From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 456 Could it be another trap?

Chapter 456 Could it be another trap?

Soon after the night passed, the blood-transforming magic sword appeared at Sishui Pass, and he was not stupid to be afraid of keeping his grandson, so he also left after the night passed, and told Tu Xingsun that as long as he did not show his head, he would be fine.

As for the blood-transforming sword appearing at Sishui Pass, other people will come to deal with it, and Yang Jian and others will stand in front.

Of course, Yang Jian knew the power of the blood-transforming magic knife, and he would never stand out again, and he would never stand out if he was killed. Whoever wants to go will go, and finally he can't help being honest for the first time since he went down the mountain.

It was also the first time that he felt his face was completely lost, as if everyone was staring at Qi Yang Jian, and he tried so hard to get the antidote by kowtowing and kowtowing, and poisoned himself until his head smoked again.

And everyone really couldn't help staring at him in amazement, not because of his feelings, especially Li Jing's big eyes, and at the same time, everyone stopped trying to 'urge food'.

In the same way, the husband and wife of Jiameng Guan Hongjin and Princess Longji, Qinglong Pass and Huang Feihu all returned, but even Huang Feihu knew that the safest place was before the Sishui Pass!
Now that Jiameng Pass and Qinglong Pass have been removed, it only needs to be handed over to one person to guard it. If it is lost again, it has nothing to do with me.

What's more, with the terrifying wisdom of the Great Shang Monarch, how could he be easily taken two passes and remain indifferent?Could it be another pit?

Therefore, Jiamengguan, Hongjinlongji and Princess Hongjin are not stupid, and Huang Feihu is not stupid either. It is really unsafe to stay in Qinglongguan and dare not enter Chaoge. You have to worry about your own life at any time. Worried, he simply left Qinglong Pass and returned to Sishui Pass.

In the end, I heard the "bad news" that my son Huang Tianhua's head had been cut off. I cried a lot and lost my four sons. Of course, only my second brother and four friends were there to comfort me. live.

In the blink of an eye, on the second day, Lu Ya, the former Sanren of West Kunlun, reappeared unexpectedly.

At the same time, as the general trend gradually became apparent, it was also seen more and more clearly, just like Haotian in the court that day, and the Golden Mother of West Kunlun Yaochi.

Lu Ya from West Kunlun, who came here calmly, knew in his heart that he was once again borrowed by Chanjiao, and the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao were afraid of Yu Yuan's blood-transforming sword, so they dared not use it.

Even Taoist Randeng and the Antarctic Immortal were equally afraid and did not dare to come out, Yun Zhongzi was even more unlucky, he almost lost his life because of the great businessman Wen Zhong's karma, so he had to hide in Yuxu Palace and dare not come out.

It would be too shameless for Yuanshi Tianzun to personally deal with the next third-generation disciple of Jiejiao, even though he had personally calculated the two third-generation disciples of Jiejiao, Wen Zhong, the disciple of the Holy Mother of Jinling, and the disciple of Duobao Taoist Our Lady of Fire.

It was obvious that no one could deal with Yu Yuan, the magic blood-transforming knife, and in the end, the Antarctic Immortal asked him to personally ask him to borrow his West Kunlun Luya's knife again.

But even the Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace didn't know it. Although Qi Luya killed people ruthlessly, he always left a leeway.

However, whether it is the nail-headed seven-arrow book, or the magic weapon to kill the immortal gourd, the person killed will retain a trace of true spirit, and there will always be a time of reincarnation in the future.

At the same time, I can't help looking forward to it, looking forward to the final decisive battle, looking forward to the future, or I hate that the world is not chaotic.

So he came to the front of the Western Zhou Dynasty with a stern look on his face, and he didn't have the heart to explain and explain to the disciples of the younger disciples, so he directly ordered loudly: "Take the incense table!"

Then look at Kunlun Mountain and worship, in the incense burner, but on the surface it seems to be worshiping the leader of the Chanjiao, Yuanshi Tianzun, or another sage of West Kunlun, Yaochi Xiwangmu, but in fact, he is casting a spell to preserve Yuyuan.

At the same time, I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "Fellow Daoist of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, I hope you don't blame me. Although I, Lu Ya, killed your disciple Yu Yuan, I will still leave a trace of his true spirit. There will always be a day of reincarnation in the future, which is better than that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty." Tianzun's subordinates turned into flying ashes, and they were doomed. '

Then, under the helpless eyes of everyone in front of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Yang Jian, Li Jing, Wei Hu, Hong Jin, Princess Longji, Tu Xingsun, Deng Chanyu, Huang Feihu, Huang Tianhua, of course Huang Tianhua was dead.

Also under the watchful eyes of San Yisheng, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, and other veterans of the Western Zhou Dynasty, even though they have long been used to the meanness and shamelessness of explaining education, they still can't help but feel strange in their hearts.

Is this coming again?Because no one can match Yu Yuan with the blood-transforming magic sword, he asked this West Kunlun Lu Ya to come over and kill that great merchant to intercept and teach Yu Yuan?
Then Lu Ya found a flower basket between his hands, took out another gourd from the flower basket, put it on the incense table, and lifted the cover of the gourd.

Immediately there was a white light like a thread, rising in the air, and a thing appeared, about seven inches long, with eyebrows and eyes, two white lights in the eyes, shot straight to Sishui Pass, and instantly nailed Yu Yuan Yuanshen at Sishui Pass.

Lu Ya bowed towards the white light on the gourd and spoke calmly.

"Turn around, baby!"

But I saw that the thing on the white light turned around and didn't move.

Everyone can't help but stay.

Turn around again, still nothing.

In an instant, everyone was even more stunned.

Another lap.

Another lap.

Finally, it turned around four times, like a projection, and everyone saw that Yu Yuan was transferred to the next level.

In an instant, there was a panic at the juncture of Sishui.

But only Lu Ya knew quietly, how could the disciple of the Holy Mother of Jinling be easily killed?
Wen Zhong, who has not yet achieved immortality, needs the Yuanshi Tianzun to personally calculate, pass the cloud neutron to the god of fire, and use two Daluo-level Qi trainers to ambush Wen Zhong to kill Wen Zhong.

Yu Yuan, who was also a disciple of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, was not easy to kill. Even if he used the gourd to kill the lamp, it only took one turn, but Yu Yuan needed four turns!
If Di Xin was present, he would also be surprised, because it is clearly recorded in the history of later generations that Yu Yuanyin, a disciple of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, was killed after four turns. Kill Yu Yuan.

Then, seeing the panic at the Sishui juncture, Lu Ya also ran away calmly, knowing that the real drama was about to begin.

The disciples of that Jujiao were killed again and again, the Daoist Duobao of that Jujiao, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the Master of Tongtian Cult, if they could endure it, even Luya would not believe it!

Lu Ya is here to light the fire!What is the motive in the heart, since only he himself knows.

But he also didn't know that the fire that was lit first this time was not the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but Han Rong, the general soldier of the Great Shang Sishui Pass.

With Han Rong's identity, he had gained the absolute trust of Di Xin early on. When he was transferred to Sishui Pass again, he was already handing over the killer trumpet of 3000 million blade chariots to him.

So Lu Ya ran away after killing Yu Yuan, a disciple of the Holy Mother of Jinling, leaving the disciples of Chanjiao's disciples waiting to receive the baptism of the Holy Mother of Jinling's anger.

Immediately inside Sishui Pass, Han Rong, a veteran of the Great Shang, was furious, but since he was a veteran of the first Great Shang, he couldn't be as reckless and brainless as Huang Feihu.

Looking at the camera, when is the time to use the killer weapon of the Wanblade?The Jiameng Pass in the southwest of Dashang and the Qinglong Pass in the northwest have been broken, and the endless soldiers and horses are rushing to the shore like turbulent waves. The soldiers are approaching the Sishui Pass. Could it be that now is the time for a life and death duel with Tian Shu?
 The second update, ask for tickets, ask for subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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