From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 49 Jiang Ziya's Strategy

Chapter 49 Jiang Ziya's Strategy

Chop into meat sauce!

Shang Rong couldn't help being terrified, but when he heard Di Xin's domineering words again, he couldn't help feeling admiration in his heart, chewing on it secretly: You can live up to the widow, and the widow can kill all the people in the world for you!
In ancient times, has there ever been such a bold monarch?

For a moment, I didn't know what it was like, it tasted good, I didn't say it to my daughter, but I couldn't help admiring it, even if there were thirty monarchs in Tang Dynasty, no one could have such arrogance.

But even though Daji was a monster, she couldn't help but feel agitated in an instant when she heard it, and her tears fell down uncontrollably.

Shang Qingjun on the side also had tears in his eyes.

Fei Zhong couldn't help but his eyelashes twitched slightly, and his heart was agitated, beheading everyone in the world!
Even Jiang Ziya couldn't help being moved in the same way. With such courage, who in the world can match it?
"Your Majesty, there is still one thing that needs to be decided immediately."

When Jiang Ziya opened his mouth suddenly, Shang Rong couldn't help being startled, and he didn't rush to leave. He simply stood up like a stake and put his ears up, wanting to hear what Hunjun's confidant Jiang Ziya had to say, who would dare to drive the old man away?The old man refused to leave.

Di Xin's eyes were still dim.

Jiang Ziya continued to speak, not caring about Shang Rong's presence.

"Now that the opponent has already launched the attack, if the next step is to lead troops into Chaoge, His Majesty must immediately issue an order to Dou Rong, the commander-in-chief of Youhun Pass, that you are allowed to enter and not leave the Youhun Pass, and anyone who leaves the pass will be killed;

At the same time, a decree was issued to order the four princes to enter the court song, and Ziya dared to conclude that all four of them would follow the decree, and they should immediately save themselves from danger;
In addition, just in case, Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentang Pass, and Deng Jiugong, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass, can also issue an order to seal the pass, allowing entry and no exit, and killing all trespassers. "

Jiang Ziya's faint voice, but Shang Rong couldn't help but shudder when he heard it, and his eyes widened in astonishment. This faint king and courtiers are so murderous, and they ordered the four princes to enter the court song?What do you mean?
He glanced at his daughter, but it was obvious that his daughter's eyes were full of the figure of a foolish king, alas!It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay.

"Let's let Ziya draw up an order and ask Lao Fei to assist you to go."

Di Xin's eyes were sharp, and it had to be said that Shang Rong couldn't help feeling a little in awe.

Only the more you understand, the more you can discover Di Xin's unfathomable depths, otherwise, how can he subdue his daughter, as if he lost his soul.

His eyes widened in astonishment, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Seeing that the courtier Jiang Ziya and Fei Zhongdu were ordered to leave, he also opened his mouth casually.

"Your Majesty! The great affairs of the world have been decided, and everything in the country will be safe and sound. The old minister is decayed and unable to bear the heavy responsibility. I fear that I will be turned upside down and offend Your Majesty;
Today, I beg your Majesty to remember the third minister and minister, who has held the banquet for several years, and I am really ashamed of the vegetarian meal.Although your majesty does not immediately give and reprimand, why is he as mediocre as a minister?I hope that His Majesty will pardon the remains of the officials and return them to the fields, so that they can be breastfed and bulging in the light of day, all of which will be given by Your Majesty for the rest of the year. "

Di Xin's eyes flickered involuntarily, while Shang Qingjun's eyes were wide and daji was completely lost.

Di Xin also spoke directly.

"Although the Shang Prime Minister is in his twilight years, he is still hale and hearty, but he is a firm resignation, and he has worked hard for many years and has been diligent for several years. Now he is like the father of the widow. The widow can't bear to let the merchant go like this;

But at this time, evil spirits are rampant in the court, and there are many conspiracies, and the widow does not want Shang Xiang to be tainted by this, but he can only reluctantly let Shang Xiang leave, but Shang Xiang still needs to agree to the widow. "

Youyou's words seemed to be kinder than ever before, and Shang Rong couldn't help but feel his nose ache for a moment.

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate to say it, as long as the old minister can do it, he will definitely promise His Majesty."

Di Xin's eyes were dim.

"It's quite simple. When Prime Minister Shang left, he would scold the widowed people. It would be better to write another poem to express his ambition."

Shang Rong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and raised his head to look directly at Di Xin. What's the meaning of this foolish king?

Di Xin also did not dodge at all, but looked at him.

But only Shang Qingjun, upon hearing this, immediately understood what Di Xin meant, that he wanted to recite the infamy alone, so that his father would preserve the name of a virtuous minister for the rest of his life, and he couldn't help being greatly moved in his heart.

As for Shang Rong, since he was a senior minister of the Great Shang III, it was impossible for him to be really stupid. However, sometimes his reaction was a little slow, but seeing his daughter's greatly moved face, he couldn't help being shocked, and instantly understood Di Xin's intentions.

Can't help but take a deep look at Di Xin, and sigh again in my heart.

Can't help but want to leave and stay, hesitant to speak and stop, and finally can't help but speak.

"After the old minister left, I also had a word to His Majesty. The old minister really liked you when he grew up. Although he used to... don't mention it! But in the future, you can't be as lewd as before, and you need to be restrained;

There is also the daughter of the marquis of Jizhou, the words of Mei Bo are not what the old man said, since you are like sisters with Qing Jun, the old man will defend himself; think that Mei Bo is also in the face of the old man, it is not easy to use Qing Jun Scolding, I have wronged you;

well!You wait and do it yourself, the old man doesn't seem to be able to help you much, and Qingjun should not send you off, I think the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will see the old man resign, and they will definitely send him off. "

Zongdi Xin was already extremely cold in his heart, but after listening to the advice of his father-in-law, a strange look still flashed in his eyes, and then he watched him leave Xinqing Palace.

The three of them all understood that what Shang Rong was talking about was the fact that Emperor Xinqiang recruited Qing Jun into the palace, and then the two women pushed together, and they prostituted themselves during the day.

Unexpectedly, he is still "brothering in his heart", and he also explained that it was not what he told Na Meibo about Daji's words, but what Na Meibo himself said.

Even though Di Xin was full of coldness, he couldn't help hearing a strange look in his eyes, he really is a cute and cheap father-in-law.

But let it be reminded that the two women couldn't help being moved even though their hearts were already agitated.

On the other hand, Shang Rong went out of the palace all the way, and then went straight back to the mansion to clean up, feeling both disappointed and inexplicably moved in his heart.

I don't want "Hunk Lord" to be so affectionate, no wonder Qingjun is fascinated by him.

And sure enough, all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty knew that Shang Rong had been "forced" to become an official because of pleading with Sitian official Du Yuanxian and Qing Shi Meibo.

Du Yuanxian had already been dragged outside the Meridian Gate!

Mei Bo was even chopped into meat paste by the weak minions of the faint king, and shocked all the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty. They couldn't help being terrified, and instantly quieted the whole Chaoge, and there was no more sound.

The suffocating killing intent enveloped Chaoge, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty could not help but keep silent.

That Du Yuanxian has been decapitated, and that Mei Bo has been chopped into meat sauce, who would dare to jump out again?
But even Huang Feihu, the Wucheng King of Zhenguo, couldn't help but be intimidated by Di Xin's murderous intent and cruelty, and couldn't help his temples throbbing wildly, but he just didn't dare to stand up.

Finally, the news of Prime Minister Shang Rong Zhishi came, and it seemed to give everyone direction and an excuse to gather together.

Whether it was Yaxiang Wang Shubigan, Weizi, Jizi, Zhenguo Wucheng Wang Huangfeihu, or Boyi Shuqi, and other civil and military officials from the Manchu Dynasty, they all gathered silently and waited early to see them off.

And at the same time, no one knew about it, or no one cared about it, a maid in the harem of King Jiang of the Central Palace happened to come back from outside.

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(End of this chapter)

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