From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 420 You Really Don't Have a Long Memory, Yun Zhongzi

Chapter 420 You Really Don't Have a Long Memory, Yun Zhongzi

In an instant, everyone's attention could not help but be attracted.

Countless ordinary soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Ji Fa, the Wu Wang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi and other veterans, Jiang Ziya on the golden platform, and the Antarctic fairy.

As well as the disciples of Nezha, Yang Jian, Huang Tianhua, Tu Xingsun and other disciples under the golden platform, Princess Longji, Twelve Golden Immortals Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzi, Taiyi Zhenren, and people from Nanhai Cihangdao.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked, Master, save me?
Why did the words "Master, save me" suddenly come out?Who is it?

But the Western Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa, Zhun Wu Wang Zhou Gongdan, San Yisheng and other veterans don't know, and they can't tell who they are.

But Jiang Ziya, who was about to faint on the golden platform, and the Antarctic fairy with a big sarcoma on his forehead couldn't help but bewildered, that Yun Zhongzi?

Nanji Xianweng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, why did Yun Zhongzi "Master save me"?And it's too late?
The group of boys led by Baihe Boys on the golden platform were also at a loss, wondering who Master saved me?
Daoist Ran Deng who arrived quietly had a strange look in his eyes, Master, save me?
The Twelve Golden Immortals who responded quickly, Taiyi Daoist, Master Lingbao, Nanhai Cihang Daoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Yuding Daoist, also reacted instantly.

Cloud neutron?
Why did Brother Yun Zhongzi come late?

Why did Master save me?

But even Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of teachings on the golden platform, couldn't help but raise his eyes instantly when he heard it, and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain lightly.

Obviously Yun Zhongzi first fled to Kunlun Mountains, and then rushed from Kunlun Mountains to Xiqi.

The sound of panic came suddenly, completely subconsciously, everyone couldn't help but look at the golden platform, and their eyes fell on the golden platform, but they paid more attention to the golden platform.

But before the shock and astonishment in my heart, I saw that almost at the same time as the sound fell, a golden light suddenly flashed from the sky and the earth.

A figure followed the golden light and appeared on the golden platform.

For a moment, the Antarctic fairy was dumbfounded.

Jiang Ziya also couldn't help being stunned.

Yuanshi Tianzun had a strange expression on his face.

Under the Jintai, Nezha, Yang Jian, Huang Tianhua, Lei Zhenzi, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Wei Hu, Tu Xingsun, Deng Chanyu, Longxubao, Yin Jiao, Yin Hong, Princess Longji, including Li Jing, could not help but see stupefied.

Finally, the old man Nangong Shi couldn't bear the muscles on his face any longer, and he twitched hard.

San Yisheng's eyes are dim.

Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, the four sages and eight horses, and all the veterans in Xizhou couldn't help looking straight.

Twelve Golden Immortals Guangchengzi and Chi Jingzi, including Daoist Taiyi, Daoist Huanglong, and Cihangdao from Nanhai, also couldn't help but have a strange look in their eyes for an instant.

But even Ma Shan, the wick of the glazed lamp, the Taoist who burned the lamp, and the generals received by Yin Hong from Yinjiao couldn't help but look very strange when they saw the appearance of Yun Zhongzi on the golden platform.

The music came to an abrupt end in an instant.

There was only an eerie silence left between the heavens and the earth.

Everyone's eyeballs could not help but straighten, or be dazed, or extremely strange, shocked, and looked at the figure on the golden platform.

However, I saw that it was under the teaching, and he was also a well-known honest and honest man in the world. He once disturbed the world with a poem from the Great Shang Dynasty, and was called the Immortal of Fortune by the Antarctic fairy. He escaped the Jiuqu Yellow River formation and explained the teaching Next, Yun Zhongzi, one of the three great transcendent Da Luo-level Qi trainers!

But since the Taoist robe was broken, it was completely hanging on the body, and the hair was disheveled.

But that extremely embarrassing image didn't make everyone look strange, stunned, shocked and unbelievable. There was an arrow sticking out between his eyebrows.

Just like Huang Tianhua, Nezha, Jinzha, and Muzha were shot through the brain with an arrow!
The Da Luo-level Qi trainer who dignifiedly explained the existence of the transcendent Twelve Golden Immortals was also pierced through the brain by an arrow just like his disciples back then.

Huang Tianhua and Mu Zha still had fresh memories, but they couldn't help being stunned, shocked and unbelievable.

Guang Chengzi, who was calm and weird-eyed, couldn't help but gloat in his heart, the fairy of fortune who escaped the Jiuqu Yellow River array?From now on, Brother Guangchengzi, I'm afraid you will no longer have the face to stand in the world, right?
And even Daoist Huang Long, who was afraid of keeping Sun Zhihui, immediately thought that after the catastrophe, Brother Yun Zhongzi would never appear again.

Even if he is a shameless person, let alone Yun Zhongzi, who is also hypocritical and shameless, still needs some face, otherwise he wouldn't have secretly written a poem on the roof of Dashangsi back then.

Instead, he taught his disciples to beat people and kill people openly and aboveboard, just like Daoist Taiyi, instead of killing his father for the sake of the son of man, he directly publicized the poem or left his name, instead of writing a poem without leaving his name.

Among the group of disciples, Deng Chanyu couldn't help but widen her eyes in amazement, unable to understand. Before she had time to digest her new identity, she was the wife of Tu Xingsun, a disciple of her sect.

Deng Jiugong, Tai Luan, Su Hu, Su Quanzhong, Huang Feihu's second brother, four friends and three sons all couldn't help but look stupid.

Princess Longji was also shocked and unbelievably beautiful.

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong's eyes also fell directly on Yun Zhongzi.

And what shocked everyone even more was that not only was an arrow pierced through the head of Yun Zhongzi, but more than one arrow was stuck in his body!
But seeing an arrow piercing the brain between the eyebrows.

An arrow also pierced the mouth.

One at the throat.

The heart is the same.

One in the dantian of the lower abdomen.

There is another one in the crotch.

They were all shot in from the back and pierced out from the front, obviously they were hunted down all the way!
And every arrow is surrounded by the light of the five elements, even if it is not as good as the sky-shaking arrow, even ordinary Qi practitioners can definitely kill it with one arrow!
The fact that Yun neutron was able to come back alive in this way made the Daoist Randeng with a strange donkey face, and the Antarctic fairy whose head was twice the size of ordinary people, which shocked all the twelve golden immortals in Chanjiao.

Qi Yun's neutron is really an 'immortal of fortune', so he could not die, and he obviously fled back to Kunlun Mountain first, and then fled to the city of Xiqi.

At the same time, I was equally shocked, who would kill Yun Neutron like this?

In the absence of cause and effect under the teaching, Zhao Gongming is dead, and the Empress Sanxiao has no cause and effect with Yun Zhongzi, the Daoist Duobao, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit. It is impossible to be so lore for its cloud neutrons.

But to kill his cloud neutron in such a way that he is completely immortal, and to shoot so many arrows at him, yet let him escape, can only explain one problem!That person's qi training is not as good as his cloud neutron.

In the whole world, there is only one person who has cause and effect to kill Yun neutron and never dies, and it is the great merchant emperor Di Xin!

"Bong ordered to refine the fire pillar of the god of heaven, Juelongling waited for Wen Taishi. '

It is said that the Grand Master is the father of the Great Shang Monarch, and the Great Shang Monarch is also very affectionate...

I have to say that the wisdom of the veterans should not be underestimated, but it was just a flash of thought. At least Taoist Ran Deng and Nanhai Cihang Taoist had already figured out the cause and effect, and it was definitely the work of the great merchant.

But the key point is that it was Yun Zhongzi who was shot through the heart by the Great Shang Monarch at the beginning, because of a poem by the Great Shang Dynasty song Si Tiantai, he became enmity with the Great Shang Monarch.

The dignified and well-known Da Luo-level immortal qi trainer was almost shot to death by the great merchant monarch with a sky-shaking arrow.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have a long memory, and went to provoke the great merchant monarch, even though he was ordered by his master Yuanshi Tianzun to kill the grand master Wen.

But just after killing that Grand Master Wen, he was found out by the Great Shang Monarch, isn't it too unlucky?Even if he could come to Xiqi a little earlier, it would not be so unlucky to be shot through the head by the great merchant monarch again.

But Taoist Randeng and Taoist Nanhai Cihang can figure it out, and the calm Yuanshi Tianzun on the golden platform can also figure it out.

At the same time, it also proved that the Great Shang Monarch really couldn't shoot the sky-shaking arrow, otherwise he wouldn't have replaced it with the five-element arrow, although the five-element arrow made by no one is equally extraordinary.

He also knew that if Yun Zhongzi could come to pick him up a little earlier, he would not have suffered such a catastrophe, almost died, and what face would he have in the next billions of years?

So there was a slight movement in his heart, but on the surface he was completely calm, just as everyone was stunned, shocked and unbelievable, under the silence between heaven and earth.

But seeing that Yun Zhongzi was covered with arrows almost all over his body, when he appeared on the golden platform, his body swayed, his head straightened and he fell down.

But Yuanshi Tianzun remained completely calm, lightly flicked the dust in his hand, and the arrows on Yun Zhongzi's body flew out at the same time in an instant, and turned into dust in mid-air, and dissipated soundlessly like fly ash.

And also with the brush of the whisk, the golden light flashed. Unexpectedly, Yun Zhongzi was awake in an instant, and bowed down respectfully in a hurry.

But before he could speak, Yuanshi Tianzun's faint voice sounded first.

"This time is also suitable for you to have a catastrophe today, and you will stay in my Yuxu Palace for the time being."

Since killing that Wen Zhong, under karma, there will always be a catastrophe, if you came a little earlier today, you would not be so shameless, and stay with me in Yuxu Palace in the future.

Daoist Ran Deng, Taoist Nanhai Cihang, even Daoist Taiyi can understand it. Since he was almost shot and killed by the Great Shang Monarch today, Yun Zhongzi can only hide in Yuxu Palace in the future.

Otherwise, if today's great merchant dared to kill Zhongnan Mountain, how could he give up so easily?I'm afraid that even the Zhongnan Mountain no longer exists at this time.

But this time, even Taoist Ran Deng and Taoist Ci Hang guessed wrongly, and Di Xin really kept Zhong Nanshan intact.

An invisible restriction was placed on Zhongnan Mountain, as long as his neutron cloud returned, he would be able to detect it immediately, and next time he would bring Kong Xuanfeilian with him, and kill his neutron cloud no matter what.

However, with the wisdom of Guangchengzi Chijingzi, it is obvious that Yun Zhongzi would almost be shot and killed by the Great Shang Monarch again, otherwise he would definitely have more reason to be frightened than Yun Zhongzi.

But fortunately, the two people's cultivation base of gathering three flowers to top the five qi dynasty is no longer there, and they have to avoid their apprentice Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, and they just fled to Kunlun Mountain early, so there is no need to worry.

As a result, Yun Zhongzi knelt down to thank him, and the two of them decided that they would immediately send Yin Jiao and Yin Hong to the Dashang Chaoge to kill or plunder Daji's son Wu Geng, so that It's really a great deal.

At the same time, the two of them couldn't help but be surprised that the Great Shang Monarch didn't protect Wu Geng, who had a great business spirit all over him, in the Great Shang Palace, but asked the Queen Shang Qingjun's father to raise him in the mountains. middle.

Even though there are so many early stage qi practitioners protecting him, how can he be as safe as the Great Shang Palace?But it just happened to give Yin Jiao and Yin Hong a chance.

The news came from the mouth of Nanji Xianweng, the two remained calm, Yuanshi Tianzun also looked at Jiang Ziya calmly and spoke.

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(End of this chapter)

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