From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 410 Yuanshi Tianzun who is an idiot again

Chapter 410 Yuanshi Tianzun who is an idiot again
But the one who was most excited was not the veterans of Xizhou, but Yin Hong, a young boy beside Princess Longji.

I couldn't help being excited, but I was finally able to attack the big merchants and kill the faint king to avenge the murder of my mother.

But before the excitement was over, there was an inexplicable throbbing in my heart, and I was facing the figure flying from the sky and the earth.

In an instant, I couldn't help being even more curious, who is it?
Then, under everyone's attention, three figures appeared in the air in front of the formation in an instant.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them clearly, everyone's expressions can't help but change in an instant.

Yang Jian's eyes were strange.

Princess Longji's beautiful eyes could not help but fall on the three of them, especially the leader.

Nezha was dumbfounded.

Lei Zhenzi was also dumbfounded.

Fear Liusun, Master Huanglong, and Master Yuding were stunned.

But even Tu Xingsun couldn't help but look straight in the eyes.

Huang Tianhua, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Jiang Ziya, Li Jing, Wei Hu, San Yisheng of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui and other veterans, among the people on and off the Lupeng, none of them could maintain a normal expression.

But only Yin Hong, an immature young man beside Princess Longji, could not help but feel an inexplicable throbbing in his heart when he saw the person coming, as if he hadn't seen it for many years, and felt inexplicably kind.

But even though I am used to seeing the big sarcoma on the forehead of Antarctic Xiangweng, Nezha's [-] meters and a face like a powder, Lei Zhenzi's [-] meters height, Huang Tianhua's face like suet, and so on explain everyone's cult image.

But for those who came, even Tu Xingsun, who was only 68 centimeters tall and whose facial features were crowded together, couldn't help being shocked and stunned.

Can a person grow into the vicious appearance of those three heads?

What's more, there are six arms that are extremely weird, and an absolute monster!That indigo face, the messy hair like cinnabar, the up and down fangs, and the extremely ferocious three eyes like copper bells on his face.

And the two people behind them looked almost normal except that they didn't have three heads and six arms.

In an instant, everyone couldn't help gaining insight again, there will never be the most vicious and ugly, only more vicious and ugly!

Compared with the comer, the image of everyone is obviously nothing, but it is obviously the same as Nezha Tuxingsun, but the image of the comer is even more unusual, with three heads and six arms.

And Nezha didn't even know that soon Taiyi Daoist would also put two heads and six arms on him, and turn him into an even more vicious and ugly three-headed and eight-armed monster, with a powdered face and vermilion lips.

Apparently the visitor also felt the same way about Yin Hong. With three heads and nine eyes like copper bells, he couldn't help but glanced at Yin Hong, and couldn't help but wonder why he felt a kindness that he hadn't seen for many years?

But for Princess Longji, who was beside Yin Hong, who was pretty and definitely considered a beauty and fairy, he didn't even look at her.

I don't even know that Princess Longji can't help but think in her heart, but she doesn't know how it feels to have such six arms moving around her body during intercourse?
Everyone was shocked, shocked, stunned, and couldn't believe that a person could grow into such a three-headed and six-armed monster, but he didn't know what kind of monster it was?
But seeing the three of them falling to the sky, the leader of the three-headed and six-armed person is extremely vicious and ugly, and he also bowed to the head.

"Yin Jiao, a qi trainer from Bailong Mountain in the poor way, was invited by Guang Chengzi of Jiuxian Mountain, and came to help Prime Minister Jiang, and his troops entered the five passes to destroy Zhou. These two met Wen Liang and Ma Shan on the way for me, and they also came to help Jiang. prime minister."

It's just that the image of the three heads and six arms really shocked Jiang Ziya, and he was completely dumbfounded, but he didn't know what to say.

It can be said that hearing and seeing with one's own eyes are definitely two different feelings, not to mention that I have never heard of a person with three heads and six arms, who suddenly saw it and talked to himself.

The shock in my heart can only be felt by the people present, but they all can't help but have incomparably strange eyes.


Jiang Ziya cupped his hands slightly, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the three-headed and six-armed monster.

I don't want to hear another deer cry immediately between heaven and earth, which instantly attracts everyone's attention again. Who is it again?

Newcomers Yin Hong, Wei Hu, Li Jing, Princess Longji, and Yin Jiao all looked up curiously.

But this time, it was an old guy with a big sarcoma on his forehead, and the deer was flying over hehehehe.

It is the Antarctic Immortal of Kunlun Mountains.

Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi fled to the Kunlun Mountains early, originally planning to wait for Yin Jiao, the son of the great merchant Emperor Xin, to kill him first and then try to subdue him.

But he didn't expect Guang Chengzi to learn well this time, and he fled to Kunlun Mountain early to report to his elder brother in charge, but he had to prepare in advance.

Of course, Fantianyin, who can't show the truly terrifying power, can't subdue it without the five-party flag mentioned in the original trajectory. The five-party flag represents nothing more than the five-party forces.

They are the Wuji Xinghuang Banner in the center of Yuxu Palace, the Qinglian Baose Banner in the east, the Lidi Yanguang Banner in the south, the plain cloud border banner in the west, and the missing Northern Banner.

At the same time, the five-party flag is also weird and not in its place!
It can be said that the plain cloud border flag that should belong to the west is in the hands of the Golden Mother of Yaochi;
The Qinglian Baose Banner of the East was acquired by the Western Sect, and the Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, the head of the Sifangtiandi Wufang Banner, was acquired by Yuanshi Tianzun.

And just as the elephant was hanging from the sky, it was handed over to Jiang Ziya early. The apricot-yellow banner, which is more than two feet long, is impossible to be targeted by others, right?
The Antarctic fairy came here with a kind face, just to take the Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner.

But when he saw the disciples of Chanjiao who were in strange shapes and shapes on the reed canopy, he couldn't help but feel even more happy. There are more and more people who are regarded as the Antarctic immortals in the teaching.

So he didn't go down the deer, and just opened his mouth in the middle of the air.

"Ziya, give me the Wuji Xinghuang Banner, but it's time for the Wufang Banner to set the world, hehehehe."

And deliberately revealed a hint of tone, so as to encourage all the disciples under the sect, but he never expected that Jiang Ziya would be stunned when his voice fell.

He couldn't help but ask in a daze.

"Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag?"

"Well, it's the apricot-yellow flag that Master and you had in Yuxu Palace back then."

Jiang Ziya's eyes were completely blank.

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on him.

The Antarctic fairy still had a kind and kind smile on his face.

"Someone picked it up."

Suddenly Jiang Ziya spoke a word, and the smile on the face of the Antarctic fairy on the deer in mid-air froze instantly.

After a moment of reaction, the two small eyes under the large sarcoma on the forehead couldn't help repeating the question.

"Someone picked it up?"

"Well, someone picked it up."

"How could someone pick it up?"

"I planted that flag in front of the formation, and it was picked up."

"You! Ziya, how can you..."

Antarctic Xianweng is just a fool.

Before the formation of the Western Zhou Dynasty, he was also dumbfounded.

Finally, even the Antarctic fairy couldn't help taking a deep breath, staring at Jiang Ziya and speaking again.

"Zi Ya, do you know what treasure the Xinghuang Banner is?"

"The master didn't say, neither did the elder brother, could it be a treasure?"

Jiang Ziya's eyes were still blank.

Fear Liusun, Master Huanglong, and Master Yuding, the three veterans couldn't help but spit out blood when they heard it. The central Wuji Xinghuang flag, the head of the five innate flags, was picked up by Jiang Ziya?

The three veterans are equally idiots.

Jiang Ziya knew for a long time that even if he lost all the magic weapons in Yuxu Palace, he was afraid that the master who claimed to be poor would not treat him like that.

Finally, the Antarctic Immortal couldn't come out anymore, he couldn't help being stupid, and then went back on the deer without a sound.

After a while, it turned out to be Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace, and he couldn't help being stunned when he heard that, the central Wuji Xinghuang Banner was actually picked up?Who would pick up that two-foot-long flag?
Don't want to use the real central Wuji Xinghuang flag to make a fake, but it will be picked up by others!Hearing this, he couldn't help being stunned, and even lost the Wuji Xinghuang Banner in the Central Committee of the Supreme Treasure.

So after a while, the Antarctic fairy had no choice but to go to Yaochi again.

But Yun Zhongzi, who was sitting peacefully in Zhongnan Mountain, didn't know that Wen Zhong didn't return to Chaoge for a day or two. Qinglong Pass in the northwest and Jiameng Pass in the southwest, the same five passes need to be inspected.

Then, as Wen Zhong's father of the Great Shang Dynasty, it is normal to patrol every pass for half a day, but if he doesn't return after a long time, what he doesn't know is that the first person who can't escape is Qi Yunzhongzi!



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(End of this chapter)

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