From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 39 Martial King Ji Fa

Chapter 39 Martial King Ji Fa
But it's not that he really lives up to his future Martial King's name, and he doesn't have the slightest sense of heroism at all. Instead, he has a white face, which can be regarded as handsome and unusually handsome, but it is obviously a bit gloomy.

And Bo Yikao, the eldest son of Xibohou, seems to have inherited everything from Ji Chang, except of course the world-famous four breasts of Xibohou.

Other than that, he is completely like Xibo Hou Jichang, a benevolent, righteous and virtuous monarch, and even more polite, almost second only to Xibo Hou Jichang in Xiqi virtuous name.

On the contrary, Ji Fa, the future King of Martial Arts, seemed to be the same as the former Emperor Xin. No one favored him at all. He was completely a dark horse, and he did not have the image of a virtuous monarch at all.

Especially after the "retirement" incident, it became obvious that she became more gloomy. Xibo Hou Jichang didn't care at all, after all, she was just a woman, even the daughter of Shang Rong.

Bo Yikao also didn't take it to heart. When did the "emperor" have family affection?Especially for Xibo Hou Jichang.

Just having a son is 99, and the "competition" is naturally extremely tragic under the appearance of Jun Mingchenxian. Of course, I hope that this ambitious younger brother will continue to be decadent.

However, on this day without any abnormalities, when the future Martial King Jifa woke up in the morning, went to the toilet as usual, and then put his hand in...

touch it.

'what? '

Touch again.

'Um? '

The white hand touched twice in a row.

In an instant, his eyes couldn't help but straighten up a little.

'Where did it go? '

Brush again and touch again.

Immediately, his body involuntarily froze, as if struck by lightning, but his eyes widened, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but look blank again, and subconsciously shook his head.

'Should be dreaming! '

So he turned around and went back to sleep with his head covered.

However, after a long time, Ke couldn't fall asleep, and there was only fear in his heart.

'How can it be?How could it be gone? '


Touch again.

'Do not! '

'No way! '

'This must be a dream! '

After a long, long time again, I couldn't help sitting up from the bed suddenly.

Then she took off her underwear and looked straight down at her lower body.


'It's really gone...'

I saw but only left,

In an instant, his eyes froze and his body stiffened, as if he had lost his soul.

And it wasn't until a maid came in and yelled in extreme horror that he finally woke up, and his expression became extremely ferocious in an instant.

Immediately jumped up from the bed, took two steps forward and took down a sword on the wall, pulled it out with a "choke", and directly stabbed the sword into the terrified maid's chest.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but look ferocious, and couldn't help but raised his head and let out a wild cry.


Do not! !

Impossible! !
who is it! !
Who is it! !

Kill you all! ! !
His face was distorted and ferocious, the veins on his forehead were bulging, his eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty fierce light, and he rushed out of the room holding a sword.

The red and crazy eyes glanced around, killing anyone they saw, and there was a scream of panic in an instant, almost resounding in Xiqi.

But it was quickly controlled, and he calmed down in an instant. He is worthy of being the future King Wu of Zhou, but facing the loss of his lower body, he still couldn't help but feel like going crazy.

Never let anyone know!Be sure to find out who dared to harm yourself!Who is in the best interest?

It has to be said that he is worthy of being the future Martial King Ji Fa. Even though he couldn't help but go crazy, he still locked on the "target" in an instant. Who is he most threatening to Xi Qi?
And at this time, it is impossible for him to think that he is not only the biggest threat to Boyi Kao, but also a threat to the great merchant emperor Di Xin.

But even the few leaders in the world could not have imagined that Di Xin would know now that he was King Wu of Zhou who would replace Shang in the future;

What's more, instead of taking his life, he just cut off his lower body from the root, and even casually made it look like a woman!What's more, without his knowing it at all, he used Taoism to make it recombine instantly.

The result is that when he wakes up in the morning and goes to the toilet normally, he touches it once but doesn't touch it, and then touches it again but doesn't touch it, and he froze in shock and fear.

Then there was an unacceptable madness, and in the end Xibo Hou Jichang had to control him, and he couldn't help but calm down instantly.

Who is in the best interest to think first?Then the opponent must also be the person with the channeling technique, otherwise it would be impossible to cut off his lower body without his knowledge.

It can be said that invisibly, Xiqi City also became turbulent and treacherous.

Has the "Holy Lord" been born in the Western Zhou Dynasty?The widow calls you Holy Lord!

Di Xin knew that the so-called holy master was definitely not referring to Ji Chang, but Ji Fa, his second son!Since it is the "holy master", I'm afraid he really can't touch his life, even if he does, the master of explaining teachings has plenty of ways to revive him.

However, even Daoist Taiyi, a qi trainer under Nana, was able to make a lotus body for his disciple Nezha, and it was also easy for one of the great masters to make a body for the Holy Master Xiqi.

In that case, why not leave you with the original body, but it will make you less "something", and at the same time, it will also change your temperament drastically. Is this the Holy Master in your eyes?
But I don't know what kind of expression would the empress Nuwa, the leader of the demon sect, know?
Even in Di Xin's heart, he couldn't help thinking of the empress Nuwa, the leader of the demon sect, in a flash, and that embarrassing and indescribable picture would still appear in his mind from time to time.

But you can only hide it deeply in your heart alone, and remember in your heart, you will give it back to you from the teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, and the widow will return it to you. This Ji Fa is just the first gift that the widow returns to you.

But during the "surgery", Elai was watching right in front of his eyes. Even though he was quiet and calm, the result was a distorted black face that couldn't help it.

Your Majesty actually came to Xiqi in person...

In his heart, he only felt extremely weird, but thinking of the possible behavior of Xibohou's second son Ji Fa after waking up in the morning, he couldn't help but turn his face purple.

Your Majesty actually...

Countless times, I imagined the surprise and shock when the second son of Xibo Hou Jifa went to the toilet after waking up in the morning, and the extremely weird scene, after leaving Xiqi, the black face could no longer hold back and twitched.

But it's just so weird.

And Di Xin finally didn't let him hold back for too long, and suddenly opened his mouth not far from Xiqi, looking into the hazy world.

"Come on, do you know why the widow trusts you so much? Even if you do such a thing, you don't mind letting you know, so that the widow's reputation is spread?"

His eyes flashed when he was obviously evil, but the black face still twitched uncontrollably.

Di Xin continued quietly, knowing that he was such a boring gourd since ancient times, he was the best listener, but he seldom opened his mouth.

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(End of this chapter)

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