Chapter 405

After walking quietly to the cave, I saw another poem on the stone wall in front of the cave, especially the last sentence, "Wu's cave sky is rare", doesn't it imply that the weapons are in the cave?

What's more, the two stone gates were closed tightly, but he didn't want the stone gate to open instantly as soon as he got close to it, which obviously proved that the master had placed the weapon in the cave.

Otherwise, why didn't you ask yourself to look for weapons elsewhere, but instead asked yourself to come to Lion Cliff?

The quietness and composure made him more certain, and he walked into the cave without hesitation.

But there is only a stone table in the cave, and there is nothing else. On the stone table, there are a few beans emitting a dense light. The fragrance is tangy, obviously not ordinary!
I couldn't help staring at the six fragrant 'Xiandou', but the almost imperceptible voice murmured out.

"It seems that the weapon that Master said must be these six fairy beans."

With an imperceptible sound, he picked up a grain and put it in his mouth without hesitation.

It melted in the mouth in an instant, and it was sweet and delicious, and it was even more certain. Immediately after eating the remaining five pills, I felt six waves of power surging in the chest cavity.

But at the same time, there was no other abnormality. After a little feeling, he looked around again to make sure there was nothing else, and then he went out of the cave.

Then return along the Baishi Bridge.

I just don't want to just pass Lion Cliff, suddenly an uncontrollable force in the chest emerges from under the shoulder blades, and I can hear the weird sound of bone growth more clearly.

I couldn't help being shocked for a moment, and hurriedly looked down the arm, only to see an arm growing out from under the shoulder blade!
But before the shock was over, the remaining five forces in the chest also rioted, completely uncontrollable, and felt coming out from all directions of the body.

In an instant, two arms grew out from under the shoulder blades on both sides, three arms on one side, and then six arms and six hands.

But six arms and six hands didn't shock him even more.

What shocked him the most was that he couldn't help being stunned, but there was another head growing out of the neck on both sides of the head.

But the three heads are still not the most shocking to him, but the three heads can see each other, and the whole appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

And in an instant, there was no handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

Instead, it turned into three heads and six arms. At the same time, each of the three heads has a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, fangs up and down, and three eyes regenerated. They are like copper bells, and they are extremely fierce.

I was so shocked that I couldn't accept it, and I couldn't help being stunned. I didn't move for a long time, and there was only doubt in my heart.

'why? '

The key is that he has grown three heads and six arms, and has become extremely ferocious, but his strength and cultivation have not changed at all.

It is that the people of later generations have heard too much about three heads and six arms, but if someone really grows three heads and six arms, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, and fangs up and down, absolutely no one will be able to accept it.

No matter how powerful the power will become, especially the power has not changed at all.

After a while, after all, he grew up with hatred in his heart, and his heart was extremely tenacious and forbearing. Finally, he couldn't help but want to pass, and couldn't help the nine copper bell-like vicious eyes flashing faintly.

'Forget it!Since I changed my name to Yin Hong and changed into this appearance, I thought that the faint king would not recognize me, so I just wanted me to avenge my mother. '

And just on the mountain, Baiyun boy just happened to be watching in shock and dumbfounded all the time. Seeing the changes in senior brother Yin Hong's body, he couldn't help being shocked and speechless for a long time.

Since Guang Chengzi ordered him to come to Lion Cliff, he happened to see an unbelievable scene.

But seeing senior brother Yin Hong's ferocious eyes finally moved, he couldn't help waking up, and opened his mouth in a hurry.

"Brother, Master is here to welcome you."

In an instant, Yin Jiao became calm again, "Why do I live, only to avenge my mother's death, what does appearance matter?"As long as he can kill that big businessman and kill that foolish king, he doesn't have to lose his life. '

So even though he became extremely vicious, with three heads, six arms and nine eyes, he was still as quiet as before, and walked back to the cave quietly.

But seeing Master Guang Chengzi waiting in front of the cave, he couldn't help clapping his hands and smiling.

"Crack clack clack clack clack!
Amazing!Amazing!A benevolent gentleman is virtuous, and he is born different.Ha ha ha ha!Come quickly into the cave, I will tell you to go down the mountain with your magic weapon. "

Yin Jiao still quietly followed into the cave, but it was this quietness that made Guang Chengzi equally calm and involuntarily decided that when Yin Jiao was arranged to go down the mountain to Naxiqi, he would immediately 'leave' Jiuxian Mountain.

However, with the same true immortal cultivation level, if Yinjiao has the most precious Fantian Seal, even if it is unable to exert its full power, it will definitely be able to chase Guang Chengzi to the sky, and there is no way to enter the earth. !So don't run away, what are you waiting for?
So when he entered the cave, he immediately took out the magical treasures, the Fantian seal, the falling soul bell, and the male and female swords, and fixed his eyes on Yin Jiao and opened his mouth.

"Yin Jiao, do you remember why I changed my name to Yin Jiao with you?"

"Returning to Master, I remember that if Master hadn't rescued me, I would have been dead for a long time. Changing my name to Yin Jiao is to protect my life from being harmed by that stupid king."

"Well, you have always been smart, so it seems that I don't need to say more. You have become such a vision today, but it can be regarded as an image from the sky. When you go down the mountain, the stupid king will not recognize you even more. You should use this to make a miracle.

Otherwise, there are many heretics in that big merchant, they are very powerful, even Master, I have also suffered a catastrophe now, you have such a vision, but it happens to protect you;
Otherwise, if the faint king knows that you are still alive, there will be that heretical qi trainer chasing and killing you, but when he arrives, he will be the master. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you, remember? "

"Disciple remember."

Guang Chengzi stared intently, while Yin Jiao bowed respectfully and did not lift his head.

Guang Chengzi couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and he spoke again.

"There is one more thing you should pay attention to, but in the Xiqi formation, there is no lack of internal support from the faint emperor and great merchants. You can't say that you are my disciple when you go down the mountain this time, and just say that you are invited by me to help Jiang Ziya;
In a short time, I will have troops from all directions entering Dashang and approaching Chaoge City. When you wait, you will have a chance to make great achievements and take revenge, and you must not act recklessly.

This is Fantian Seal, which teaches me the most precious treasure of Yuxu Palace, and I will go down the mountain with you to make meritorious service; this is the bell of falling soul, which can attack people's soul and primordial spirit; this male and female sword, I will also go down the mountain to take it with you.

Just one more thing I have to say;

I give you all this treasure, you must follow the heavens and respond to people, go east to the five passes, assist Zhou Wu, and revitalize the people to punish crimes. Don't change your mind, doubt in your heart, and commit the punishment of heaven, then it will be too late to regret carry on;

You must swear an oath to me here. "

Not wanting to lose his voice, Yin Jiao raised his head instead and spoke with a clear mind.

"Master's words are wrong. Zhou Wuming is a sage, and my father is licentious and abusive. How can I misunderstand it? I have the teacher's training. If the disciple changes his words today, he will be punished by the plow and hoe."

After hearing this, Guang Chengzi finally nodded involuntarily.

"If that's the case, go down the mountain and go to Xiqi, and I'll come after you."

Yin Jiao kowtowed again respectfully, accepted the Tiantian seal, the falling soul bell, and the male and female sword magic weapons, and then turned around and went down the mountain, still so calm.

As a result, at the same time that he flew down the Jiuxian Mountain with the escape technique, Guang Chengzi in the Taoyuan Cave couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and then the figure of Chi Jingzi walked out from the side.

Guang Chengzi spoke indifferently.

"The Great Shang Dynasty is known to everyone now. The death of Queen Jiang was murdered by others, and the two princes Zijiao and Zihong were even plundered. I am afraid that the two of us will not be able to clean up;

Waiting for soldiers to enter Dashang, I'm afraid that his brothers will know sooner or later that the lord of Dashang will definitely treat us two endlessly, and will definitely kill me on Jiuxian Mountain and your Taihua Mountain;

If you don't leave these two mountain farms in the Great Shang Monarch, there is no need to move the cave. If one day the Great Shang Monarch brings people to kill him, and sees that the two of us have not moved in the cave, he will definitely think that the two of us will be together again. return. "

But even Chi Jingzi reacted slowly, and couldn't help but change his expression.

"Brother Dao, is the Baiyun Boy staying?"

"Let's stay, and just arrange for Sheng to guard the cave, otherwise, why would the Great Shang Monarch think that the two of us will return?

Brother Dao doesn’t need to go back to Taihua Mountain anymore, and he will go to Kunlun Mountain with me temporarily, waiting to be picked up by the master in the Western Zhou Dynasty, it seems that the leader of the Western Sect has already arrived..."

And at the same time as the two were talking, Yin Jiao happened to be flying to a mountain in front of him with his escape light.

However, it is only different from the cultivation of carefulness, but it does not have Yin Hong's curiosity, and he wants to fly over without even looking at it.

I just don't want to fly to the mid-air of the mountain, suddenly there is a sound of gongs in the mountains below, so I can't help but my nine eyes flash at the same time, and the light stops, and I can't help looking at the place where the gongs sound in the mountains.

But seeing a person with the same face like blue indigo, hair like cinnabar, and a man in golden armor and red robe, also with three eyes on his face, he was extremely ferocious, he rushed out with two maces and screamed.

"Who are the three singers? Dare to visit me in front of the mountain!"

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(End of this chapter)

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