper money was sprinkled endlessly. Qin Tianjun and other Jiutianjun, including Elai, everyone still couldn't understand why he had to be so spirited.

Nezha, Jinzha, Muzha, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Huang Tianhua, Lei Zhenzi, Gouzi Longxubao, Huangdiji Xuanyuan General Officer Bai Jian and Yang Jian in the Western Zhou Dynasty;
Even Zhou Gongdan, San Yisheng, Nangong Shi, Mao Gongsui, Wu Wang Jifa, Four Worthies and Eight Juns, and everyone from top to bottom couldn't help but look straight at the same.

San Yisheng even secretly arranged for someone to write down the incantations that the Taoist chanted.

The prime minister, Jiang Ziya, had already snorted like thunder and fell into a coma for a few days, so how could the spell be false?Since he was more thoughtful than everyone else, he took it as an opportunity and tried the spell after preparation.

Finally, it was the sixth day in a blink of an eye.

Di Xin would never really have sex with the Holy Mother of Golden Light day and night. It can be said that the invisibility talisman refined by Kong Xuan has not been used for a long time, so he couldn't help but went directly to the Western Zhou formation on a whim, and was with the Holy Mother of Golden Light.

It also surprised the Holy Mother of Golden Light. Although such a small talisman is not very useful, it is only amazing to use it at this time. It can openly let the other party peek into all the privacy without knowing it.

Of course, it is only for now. When the Taoist Ran Deng who is known as the deputy leader of the interpretation of teachings also comes to Sishui Pass in person, and helps King Wu defeat Zhou, Di Xin can't guarantee that the invisibility talisman will also be able to hide from the lamp. Taoist eyes.

As for the Holy Mother of the Golden Light, it can be said that it is not used at all on Jin'ao Island, so none of the Qi trainers under the teachings have thought of refining any invisibility talisman.

Otherwise, what's the use of refining it?But there is no such layer of thoughts at all, that layer of insidious, despicable and shameless thoughts.

They are all fellow teachers and fellow Taoists who are loyal to each other and practice together on Jinao Island. What's the use of refining the invisibility talisman?Anyone who dares to practice will be driven out of Jinao Island immediately if they are discovered.

What's more, there might be that Empress Sanxiao visiting at any time, even if it is refined, it can be seen through at a glance, which is even more useless.

As a result, no one has thought about refining the invisibility talisman or studying the art of transformation.

In the eyes of a group of qi practitioners who put morality first, the so-called invisibility talisman and the technique of transformation are nothing but heresy techniques, used for conspiracy.

But don't say that it is for use, even for refining, you will only feel that you have lost your identity and your own name. Wouldn't it be the same as the person who explained the teachings?
Otherwise, as a person who cultivates qi in the world and acts upright, why do we need the technique of invisibility and transformation?

But there is no heaven and earth catastrophe, so the so-called invisibility and transformation techniques are even more useless. Could it be used to play with ordinary mortals?
I don't know how many years later, there are people who really enjoy it, playing with a mortal through changing and changing, but they are also counted to the point of wanting to die by a black-haired monster monkey who only wants to be the great demon king in the world .

However, it is destined that the art of transformation will flourish after the great world, and it will be practiced by all the qi trainers and monster races in the world, and it will become the most basic qi training art, just like the five elements escapism.

But right now it is obvious, but only the insidiousness and shamelessness of those who explain the teachings are necessary and will be used to refine the invisibility talisman.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light, who has become Emperor Xin's concubine, is even more understandable. Di Xin is alone against the entire teaching, and the Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan is all sinister, shameless, and scheming in the world. If there is no such thing It is impossible to be an opponent even if it is quick and quick.

So Di Xin and his invisibility talisman explained briefly. Not only did he not mind that Di Xin had an invisibility talisman used for heresy, but he couldn't help feeling the novelty and surprise, and felt that it was incomparably miraculous.

But silently dodged the nine uncles, and the two of them directly appeared in the Western Zhou formation invisibly.

But I didn't expect that Jiang Ziya died prematurely that day. He happened to meet Wu Wang Jifa, and then Zhou Gongdan, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, the four sages and eight horses, and the disciples of Chanjiao were all in a hurry with different expressions on their faces. Go to the tent of Prime Minister Jiang Ziya.

For a moment in Prime Minister Jiang Ziya's big tent, looking at Jiang Ziya who was obviously really dead, Wu Wang Jifa couldn't help being stunned, and everyone was equally stunned.

 The third change is to ask for tickets every day, and to subscribe by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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