Chapter 63

"I don't want to think that Gu's genius will appear just as soon as he is in trouble, and he must have come to save my life; this seven-year journey can be described as extremely dangerous, and I'm afraid that whether Gu can survive, it will fall on this person." '

Since the "wizard Zhang Xin" who admired San Yisheng so much, I had been looking forward to it for a long time, and I was even more amazed that he was able to weave a "conspiracy" that didn't exist in the first place so seamlessly!

But at that time, since he let his Xibohou hear it, he couldn't help admiring him. If there is such a talent who has the world's latitude and longitude to come to help, he can become the king of the Western Zhou Dynasty. What is the difficulty of seven years?
Overjoyed, he simply didn't hide the joy on his face at all, and looked at Yang Ren directly and opened his mouth. Since it was Yang Ren who came out, he immediately recognized him.

"Yang Qing, don't panic. This 'Zhang Xin' is a 'wizard' recommended by Dr. Sanyi. He can be trusted. If you come to vote at this time, you must save Gu from Chaoge's difficulty. Hurry up and go with Gu meet."

But I didn't want to get up here when the door was opened, and I saw an elegant and uninhibited figure standing outside the door, his eyes were extremely bright, and he looked like a person full of wisdom, as if he could see through people's hearts.

But the more this is the case, the more delighted Xibohou is when he sees it. If he doesn't have amazing wisdom, how can he weave the conspiracy that doesn't exist seamlessly?
For a moment, Xi Bohou couldn't help but a thought flashed through his mind, how could such a wise and strange person fail to see his original plan?

However, he falsely slandered the Shang Emperor and Emperor Xin, and the "conspiracy" that he did not have was seamlessly woven!I'm afraid he knew the "number of days" earlier, so he used San Yisheng to show his talent, and beheading the so-called Zheng Lun was also to show his supernatural power.

Otherwise, why is it such a coincidence that Dr. Sanyi happened to see him, and he took the first step to get the North Bohou to join him and work for him. Isn't it all because of the name he handed in for Gu?

It can be said that he has shown his talent, even if it is a Qi practitioner disciple, killing him with a single sword is easy, and keeping his face is a great achievement for isolation.

I don't want Gu to be dull, but I only thought of it at this time, and I almost missed this great talent!
As a result, seeing "Zhang Xin"'s extremely radiant eyes, his thoughts flickered, and in an instant he bowed deeply with incomparable excitement, and opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

"Ji Chang has long admired the immortal elder's name, and has been looking forward to the immortal elder for a long time. He didn't want to finally see the immortal elder today, so he would not abandon Chang and come to help!"

Gu Ye is not a dull person, he knows the meaning of the fairy head, and the fairy head will come to vote for Ji Chang when he is in danger, and Ji Chang will never lose to him in the future.

And sure enough, "Zhang Xin" also nodded slightly, and it was also a respectful salute, and he opened his mouth with a flash of eyes.

"The rumors of Jun Hou Jing Fuxi's gossip seem to be true. Knowing my own difficulties, this trip to Chaoge should be extremely dangerous, and even my life may be in danger.

Pindao came here to save Junhou's life, and he must keep Junhou safe, as long as Junhou trusts Pindao. "

In an instant, Xibohou couldn't help but move again, that is, if he didn't introduce his name, wouldn't it mean that San Yisheng had recommended him to Gu?And he clearly knows that Gu knows who he is, and he also makes no secret of his ability, showing it in front of Gu.

The so-called heart-to-heart connection should be nothing more than this, since it is clearly intended to join Gu Wangye, and Gu also meets him frankly.

"I don't know who this is?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xin's eyes flashed faintly, and he looked at the senior doctor Yang Ren beside him.

The meaning is also clearly expressed, it depends on whether you, Xibohou, can trust the poor, and if you are willing to tell all the conspiracies, only then can you really help me.

However, looking at Zhang Xin's incomparably "spiritual" eyes, Xibo Hou Jichang was instantly sure that with his wisdom, he definitely knew everything in his chest, so he asked for a test.

But Gu is not a fool, since you are here to save Gu's life, Gu can rely on everything!
But it has to be said that Xibo Hou Jichang also has amazing courage, which is very comparable.

So he nodded to the inexplicable senior doctor Yang Ren beside him.

"Yang Qing will tell you everything you know, and listen to the elder, if there is any way to save the orphan."

And since Yang Ren is a man of Xibohou, it is impossible for him not to know his essence, Fuxi and gossip, but seeing that he is extremely sincere and respectful to the so-called "Zhang Xin", he just pondered for a while and opened his mouth.

"At this time, since the king has reached this point, he thinks there is no way out, but the plot of Wang Shu Bigan has failed. There are four hundred princes in the southeast, and they have raised 150 million troops. They are ready to invade and support Wang Shu Bigan. .

I didn't want to but I don't know why, the news leaked, which caused the faint king to be afraid of killing, so he issued a decree to recruit the four princes into the court song, and prepared to kill them together, so as to avoid future troubles.

This minister came here at the risk of death, and wanted to discuss with the king how to help the king get out of this difficulty. "

Hearing this, Xi Bohou only showed a thoughtful look, obviously, even in the face of life and death, he was still unmoved, of course, only he knew it, and he was really terrified in his heart.

I even couldn't help but secretly praised in my heart, that Emperor Xin was so courageous, he wanted to kill me and the other four princes in one fell swoop, he wanted to be Tang's thirty monarchs, but none of them had the courage.

But when Zhang Xin heard this, his eyes flickered faintly, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Pindao knows the identity of the doctor, but there is one thing he doesn't know. Can you dare to ask the doctor that the assassination of Jiang Ziya was planned by the doctor?"

Yang Ren obviously couldn't help being startled, he hurriedly raised his head, the shocked expression obviously said: How do you know?
Xibo Hou Jichang also looked at Yang Ren indifferently, but although he knew the name of court singer Jiang Ziya, he was only a courtier after all. He hoped that there would be more courtiers like that around Di Xin. The assassination of Jiang Ziya really had nothing to do with it. .

Of course, this is not the key, the key is for Yang Ren to say it himself.

But seeing him startled, he glanced at Xi Bohou, and as expected he also nodded.

"The assassination of that Jiang Ziya was indeed conspired by the minister, Jiao Ke and others, but it was that Jiang Ziya who once showed incompetence, but now after two years of honing, he is already extraordinary. Not its opponent.

Thinking of the king's plan, he must be the enemy of the king in the future, so the minister had no choice but to make decisions with Jiao Ge, and wanted to get rid of him for the king;
But I don't want Qi's brother Fei Zhong, who is sworn brother, to use his body to block a catastrophe for him, and finally falls short, so please forgive me. "

Xi Bohou listened carefully, but he was not in a hurry to speak. He knew that since Zhang Xin asked, he must have some intentions.

And Zhang Xinwen heard that, with a flash of eyes, he opened his mouth.

"The doctor is confused!"

A word made Xi Bohou's heart move again in an instant, and he couldn't help but prick his ears, let alone speak in a hurry.

Yang Ren couldn't help being startled, why was he so confused?What is Zhang Xin...

But before his doubts were over, Zhang Xin's eyes flashed again.

"Then Jiang Ziya has a great talent, is it right to be a doctor?"

"It is indeed a great talent."

Yang Ren couldn't help but frowned, but he had to nod in recognition.

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(End of this chapter)

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