From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 93 Let Nezha be born prematurely

Chapter 93 Let Nezha be born prematurely

But it can be said that he has been waiting for a long time. Elai is looking forward to the birth of Nezha, but Di Xinbi is looking forward to it than everyone else, and he has been looking forward to Nezha before he was reincarnated.

Looking forward to Nezha's reincarnation, and then waiting day by day, even more than Lei Zhenzi, waiting almost every day, waiting for Nezha's birth.

That's why he has more special care from Di Xin than Lei Zhenzi.

Of course, Shang Qingjun and Daji themselves have heard what Di Xin said, and they also want to see what Nezha will look like in the future?
Especially after Di Xin's genetic modification, the two women couldn't help but look forward to it, would they be like that Lei Zhenzi?
But only this time it was inconvenient for the two girls to follow, and there would be opportunities to meet Nezha in the future.

It's more convenient and casual to act only with Elai, and you don't have to have any scruples. You can go and play tricks on whoever you want, because this time there are a lot of people who will appear on the stage.

Especially in many cases, even Di Xin can only play by ear.

And another point is that Di Xin was also impatient with waiting day by day, and it was never time for Nezha to be born.

But why must wait for its birth?Instead of letting it be born prematurely?
It was really impatient to wait, so Di Xin suddenly thought, why can't Nezha give birth prematurely?Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises.

So he left Wandering Soul Pass, and came to Chentang Pass together with Elai, who couldn't help but look forward to it.

Thinking of Nezha who is about to be born, especially Nezha who has been genetically modified, it turned out that the two monarchs and ministers, a great merchant monarch, and an ancient evil, can be said to be famous figures in history, but they couldn't help but stare. green.

As a result, Li Jing, the commander in chief of Chentangguan, was taken aback. Why did His Majesty come to Chentangguan again?
However, as the commander-in-chief of a town in Chentangguan in the north of Dashang, it is impossible for him not to know what happened to Chaoge.

In Si Tiantai's inscription, there is actually a qi trainer from heaven and earth plotting to disturb the world, and even secretly shady that Xibo Hou Jichang, but who is it?
He also heard that Queen Jiang's eyes were gouged out, hanged to death on the beam of the house, and the two princes were also taken away by Qi practitioners from Heaven and Earth.

I just thought about it, but I didn't find any relationship with Li Jing, so I left it behind, but I couldn't help but wonder, who is it?To do such a vile and immoral thing?In the future, two princes will be sent to beat their father with their sons.

As for Li Jing, he has no doubts at all, why should he doubt in his heart?
But what's more, the excitement is still one after another, and Di Xin actually killed the second of the four great princes!Li Jing was really taken aback, because he never expected that Jiang Huanchu, the powerful Dongbo Marquis of the great merchant, would be killed by Emperor Xincong.

Nanbo Marquis E Chongyu was also headed by Di Xin Xiao, and even Xibo Marquis Jichang was also imprisoned by Di Xin.

As a result, Di Xin's calm killing intent also made Li Jing feel fear for the first time, a fear that he had never felt in anyone before.

Of course, there was also a big fire in Tangtai Temple by Dashang Chengtang, which was also set on fire by the conspiracy of Qi trainers in the world, trying to burn Dashang's energy, disturb the world, set off the disaster of war, and harm the common people.

Finally, for the first time, Li Jing couldn't help but face him squarely, feeling that he really had something to do with him.

Then I heard that the son of Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu led Dongbohou himself, and led 40 troops to capture the Great Merchants Dongfang Youhun Pass, and the southern Sanshan Pass was also attacked by the son of E Chongyu.

Finally, he couldn't help being startled, it really had something to do with him, if Jiang Wenhuan took a detour to attack Chentangguan, wouldn't it be over?

So in a hurry, he ordered the pass to be strictly guarded, and the three armies in the pass were drilled.

But what's more, the Great Shang Emperor Di Xin, who seemed to have killed the emperor and came to the world, and killed the two princes, actually came to Chentangguan again!

I couldn't help being surprised again.

Fortunately, Di Xin obviously hasn't changed, he seems to be as casual as before, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, but he just accompanied him cautiously, then inspected Chentangguan, and was welcomed into his home after finishing.

This time, Di Xin came under the pseudonym Zhang Xin, and also 'changed his appearance' a bit. Elai also changed his appearance, still standing behind Di Xin.

After briefly explaining the defense, Di Xin asked directly without concealing the 'curiosity' in his heart.

"I heard that your wife hasn't given birth so far? Could it be that the medicine made by the No. 1 Jiulong Island Lu Yue of the Three Religions introduced to you by the widow didn't work?"

Gradually chatting for a while, Li Jing was no longer as scared as he was at the beginning, but felt that Di Xin was more kind.

Wen Ting couldn't help but complain in his heart, if it works, how can it not be produced now?I'm afraid that Lu Yue's reputation is in vain.

However, he didn't know that it was the person with a vain name in his heart at this time, who originally poisoned Xiqi all over the city, no matter whether they were Qi practitioners or ordinary people; Lie on the bed and hum, and only one person in the world can understand it.

It was impossible for Li Jing at this time to think that Di Xin was also not going to interfere with this surprise, and was also going to add some ingredients to double the surprise.

On the surface, Li Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey! It's been more than three years now, it must be a monster or a monster, and the minister is afraid of hurting his wife, so he has no choice but to do so."

Di Xin's eyes flashed involuntarily.

"Maybe the monster, and for such a long time, if I think about it carefully, maybe someone is plotting to plot against you, Mr. Li! At the same time, it is also plotting against you! Plot against me Da Shang!"

For example, Si Tiantai, a Qi trainer, wrote poems, even poisoned the queen of the widow, plundered the widow's flesh and blood, and burned the widow's big business into Tang Taimiao;

If the guess of the widow is correct, the child in your wife's womb who has not been born for three years must be behind the conspiracy of the Qi trainer!In the future, it will definitely bring disaster to you, Zongbing Li, and even kill your father!I will hunt down your father with my son.

It will also teach you to betray my big business and become that traitor, presumably the same group of people who wrote poems with Si Tiantai, poisoned the widow's queen, and robbed the widow's flesh and blood.

The widow has a plan, for Li Zongbing you, but the widow also feels the same, being plotted by the Qi trainer!If it weren't for Li Zongbing, you just use your tricks, the widow may have a way to make your wife's unborn child born.

When you think about it, the qi trainer will definitely show up behind you, you just pretend not to know it, just tell your wife, and then observe in secret, is it the same as the widow's guess?
And pretend to take your wife's unborn child as your own to paralyze the other party, and then observe secretly. I wonder if you have already thought of a name, Mr. Li?The name of the child in your wife's womb? "

He talked a lot, and Li Jing's eyes were obviously a little stiff, but he still basically understood, and he couldn't help being surprised.

A child who has not been born for three years, and is invulnerable to all poisons!Could it be that the Qi trainer conspired to do it?Want to plot against yourself so viciously and wickedly?

And teach that evil animal to cause trouble, and bring death for himself, even more like treating your majesty, teach him to kill his father, and teach me, Li Jing, to betray the great businessman?
I couldn't help but my eyeballs bulged, and I opened my mouth subconsciously.

"I already have two sons, the eldest son Jin Zha, and the second son Mu Zha. If not, I will call him Tu Zha. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

But Di Xin couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Although Tu Zha is one of the five elements, but he is not your flesh and blood, Li Zongbing, how can he be like your two sons?
From my point of view, why not name him 'Ren Zha', implying that Li Zongbing really treats him as a human being, what does Li Zongbing think? "


(End of this chapter)

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