From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 335 The Stupid Real Huanglong

Chapter 335 The Stupid Real Huanglong
So what kind of magic weapon did Zhao Gongming use?

Since there is such a powerful magic weapon, how could Nezha and Yang Jian flee back and be bitten by Yang Jian's roaring dog before?
Ever since the wisdom of the Twelve Golden Immortals has been trying to figure it out, then Zhao Gongming is clearly waiting for his twelve Golden Immortals to make a move!It's not just a name, but a scheming one.

As a result, Guang Chengzi still had lingering fears in his heart, "Pin Dao has been injured, Brother Ran Deng, you can't ask me to break the formation of Yao Tianjun again." '

Master Yang Jian with real Huanglong's hairdo and Master Yuding real person, and Daoxing Tianzun who was unlucky Han Dulong and Master Xue Ehu, both of them could not help but feel lingering fear, and were injured by Zhao Gongming.

'Brother Ran Deng Dao, you can no longer ask Pindao to go to break the formation, you can tell Nezha and others to die, you can't tell me to wait to die too. '

Chi Jingzi also had a look of fear, but under the superficial fear, he couldn't help but feel relieved, now that he was injured, he couldn't break the formation again.

But only the real Huanglong who was unlucky to be hung on the flagpole two battles ago.

But even the injured Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Yuding Daoist, and Dao Xing Tianzun couldn't help but look a little straight, and when they looked at Huanglong Daoist who was hanging on the flagpole from a distance, they felt extremely strange in their hearts. .

But they are the people from Nanhai Cihangdao who did not take the initiative to get injured, Wulongshan Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Jiugongshan Puxian real person, Suolongshan fearful grandson, and Qianyuan mountain Taiyi real person.

The five people who fled back calmly looked at the real Huanglong who was hung on the flagpole in front of the two rows, and they also felt extremely strange in their hearts.

Daoist Ran Deng with a donkey face couldn't help but frown. With his wisdom, it was impossible not to see what the crowd was thinking, and it was absolutely impossible to break the formation again.

But the Daoist Lantern was also afraid, he didn't dare to go to the ten formations of the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jinao Island, and he would never go there, so he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

'It seems that the only option is to ask the Antarctic fairy to come and host.The magic weapon used by Zhao Gongming should be a congenital treasure, since I saw it, it must be predestined with me, but I don't know what kind of magic weapon it is?
It seems that Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao in Erxianling have a treasure, named Luobao Qiang, but I don't know if they can get the innate treasure?

If I don't wait until tomorrow, I will also go out to fight with that Zhao Gongming, one can test his strength, two can take the opportunity to escape, and three can even lure that Zhao Gongming to Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao place;

If the two people's magic weapon Luobao money can get the congenital treasure, then Zhao Gongming will definitely kill Xiao Sheng who sacrificed Luobao money in his rage;
At that time, if I use the Qiankun Ruler to strike secretly, I will definitely hurt Zhao Gongming, make Zhao Gongming retreat, and save Cao Bao's life;

That Cao Bao must also be grateful to me, and under his gratitude, if I hint that the innate treasure is destined for me, thinking that Cao Bao is smart, he will definitely give it to me;

It's just that the congenital treasure was tossed in his hands, which is also a great cause and effect. I am afraid that I will not be able to return it by burning the lamp, so I can only ask him to respond to this catastrophe. '

And on the reed canopy in front of the Western Zhou formation, the Twelve Golden Immortals, including the Taoist who burned the lamp, couldn't help feeling strange, thinking about each other, and thinking differently at the same time.

On the Kunlun Mountains, the Antarctic fairy also had a face with a stone on his forehead. There are only ten formations of ten heavenly monarchs in Jinao Island, but there are twelve golden immortals in the explanation. One person went to break a formation, but there were still two people left. , since there is no need for the Antarctic fairy to worry about it.

Sishuiguan is also presided over by the Taoist who burns the lamp. I only need to send a few people to try out the formation at will, and the rest will teach the next group of disciples; If you are accepted as a disciple, you can also be sent to try out. Life and death are the number of days.

Of course, it was also tacitly approved by Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace. The acceptance of a group of disciples from three generations was originally for the sake of the number of days, so why can't they be sent to try out?

Even Daoist Diengdeng didn't know that a group of disciples could send out a trial formation. The Antarctic Immortal not only asked him to go to Sishuiguan to preside over it, but he also cast a shadow on Daoist Diengdeng for a karma.

It can be said that Nezha, Jin Zha, and Yang Jian can indeed die, but if you are sent by Taoist Ran Deng to send you to die, the master Karma of Yuxu Palace, the Grand Master Karma of Bajing Palace, and the Karma of that day court will all be memorized by you, Daoist Ran Deng. up.

But the Antarctic fairy also didn't know that the Lantern Taoist who presided over Yu Sishuiguan had already decided to return the pot to the Antarctic fairy;
Soon there will be some disciples coming to ask his master master to go back to preside over it, because the Taoist Randeng has been chased and killed by the teacher Zhao Gongming, and he does not know where he has fled.

Twelve Golden Immortals Lingbao Grand Master Uidun, Taiyi Daoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, Ci Hangdao, and Fear Liusun, five of them have already passed through for a while. It is absolutely impossible to go to the battle again.

Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Daoist Yuding, Daoxing Tianzun, and others were all injured, and Daoist Huanglong was even hung on the flagpole before two battles. The remaining four battles are still up to you, brother in charge.

In Dashang Sishui Pass.

Zhao Gongming also had the joy in his heart that he had never had before, the sense of novelty that he had never acted before, and the joy of successfully teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals, who can be said to be Zhao Gongming!
Accompanied by Emperor Xin, the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty, they drank a lot at the juncture of Sishui, watched a play by the way, and at the same time discussed the possible next step.

And on the reed canopy with green hanging flowers in front of the Western Zhou formation, under the attention of everyone in the Western Zhou formation, Wu Wang Jifa.

The expressions of the twelve golden fairies varied slightly for a moment, and finally Daoist Ran Deng frowned first to break the strange silence, and he couldn't help but speak in doubt.

"What magic weapon did Zhao Gongming use to injure everyone?"

Guang Chengzi shook his head.

"I only know that people are very important, but I don't know what kind of treasure it is, and I can't see clearly."

Chi Jingzi, Yuding Daoist, and Daoxing Tianzun also nodded quietly.

"I saw a red light flashing, but I don't know what kind of magic weapon it is."

Anyway, we have been injured, and we haven't seen clearly what magic weapon it is, but it is 24 divine beads. If you, Daoist Brother Ran Deng, want to know and go to fight that Zhao Gongming in person, you will know what magic weapon it is.

The four remained calm, Nanhai Cihangdao, Taiyi Daoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, and Fear Liusun all kept silent and bowed their heads.

Daoist Ran Deng frowned slightly on his face.

What's more, no one cared about it, but Daoxing Tianzun stood on his head with a bun like a big dick. Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but think in his heart, "There are still four formations left, if no one can break Array, but it can't be said;

Although Daoist Brother Huanglong was captured and hung on the flag pole, he was not injured, if he is rescued, at least Daoist Brother Randeng can solve it for a while. '

So Taoist Ran Deng couldn't help frowning, couldn't help sighing, and opened his mouth with a look of unbearable expression.

"It is my generation who cannot get rid of this calamity. Daoist Huanglong is in such a calamity now, how can I bear to wait! Who can solve his troubles?"

The unbearable words fell, it can be said that apart from Huang Feihu's second brother, four friends and three sons, and Nezha's disciples, there is no simple one in Lu Peng. It can be broken for a while.

Then real person Yuding, who had Huanglong's hairstyle copied, heard about it, and he couldn't help but speak in an instant reaction.

"It might as well, my apprentice Yang Jian practiced eight or nine profound kung fu, mastered the art of transformation, and at night I can transform myself and go to rescue Daoist Brother Huanglong."


The Cihang Taoist from the South China Sea, whose clear eyes sparkled with wisdom, was the first to nod.

The other people also nodded immediately when they heard this, and instantly understood the deep meaning in the dark, but now only the real Huanglong was not injured, let alone broken.

However, due to the incomparably weird formation in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the people in Sishui Pass waited quietly, and finally it was night soon.

But only real Huanglong, who was hung on the flagpole in front of the two battles, couldn't help but stare straight for a day.

Then time passed moment by moment, but thinking that he didn't have to break the formation any more, he could barely accept being hung on the flagpole, so he couldn't help but stare straight at the awning in front of the Western Zhou formation.

And as time passed, I couldn't help but keep my eyes straight and thought in my heart again and again, "Brothers, although I, Daoist Huanglong, is hung on this flagpole, it is better than you waiting, at least I don't have to worry about going to break the formation;
Little do they know that there are still four battles left, so it is impossible for Daoist Brother Ran Deng to be in danger himself?

Even if you have broken through for a while, or even got injured, there will always be four more people going to break through those four formations, especially Yao Tianjun's formation, but it has nothing to do with me, Master Huang Long;
I, Daoist Huang Long, might as well take a look at this flagpole, I wonder if any Taoist brother will be decapitated by that Yao Tianjun...'

But I didn't want to be unable to help but think again and again in my heart, and suddenly a voice came from my ear, which made him stop immediately.

"Uncle Master, disciple Yang Jian was ordered to come here to rescue Master."

(End of this chapter)

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