From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 52 Reappearance of the Nine Halls of Assassins

Chapter 52
The place where the court is held is the nine halls of the Dashang Palace. It is the place where civil and military officials go to court every day. It can be described as magnificent, majestic, solemn and quiet.

Di Xin also remembered that the "original self" set up the punishment of being burned on both sides of the Jiujian Hall, and in front of all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the direct minister Meibo was burned to death.

The so-called torture of cannon fire is exactly the [-] large copper pillars on both sides of the Jiujian Hall, which can be lit with fire, and then people are tied to the copper pillars, and there is a live barbecue!
But it is only obvious that the facts are not the same as the original.

There are indeed twenty large copper pillars on both sides of the Jiujian Hall, and fires can also be lit inside them, but they are used for heating in the hall in winter, which is different from what is recorded in history.

And in Di Xin's heart, the widow can kill you, or chop you into meat sauce so hotly, but he has no interest in watching you barbecue; As for having that interest.

And the phrase "tell them to be ready" is actually a mystery, but see if you understand the queen, the widow has already "reminded" you, and the widow knows everything.

But despite the incomparable coldness in his heart, being betrayed by the people around him still makes Di Xin's heart tingle slightly, is he really emotionless?If there is no emotion, why do you feel heartache?
And it did give the other party plenty of time to prepare.

It can be said that being late for the court has always been a widow's right, otherwise how can you be ready.

Nearly an hour later, Di Xin came out directly from Shangqingjun Xinqing Palace, and did not take the Luanyu, because only walking can give Di Xin a sense of solidity, step by step.

The still black and solemn king's clothes, with golden thread piercing the border, stabbed the black bird, the symbol of the great merchant, with a heroic and tall body, a crown on the head, sharp and compelling eyes, striding forward.

Since then, there have also been female officials serving the imperial court on the left and right, who drove out of Xinqing Palace, passed the Shengde Hall all the way, and then arrived at the Fengong Tower.

Di Xin clearly remembered that he was originally in the sub-gong building, and suddenly an assassin rushed out.

So when he arrived at the Fengong Building, he couldn't help but stop, but seeing the clusters of red lights in the Fengong Building and a few female guards standing there, there was nothing unusual.

His eyes flashed for a moment, and he continued to move forward.

In an instant, I arrived at the Nine Halls, but I didn't expect it to be smooth all the way.

Since the four princes haven't come to Chaoge yet, let's take a look first, what is the link in the middle?

I saw that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were also present, except for Shang Rong who resigned and retired, everyone was present, but they were obviously shocked by Mei Bo's chopping into meat sauce yesterday.

Fang Xiang, Fang Bi, the general in charge of the palace, still stands majestically on both sides of the hall.

Jiang Ziya, Fei Zhong, Jiaoge, Yang Ren, Wang Shubigan, Weizi, Jizi, and King Zhenguo Wucheng also stood silently.

The sleeves of the black royal clothes flicked violently, and as he stepped onto the throne, his deep and cold eyes swept across the hall, and suddenly a "murderous intent" came from the side of the hall.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of a guard rushed out from one side of the guards, and arrived in a flash, but even Di Xin only saw an afterimage, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

Air trainer!
But just as a cold light came to his eyes, the figure froze inexplicably and strangely, and his figure appeared in an instant, unable to move forward at all.

At the same time, he was holding a cold sharp sword, his face was distorted in shock and disbelief, and the sharp sword in his hand pointed directly at Di Xin's chest.


Fang Xiang, the general of the town hall on one side, glared and shouted, and the guards on both sides also rushed forward in shock.

All the civil and military officials in the hall were stunned, shocked and unbelievable. The hall assassinated?
What's even weirder is, why did the assassin stop suddenly in front of him?
At the same time, everyone's eyes couldn't help flashing an incomparably strange color in an instant. The Hunjun really has "wangqi" body protection?
Everyone's expressions changed instantly.

Jiang Ziya and Fei Zhong were shocked.

Huang Feihu, King Wucheng of Zhenguo, and Fang Xiang, Fang Bi, the general of Zhendian, seemed to be even more shocked by the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

He obviously didn't see the assassin, so why?
And in an instant, he couldn't help but think that he could have such an ability, maybe it wasn't a Taoist technique?Is it the Qi trainer between heaven and earth?Even Qi practitioners can't assassinate the faint king!

Di Xin's eyes were still cold and sharp, his divine power burst out suddenly, and the figure of the assassin in front of him also crashed to the ground, and he couldn't help but let out a violent shout.

"The foolish ruler has no way! Licentious and debauched! I am ordered by my mistress to assassinate the foolish ruler! I will become the king of the world, and I will not lose it to others, so that I can keep my master as the king!"

The sound fell, and the whole hall was shocked and weird in an instant.

Mistress?my lord?
Di Xin's cold eyes also couldn't help squinting.

At this moment, but I don't want Mandian Wenwu to suddenly look even more shocked.

The two ancient sages, Boyi and Shuqi, who almost never spoke, couldn't help their lips trembling slightly and spoke in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, you!"

Di Xin also felt it instantly, as if his body suddenly aged ten years, could it be that poison?Instead of being distracted for a moment.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but look at it in shock.

But at this moment, Fei Zhong, who was equally astonished but even more alert, saw a figure suddenly and silently flashing out of the copper pillar on one side from the corner of his eye, and his eyes were cold and sharp, and he stabbed Jiang Ziya with a sword.

Then there was no time to think, and subconsciously used the body to shift.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the body easily, Jiang Ziya's body was hit, and he staggered forward.

Finally, Di Xin couldn't help being awakened by the strange voice, and instantly saw a man stabbing Fei Zhong's chest with a dagger.


In a rage, he slammed his palm on the stone table in front of him, and there was a "click" in an instant, the stone table shattered, and the jade floor under the throne also cracked.

Under the terrifying divine power, a shattered jade stone collapsed and flew straight towards the assassin.

But hearing the same "pop", the jade block passed through the assassin's body strangely, killing him in the hall instantly.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned by the strange scene again, and subconsciously took a step backwards without control, and the eyes were full of shock and shock, the power of the faint king is so terrifying!
But Di Xin's eyes were red, and he flicked the sleeves of the black king's suit violently, stood up suddenly, and yelled again.


"Chen is here!"

With a loud shout, the vicious monster-like figure rushed into the hall directly.

In an instant, Di Xin's dark eyes were filled with cruelty again, and he spoke coldly.

"If Fei Zhongruo dies, I will kill all the civil and martial arts in the palace for the widow!!!"

When the incomparably cold voice fell, everyone couldn't help trembling in an instant, and finally even Uncle Wang couldn't help shaking his hands.

At the same time, following Di Xin's incomparably cold voice, the endlessly indifferent black-armored guards rushed directly into the Nine Halls, and surrounded the entire hall with civil and military personnel.

And Jiang Ziya was also shocked like never before. He didn't want this sworn brother to block the sword for him, but when he heard Di Xin's extremely cold voice, he also woke up instantly, and his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly opened his mouth.

 Happy New Year everyone in advance, the new book is recommended, if you like the book, please bookmark it, vote for it, and the reward is even more grateful, thank you Tianya.

(End of this chapter)

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