From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 556 Is the Immortal Eyes and Ears

Chapter 556 Is the Undead Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear

The two were killed just like that?
At the same time, the six hundred princes couldn't help but stare blankly.

Yang Jian also felt complicated in his heart. If he had known that the two of them were so easy to kill, then Yang Jian would have come out.

Since he has three eyes, he naturally has mysterious supernatural powers that are different from others, especially after the breakthrough of the Bajiu Xuangong, he feels the difference between the two almost the same as Jiang Ziya.

But after all, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu is not well practiced, but even if it is in place, the innate supernatural powers of the two cannot be seen, but in the future, they can peek into the whole world.

In the end, when he thought about the previous shame, even if no one knew the strength of the three flowers gathered to top the five qi dynasty, even if he teamed up with Nezha, he couldn't beat the unknown qi trainer Chang Hao who came from nowhere under Yuan Hong's men.

So seeing the difference between the two who were equally brilliant and Gao Jue came from nowhere, he wanted to wait for Nezha to test the strength of the two of them.

I didn't want the two of them to be easily killed by Nezha. Such a free credit, but also conspicuous in front of the six hundred princes, can be said to be a brilliant and highly anticipated opportunity, but I didn't want to give it to Nezha.

And the heart is unbearably complicated.

Nezha returned to the battle majesticly, and finally found one, which is the appearance of a monster, so what if he doesn't look like a human?
Jiang Ziya also stared blankly for a moment, but at the same time, he had the feeling that Gao Ming and Gao Jue, who came from nowhere, were probably not dead, but were just playing tricks on the six hundred princes and Nezha.

So after thinking it through, the Great Merchant Hong Jin simply didn't send anyone out to fight, and he didn't send anyone out to fight.

Anyway, Dong Bo Hou Jiang Wenhuan's idiot bag hasn't arrived yet, and he will wait slowly, just in time for Nezha to celebrate.

As for the soldiers coming to Chaoge City, what's the hurry?
Who dares to jump out and try again?Whoever jumps out to make a suggestion will be asked to fight against Yuan Hong and others tomorrow, and anyone who is not afraid of death can come.

That's why King Wu Jifa and Queen Yijiang of Western Zhou were all in a hurry to encircle Chaoge so that they could meet that great Shang emperor, Di Xin.
But he didn't dare to urge Jiang Ziya.

Then, under Yang Jian's unbearable envy and hatred, he specially celebrated Nezha for a day.

At the same time, the princes of the Six Hundred Routes also knew that Dong Bohou Jiang Wenhuan hadn't come yet, and the eight hundred princes hadn't all joined forces with Mengjin. Even if Yuan Hong was defeated, Jiang Ziya wouldn't be able to send troops to sing a chant.

Instead, they will continue to wait for Donglu Jiang Wenhuan to lead the two hundred princes of Donglu to arrive, and then the soldiers will surround Chaoge and approach Chaoge City.

So after realizing it, everyone was not in a hurry, and simply celebrated Nezha for a day.

What's more, Nezha's height of [-] meters and the image of a three-headed and eight-armed monster can just take advantage of the celebration to take a close look at the three heads of Lei Zhenzi. How long are they?

Then the six hundred princes took turns toasting, just wanting to see their three heads, how would they drink?With which head do you drink?With which head to speak again?Can be divided into primary and secondary?How are the eight arms used?

I also want to take a closer look at his red bellyband and red trousers. After all, he is famous all over the world. He once deboned and cut his flesh to return his parents.

Then let the princes of the Six Hundred Routes, also Nangong of the Western Zhou Dynasty, couldn't help but find that it was strange that someone was toasting from the left, so he used his left head to drink and speak.

If someone toasts from the right side at the same time, they can drink with both heads at the same time, talk to two people at the same time, and have eight arms, which is absolutely enough.

The three heads, as if they were three people, could deal with three people at the same time.

But at the same time as celebrating, everyone couldn't help thinking that the unlucky Huang Tianhua, who was already dead, deserved to die just because he ate meat.

It also has to be said to be miraculous, because almost all the well-known Qi practitioners and monsters in the world know that the Golden Mother of West Kunlun Yaochi has an innate spiritual root, a flat peach tree.

But the flat peach trees are not of one kind, they are divided into 3000 years, 6000 years, and 9000 years.

Then she was named Datao, Zhongtao, and Xiaotao by the golden mother of Yaochi. It has to be said that she is a woman who is not particular about her names. She is a small peach after 3000 years of ripening, and a big peach after 9000 years of ripening.

It can be said that every [-] to tens of thousands of years, three kinds of flat peaches will ripen at the same time, and the golden mother of West Kunlun Yaochi will invite Qi practitioners from the three religions between heaven and earth to hold a flat peach meeting.

The Great Immortal Ma Suiyan has been to the Pantao Festival thousands of times, and it also shows that he has lived for tens of millions of years.

But in these tens of millions of years, almost hundreds of millions of years, Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of teachings, has only accepted twelve apprentices, and there are no disciples of the twelve golden immortals who practice Qi, and there is no third-generation disciple, which obviously also shows that Yuanshi Tianzun has been waiting.

Waiting for Jiang Ziya to appear.

It has been waiting for tens of millions of years and billions of years.

Then finally waited until Jiang Ziya, explained and taught all the twelve golden immortals, and began to accept disciples for Tianshu.

Of course, the celebration for Nezha right now has nothing to do with the Peach Festival, but the unlucky Huang Tianhua, because every time there is a Peach Festival, there will be the delicacies of dragon liver and phoenix marrow.

And his master Qingxu Daodezhenjun, as the only disciple of the Twelve Golden Immortal Qi Practitioners for hundreds of millions of years, is eligible to participate every time.

Then he also ate dragon liver and phoenix marrow thousands of times, but he could eat meat and eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow, but his apprentice Huang Tianhua was unlucky enough to eat meat and deserve to die.

As a result, while celebrating Nezha's achievements, it also reminded many people of Huang Tianhua, who is 1.5 meters tall and who is not sure if he is a child prostitute. He also has a strange face like suet.

But even Princess Longji, who was also dead, couldn't help being jealous, jealous of her suet-like face, how on earth was it raised by Qingxu Dazhenjun?
Then soon a day dedicated to Nezha's victory passed.

However, I don't want everyone to be dumbfounded the next day. I don't want that Gao Ming and Gao Jue to call out again?

"Let Jiang Shang come out to see me!"

"Hurry up and ask Jiang Shang to come out to meet my brother!"

"Jiang Ziya! You have grown it!"

"Jiang Shang! Come out and meet me!"

In front of the battle, the two shouted directly.

The princes of the six hundred routes were dumbfounded, their eyes widened, they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Aren't those two people killed by the monster Nezha?

Yang Jian's eyes sparkled as well.

Jiang Ziya calmed down instead.

Li Jing, who hadn't moved for a long time, couldn't help seeing his eyes flicker.

Can the two be killed?

Since he couldn't even kill the beast's Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Shield, he certainly couldn't kill them either. Anyway, he couldn't kill the two of them.

Li Jing stared wide-eyed and couldn't help but move slightly in his heart.

Jiang Ziya also pretended to be stupid and had to raise his head and ask the three-meter-tall Nezha, "Nezha, you killed the second general yesterday, and you are here again today, why?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Nezha, who was three meters tall and had three Lei Zhenzi heads.

And he never bows his head when he talks to anyone, but he has to bow his head respectfully when talking to Jiang Ziya, as well as the master and uncle in the teaching.

Then involuntarily the three heads looked down at Jiang Ziya at the same time and frowned and said, "The two of you must have a little skill in stealth. Please invite uncle to come in person, and we will know the truth later."

Since the two of them named Shishu and you, Jiang Ziya, are going out, let's see if you go out.

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(End of this chapter)

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