From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 547 The Martial King Ji Fa Who Was Almost Played to Death by Jiang Ziya

Chapter 547 The Martial King Ji Fa Who Was Almost Played to Death by Jiang Ziya

There has never been a shortage of loyal people in the world, but what is lacking is a heroic emperor who is enough to make loyal people agree.

As for the Western Zhou Dynasty, there is a drink of hundreds of forests, and 24 concubines, I don’t know how many harems, 70 years old suddenly gave birth to 99 sons, Xibohou Jichang, who has thousands of queens, has never been a hero, so there is no one in the world Casual practitioners are like-minded.

The three of them sat down without saying goodbye.

Shang Qingjun's pleasant voice also asked directly: "I don't know what the names of the three elders are?"

The three of them were still the leader and replied respectfully: "Mrs. Yu, Yuxia's name is Yuan Hong, this is Yuxia's second sworn brother Wu Long, third brother Chang Hao, and there are four more sworn brothers in the future;
Yuxia and others were originally from Meishan. Because they have been traveling in prehistoric times for many years, few people know the names of the seven brothers Yuxia and others;
Since Meishan was a mountain of the Great Shang Dynasty, Yuxia and others are also His Majesty's subjects. It happened that Jiang Ziya had falsely established a number of days in the prehistoric period, helped the Western Zhou Dynasty to cause chaos, and used his ministers to defeat the emperor. "

Di Xin never forgot Yuan Hong, the famous Seventh Sage of Meishan. Knowing the exact location, it was impossible for him not to look for it, earning a big business early.

I don't think it's the same as Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao back then. Meishan didn't have seven people at all, so Di Xin had to give up. After all, with his participation, there will inevitably be a butterfly effect.

If Di Xin was present, he would definitely be stunned. No wonder the seven people were not found. It turned out that the seven people had traveled to the prehistoric regions. I'm afraid they hadn't returned to Meishan for hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years. Naturally, no one knew about it. It is the name of the Seven Sages of Meishan.

I also know that Yuan Hong is absolutely powerful with three flowers gathering at the top of the five qi dynasties at the Yuan level, and also has the ability to change. If he had Yuan Hong, he would be able to play the Western Zhou Dynasty even more, and what about Yang Jian? A monster that can't be defeated.

What's more, there are six sworn brothers, among them Yuan Hong is the Three Flowers Gathering the Five Qi Chaoyuan. Is it possible that the sworn brothers are just novice Qi trainers?
It's just that Di Xin didn't find it, so naturally he didn't mention it to Shang Qingjun or Fei Lian, otherwise there would be no need for the present vain ceremony.

And since he said that Jiang Ziya pretended to be the number of days, he obviously knew that the real enemy was to explain the teaching, but it was not easy to point directly at the ancient god Hunyuan leader who explained the teaching, so he simply replaced it with Jiang Ziya.

It can be said that the little Jiang Ziya has not even achieved the immortal way, so what ability can he pretend to be the number of days?
So upon hearing this, Shang Qingjun also couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart, and asked again in a pleasant voice: "I don't know if the immortal is here, what can we do to break the current situation?"

The current situation is that the umbrella of the Great Shang Dynasty is no longer there, and the teachings, Laozi, and Western Buddhist soldiers are about to come to Chaoge City. How to break the current situation?

Since he took the initiative to vote, it is impossible that he was unprepared, but he only recklessly thought that one person could help the building to collapse, and his little Yuan Hong could turn the tide and fight against the four ancient gods Hunyuan leader.

Then you might as well listen to it, since this stranger dares to come, what can he do to break the current situation?

And sure enough, he didn't even think about it, so he answered directly: "Jiang Ziya used false words to entangle the princes of the world, and persuade Li Shu to rebel;

According to my humble opinion, first break Xiqi and take Jiang Shang, then the eight hundred princes hope that His Majesty will issue an edict to recruit peace, pardon the previous crimes, and the world will be peaceful without war. "

After the calm voice fell, Shang Qingjun couldn't help showing a look of thinking.

Fei Lian, who was on the side, figured it out in the blink of an eye, what Yuan Hong said was as simple as the surface.

But at the moment, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu, the masters of explaining religion, think that the general trend is settled, and it happens to be an opportunity to withdraw all the disciples of the twelve golden immortal Qi practitioners who gather three flowers to top the five qi dynasty.

Then take advantage of it and break it!As long as the Western Zhou Dynasty is broken and the key Jiang Ziya is taken, the so-called number of days in his teaching will be nothing, so can he temporarily change the number of days?
But what's the point?
Obviously, for the current Great Shang Dynasty, and for Di Xin, every step of resistance is really meaningful, otherwise Shang Qingjun and Fei Lian would not have released the recruitment list to the world.

So after hearing this, but only for a moment, Shang Qingjun glanced at Fei Lian at the side, nodded slightly and said: "In that case, General Yuan will be the general, and Wu Long, Chang Hao and your six brothers will be the generals." Lieutenant General;
Then the Imperial Army of the Great Shang Chaoge commanded Yin Ruibai, and they also led the troops forward together, and immediately sent troops to Mengjin to stop Jiang Ziya of the Western Zhou Dynasty;

However, General Yuan must also keep in mind that if he cannot be defeated, there is no need to fight to the death, but he can retreat to Chaoge..."


And just when Yang Jian didn't know, a demon clan that he didn't pay much attention to, who could be said to be covered in hair and horns, and was hatched from wet eggs, at the same time that Yuan Hong, who he couldn't defeat and couldn't kill, appeared at the same time.

When the soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty crossed Mianchi, the first thing they faced was a river.

Then after crossing the river, only a few hundred miles away, there is the Chaoge of the Great Shang Dynasty, and you can go directly to the city of Chaoge.

However, it was agreed that the eight hundred princes from all over the world would meet Meng Jin, and Jiang Ziya would not follow Wu Wangji's wish and directly march to Chaoge City.

Since it was agreed to hold a meeting with the eight hundred princes in Mengjin, it must be held in Mengjin first, and then march to Chaoge City.

And the "river" across the river happens to be called the Yellow River just like the earth.

But Di Xin confirmed that although it is called the Yellow River, it is by no means the Yellow River of the later earth.

Or to put it another way, the Yellow River could never be the same as the earth in later generations, how many tens of thousands of years ago, or thousands of years ago, but how many times it had to be diverted during the period, thousands of thousands of years, it is definitely enough to evolve the Yellow River beyond recognition .

So the Yellow River is the Yellow River, but it is not the Yellow River of the earth in later generations, but only the Yellow River in the territory of the Great Shang Dynasty in the era of gods and myths.

To be more precise, the Great Shang Dynasty not only had Xiqi, the descendant of the Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan, who had the five western gates, but also Qinglong Pass in the northwest, Jiameng Pass in the southwest, and another Mianchi within the five passes.

But even after passing through the five west gates and breaking through Mianchi, there is still a river blocking the way.

It can be clearly seen that the Great Shang Dynasty was afraid of the Western Zhou Dynasty, or more precisely, Xiqi, the descendant of Huangdi Ji Xuanyuan, and defended it layer by layer, but did not dare to destroy Xiqi.

What's more, since there is a river blocking it, there is nothing left, even the trees in a radius of hundreds of miles have all been cut down, want to cross the river?It is absolutely possible to ask that Yuanshi Tianzun to help you cross the river in the Western Zhou Dynasty with great magic power.

So after passing Mianchi, it seems that the old San Yisheng of the Western Zhou Dynasty only remembered that there was still a Yellow River to cross. How could the Great Shang Dynasty, the Mianchi guard Zhang Kui, leave boats for the Western Zhou soldiers to cross the river?

And Jiang Ziya can also use the technique of earth escape to lead many soldiers and horses across the river at once, because it is recorded in the book "Fengshen Yanyi" in later generations of the earth that Jiang Ziya used the technique of earth escape to take away ten thousand people at once, and ordered the ten thousand people Don't open your eyes, or you will fall out of your head, and don't blame me.

But even if there are exaggerations, Jiang Ziya's earth escape technique can bring some people along without any problem.

What's more, all the disciples under Chanjiao can also fly in earth escape. Nezha, Yang Jian, and Lei Zhenzi can all fly in escape and bring many people with them.

Then he brought countless soldiers and horses across the river in an instant.

But this time, Jiang Ziya didn't allow him to fly across the river with escape!Even more, set an example, since you are a teacher of justice, you must cross the river in a boat with dignity.

Then the soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty had to build rafts and prepare to cross the river.

At the same time, it seems that the whole world is also about to rain.

First of all, a dragon boat will be specially built for Jiang Ziya and Wu Wang Jifa soon.

As for why it is a dragon boat, not a phoenix boat like Fengming Qishan?

Since it was Jiang Ziya's intentional order, it was only when he saw the dragon and leopard hybrid that he realized that the royal family surnamed Ji in the Western Zhou Dynasty was the descendant of the Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan, and it could also be called the descendant of the dragon clan.

And the dragons are low-level creatures in the world, so they want to use the "dragon boat" of low-level creatures to deliberately show the "nobility" of Jifa, the king of martial arts in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Then the 'dragon boat' was tied up very quickly, and Wu Wang Jifa also had a bad taste in her heart. Why is it a dragon boat, not a phoenix boat?
At the same time, I understood in my heart, why is it a dragon boat, not a phoenix boat?Because his Ji surname seems to have the blood of a dragon, although his martial king Ji Fa can absolutely guarantee that he has absolutely nothing to do with that Ji surname.

But what Jiang Ziya ordered, he didn't dare to have the slightest opinion, so he could only use the dragon boat as the dragon boat.

It's just that he soon got on the dragon boat with Jiang Ziya, and as the dragon boat swayed, swayed, swayed, he realized that it was the beginning of suffering.

 The third change is asking for tickets and subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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