From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 87 The Prelude to the Great World

Chapter 87 The Prelude to the Great World

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the air, and the mountains and rivers shook.

The heavy house of Chengtang Taimiao behind the Dashang Palace instantly became a golden snake with red flames bursting into the sky; endless flames shot out directly from under the bluestone on the ground, and with the help of strong winds, it enveloped Tangtai Temple at once, and the flames burst into the sky in an instant .

Kong Xuan couldn't help but look at it with sparkling eyes.

The Great Master Lingbao who had just flown into the sky was also startled, and almost fell from the air; but seeing that Kong Xuan didn't make any movement, his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly flew in another direction, and disappeared in a flash.

Everyone also couldn't help but looked towards the Taimiao for an instant, and couldn't help being shocked.

But immediately after that, he couldn't help but think of what Di Xin said about going to a theater. Could it be that the Taimiao was on fire?
Di Xin's faint voice also sounded immediately.

"Last night, I dreamed that a fairy warned me that there would be a big fire in the Taimiao Temple today, and I wanted to burn away the aura of my great business; but I didn't believe the aura, so I called everyone to come and witness. Could there really be a fire?

I don't think this big fire really came true, and it burned even more strangely, the flames burst out from under the bluestone, and with the help of the strong wind, I don't know who wants to kill me? "

Di Xin's voice was faint, and he ended with a questioning tone, naturally speaking for Jiang Ziya.

Then he stretched out his hand and made a move, as if made by spiritual energy, the extremely intelligent and lovely little daughter came running over, her pink and tender hand grabbed one of Di Xin's fingers, and she also stood on one side in a similar manner, Watching the Taimiao fire after the Dashang Palace, but I didn't like being hugged since I was a child.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he immediately moved in the center quietly.

It can be said that the Kunlun Mountains in the world have learned Taoism for [-] years. I know that the so-called immortals are just Qi practitioners in the world, and I have also noticed the strangeness of the fire in the Great Shang Chengtang Temple.

But ordinary people can see that the sudden thunderclap in mid-air, the mountains and rivers shaking, the fire starting from under the bluestone, and the strong wind assisted, could it be someone's conspiracy?And want to disturb the world again?

In the past, there was Nasi Tiantai who wrote poems, and later someone poisoned the Queen of the Great Shang and took away the two princes of the Great Shang.

It can be said that step by step, the conspiracy is intertwined, and the traces are already obvious, but who is it that fools the great merchant and the world so much?

It is obviously a stinky move that lacks IQ points, and it can't get into Di Xin's eyes. Even if you want to burn it, you can find someone to take the blame and create an accidental fire.

Fortunately, such a weird big business palace became a big fire in Tang Tai Temple, and even ordinary people would not believe it, what happened to make Tang's incomparable fire.

After Di Xin's faint voice fell, the same eyes flashed, and then he spoke lightly as if he didn't care at all.

"Fei Lian, I will issue another imperial edict later, saying that some Qi practitioners from heaven and earth will set fire to my great business and build Tang Taimiao, and an edict will be enough for the eight hundred princes in the world."

It's not that I should become Tang Qi, but that you are a Qi trainer in the world, you explain the teachings and conspiracies, and you want to disturb the world and bring disaster to the common people.

Of course, at the same time, it will also be passed on to the Chaoge Sixth Division's hundreds of thousands of troops, so that in the future, they will fight together against the enemy and fight against the world.

Fei Lian, Elai, and Fei Zhongzi all knew that the Great Shang Chengtang Taimiao Temple had already been hidden by Di Xin and moved to the Nuwa Palace; unless the other party dared to burn the Nuwa Palace, but obviously the other party didn't know, Dashang Chengtang Taimiao has already changed its location.

After reacting, I can't help but have the same mentality as Di Xin, it really was a good show!Little did they know that what was burnt was just an empty shell, if there was such aura, the Dashang Qi would still exist.

And the three of them couldn't help the gleam in their eyes, their hearts were agitated, and they couldn't help but look forward to, looking forward to the arrival of the so-called King Wu who defeated Zhou that Di Xin had mentioned.

But what I'm looking forward to more is the birth of Nezha at Chentangguan soon. Di Xin has already said that he will take him to Chentangguan again at that time, and then watch the birth of Nezha.

But hearing Di Xin's indifferent words, even Yin Ruibai, veteran Lu Xiong, and You Hun couldn't help but feel agitated in their hearts, and they couldn't help being inexplicably stirred up in their hearts, so what if they were Qi practitioners in the world?

Especially when Kong Xuan defeated a qi trainer in seconds, Di Xin held the Qiankun bow in his hand, as if he was coming to kill the emperor, even the qi trainers in the world can also kill him.

But there is only one thing, Di Xin was warned by others, but he was still unprepared. Instead, he called a group of confidantes to watch the play together, and regarded it as a big fire in Tangtai Temple.

Moreover, it was just last night that someone warned him, so it was impossible to be prepared.

Di Xin obviously didn't care about it at all, and he also had the ability to not believe in it, so he could calmly watch Chengtang Taimiao being reduced to ashes in the fire.

However, while making Yin Runbai, veteran Lu Xiong, and You Hun feel agitated, they also felt that Di Xin was even more unfathomable, especially for Jiang Ziya.

It can be said that Di Xin, who is quick to speak, has a keen sense of hearing, and has always been in control of everything, how could he have such an unreasonable behavior?

But just looking at Jiang Ziya, he couldn't figure out why Di Xin could watch the Chengtang Taimiao being reduced to ashes in the raging fire this time, and obviously didn't care at all.

The unfathomable feeling for Di Xin in my heart couldn't help but get worse, faintly, and finally realized that there was something 'wrong'.

At the same time, even the whole Chaoge could clearly see it, and they couldn't help but be attracted by the fire in Chengtang Taimiao behind the Great Shang Palace.

Wang Shubigan, Weizi, Jizi, Weiziqi, Weiziyan, Boyi Shuqi, and the Seven Kings of Chaoge are preparing to visit Xibohou who is imprisoned in Yuli together.

Whether it's gloating or having other ideas, Boyi and Shuqi, the two great sages in ancient times, were found guilty after hearing that Xibo Hou Jichang was drunk, and then were left behind by Emperor Xin and imprisoned in the west of Chaoge. In Yuli City, everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

But he just wanted to see the embarrassment of Xibo Hou Jichang, who was known as the saint of Xiqi, imprisoned by Di Xin.

No matter what Wang Shu Bigan Weizi, Ji Zi and other five kings were thinking, the two brothers were really gloating in spite of their misfortune, and ended up mixing with Wang Shu Bigan and the others again.

It can be said that they are inseparable, like a dog's skin plaster, but as soon as the five of them set off, no matter where they go, the two of them can immediately follow, which is why Di Xin liked the two of them more and more after he found out.

I didn't want the two future great sages to be so interesting, but I don't know what it would be like to point at Ji Fa's nose and scold?
As a result, just as the Seven Kings were about to leave to 'visit' Xibo Hou Jichang being imprisoned in Yuli City, there was a thunderbolt in the sky above the Chengtang Temple behind the Dashang Palace, the mountains and rivers shook, and the fire burst into the sky in an instant.

As a result, the seven of them couldn't help being stunned, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, Wang Shu Bigan raised his head and sighed worriedly.

"The Taimiao is in a catastrophe, and it will not be long until it becomes a soup."

Hearing this, a strange look flashed across the eyes of Boyi, Shuqi and the two brothers. Could it be that this is what your Uncle Wang Bigan wants?
And all the civil and military officials of Chaoge, Zhenguo Wucheng Wang Feihu, Chong Yingbiao, Su Quanzhong, including the almost forgotten Su Ningxiang, also saw it, and couldn't help but have different expressions and different hearts.

But Di Xin knew that Nezha at Chentangguan would be born next, and then Daoist Taiyi would appear.


(End of this chapter)

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