Chapter 579
Then it was completely dazzled, as if they were queuing up to die, and then another person walked out from the big business formation, obviously Dai Li would not die unless he died.

But this time it was a person with the same height as Nezha, the same height of [-] feet [-] meters, with two horns on the top of his head, full of powerful and terrifying body.

However, even though San Yisheng and Nangong Shi of the Western Zhou Dynasty, including the six hundred princes, had never seen Yandi Shennong, the lord of the Three Emperors, the first thing that came to mind when they saw him was Yandi Shennong.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh inexplicably in my heart, as expected, the Great Shang Dynasty was the authentic world, otherwise why would that person like Yandi Shennong appear in the Great Merchant formation, but not in the Western Zhou Dynasty formation.

The same problem is almost known to everyone in the world. Emperor Yan Shennong has two horns on his head, so the tribes outside the Great Shang Dynasty have the most cows as their totems in the whole world, but it seems that people only feel kind.

It was as if it was to give away the head of Qi Yang Jian, and he went out of the battle without waiting for Yang Jian to return to the battle, saving Jiang Ziya from asking who is willing to go there?
And Yang Jian also couldn't see anyone coming out of the formation, so he turned around and returned to the Western Zhou formation without hesitation. Li Jing was obviously the only one who could directly leave his opponent behind.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, and Wei Hu all looked quietly and curiously.

Why did the big business man watch his own person die, and didn't help him?It's even more obvious that he went straight to Yang Jian to go out, otherwise he wouldn't go out without waiting for Yang Jian to return.

The same height of [-] meters [-] feet [-] feet, but without Nezha's three thunder heads and eight arms like bug monsters, except for the two horns on the top of the head, it has a standard human appearance.

As soon as he came out, he immediately attracted the attention of the six hundred princes and everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

And that terrifying sense of power, as well as those sharp eyes, also made Yang Jian's heart skip a beat.

Since only he himself knows, the seven monsters of Meishan are clearly in the realm of three flowers gathering and five qi dynasties, and they think that no one can subdue except Yang Jian.

Then, seeing another obviously terrifying person coming out of the battle, his eyes flashed, and regardless of Dai Li's body, he yelled two battles ago: "Who is here?"

Although the visitor's eyes were sharp, his voice was thick and honest like an extremely honest person: "I am Yuan Hong's deputy general Jin Dasheng, who are you?"

It is also.

The old man Nangong Shi in the Western Zhou Dynasty couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, obviously the other party was deliberately imitating the tone of a person who explained and taught morality.

And ask Yang Jian, who are you?

Will the other party know who Yang Jian is?They watched Yang Jian jump up and down for a few days, would they know who Yang Jian is?
For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Yang Jian.

'It won't really answer, will it? '

And the six hundred princes and all the veterans of the Western Zhou Dynasty have completely regarded it as watching a theater.

But seeing that Yang Jian's eyes flashed again, as if he was deliberately showing his wisdom, he really shouted: "I am Yang Jian, the general of the five armies of the governor-general!
I see that you are different and inhuman, how dare you block Shi Yu's teacher, you have committed a crime against the sky!Return to Zhou early, and break the solitary husband together to punish the innocent.If you don't know the opportunity, you will humiliate yourself. "

Alien and inhuman.

Could it be that Qi Yang Jian forgot that Yandi Shennong is like that?

The veterans of the six hundred feudal lords of Xizhou could not help flashing weirdness in their eyes again when they heard this.

'Could it be that Qi Yang Jian is taking the opportunity to insinuate that Nezha and Lei Zhenzi are aliens and inhumans? '

But it is really incomprehensible.

Not to mention that the Great Merchant Jin Dasheng originally had the image of Emperor Yan Shennong, but he was even more majestic.

But in front of the Lei Zhenzi monster with black hair and fleshy wings, protruding eyes and fangs, and Nezha with three heads like Lei Zhenzi and eight arms longer, he is a standard human being, and he is still a god among humans. .

Among them, Yang Jian is obviously mocking Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, because there are only two people who are different and inhuman.

Since then, Jiang Ziya couldn't help being weird. Could it be that Yang Jian did it on purpose?If it was intentional, then such a despicable, shameless and dishonest villain could indeed be kept.

Li Jing couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, feeling extremely miraculous. It can be said that Yang Jian couldn't have done it on purpose, but the fact is clearly that he was insinuating Nezha, the evil animal, and the monster Lei Zhenzi.

In the end, with just one sentence, everyone couldn't help being extremely weird. It can be called Yang Jian's unpredictable thinking, and his IQ shocked the world.

As a result, everyone couldn't help being weird, and Nezha also heard the dim light in the six eyes of the three Lei Zhenzi's heads. After Yang Jian's voice fell, Jin Dasheng was also furious.

The miraculous Jin Dasheng actually held the same three-pointed knife in his hand, but his height ratio was also twice as large as Yang Jian's.

Unexpectedly, in a fit of rage, he slashed out with a knife, and Yang Jian was sent flying!
At the same time, Yang Jian flew away even more strangely.

He escaped!

He ran away without saying a word!

For all the veterans in the Western Zhou Dynasty, they couldn't help thinking of the scene after scene after scene of the sage who once explained and taught, the Lantern Taoist, who left Xi Zhou alone and escaped again and again.

I don't want Yang Jian to escape like this one day.

Fortunately, the god-like businessman Jin Dasheng did not disappoint, and immediately pursued him.

The six eyes of Nezha's three Lei Zhenzi's heads flashed at the same time, and Yang Jian said that he was inhuman, so he decided not to intervene.

at the same time.

No one could have imagined that Wa Palace, who had not reacted all this time, finally flew down a beautiful girl, but few people know that under the seat of Nuwa Empress, once a ray of blue cloud at the beginning of heaven and earth attained Taoism, she was named Qingyun.

As a result, flying down Wa Palace, he went straight to the front of Mengjin in the territory of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Although I don't know how many thousands of miles there are, it is also in the blink of an eye.

Then he glanced at the clouds in the sky calmly, and saw that Meng Jin's hell-like corpse mountain and sea of ​​blood could not be cleaned up in a short while.

Immediately afterwards, he looked in the direction where Yang Jian was escaping in the distance, and he caught up with the two figures in an instant, and saw that Yang Jian was running away in panic in front of him, and Jin Dasheng behind him looked like he wanted to fix him. look.

Weirdly, he was able to catch up in an instant, but Jin Dasheng deliberately didn't catch up, and kept Yang Jian at a distance from the front to maintain an extremely nervous and panicked state.

It was as if what shocked me was not that I shot you, but that I held a gun to your forehead and was going to kill you the next second!The fear of facing the moment of life and death is enough to scare you to the point of peeing.

And Yang Jian also felt that Jin Dasheng was not as scary as usual!Not only was it a sharp knife that knocked him into the air, but it seemed that he really had the ability to kill Yang Jian!
In particular, Jin Dasheng had the same two horns on the top of his head as Yandi Shennong, so he had no doubts that Jin Dasheng should definitely be able to kill Yang Jian.

So he ran away in panic without hesitation for a moment, knowing that if he was not the opponent of Jin Dasheng, no one in front of the Western Zhou Dynasty could save Yang Jian.

As a result, he ran away in a panic all the way, facing the fear of life and death for the first time in his life, and never understood what it was like to face the fear of life and death until the last moment?
But Huang Dengdeng's big flower robe was already wet under his crotch, and he didn't feel it at all, but it only turned into a yellow light, and he fled in a hurry regardless of direction.

Seeing the girl Qingyun who caught up with the two figures in mid-air, a strange look could not help flashing in her beautiful eyes, and she glanced at the wet area of ​​Yang Jian's crotch.

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(End of this chapter)

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