From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 536 The Last Moment Idiot Jiang Wenhuan

Chapter 536 The Last Moment Idiot Jiang Wenhuan

But what Jiang Ziya didn't expect was that he dispatched Lei Zhenzi, who hadn't played well for a long time, and was captured after a few rounds!

It turned out to be the same capture but not kill!

In an instant, everyone was no longer afraid. It was obvious that Bian Ji had an idea, otherwise how could he capture but not kill?I'm afraid that all the guards in Lintong Pass have ideas.

But only Bian Jinlong, who had just appeared on the stage, was unlucky to meet Huang Feihu.

If he was a general who was truly loyal to the great merchants, he would never leave a "retreat" with himself, and would only capture the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty without killing them.

Obviously, he was showing his ability, so as to gain a certain status for his return to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

It can be said that the person he can defeat at the moment, when he returns to the Western Zhou Dynasty, as his current defeated general, he can always dominate the defeated person.

Then Wu Wang Jifa was also dumbfounded.

While being dumbfounded, he couldn't help but hate the guards in Lintong Pass.

It can be said that if you don't kill Huang Feihu, then you will never want to return to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Then Jiang Ziya also dispatched Wei Hu, who almost never played before, who was also regarded as the disciple of the real Daoxing Tianzun, and was also the reincarnation of a person under the legendary Western teaching.

But somehow the news spread, his attire was different, and Wei Hushi in Taoist uniform and helmet, like the man-eating Ma Yuan, was the reincarnation of a person taught by the West.

And everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty also remembered that it was this Westerner in Daoist uniform and helmet who set fire to the food and grass of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and then blood flowed into rivers in the Western Zhou formation overnight, and the Xiqi palace was full of flames.

The desire to die that night was also fresh in Wu Wang Jifa's memory, and it was still fresh in everyone's memory.

But Wei Hu, who has always been a master, was captured by Bian Ji after going out in the battle.

It turned out to be captured but not killed!

In an instant, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved that the great merchant generals in Lintong Pass definitely had ideas and wanted to return to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and then deliberately captured them without killing them, otherwise there would be no need to capture them without killing them.

Then Li Jing couldn't help but become interested.

The general guarding the Lintong Pass actually went out in person, is he waiting to be captured?

Immediately afterwards, there was a big battle that dazzled everyone. Obviously, Yang Ren could fan Bian Ji into flying ash, but he just watched from the sidelines and did not make a move.

And Jiang Ziya also refused to let him make a move.

Yang Jian's Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu is capable of transformation, so he is also watching with a cold eye.

Tu Xingsun has a fairy rope, and he can definitely tie the opponent down with a single shot, but Jiang Ziya doesn't ask him to go out, so he foolishly goes to the theater with his wife Deng Chanyu.

Right now, Deng Chanyu is the only woman left in the Western Zhou formation, and of course there is also King Wu and Queen Wu.

And Deng Chanyu also has the five-light stone. Back then, he beat Nezha and Huang Tianhua to death, but Jiang Ziya also refused to let him out.

What's more, Jiang Ziya still has a terrible magic weapon in his hand, which is clearly a "baby, please turn around" and can kill Bian Ji, but he just watched.

So when everyone gradually understood, they were not in a hurry.

Seeing that even the chief general of Lintong Pass came out on his own initiative and was captured.

Because it was obvious that the Lintong Pass guard was an ordinary general of a great merchant. Facing a group of Western Zhou Chanjiao disciples who could instantly kill him with a single shot, he even dared to fight, but he was clearly captured on his own initiative.

It can be said that the general sent people to capture you, and the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty would not kill them, so you can't kill the general after you capture him, right?What's more, this general still has you waiting for the hostages of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The result was that everyone couldn't help being dazzled. Li Jing came out in a majestic manner, and behind him was a group of old men with the same gray hair as Xi Zhou.

Then Xisi Zhou Xian Bajun, Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, almost hundreds of people went out together.

Anyway, he can't die, so what is there to be afraid of?

A group of veterans besieged the guard of Lintong Pass together, and Bian Ji, the son of Bian Jinlong who was unlucky.

It was obvious that the two of them were absolutely doomed.

At least Jiang Ziya will never let the two go. The reason is very simple, if you capture the person who explained the teachings of the Western Zhou Dynasty but did not kill them, then I will kill you two.

But almost no one knows that the silent "historian" in the Western Zhou Dynasty is also a person whose wisdom is absolutely undisturbed and suitable for life.

It's just that San Yisheng is obviously more sharp-edged, but he is more low-key, and few people know what he usually does.

And Lintong Pass has not been taken down yet, so in his writing, Lintong Pass is over. Without changing the ending of Lintong Pass Guard and Bian Ji who obviously cannot escape death, it is completely opposite record.

Huang Feihu did indeed kill Bian Jinlong, the deputy general of Lintong Pass. After clearly remembering that Bian Ji did not even avenge the killing of his father, but captured the person who explained the teachings of the Western Zhou Dynasty without killing him, he also recorded Bian Ji and the guard general of Lintong Pass as true. The two generals who were loyal to the great merchants.

There are even two 'villains' out of nothing, Deng and Rui Erhou, who were sent by the licentious King Zhou.

Then two "villains" framed Bian Ji, a general of Qi trainers, and framed Bian Ji to have an affair with the Western Zhou Dynasty, intending to surrender.

'Framed' Bian Ji who captured but did not kill those who taught the Western Zhou Dynasty, and 'framed' Bian Ji who obviously wanted to surrender to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

According to even more illogical records, the two also used ordinary soldiers to take down Bian Ji, a general of Qi practitioners, and took down Bian Ji, who could easily capture Lei Zhenzi and Wei Hu, and took him down.

Unexpectedly, with ordinary soldiers and horses, he took the head of Bian Ji, a Qi trainer general.

He even left him a poem to lament: A little loyalty becomes a painting cake, and the resentful soul chases the cuckoo's cry.

And also let two "villains" take the head of the general of Lintong Pass, and write down a poem lamenting their loyalty to the Great Shang Dynasty.

It can be said that it is a great festival to die for the country, and the second waiter will check and straighten out the heart of heaven.

But the most amazing turning point at the end is that the two 'villains', Deng and Rui Erhou, "framed" and killed the general Qi practitioner Bian Ji illogically as ordinary people.

As a result, the two falsely accused Bian Ji of having an affair with the Western Zhou Dynasty, and wanted to offer the pass to surrender, but it was the two who finally offered the pass to surrender.

In the end, two more "villains" were recorded, and Xianguan surrendered to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

It also has to be said to be a magical turn, and irony.

Without a certain amount of wisdom, it is simply impossible to understand what it records?In an illogical way, the truth of history is concealed, but it is left to future generations to guess.

Some people think that they have seen the real history, but the truly wise people know how to look at history from a different angle. It can be said that history has always been written by people.

And almost at the same time as he wrote the pen, Bian Ji, the general guard of Lintong Pass and the Qi trainer general, were directly decapitated as expected, and Lintong Pass was easily taken down.

The five barriers of the western barrier of the Great Shang Dynasty have been broken, and there seems to be only the small Mianchi, which is the last barrier, in front of it. The next step is to go straight to Chaoge and approach Chaoge city!

It also made everyone even more excited.

I don't want to be at this moment, to lead Dong Bohou of the Great Shang Dynasty, and Jiang Wenhuan, an idiot who has not been removed from the Eastern Wandering Soul of the Great Shang Dynasty for 14 years

 The first update, ask for tickets, ask for subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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