From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 438 I Shangrong Curse Your Immortals

Chapter 438 I Shangrong Curse Your Immortals
The blood-stained clothes of Da Luo Immortal does not refer to Da Luo Daoist Qi Practitioner of Duobao Taoist, but the Hunyuan leader of the ancient great god, which is also the title of the ancient great god.

But obviously at the moment, Da Luo Immortal is no longer called the ancient great god, but gradually began to use Hunyuan leader, Hunyuan sage, and the title of Da Luo naturally falls on first-level Qi trainers such as the Golden Spirit Virgin.

And to kill immortals, the "immortals" that are being punished also do not mean ordinary qi practitioners, but refer to the ancient gods, Hunyuan leader, and Hunyuan sage.

At the beginning of the world, there were only a group of ancient gods who could be called "immortals", who taught the next generation of second-generation disciples, taught the Taoists who burned the lamp, and taught the Taoists with many treasures. They can only be called Qi training scholar.

But the real Zhu Xian sword can kill all existences in the world, even if it is the ancient god Hunyuan leader Daluo Immortal, he can only stain his clothes with blood.

The leader of Jujiao Tongtian has decided not to tolerate it anymore.


Songs of the Great Shang Dynasty at the same time.

More accurately, it should be the mountains on the outskirts of Chaoge, far away from Chaoge, away from the hustle and bustle, but not too far away, in a village with few houses and smoke from cooking.

It was the former Prime Minister of Dashang, and the place where Shang Rong, the father of Shang Qingjun, the queen of Dashang, lived in seclusion.

But considering that there will be no eggs under the possible overturning of the nest in the future, where can it be the safest?
Di Xin is not afraid of going all out, not afraid of death, and not afraid of the final death country, but he will not bring his son to fight together.

If you are not a father, you will never understand that the kind of father's love that is willing to support the whole world for you is like a mountain, and the father's love is boundless.

Even if you're just living along, living without knowing your identity, I hope you can live well, be an ordinary person, be a mortal.

It is Di Xin's psychology towards Wu Geng, and he is ready for the final real desperate. If Wu Geng still stays in the palace and dies in his own country, he will inevitably die or be a slave for the rest of his life.Then it is better to ask him to go to the mountains.

If he ends up in the kingdom of death, then he will be an ordinary mountain villager and hunter in the future. If the Great Shang Dynasty wins, he will be given the whole world, and he will not be king forever.

And the few families located here are not really just ordinary people, not only there are mountain men who can tear tigers and leopards, but also a big businessman, a true immortal, and a Qi trainer.

Old man Shang indulged his grandchildren every day, but he lived a very happy life.

Although the grandson doesn't have any blood relationship with him, but it is the blood of the Hunjun, the only bloodline of the Hunjun, the crown prince, and he has nothing to teach him to be a man, even if he is really a happy god, he will not change it.


It was very easy for Yin Hong to find the village, because it was completely in the deep mountains, and there was no second village far or near. It was obvious that the cruel licentious and stupid king wanted to protect the son of Daji.

And he drove directly to the earth, his eyes flickered and he couldn't help thinking for a moment, how to be sure that Wu Geng, the son of Daji, was in the village?
But when I think of my mother, Queen Jiang, being listened to by Nadaji, her eyes were gouged out, her hands were brandished, she was mutilated to death, and she was hanged to death on the beams of the house. The hatred that could not help gnashing her teeth was in her heart, and she must make Nadaji worse off. die.

Originally, he wanted to kill Daji's son Wu Geng directly, but when he thought of his mother, Queen Jiang, being murdered to death, he couldn't help but change his mind quietly: maybe it would be better to just take Daji's son away. To take revenge on Daji, the cruel and faint king.

So he thought for a moment, and then flew directly to the village in Dunguang.

In an instant, everyone in the village was alarmed, and they couldn't help but come out and look at him suspiciously.

He also calmly opened his eyes and spoke directly.

"By order of His Majesty, I am here to take Prince Wu Geng back to the palace."

Everyone was stunned for an instant.

One of the old men couldn't help but hum when he heard it.

"Didn't Di Xin say that the old man would raise him in the future? The old man disagrees, so you go back and tell Na Di Xin that he will have another child."

The old man went back to the house after speaking in a muffled voice.

But Yin Hong himself didn't think that he agreed, but he was sure that Daji's son Wu Geng was really here.

Hearing this, his eyes flashed instantly, since Wu Geng, the son of Daji, was really here, then there was no need to keep his hand, and kill all the foolish people!
But after all, it was his first time joining the world, and he didn't know how to hide his expression. The result was an instant change in expression, which was noticed by the people below, and suddenly there was a loud shout of vigilance.

"Who are you? How dare you pretend to be ordered by His Majesty!!"

After the shout fell, the rest of the people also reacted instantly, and rushed to the old man's house in a flash.


With the same cold snort, the water and fire front appeared directly in his hand.

"Protect Your Highness and go!"

With a loud shout, a bow suddenly appeared in the hand of the person below, and it was an arrow that pierced the air without hesitation.

After all, it is due to lack of experience in fighting, lack of consciousness to strike first, let alone a word of nonsense.

I don't think it's just a momentary gnashing of teeth, and an arrow pierces through the air like lightning. After reacting, I feel a chill in my heart. Even though I am wearing a fairy robe with purple ribbons, I was directly pierced by an arrow!The figure flew upside down.

But at the same time as the figure flew upside down, it was followed by '咻!call out! 'Two bursting sounds sounded.

Finally, with great shock and hatred in his heart, he hastily held the yin and yang mirror in his hand, and pointed at the person below.

In an instant, the person below fell down with a muffled sound, and the two arrows that pierced the air also fell down along with the person below, also falling halfway.

But his figure paused in mid-air, and finally stabilized.

Immediately afterwards, a figure almost turned into an afterimage, rushed out of the old man's house with a boy in his arms, and ran straight to the distance, almost invisible like a gust of wind, but he couldn't hide it from the fact that he was a true immortal-level Qi trainer s eyes.

Similarly, the Yin-Yang Mirror flicked towards the afterimage, and in an instant, the running figure fell down with a muffled sound.

At the same time, more than a dozen people below, including men and women, suddenly rushed towards them with ferocious faces, madness, and fearlessness. They obviously didn't see that the fleeing person was dead, and wanted to buy time for the fleeing person. .


Yin Hong couldn't help but snorted coldly again, pulled out the arrow that pierced his heart with one hand, and held the water and fire front upside down with the other to meet him, his eyes were full of ferocious hatred, and the fairy clothes were instantly stained red with blood.

"Queen mother, the child will avenge you one day! Kill Na Daji and that lewd and stupid king!"

And at the same time that Shen Sheng spoke, he raised his sword and dropped his sword. There were more than a dozen people, both men and women, who were instantly killed in the face of a true immortal Qi trainer.

A second later, before the sound fell, more than a dozen people fell into a pool of blood, not even the previous true immortal Qi practitioners were spared.

In a short moment, everything happened in an instant, and the old man walked out of the house in a panic, but just in time to hear his voice, he couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously opened his mouth in a hurry.

"Who are you? I am Shang Rong, the former Prime Minister of the Great Shang Dynasty. What kind of enmity does His Majesty have against you?"

Hearing this, Yin Hong couldn't help staring at the old man for an instant. Shang Rong, the former great merchant prime minister?He was actually the treacherous minister of the licentious and foolish king!It must be the accomplice who killed the queen mother!
But in the face of an enemy who is about to die, the identity that has been borne for more than ten years can no longer bear it anymore.

As a result, after listening to it, tears flowed uncontrollably in an instant, and he couldn't help grit his teeth and speak.

"Hmph! You must have never imagined it? My real name is Zihong! My mother is the Queen Jiang who was waited for by you all those years ago, and was tortured to death by that licentious and stupid king who gouged out both eyes!"

"Are you Zihong?"

Shang Rong couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock for an instant, he couldn't believe it, and after a moment of stunned, he looked carefully at Yin Hong's face in disbelief, and opened his mouth again in shock and bewilderment.

"You really look like that stupid king, indeed, it looks like you really are Zihong. No! Wait! What did you just say? Your mother, Queen Jiang, was killed by the stupid king, no! Her majesty gouged out her eyes and mutilated her to death." ? Who told you? If you are really Zihong, please stop immediately!"

"Hmph! Didn't you think I'm still alive? Since I'm back today, none of you will survive!"

After the words fell, finally Shang Rong was so shocked that he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't help but shouted in a hurry.

"Didn't your mother, Queen Jiang, be murdered by the emperor, no! Wasn't she killed by His Majesty? Who told you? If you are really Zihong..."

"Hmph! Did you ever know the pain of my mother, Queen Jiang, back then? Can you imagine that there will be today?

But I won't gouge out your eyes like that licentious and stupid king. Since you are the former prime minister of a great businessman, I will give you a happy today! "

Tears kept falling, but there was only ferocious hatred in his eyes, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and held up the blood-dripping water fire front, his whole body was already stained red with blood, and walked coldly towards Shang Rong step by step.

In the end, Shang Rong couldn't help but look slumped, and he became much older in an instant, as if he was going to die in the next moment, so he couldn't help opening his mouth blankly.

"It seems that you won't believe what I say. If you are really Zihong, you must kill me. Child, please allow me to call you Hong'er;
But I can't bear to ask Hong'er to kill me, can you borrow the sword and let me understand? "

Know for yourself?

What he didn't think about at all was to hand out the water and fire front.

Shang Rong stretched out his hand to take it in a daze, and he couldn't help but grow older in an instant, as if his heart died before he died, and he lost his soul, slowly and dazedly he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"I, Shangrong, curse you all the gods in the sky."

The mountain wind is howling, white hair is agitated, and the face is old.


The water and fire front pierced directly into the chest, abdomen and heart.

Finally, Yin Hong, who did not feel any pain even though his heart was pierced by an arrow,
 The second update, asking for tickets at the beginning of the month, asking for subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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