From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 561 Follow Yang Jian

Chapter 561 Following Yang Jian

But as long as Yang Jian said that there is no chance, it also fell into Shunfeng's ears, and the slight changes in everyone's expressions did not escape the clairvoyant's eyes.

And the Great Shang Dynasty, which can choose "must lose" with their wisdom, is obviously not comparable to Yang Jian's IQ, but the two brothers have always gambled to win or not to lose.

And since he heard that he wanted to go to one place, even the Three Flowers Gathering the Top Five Qi Chaoyuan couldn't sense it thousands of miles away, how could the two not follow?

Especially since I just missed a good scene where Qi Yang Jian was looking for a woman to pee and pee. Since it is related to the two of us this time, I will not miss going to have a look with Qi Yang Jian.

So Yang Jian drove Tudun and left directly, but he didn't know that the two people who were thousands of miles away were also following closely.

They are also Da Luo-level Qi trainers, and the two of them are not afraid at all. Unless it is those ancient gods Hunyuan leader, no one in the world can detect the two of them thousands of miles away.

But Yang Jian's IQ was unexpected, and of course he can't be blamed for his unexpectedness, because Jiang Ziya has already determined that he is a spy among the six hundred princes in Zhouying.

So he didn't know at all that his every move, every word and deed fell into the eyes and ears of clairvoyant eyes and ears, and in which direction he flew, the two of them immediately changed their clothes and followed closely.

Then I saw that he first stayed in a place in mid-air for a while, and after thinking for a while, miraculously, he went to Phoenix Mountain first, as if seeing things and thinking about people.

At the beginning, I didn't peep at Princess Jackie taking a bath, but now that Princess Longji is dead, what happened to Phoenix Mountain?
So when I got to Phoenix Mountain, I found out that Phoenix Mountain was still Phoenix Mountain, but Qingluan Dou Que was gone, and it was completely deserted.

Then I went to the place where I didn't peek at Princess Jackie Longji taking a bath, and I couldn't help but sigh for a moment. First, I picked up a handful of water and sniffed it as if enjoying it, and then drank it with the same enjoyment.

And the two of them staring at Qianliyan Shunfenger were dumbfounded, completely confused, so what exactly is Qi Yang Jian doing?Why drink the water in that pool?Smell the water in that puddle?

What's even more amazing is that after he finished drinking, he went into the pool to take a bath naked again.

It goes to one place, is it to take a bath here?

The two couldn't help but crooked their mouths and squinted their eyes.

Do you want to steal Huang Dengdeng's big flower robe?It seems to be a precious garment.

Of course, the two of them just thought about it. They knew that as long as they showed up within close range, they would be spotted immediately.

Suddenly, he couldn't help regretting that he didn't bring Yuan Hong with him, otherwise he would go and steal Yang Jian's treasured clothes because of Yuan Hong's change, what else could he wear?
Then he quietly watched Qi Yang Jian take a bath, and then thought for a long time, his eyes flashed, and he simply flew directly to the direction of Yuquan Mountain.

And in an instant, Yuquan Mountain is in sight.

But seeing that it turned out to be the Yuquan Mountain where the Twelve Golden Immortal Qi Practitioner Yuding Master was taught, the two of them were not afraid, so they just continued to hide thousands of miles away to listen and peek.

I knew that with the cultivation base of the Jade Cauldron Daoist with the three flowers gathered to top the five qi dynasty, it was impossible to find the two of them thousands of miles away, and it was even more impossible for the leader of Chanjiao to appear in Yuquan Mountain by such a coincidence.

Then silently and silently, the two of them turned into a peach sapling and a willow sapling, but these two things can only be changed by the two of them. According to the physique of the five elements, both of them are born with the physique of wood elements.

Then I saw Yang Jian arrived at Yuquan Mountain, but he could only wait outside Jinxia Cave.

As a result, the two couldn't help lamenting the moral hypocrisy of explaining teachings.

The Jade Cauldron Immortal could not sense thousands of miles away, but it was impossible not to know that his apprentice Yang Jian was coming, but he still had to wait for a while on purpose before the boy would come out, and after a notification procedure, Yang Jian could enter the Jinxia Cave Inside.

As a result, Yang Jian was so respectful, and the two of Qianliyan couldn't help but waited with staring eyes. They waited for a full half an hour, and then a boy came out and asked, "Where is the brother?"

The voice fell.

Before Yang Jian could speak, Qianliyan and Shunfenger both cocked their mouths at the same time, and once again couldn't help lamenting the moral hypocrisy of explaining and teaching.

The real Yuding knew that Yang Jian was coming, but he wanted him to climb up for half an hour first.

Since the boy was asked to come out, it obviously proved that the real Yuding knew that Yang Jian was coming, and it was impossible for him not to know, otherwise how could he come out by such a coincidence?

In the same way, the Twelve Golden Immortal Qi Practitioners of Chanjiao like to pretend to count, and then they can count everything.

But all the Qi trainers in the world know that, in fact, all the gray-haired veterans are nothing at all, so they just fooled some of the two hundred and five disciples they just recruited.

But if the Master Yuding could really count, he wouldn't ask the boy to come out and ask Yang Jian why he came.

If you can really know everything by pinching your fingers, teach the boy to wait outside Jinxia Cave in advance, and then say: "Master has asked me to wait for senior brother for a long time. Master knows what senior brother asked. Senior brother, please follow me." Come. '

That is the correct operation to know everything by pinching your fingers!

It can be said that what you asked, I know.

Then Yang Jian didn't need to ask, just tell the answer directly, but that is the correct operation that can count everything.

Instead of Yuanshi Tianzun, first arrange someone to wait in the East China Sea and Beihai, and then tell Jiang Ziya, if you pass through the East China Sea, there will be someone waiting for you in the East China Sea, and if you pass through the North Sea, there will be someone waiting for you in the North Sea.

It's as if the ancient god, the leader of Chanjiao, really knows everything.

If that was the case, everyone would know everything, including San Yisheng and Nangong Shi of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

It can be said that I asked a person to wait for you in the next room, and then I told you, you go to the next room, and there is a person waiting for you in that room. See how good I am?If you count your fingers, you will know that there is someone waiting for you in the next room.

Just like what Yuanshi Tianzun told Jiang Ziya at the beginning, it can be said: "You go now, go to the North Sea, there is still one person waiting for you..."

It was also what made the two of them couldn't help grinning, mouth crooked and eyes slanting.

Obviously, with Yang Jian's IQ, he couldn't see this layer at all, but he respectfully said after hearing this: "Brother annoys you to report."

"Brother, wait a minute."

Upon hearing this, the boy turned around and entered Jinxia Cave.

And not all the mountain farms where the Twelve Golden Immortals train Qi fighters have restrictions. If there were restrictions that could prevent people from peeping and eavesdropping, Daoist Taiyi would not have whispered back then.

And if someone approaches within a certain range, they will all be able to sense it.

Therefore, even in the Jinxia Cave of the Jade Cauldron, clairvoyance and wind ears can still hear and see, unless the Jade Cauldron Master uses sound transmission, or even the whispering of Taiyi Daoist, both of them can hear it.

Seeing the boy entering the cave, he said respectfully: "Brother Yang Jian is asking to see you outside the cave."

Master Yuding opened his eyes and said calmly, "Let him come in."

The clairvoyance of the little sapling changed again in the distance, and the ears of the wind could not help but crooked.

There is this waiting time, but Yang Jian has already gone back.

Then sure enough, Yang Jian entered Jinxia Cave and bowed down.

Master Yuding couldn't pinch his fingers to know everything, but could only ask: "Why are you here?"

Obviously, if the old guy can really count his fingers, he will never let go of the opportunity to pretend, and then say: "I know what is in your heart, so what is Gao Ming and Gao Jue..."

When Yang Jian heard about it, he told about Meng Jin's strange things, how could Gao Ming and Gao Jue always survive?
In order to make excuses for his loss, he deliberately exaggerated Gao Ming and Gao Jue's words to be miraculous. He knew everything, every word and every detail of Zhou Yingzhong's arrangements.

But he didn't know that his intentional exaggeration was a weird mistake. The two brothers Gao Ming and Gao Jue were really as good as their exaggeration, they really knew every word and every move of Zhou Yingzhong.

As a result, Qianliyan Shunfenger couldn't help but slanted his mouth and eyes for a while thousands of miles away. Instead, Yang Jian accidentally reminded Master Yuding that there really seemed to be such two people in the world with such supernatural powers!
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(End of this chapter)

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