Chapter 418

Since you want to seize the luck of heaven and earth, you must be 'upright' in the name of justice.

And Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of the ancient gods, personally made the request, and all the disciples of the Yuxu Palace in the Western Zhou Dynasty spared no effort.

The Twelve Golden Immortals arrived one after another, Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Taiyi Daoist, Lingbao Master, Puxian Daoist, Cihang Daoist, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

Even the Antarctic fairy whose head is more than twice the size of ordinary people also came to preside over the construction of the Jintai, because Jiang Ziya really didn't know how to set it up, so he only knew how to set up a stage.

Taoist Ran Deng is the deputy leader of teaching, and he will be a little later in his own identity;
Yun Zhongzi is also the next transcendent immortal Qi trainer, and he is also a little later in his identity, but this time he is deliberately a little later, but it will surprise everyone.

Then soon under the city of Xiqi, the golden platform was erected, which was infinitely more grand than last time.

However, it was built completely according to the position of Zhou Tian, ​​as if it was not a golden platform, but the number of that Zhou Tian, ​​and the distribution of future god positions.

And the platform is three feet high, like pressing three talents.It is 24 feet wider, and 24 air; and there are three floors. On the first floor, there are 25 people standing in Taichung, each wearing yellow clothes, holding a yellow flag, and pressing the central Wuji soil;
Another 25 people stood on the east side, each wearing green clothes and holding green flags, according to the Eastern Jiayi wood;
There are 25 people standing on the west side, each wearing white clothes and holding a white flag, according to the western gengxin gold;

25 people stood in the south, each wearing red clothes, holding a red flag, and according to the southern Bingding fire;

There are 25 people in the north, each wearing soap clothes, holding soap flags, and pressing the northern Rengui water.

The second layer is 360 five people, each holding a big red flag 360 five sides, according to the 360 ​​five degrees of the week.On the third floor, there are 72 tooth generals, each holding a sword, halberd, claw, and hammer, and there are 72 waits.

Among the three floors, there are also sacrificial vessels and blessings.From the bottom floor, there are guards of honor on both sides and geese wings lined up.

At the same time, on the Qishili road from Jintai to Qishan, a big red flag was waving all the way. For some reason, the big red flag was chosen instead of the yellow flag.

It is also arranged that all the people in Xiqi City, old and young, are listed on both sides of Qishili Road.

But there are countless old and weak women and children, even the one who taught Lu Yue on Jiulong Island will never take the opportunity to attack. He can poison the soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but he will never attack ordinary people, old and weak, women and children. shot.

And under the golden platform, there is a huge archway with two couplets engraved on it: three thousand shrines belong to Zhou Lord; one group of Huayi belongs to King Wu.

Not only the grandness of the golden platform, but also the two couplets on the arch made everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty couldn't help being excited.

The most excited is Wuwang Jifa and Queen Yijiang, the second excited is Zhou Gongdan, and then San Yisheng Nangong Shilaohuo and others who will be the founding hero of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Just such a grand ceremony, but everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty, including the three generations of disciples under Chanjiao, was convinced that the number of days when the Zhou family should be prosperous was beyond doubt.

Then the golden platform was set up, and the disciples of Chanjiao who were in the Western Zhou formation in front of Sishui Pass all returned, ready to welcome the leader of Chanjiao, Yuanshi Tianzun.

And Nezha, headed by Nezha, is 1.5 meters tall, his face is like powder, and his lips are painted with vermilion; Height: Huang Tianhua is 68 meters two, his face is like suet, Tu Xingsun is [-] centimeters tall, his facial features are crowded together...

There are only two normal people in appearance, one is Yin Hong, a qi trainer in Erlong Mountain, and the other is Princess Longji, a fairy from Yaochi. The surrendered general was left in front of the formation to guard.

Jiang Ziya first returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and then King Wu Jifa led the extremely excited Wenwu of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Prime Minister's Mansion to welcome him, and then San Yisheng led the way in person, and King Wu could only follow Jiang Ziya behind him, and welcome Jiang Ziya to the golden platform.

Then, under the extremely solemn and solemn silence under the attention of all the people, and under the same attention of Yin Hong from Yinjiao, they swept into Tang Tianbao, Generalissimo Jiang Yue, and ordered the generals to know, and the Seventeen Laws of Beheading were read out;
The strange thing is that they fabricated ghosts and gods, pretended to be Mengmeng, and beheaded the culprits for the demon army, but the first to be beheaded should be the Antarctic fairy whose head is two bigger than ordinary people.

Similarly, if a woman is forced to be a traitor, the offender will be beheaded, but if the woman is forced to be a traitor, then Tu Xingsun will be the first to be beheaded!Moreover, Jiang Ziya, and the gods and qi practitioners such as Chanjiao and fear of leaving grandchildren are also conspiring, and they should all be killed!

The Seventeenth Law of Beheading was set by Jiang Ziya. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but he made it a crime to beheaded for forcing a prostitute; Chopped.

Then the Seventeen Laws of Slashing was read out, and under the extremely solemn and solemn silence, all the veterans in Xizhou and the members of the Chanjiao sect couldn't help but feel the same strangeness.

If it's other beheading laws, it's fine, so why is it that forcing prostitutes is also included in the beheading list?If you force women to be beheaded, then the cannibal Ma Yuanzun Wangfo, why don't you, Jiang Ziya, decide that a cannibal will also be beheaded?

The fear of leaving grandchildren in the calmness is just a glint in his eyes, and he can't help but suspect that Jiang Ziya is deliberately targeting him for fear of leaving grandchildren.

Fortunately, Jiang Ziya has always been a dull image.

Then there was San Yisheng of the Western Zhou Dynasty, who also went to the golden platform to read the Zhu Wen under the incomparable solemnity, and his voice was solemn and echoed up and down the golden platform;
"There are ten and three years of Victoria Week...

Alas!Today, the king of Shang is honored by Buddha to heaven, and disasters are brought down to the people, but the words of the woman are valid, and the fainting and abandonment of worshiping Buddha, the fainting and abandonment of the king's father, mother, and brother, are the sins of the four quarters, so that they can be tyrannical to the people. , to be treacherous in Shangyi..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Gongdan, the candidate for the Holy Lord of the Western Zhou Dynasty, also took the stage to read the blessing;
"There are ten and three years of Victoria Week...

Alas!The sky shows the way, but the like only shows it.Today, the kings of the Shang Dynasty lived in Naiyi and served the gods and gods. They left their ancestral temples to worship Buddha, indulged in wine and sex, and rampant sexual abuse;

However, the palaces and terraces are worshiped, burned to be loyal, and pick pregnant women, so as to harm the common people and sacrifice Qisheng.The emperor was furious and ordered to punish him.

If you dare to have the ambition of Yuejue.Thinking to myself: If you want to help the people, bandits can't do it.Today, he is fierce and cruel, and Zhang is used for killing.Relying on the enlightenment of the god Yiwei, breathing out the wind and clouds, changing the situation, saving the people, respectfully carrying out the punishment of heaven, restraining Jue Xun, and Yu Tang Youguang.Fu Wei Shang Dian! "

No one noticed that Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, two of Yu Chanjiao's disciples, couldn't help but clenched their fists tightly, their nails digging deep into their palms, feeling ashamed!

'Fortunately, I listened to Master's words and didn't reveal my identity. I didn't want that stupid king to be so lewd and cruel, even killing pregnant women! '

Only Guangchengzi Chi Jingzi, who was also ignored, glanced at the two of them imperceptibly, but he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't realize that they didn't defect to Da Shang, but actually came to help King Wu defeat Zhou, and they couldn't help but looked at each other indifferently.

"Anyway, sooner or later, the two of you will notice it. Why don't you tell them to go to the Great Shang Dynasty before they notice it? Didn't the Great Shang Dynasty have another Prince Wu Geng, and ask them to either kill him or plunder Wu Geng?" , but it can also be regarded as an image of the sky, and the great business will be transformed into soup...'

But thinking of it, Guang Chengzi immediately communicated with Chi Jingzi calmly, fearing that the two of them would soon know the truth, why not use the hands of the two of them to destroy the power of the Great Shang Dynasty .

And Taiyi real person can teach Nezha to cut bones and cut flesh to return his parents, not to kill his father for the son of man, and Guangchengzi Chi Jingzi will also not feel that he is shameless.

It can be said that everything is just an image of the sky.

It is as if the Buddha under the Western religion cannibalizes people. He also doesn't feel anything about the Western leader, the same teaching disciples, the Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace, and Laozi of Bajing Palace.

It's just that the human race is protected by the Dao of Heaven, and they must not be exterminated and massacred, otherwise they will be noticed by the Dao of Heaven. There is really a "Heavenly Tribulation" in the world!

Guangchengzi Chi Jingzi remained calm, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth continued, but it was not yet the time for Yuxu Palace Master Yuanshi Tianzun to arrive.

And once again, Zhao Gongxi of the Western Zhou Dynasty continued to read Zhu Wen.

"There are ten and three years of Victoria Week...

Alas!Today the King of Shang is humiliated and insulted by the Five Constants, he is neglected and respected, he cut himself off from heaven, he has enmity with the people, he kills the shins of the court, cuts the hearts of the sages, acts as a prestige and kills, poisons the world, worships the trustworthy and traitorous, dismisses the teachers and protectors, Abandoning codes and punishments, because slaves are upright scholars, suburban communities are not repaired, ancestral temples are not enjoyed, and strange tricks are used to please women..."

It can be said that the crime is absolutely weird in later generations!

Appoint lowly people and promote slaves and common people, how can the lowly people's slaves and common people be officials?

It also improved the social status of women and allowed slaves to be promoted to civilians.

Di Xin really couldn't treat slaves as livestock, because they were all real people, and they did improve women's social status. The most obvious one was the eight hundred beautiful guards of the Great Shang Palace. official?
In the eyes of 'Jiang Ziya', in the eyes of Chanjiao, and in the eyes of Chanjiao who doesn't even accept a single female disciple, women are naturally heretical.

It is true to let women participate in politics, Di Xin did, and asked Shang Qingjun to sit in the court, but it was Daji who took the blame.

Alcoholism is also a crime!The key problem is that Dixin never drinks alcohol, because he really can't enjoy the 'strange smell', and there is no alcohol content at all.

When it comes to alcoholism, Xibo Hou Jichang Bailin's famous drink is spread all over the world.

It even refers to the rampant prostitution and abuse of the great Shang monarch, but Emperor Xinjia Jinguang Virgin Hanzhixian only has five concubines, Xibo Hou Ji Changguang Zhengfei has 24, reborn 99 sons, and has four breasts, and thousands of princesses.

Then not being nepotism is also a crime, as well as not believing in ghosts and gods.

Just looking at it from another angle, I have to say that the crime is extremely strange.

But it was only heard in the ears of the two hundred and five disciples under Chanjiao, even Yin Hong in Yinjiao, couldn't hear it at all, and in his heart there was only the faint king's cruel and licentious, and the vengeance of killing his mother.

He didn't even think about how weird the crime of promoting slaves and civilians, raising women's social status, and not being nepotism.

But even Princess Longji couldn't hear anything, but only one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Nanhai Cihangdao, could not help but feel a little feeling in his heart.

At the same time, Yun Zhongzi, who was sitting quietly in Zhongnan Mountain and waiting for his arrival later, did not know that Emperor Xin of the Great Shang Dynasty had come with his bodyguard and brothers, and appeared in Juelongling by an incomparable coincidence.

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(End of this chapter)

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