From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 319 Unlucky Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun

Chapter 319 Unlucky Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun

He got into the formation, opened his mouth immediately, and sure enough there was a golden lotus hidden in his mouth, the same white light flashed in the big sleeve, reappearing a white lotus, and flew up to the top of his head.

In an instant, five golden lamps appeared on the white lotus above the head, and the Qingyun body protection appeared on the top of the head, and the five-color light burst out from the golden lotus to protect the body.

It can be said that there are many magic weapons to protect the body, but thinking that Chi Jingzi almost died in the battle holding the most treasured Tai Chi diagram of the Bajing Palace, he has to be careful.

But I also don't know that the Taiji Diagram is a cause and effect thrown by Laozi in the Bajing Palace, otherwise Chi Jingzi would be absolutely safe under the Taiji Diagram of the ancient god Laozi.

And Laozi in the Bajing Palace also needs the Taiji diagram of cause and effect, so that he can intervene in the number of days when King Wu defeated Zhou. Obviously, King Wu's defeating Zhou was not just King Wu's defeating Zhou.

Immediately after, Qin Tianjun's figure appeared from the formation, seeing his face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he couldn't help but opened his mouth with a strange expression on his face.

"Fellow daoist has so many magic treasures to protect the body, and the poor Taoist also knows that this heavenly battle can't hurt fellow daoist, so he doesn't show off in front of fellow daoist;
But since this formation was set up by the poor daoist, the rules are free to be determined by the poor daoist, if the fellow daoist retreats, the poor daoist will also save face with the daoist fellow daoist, so how about you breaking this formation? "

But Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun heard that under the protection of multiple magic weapons, Zi still opened his mouth with sparkling eyes.

"Qin Wan! Pindao won't let you go today, he wants Wan Wu to kill me!"

"Could it be that Fellow Daoists are not afraid of being pierced by the sky-shaking arrow like that cloud neutron? In the future, there will be countless kalpas and billions of years, but you will lose your face."

And under the protection of multiple magic treasures, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun really is not afraid of the sky-shaking arrows of the universe, but only fears that when an arrow is shot suddenly, he will not escape the pain of the arrow piercing his heart.

Hearing this, he didn't say much anymore, when he raised his hand, a golden light flew out from his sleeve, and entangled Qin Tianjun's indifferent figure.

As a result, the golden light flashed in the next moment, and Qin Tianjun's body was tightly bound by the fairy rope.

It is also less of a look at Qin Tianjun, directly facing the direction of Kunlun Mountain is Yijishou, and just like the last time on Wulong Mountain, he opened his mouth respectfully.

"Master, the disciples are here to kill today!"

But he didn't want the words to fall, but Qin Tianjun was still not afraid at all, instead he looked at him with a strange expression.

"Fellow Daoists kill you if you kill them, why do you do such hypocritical words and deeds?
You explained to the Antarctic fairy that 50 ordinary people, the old and the weak, women and children, did not even blink at the Sishui Pass overnight. You just want to kill the poor, and you still have to be so hypocritical, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? "


With a cold snort, without any further hesitation, he directly swung his sword and chopped at Qin Tianjun.

In an instant, the sword light flashed, and Qin Tianjun's head was chopped off. The sword in his hand seemed to have been smeared with poison. It could not only cut Qin Tianjun's Taoist body, but also cut Qin Tianjun's primordial spirit. It can be called sinister.

However, there is no "poison removal" on the treasure of cutting teachings, so even if he cut off his human body in explaining teachings, he would not kill him. Instead, he would be compassionate and could not bear his years of practice to be ruined. Save his life.

But when he only cut off Qin Tianjun's head and put it in his sleeve, he couldn't help being startled, 'How could it be so simple? '

And sure enough, as soon as the idea came up, ten figures appeared in the formation, ten figures!The corner of his eye twitched violently.

Among them was Lord Batian from Jinao Island!

Finally, it suddenly dawned on him what the problem was, why Qin Tianjun was beheaded, but the Tianjue Formation was still not broken.

The leader, Zhao Tianjun, knew him himself, so he just gave a loud shout.

"Manjusri! How dare you kill my brother Qin Wan?"

What's more, among the ten people, there is actually the person who held the blood-transforming sword in Wulong Mountain back then.

At the same time, outside the formation, the other Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, and 11 people were also waiting quietly, and Taoist Ran Deng couldn't help but his eyes flickered.

Nezha and Yang Jian were teaching disciples, and all the Wuwang Jifa in the Western Zhou formation couldn't help but look behind the quiet banner.

I don't want Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun to be so quiet after entering the battle.

What happened in the formation?
Guang Chengzi, who was in charge of beating the golden bell, remained calm, anyway, there were only ten formations, and he even complimented Brother Randeng so much, and for him to strike the golden bell, he couldn't ask Guang Chengzi to go and break the formation.

Chi Jingzi, who hit Yujin, was equally calm, and the shamelessness of the two of them would not be shameless to explain to anyone, and it was obvious that they were completely shameless. One shamelessly struck the golden bell for the deputy leader, and the other hit Yujin.

And they don't care about the opinions of other Taoist brothers under the same teaching at all. If it is shameless, then Taoist brother Yun Zhongzi is a conspiracy to stir up chaos in the world.

Brother Antarctic Xianweng also froze 50 mortals overnight.

You Daoist brother Taiyi even instigated your apprentice to deboning and cut your flesh to return your parents, and instigated your apprentice to kill your father.

You Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, you Puxian Daoist, you can also accept all your apprentices. You received the great merchant Chentangguan General Soldier Li Jing’s family, but don’t laugh at me and Daoist Brother Guangchengzi who robbed this Daoist Brother Lantern together. It's a matter of running out of golden bells and jade.

And looking at the quiet formation, everyone couldn't help but think about it, what happened in the formation?
But he didn't know that Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, who was the head of Qin Tianjun, was easily beheaded in the formation. Of course, it was impossible for him to be beheaded, just like Zhang Guifang and the four generals of the Mo family who escaped with death.

The Golden Light Formation of Our Lady of Golden Light is not the one that was blackened in later generations. I don't know who the Holy Mother of Golden Light offended;
It is recorded that in the golden light array, there are 21 high poles, each of which is tied with a mirror, and then there is a rope on each mirror;
By moving 21 mirrors at the same time, the light from the 21 mirrors can shine on one person at the same time, instantly turning the person into pus and blood.

Still pus and blood!

How much jealousy and hatred do you have to blacken the beautiful Madonna of Qi Training to such an extent?The famous golden light array is actually only 21 mirrors?Turn people into pus and blood?

Only after seeing the Holy Mother of Golden Light did Di Xin know that the Golden Light Array is not the blackened one of later generations, especially after tasting the beauty of the Holy Mother of Light and making her his concubine, Di Xin also understood that the Golden Light Array The real mystery of the body is the illusion of doppelganger.

Some are similar to Yang Jian's technique of throwing beans into soldiers soon, but the technique of the Holy Mother of Golden Light's avatar is more precise, as if Yang Jian can throw beans into soldiers, and Our Lady of Golden Light can throw beans into Yang Jian.

And Qin Tianjun who was beheaded was exactly a clone of the Holy Mother of Golden Light, who just happened to be able to escape from death and give everyone a surprise in the future.

The result was even more unexpected, Guang Chengzi outside the formation, Chi Jingzi, Daoist Ran Deng, and everyone else could not have imagined that due to the cause and effect of Qin Tianjun's death, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun soon walked out of the formation with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

But it was really bruised and swollen, and the whole aunt's face was obviously fatter.

Geng Daoist robe was messy, his expression was in a trance, his body was covered with footprints, his face also had footprints, there was even blood at the corner of his mouth, and he limped out of the formation.

 The second update, ask for tickets, ask for subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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