From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 587 Chapter 589

Chapter 587 The fifth eighty-ninth promised never to leave, to live together, to die together
Immediately take the court song!

As soon as the order was passed down, Dashang was immediately slaughtered in all directions.

Since the sky and the earth changed color for this moment, even Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu had to speed up the time.

At the same time, he could easily wipe out the 48 qi practitioners outside Chaoge City with his hands, and he couldn't help but be afraid to make any more moves.

Instead, with the real power of the Hunyuan realm, the so-called Hunyuan can be said to have merged into the heaven and the earth, and can mobilize the aura between the heaven and the earth with a wave of hands.

But under the sudden change of color in the world, even though the ancient god Hunyuan leader didn't dare to take action easily, he could instantly seal the spiritual power of the entire Chaoge world.

It's as if the sharpshooter ran out of bullets, and the rest can only fight each other.

While Wu Wenhua can slaughter hundreds of thousands of six hundred princes' coalition forces by one person, the ancient master Hunyuan Wuji can also wave his hand and make the 48 Qi trainers lose their spiritual power and become ordinary soldiers and horses.

So the order of 'Jiang Ziya' was passed down, and in an instant, Dashang Chaoge was surrounded by slaughter.

Suddenly the world was solemn.

When the sky and the earth changed color, it suddenly fell under the flying snow.

A figure stepped up from the Great Shang Palace, instantly gathering the eyes of everyone in the entire world.

The black and solemn king's clothes, the swaying and trembling emperor's crown, and the sharp-edged face as firm as a knife, look down on the world and look down on all living beings.

One on the left and one on the right are two untouched fairy figures, also staying at their sides, holding a sword in one hand, and a small apricot-yellow flag measuring one foot seven inches in the other.

The oath of the past seems to be still ringing in my ears.

'Since Daji has been united with His Highness, she will live with His Highness in the same quilt, and die in the same acupuncture point, life and death are inseparable!If Daji violates today's oath, her body will be turned into ashes in the future, and she will not be able to be reborn in ten thousand kalpas!
... If there is such infamy, Daji is willing to bear it for His Highness, but only let the world scold Daji alone. '

'If you live up to the widow, the widow can kill all the people in the world for you! '

'The widow is also more aware of his own fate, and will eventually set himself on fire in the star picking tower, and will bear the eternal infamy, and bear the eternal curse of the world, without being able to turn over;
But some people don't believe in this fate!Just to fight this life! '

"If there is a day, Daji, Qing Jun, will not be afraid to set himself on fire with His Majesty in the Star Picking Tower!" '

The vows I made before are still in my ears, saying that life will be in the same quilt, death will be in the same hole, life together, death together, even if the eternal infamy and eternal curse, there will always be two of us to bear with you, face together.

this moment.

A moment that belongs exclusively to Di Xin.

At the moment that belonged exclusively to Dixin, Daji, and Shang Qingjun, Kong Xuan did not disturb him, but also sensed the arrival of the four Hunyuan Hierarchs, the Three Emperors of Heaven and Earth, the Saint Nuwa Empress, Tianting Haotian, and Yaochi Golden Mother.

Conferring the gods to determine the world, no matter what, it has come to the last moment.

Fei Lian and E Lai also don't bother, with His Majesty's divine power, who can kill them, who dares to kill them?
However, the emperor who was obviously looking down on all living beings in the world one moment ago, his expression was obviously in a trance the next moment, as if he had become a cruel and licentious King Zhou again.

Yu Dashang Chaoge suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Facing north and facing south, the 12 great merchant soldiers and horses under the city of Dashang Chaoge were suddenly separated by an invisible force.

The coalition forces of eight hundred princes rushed forward quickly.

It's snowing all over the sky.

The world is solemn.

Chaoge is still surrounded by slaughter.

But only the south side has been brought to the city by the soldiers of eight hundred princes.

at last!

Everyone saw the legendary Great Shang Monarch.

'Jiang Ziya' with bright head and pale face, fully armored and holding a sword, was also lifted into the air by a cloud of dust.

And in the eyes of all.

It seemed that the whole world was silent.

Bowing lightly, he saluted the Great Shang Monarch and said, "Your Majesty, the veteran Jiang Shang is in armor, so he cannot fully salute."

But even Di Xin's mind was confused, and the moment he saw Jiang Ziya, he couldn't help being in a trance again, feeling strange and ignorant.

So subconsciously asked: "Is this Jiang Shang?"

In an instant, the Antarctic Immortal, with a slight movement of the corner of his eyes, can still tell that he is Jiang Ziya, Your Majesty is really powerful.

And although it was a questioning tone, the word "er" was already confirmed, and Er was not Jiang Ziya.

But Anji Xianweng replied calmly after hearing this: "Of course."

Di Xin suddenly felt confused in his heart, couldn't grasp the clues, and was at a loss as to what to say, and it seemed that he couldn't see the sea of ​​soldiers under Chaoge City, killing in all directions.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help but say: "Jiang Shang, you never said 'of course'...

You used to be a minister of the widow, why did you escape from Xiqi, indulge in evil and rebellion, and humiliate the king's teacher.Now meeting the princes of the world, committing crimes against the widows, acting on the strength of the fierce, disobeying the laws of the country, and committing great treason and injustice, what is worse than this.There is no forgiveness for sins!
Today, before the widow comes to the battle in person, he has not turned his back and repented, but still resists and ignores it. The situation is extremely hateful!If the widow does not kill you, a thief today, I swear not to return to the army! "

The obvious Di Xin is no longer Di Xin.

But it is still obvious that he still has feelings for Jiang Ziya.

Daji and Shang Qingjun looked at Di Xin with beautiful eyes at the same time, "Whether you are cruel and licentious, you will always be you; as promised, you will never leave, you will live in the same quilt, and you will die in the same hole, and you will live together. Let's die together, let's face this fate together today no matter what. '

Jiang Ziya's voice was still faint, but it resounded all around the world: "Your Majesty is the emperor, the princes guard the four directions, and all surnames are used for their labor, fine clothes and jade food, tribute to the mountains and sailing the sea, why is it that your Majesty owns it.

An ancient saying: "The shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers." "Who dares to fight against His Majesty."

Today, Your Majesty disrespects the heavens, acts wantonly, abuses the common people, and kills the ministers, but the words of the women are valid, indulges in adultery, and the ministers turn them into them, and enmity against friends and families. Your Majesty has not been a monarch for a long time.

How can the princes and subjects treat His Majesty in a monarchical way?

Your Majesty's evil permeates the universe, the sky worries about the people's grievances, and the world rebels against it.Today, I obey the order of heaven and execute the punishment of heaven. Fortunately, your majesty does not regard myself as a minister and traitor to the emperor. "

After eight hundred princes, San Yisheng's expression was extremely strange, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Because the Great Shang Monarch Di Xin, who was able to stand in the air, had actually seen it before!And more than once, once under the city of Jizhou, he was played by the great merchant monarch, and once by Xiqi!
With his San Yisheng's eyesight immersed in the world for decades, he will never be wrong. Zhang Xin, the alien who he met in the city of Jizhou once, and even appeared in Xiqi once, is definitely the current great merchant monarch!
He couldn't help but bowed his head, his heart was so shocked that he couldn't add more, "Zixin, Zhang Xin, I, San Yisheng, didn't expect that!"Your Majesty, you are truly worthy of the reputation of quick debate, quick hearing, and extraordinary talent;
I, San Yisheng, have never obeyed others in this life, but now I have to submit to His Majesty's wisdom and courage. If there is no such evil teaching, I think the whole world will be ruled by Your Majesty one day;
Right now, the Antarctic fairy is saying this, wanting your Majesty to confess in public;

I am afraid that Your Majesty, your mind has been confused again, and you will cooperate with the Antarctic fairy to tell him about the crime that you don't even know about yourself.Let me ask again, what is my guilt? '

Hearing this, the Great Shang Monarch in the mid-air was clearly confused, so he cooperated and asked, "What is the crime of this widow? It is called a great evil?"

On one side of the sky, the golden mother of Yaochi has beautiful eyes.

On the other side, she also hides in the clouds and mist on the green luan, and the supreme fairy who is so beautiful can't help but have beautiful eyes, but no one can see any emotion in the beautiful eyes.

Only Fuxi, who was covered with leaves at the other end, couldn't help but glance at the 'sister' with a strange light in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It was as if acting in a play, and then 'Jiang Ziya' resounded loudly around the world and said: "The princes of the world, listen to my way, King Zhou, the great evil that has manifested in the world..."

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(End of this chapter)

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